2014-09-262013-03-05ARAÚJO, Itallo Conrado Sousa de. Parâmetros de incubação e condutância da casca de ovos de matrizes pesadas de diferentes idades e incubadoras. 2013. 94 F. Tese (Mestrado em Ciência Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3189This study aimed to assess the age of the breeder broiler and the machine type incubation on hatching parameters, the window hatch, embriodiagnosis and physical quality newborn chicks. We also evaluated the technique for measuring the conductance of the eggshell fragments using bark and also the correlation of the conductance values with parameters of incubation. In Experiment 1 was used in DBC design, and using DIC for embriodiagnosis. In a 2x3 factorial - multi-stage machines (MS) or single (SS) and ages of breeder (29w, 35w and 59w). In experiment 2 was randomized in DBC. In a 3x3 factorial scheme - region of the eggshell (blunt end, equator, pointy end) and ages of breeder (29w, 35w and 59w). The variables were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared by quantitative and qualitative Tukey test (5%) and Kruskal-Wallis (5%) respectively, although the data for embriodiagnosis were subjected to Fisher's exact test (5%). In experiment 1 there was no interaction between treatments (P> 0.05), verifying, however, differences (P <0.05) for some of the results. The machine did not influence incubate the eggs hatch (P> 0.05). Arrays with older age (59w) had higher rates of infertility (6.84%) and lower hatching rates (88.26%). The early embryonic mortality (0-4 d) was higher (5.47%) in the eggs of breeders 59w. The hatch window was lower (P <0.05) for eggs incubated in SS. The weight of the eggs hatched followed the age pattern, influencing the weights of newborns. The chicks from SS machines had higher birth weight, weight and net weight of the shipment (P <0.05). Chicks from the SS had higher quality physical scores and length. For the results of experiment 2 there was no interaction between the treatments for conductance or shell thickness (P> 0.05). The breeders aged influenced conductance being greater in eggs from breeders of 59w (0.323 mg d1-1 torr), the region of the shell being affected conductance region of the thin edge was lower (0.024 mg d-1 torr -1). The shell thickness was similar peel breeders derived from 29w or 35w, being higher (P <0.05) the thickness found in egg shells breeders 59w. The largest thickness found in the region of the pointy tip (P <0.05). There was an interaction (P <0.05) for the porosity of the eggshell conductance and bark. Regardless of age, the tip region has a higher number of large pores. Regarding age, the wide end regions of the equator and exhibit significant increases (P <0.05) pores. Weak correlations were found between the average conductance of the shell eggs and incubation parameters. Weak correlations were also observed between the average thickness of the eggshell and incubation parameters. There was a strong positive correlation (P <0.05) between the average porosity of the shell eggs and some parameters of incubation. It was concluded that both machines offer conditions for embryonic development without affecting the hatching rate, however the physical quality of the chicks was better in newborns chicks from the single stage machine. Yet, the technique using fragments of eggshell can be used to measure the conductance of the shell. The porosity of the eggshell was better correlated with parameters of incubation.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCasca do ovoIncubaçãoPintainhoPorosidadeVapor d’águaEggshellHatchingNewborn chickPorosityWater vaporPRODUCAO ANIMAL::CRIACAO DE ANIMAISParâmetros de incubação e condutância da casca de ovos de matrizes pesadas de diferentes idades e incubadorasIncubation parameters and egghell conductance of eggs born broiler breeders with diferents ages and incubation machinesTese