2014-10-202014-03-26QUEIROZ, Vanderleida Rosa de Freitas e. O mal-estar e o bem-estar na docência superior: a dialética entre resiliência e contestação. 2014. 255 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3403Thesis linked to the research line "Training, Professionalization and Teacher Educational Practices" of the program of Post graduate in Education at the Federal University of Goiás, integrated of the work developed by the work of the Network of Researchers on teachers in the Midwest Region (REDECENTRO).This bibliographical research, characterized as knowledge state, whose research object are the discursive meanings of malaise and teacher welfare of research on the university teacher of post graduate in education programs in Brazil, produced between 2000-2011. The Corpus of research consists of nine papers (four theses and four dissertations). The research problem that has been proposed: how discursive meanings constructed and circulated on the malaise and teacher welfare in reference to the university teacher articulate the social and political changes that have reached higher education from the 1990s and senses that produce teaching in order to praxis as reference? Based on dialectician historical materialism method, sought to understand discursive meanings constructed and circulated on the malaise and teacher welfare in reference to the university teacher by the categories of totality, historicity, contradiction and praxis. To achieve this goal, university practice contextualization was made which has token the policies induced by the university dated from the 1990s, based on the theoretical framework of the critical area of education; review the concepts of malaise and teaching welfare that underlie the research; description of the scholarship on teaching malaise and welfare brazilian post graduate programs in education (2000-2011), said the university teacher, as regards its theoretical and methodological aspects; to conceptions of malaise and teacher welfare of researchers and subjects studied, the propositions confronting malaise and building/strengthening welfare; analysis of articulations of discursive meanings of malaise and teacher welfare with the changes from the 1990s and directions of teaching built. On analysis of the information, was based on assumptions of discourse analysis, as the concepts of meaning, discourse, dialogism and polyphony, denying the understanding of meaning as given and as neutral. Of this analysis, it was possible to establish that, of the nine studies investigated, only one articulates clear teaching malaise and welfare teacher with all as a result of the adoption and explanation of the research method that is guided by the conception science as critique knowledge. It was also possible to establish that the meanings of teaching produced refer to two types: a "resilient" and "contestatory", with an contestatory, teaching with a sense of praxis. This manifests itself dialectically, alternating states of malaise and teacher welfare, viewing social change.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEstado do conhecimentoMal-estar docenteBem-estar docenteProfessor universitárioKnowledge stateTeacher malaiseTeacher welfareUniversity teacherEDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMO mal-estar e o bem-estar na docência superior: a dialética entre resiliência e contestaçãoThe malaise and welfare in university teaching: the dialectic between resilience and contestationTese