2017-10-112017-07-07NEVES, Marco Aurélio Fernandes. (Im)possibilidades da prática turística e complexidade ambiental: um estudo de caso em Pirenópolis-GO. 2017. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7870This research deals with the intersections between environmental complexity and tourism. Environmental complexity is a theoretical construct of the Mexican environmental sociologist Enrique Leff, who faces the environmental crisis of our time, crisis of rationality, (de) construction of life possibilities. When questioning about the possibility of putting environmental complexity into operation, through other rationalities and knowledges, environmental, this research was undertaken by the theoretical-practical field of tourism, seeking to uncover both its epistemic singularity and its practical complexity. Theoretical elements of tourism studies were raised and an interface between tourism and environmental complexity was forged, in which the theoretical impossibility of both disciplines opened the possibility for the practical possibility of a dialogue of knowledge. Thus, through the empirical study of the economic, environmental and socio-cultural dimensions of tourism in the city of Pirenópolis-Goiás, it was possible to verify the tourism perspective as a propitious locus for the regimentation of elements for the accomplishment of an environmental complexity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoComplexidade ambientalTurismoTeoria do turismoPirenópolisEnvironmental complexityTourismTourism theoryPirenópolisCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::TURISMO(Im)possibilidades da prática turística e complexidade ambiental: um estudo de caso em Pirenópolis-GO(Im)possibilities of tourist practice and environmental complexity: a case study in Pirenópolis-GODissertação