2021-02-102021-02-102020-11-06MELO, T. V. Respondendo às ameaças: a crise da anexação da Bósnia e Herzegovina (1908-1909) entre a Áustria-Hungria e a Rússia na Península Balcânica. 2020. 222 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Politica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11095The present work has as his object the Austro-Russian relations in the Balkan Peninsula and its impact on the resolution of the Bosnian and Herzegovina Annexation Crisis, between 1908 and 1908. The research aims to analyze the line of action adopted by St. Petersburg and Vienna’s foreign policy from a historical perspective. In this way, a narrative was built through the linking of episodes considered as key moment to understand the relationship between these actors and how those past experiences influenced their decision-making during the crisis. Therefore, the hypothesis of this work assumes that the strategy adopted by the Russian Empire - considering the act of annexation as a rupture with the status quo in the region, even though it had been in the past conniving in relation to the possibility of the act - is the result of an accumulated experiences that inserted, in St. Petersburg’s decision-making process a constant concern with the isolation in the Near East and the probability of Russia facing a coalition of powers in the peninsula.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalImpério russoImpério austro-húngaroBósniaCrise de anexaçãoRussian empireAustria-HungaryBosniaHerzegovinaAnnexation crisisHerzegovinaCIENCIAS HUMANAS::CIENCIA POLITICA::POLITICA INTERNACIONALRespondendo às ameaças: a crise da anexação da Bósnia e Herzegovina (1908-1909) entre a Áustria-Hungria e a Rússia na Península BalcânicaAnswering menaces: Bosnia and Herzegovina's annexation crisis (1908-1909) between Austria-Hungary and Russia in the Balkan PeninsulaDissertação