2020-09-102020-09-102020-03-06SOUZA, M. C. G. Identidade, sexualidade e gênero: uma análise de narrativas de mulheres lésbicas mães. 2020. 134 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10650The patriarchal and heternormative hegemonic discourses advocate a single socially acceptable way of being a woman. The heteronormative binary logic is based on the linearity between sexual practices, desire, biological sex, gender and sexuality, which restricts the sexual experience of men and women to a heterosexual model. Thus, the sexual experiences of lesbian women mothers are seen as inappropriate, what may result in “an inherently conflicting situational position” and generate psychological distress. This study aims to investigate the construction of the identity of lesbian women mothers in a heteronormative context. It is a qualitative research whose data generation was carried out through narrative interviews, in the model of life stories, in order to facilitate the access to the experience of motherhood and sexuality lived by five women who had biological children in heterosexual relationships and later (self) declared themselves lesbians. To do so, we investigated the construction of the identity of lesbian women mothers, and how this form of identity can be constituted as a discourse of resistance before the hegemony of heteronormativity. The data were analyzed according to the assumptions of feminist studies, using Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD) to understand hegemonic and resistance discourses, and studies in Critical Social Psychology about identity. In the narratives, we identified the marriage, religion and family institutions as reproducing patriarchal and heteronormative hegemonic discourses. Lesbianism was not considered a possibility, since marriage and motherhood were foreseen for our narrators. When incorporating a new character, the lesbian being, the act of assuming lesbianity represented a political and resistance action. The ways of resistance cited by the participants were the activism, sports practices, dance, music, companion support and psychological support. This way, our research provided an opportunity for listening and dialogue about how lesbian women mothers (re)mean their stories facing the fact that lesbianity still takes up space of invisibility and silence in a contemporary society.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilGêneroSexualidadeLesbianidadeMaternidadeNarrativasGenderSexualityLesbianityMotherhoodNarrativesCIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIA::PSICOLOGIA SOCIALIdentidade, sexualidade e gênero: uma análise de narrativas de mulheres lésbicas mãesDissertação