2016-11-172016-06-02VIEIRA, A. O. As estratégias persuasivas dos presidenciáveis na corrida eleitoral de 2014 nas redes sociais. 2016. 151 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Politica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6508This dissertation developed an analysis that aims to identify why political parties and candidates use social media websites as a campaign tool and the main persuasive strategies they use to convince the electorate. It also tried to comprehend how professionalization, medialization and personalization, contemporary campaigns main characteristics, influence political campaigns in digital environments. In this perspective, the research chose to analyze candidates’, Aécio Neves (PSDB) and Dilma Rousseff (PT), official pages on Facebook. The main goal was to understand the persuasive strategies they used throughout the presidential race. The study’s main hypotheses defends that the candidates, using advanced electoral marketing techniques, used social media websites in order to promote themselves and attack their opponents and, on the other hand, did not debate political issues. In order to reach the main goal and test the proposed hypothesis, the research developed a literature review that underwent the historical transformation that the electoral process experienced both in an international and national context. It also focused on New Information and Communication Technology rise in the political communication field as well as debated about their contributions to the quality of democracy and electoral campaigns. The research also promoted an investigation on the political scene that the 2014 presidential race took place, which discussed the polarization between PT and PSDB around the presidential election in the last two decades. The analysis focused, first, on former presidents’ Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva administrations as well as President Dilma Rousseff first term and, later, introduced the main events that happened throughout the campaign. The paper identified and debated the main communicational strategies adopted by campaign strategists, which suited as a theoretical sketch of the methodological model implemented. It was collected the content posted on the candidates’ official pages on Facebook between July 6th and October 26th , 2014 and it was developed a content analysis that classified each post in the following categories: Agenda; Support/Endorsement; Attack/Negative Campaign; Campaign/Call for votes; Defense/Counterattack; Institutional; Personal Matters/Personal promotion; and Political Proposals. Later, based on the results, it was done a comparative analysis, which tried to emphasize each variable analyzed and highlight each candidate’s strategies and goals according to the electoral context. This research concluded that institutional propaganda and personal promotion, political personalization main characteristics, in addition to negative campaign led the campaign and, on the other hand, political discussions were put aside.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCampanhas eleitoraisNovas tecnologias da informação e comunicaçãoRedes sociaisInternetEstratégias persuasivasCibercampanhasElectoral campaignsNew information and communication technologiesSocial mediaInternetPersuasive strategiesCyber campaignsCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASAs estratégias persuasivas dos presidenciáveis na corrida eleitoral de 2014 nas redes sociaisPresidential candidates’ persuasive strategies during the 2014 electoral campaign on social mediaDissertação