2019-06-242019-03-19ROCHA, L. G. S. Formação cultural e mídia: uma reflexão sobre o processo formativo do indivíduo/leitor a partir das colunas de Míriam Leitão. 2019. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9729The work presented here seeks to verify, using the Critical Theory of Society, the possibilities of cultural formation present in the media from the study of the columns of the journalist Míriam Leitão in the newspaper “O Globo”. The first chapter discusses the concept of cultural formation (Adorno, 2006), which relates to the concept of the formation of the individual, which in a larger sense, involves not only formal education but also the subjective appropriation of culture. In the case of the media, it is necessary to consider it as part of the cultural industry (Horkheimer & Adorno, 1985), which impoverishes cultural goods to the condition of goods because it justifies culture as a business due to the ideological character with which it legitimizes itself in capitalism. The loss of the perspective of formation for emancipation indicates the semi-formation, whose consequence is barbarism. The second chapter discusses the journalistic information and makes a historical rescue of the journalism that produces it. The information is the result of the process of the cultural industry and tends to make impossible the formative process of the individual exposed to it, since its purpose is not to awaken the human consciousness to the autonomy of thought, since the rationality that builds and distributes it, in tune with the logic of all cultural goods converted into commodities, has as its objective to keep individuals under the dominating power, not the enlightenment capable of overcoming, through the reflection of individuals, the barbarism that underlies capitalist society. On the basis of the training problem, the third chapter analyzes the journalist 11 columns, written between January and October 2018, allowing a reflection, based on the thematic clipping of the October presidential elections, in order to understand the formative possibility of the journalistic product, opening a perspective for the analysis of how the media, as a whole, seeks to reach the subjectivity of individuals, trying to adapt them to the role of consumers.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFormação culturalIndústria culturalEmancipaçãoIndivíduoJornalismoMídiaSubjetividadeCultural formationCultural industryEmancipationIndividualJournalismMediaSubjectivityCIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIAFormação cultural e mídia: uma reflexão sobre o processo formativo do indivíduo/leitor a partir das colunas de Míriam LeitãoCultural formation and media: a reflection on the formative process of the individual/reader from the columns of Míriam LeitãoDissertação