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Da intencionalidade à responsabilidade lúdica: novos termos para uma reflexão sobre o uso de jogos no ensino de Química
(2018) Felicio, Cinthia Maria; Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa
This work reflects on the theme of the ludic in the teaching of chemistry from some aspects of the literature and its possibilities in relation to the application in the classroom and possibly in the teacher’s own training. Based on literature and published works, we reflect on issues inherent to the theoretical framework of play, proposing a systematic and intentional language that will help professionals who do or wish to know this research area, offering bases that show aspects of cognitive, psychological, social and formative development, from their potential for the creative and autonomous development of the subjects. The basic idea is to propose new terms that can help researchers in some aspects of the game in their application and in the possibility of this knowledge being part of teacher training.
O uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação no ensino de Química e os aspectos semióticos envolvidos na interpretação de informações acessadas via web
(2018) Silva, Vitor de Almeida; Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa
The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) results in a transformation in the teaching-learning process, highlighting the relevance of the information for the use of ICT in the classroom. This paper, part of a doctorate degree research, discusses the information access and the use of ICT in chemistry teaching and the semiotic aspects involved in the interpretation of information to verify the learning process. The research took place in a public school and investigated how the students interpreted and manipulated information obtained through the web. It also investigated how the pupils made the abstract correlation among semiotics signs in order to formulate representative reasoning about absent objects. It was verified that the information accessed in an autonomous way and manipulated by the students was insufficient to learning development, showing that teacher mediation is fundamental for the use of ICT with the purpose of making significant use of information through internet access.
Cálculos químicos nos capítulos de solução e estequiometria em livros didáticos de Química aprovados pelo PNLD/2012/2015
(2018) Leite, Maycon Batista; Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa
There are many problems and issues related to the problematics of the chemistry teaching-learning process, among which learning content stoichiometry and solutions, that in turn involves many Chemical Calculations. We analyze the chemistry LD approved by the PNLD/2012/2015, regarding the presence of didactic activities that contribute to a meaningful learning of the analyzed concepts, or whether they emphasize exclusively the memorization and direct application of rules and formulas. The results of our research showed that the teaching strategy, especially with regard to chemical calculations, is different in each work, and such strategies covered four categories of analysis.
Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação na formação de professores de Ciências na UFG: direcionamentos nos projetos pedagógicos de curso
(2018-06) Siqueira, Ana Clara Meirelles de Pina; Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva
Since the 1990s, with the publication of the National Curriculum Parameters, technologies have come to constitute training axes for high school. This perspective was also reflected in the teacher training resolutions published in 2002 and 2015 that started to direct the undergraduate courses, also towards the insertion of the Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) approach. Considering this context, the present research was developed from the documentary analysis of three Pedagogical Course Projects (PPC) of undergraduate courses in Sciences (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) at the Federal University of Goiás, seeking to identify elements that characterize the form of insertion of ICT in these documents that guide teacher training. Two analytical categories are discussed: Compliance with Regulations and Reconfiguration of Regulations. It was possible to perceive that the PPCs meet the resolutionsbutreconfigure the insertion of ICTs offering optional subjects and not necessarily the mandatory ones to approach the technologies. This reconfiguration may not equip future teachers to work with technologies in the context of their subjects in Basic Education.
A intersecção do jogo pedagógico com Jean Piaget
(2021-12) Moraes, Fernando Aparecido de; Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa
Considering the importance of Piaget for Brazilian pedagogy and the increasing insertion of pedagogical games in the teaching and learning processes as an active methodology, this article sought to present the idea of thinking the pedagogical game under the support of Jean Piaget’s Theory. To this end, the article initially presents the main aspects of Piaget’s theory, culminating in the discussion on the relationship that Piaget establishes between the game and the subject’s development. After discussing this issue, we present the concept of the pedagogical game considered as appropriate for the work in question and set out to establish the interface between the pedagogical game and the Piaget’s theory, defended by the authors as one that should support the thought when thinking about the pedagogical aspects of the game. Finally, the authors conclude the article emphasizing the need for pedagogical games, as active methodologies, to be thought from a consistent theoretical framework that discusses the teaching and learning processes and, in this specific case, that Jean Piaget should be this framework.