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Item Análise da publicidade de medicamentos veiculada em Goiás - Brasil(Marize Campos Valadares, 2005-12) Freitas, Johnathan Santana de; Zampiere, Ana Lúcia Teixeira de Carvalho; Aquino, Aline Teixeira de; Lobo, Lina Monteiro de Castro; Montes, Patrícia Regina; Soares, Arthur; Silva, Érica T. da; A. Neto, João da C.; Araújo, Mariana de Paiva; Tresvenzol, Leonice Manrique Faustino; Prudente, Luciana Resende; Lima, Dione MarçalMedicines are special products, whose advertisement inserts require different care relating to their ethic and moral aspects, once they have highly specific characteristics and their use is based on a precise diagnosis of a situation that causes risk to health. In this regarding, regulatory agencies established a specific legislation (RDC n° 102/00), set in legal parameters to medicines advertisements. The aim of this work was to evaluate the advertisements of medicines in Goias-Brazil based on the current legislation. The captation of irregular medicine advertisement inserts was performed between November/2004 and September/2005. The analysis followed the guideline “Roteiro de Verificação de Conformidades das Publicidades e Propagandas de Medicamentos”, present in the “Manual de Monitoramento de Propaganda de Produtos Sujeitos à Vigilância Sanitária” (MS, 2005). The results showed most of advertisements were related to over the counter medicines (OTC) (88,63%), followed by medicine prescription (8,33%) and controlled prescription (3,04%). The advertisement flyers were identified as the principal responsible for the propagation of irregular inserts (81,06%), followed by TV (14,40%) and radio (4,54%). In the 132 inserts analysed were detected many non-conformities with legislation and the absence of information about cares and warnings was observed in the majority of them. The present work demonstrated the importance of the medicines advertisements build based on the current legislation, assuring the defense of the population´s health.Item Avaliação do serviço de saúde prestado aos pacientes diabéticos em uma unidade de saúde de Goiânia-GO(2014-12) Ribeiro, Emmeline Flor; Sousa, Maria Isabel Caetano de; Campos, Andrea de Paula; Nielson, Sylvia Escher de Oliveira; Lima, Dione Marçal; Provin, Mércia PandolfoDiabetes mellitus is a syndrome of multiple etiology and a major public health problem in Brazil. The control of this disease in basic services is crucial because of its growing magnitude, transcendence, and complex vulnerability. This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the treatment and monitoring of diabetic patients according to the Brazilian Diabetes Society guidelines in two basic health units (UBESFs) in the city of Goiânia/GO. Data were collected by review of medical records from January 2007 to December 2009, resulting in 250 records, consolidated in the Epi InfoTM software. There was a higher frequency of diabetes mellitus type 2 (96.65%) compared to type 1. In 78% of the records, arterial hypertension had been detected and of these, 77.4% had a prescription for ACE inhibitors. In 30.4% of the records, aspirin had been prescribed. On average, a small percentage of the medical records met the recommendations of the Brazilian Diabetes Society almost 50% of the patients had controlled blood pressure in UBESF unit ?A? and over 35% in UBESF unit ?B?; about 25% had LDL less than 100mg/dL in both units, and approximately 25% had HbA1c below 7% in UBESF unit ?B? and 18% in UBESF unit ?A?. As to the study of medication use, 41.1% of the records had prescriptions for metformin and a secretagogue, and only 20.4% of the patients with HbA1c >9% had an insulin prescription.Item Avaliação do serviço de saúde prestado aos pacientes diabéticos em Unidade de Saúde em Goiânia(2014) Ribeiro, Emmeline Flor; Sousa, Maria Isabel Caetano de; Campos, Andrea de Paula; Nielson, Sylvia Escher de Oliveira; Lima, Dione Marçal; Provin, Mércia PandolfoDiabetes mellitus is a syndrome of multiple etiology and a major public health problem in Brazil. The control of this disease in basic services is crucial because of its growing magnitude, transcendence, and complex vulnerability. This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the treatment and monitoring of diabetic patients according to the Brazilian Diabetes Society guidelines in two basic health units (UBESFs) in the city of Goiânia/GO. Data were collected by review of medical records from January 2007 to December 2009, resulting in 250 records, consolidated in the Epi InfoTM software. There was a higher frequency of diabetes mellitus type 2 (96.65%) compared to type 1. In 78% of the records, arterial hypertension had been detected and of these, 77.4% had a prescription for ACE inhibitors. In 30.4% of the records, aspirin had been prescribed. On average, a small percentage of the medical records met the recommendations of the Brazilian Diabetes Society: almost 50% of the patients had controlled blood pressure in UBESF unit “A” and over 35% in UBESF unit “B”; about 25% had LDL less than 100mg/dL in both units, and approximately 25% had HbA1c below 7% in UBESF unit “B” and 18% in UBESF unit “A”. As to the study of medication use, 41.1% of the records had prescriptions for metformin and a secretagogue, and only 20.4% of the patients with HbA1c >9% had an insulin prescription.Item Caracterização dos casos suspeitos de dengue internados na capital do estado de Goiás em 2013: período de grande epidemia(2015-09) Nascimento, Laura Branquinho do; Oliveira, Patrícia dos Santos; Magalhães, Daniel de Paiva; França, Divânia Dias da Silva; Magalhães, Alessandro Leonardo Álvares; Silva, Juliana Brasiel; Silva, Flúvia Pereira Amorim da; Lima, Dione MarçalObjective: to describe the clinical and epidemiological features and the spatial distribution of suspected dengue cases admitted to hospital in Goiânia, state of Goiás, during the 2013 epidemic. Methods: this was a descriptive study of suspected dengue cases admitted to hospital in Goiânia based on four databases. Results: 616 suspected dengue cases were included in the study; patients’ mean age was 36 years (SD: 14.8), 55.2% were female, 9.3% were laboratory confirmed and 9.7% had comorbidities; the most common comorbidity was hypertension (20%); the most common warning signs were persistent vomiting (23.7%) and thrombocytopenia (22.7%); laboratory results were positive including for late sample collections taken five days after the onset of symptoms. There was great dispersion in the spatial distribution of cases. Conclusion: the majority of suspected dengue cases admitted to hospital were adults who had warning signs and symptomsItem Consumo de medicamentos por idosos, Goiânia, Brasil(2013) Santos, Thalyta Renata Araújo; Lima, Dione Marçal; Nakatani, Adélia Yaeko Kyosen; Pereira, Lílian Varanda; Leal, Geraldo Sadoyama; Amaral, Rita GoretiOBJECTIVE: To analyze the pattern of use of medications use in aged people and associate it with socioeconomic aspects and with the self-rated health. METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional design study with 934 elderly people from Goiania, Midwestern Brazil, between December 2009 and April 2010. Data were collected through a questionnaire. The dependent variable was the number of medications consumed and the independent variables were sex, marital status, education, type of residence, age, income, and self-rated health. Drugs were classifi ed according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classifi cation. The inappropriate drugs for the elderly were identifi ed according to the Beers-Fick criteria. The tests used were Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test, p was considered signifi cant when < 0.05. RESULTS: The elderly consumed 2,846 medicines (3.63 medications/person). The most commonly consumed were those which act in the cardiovascular system (38.6%). The prevalence of polypharmacy was 26.4% and selfmedication was 35.7%. The most used drugs for self-medication were analgesics (30.8%), 24.6% of the elderly consumed drug considered inappropriate. Women, widows, those aged 80 or over and with worse self-rated health were more likely to practiced more polypharmacy. Most self-medication was associated with lower levels of education and worse self-rated health. CONCLUSIONS: The pattern of drug use by the elderly was similar to that found in the elderly in other regions of Brazil. The number of drugs used, the prevalence of self-medication and practice of polypharmacy and inappropriate drug use were within the national average.Item Determination of fluconazole in serum and amniotic fluid of rats by gaschromatography/ mass spectometry (GC/MS)(2005-06) Lima, Dione Marçal; Nunes Júnior, Guilhermino Pereira; Ferri, Pedro Henrique; Santos, Suzana CostaRats treated with oral dose of 100 mg/kg of fluconazole during pregnancy had their serum and amniotic fluid quantified for this drug using a GC/MS method. Fluconazole was extracted with ethyl acetate from samples and analysed by a GC-MS Shimadzu QP5050A system using a CBP-5 fused silica capillary column. Tioconazole was used as internal standard. Calibration curve was linear within the range 10.0 – 300.0 μg/mL. The limit of quantification was 0.1 μg/mL and no interference was observed in the blank serum and amniotic liquid. The mean concentrations of the drug in the serum and amniotic fluid were 206.01 ± 105.25 μg/mL and 125.34 ± 65.24 μg/mL, respectively. This procedure showed to be sensitive and efficient enough for the use in teratogenic studies of fluconazole and other azole drugs.Item Medicamento na mídia brasileira(Flávio Marques Lopes, 2014-03) Cavalcante, Isadora de Sousa; Moraes, Priscila Cássia Santos de; Souza Neto, Amador José de; Provin, Mércia Pandolfo; Lima, Dione MarçalThe use of drugs is subject to the influence of the media, which often does not publish impartial information about drugs. The aim of this study was analyze the content of reports about drugs spread in five magazines and an electronic portal for the general public, from April 2012 to August 2012. Were analyzed newspaper articles published as news, headlines and editorials that had as focus, the drug and / or the disease and its pharmacological treatment. Were collected 69 reports, which 36.6% were directed to the drugs still under study. The pharmacological group most often cited in the reports was the vaccines. Drugs that require a prescription were subject in 42,02% of the reports. Most of the material collected (72.46%) broached only on the benefits of the drugs. The trade name of the drug was cited in 34.78% of the reports. Conclusions: It was given more attention to medications in study and new uses for drugs already on the market. Most reports have addressed the benefits of drugs without citing its possible side effects and adverse reactions. Advertising language was found in many reports.Item Pharmaceutical care for hypertensive patients provided within the family health strategy in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil(2013-09) Martins, Bárbara Posse Reis; Aquino, Aline Teixeira de; Provin, Mércia Pandolfo; Lima, Dione Marçal; Dewulf, Nathalie de Lourdes Souza; Amaral, Rita GoretiThe aim of Pharmaceutical Care programs is to improve patients’ quality of life, and such programs are particularly effective in the case of chronic diseases such as hypertension. The objective of this longitudinal study was to analyze a Pharmaceutical Care model for hypertensive patients receiving care within the Family Health Strategy (FHS). All patients were being seen by an FHS team affiliated to a primary healthcare unit in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. Fourteen patients participated in the study, with each patient receiving six home visits during the Pharmaceutical Care. Overall, 142 drug-related problems were reported, the most common concerning the ineffectiveness of treatment (33.8%). A total of 135 pharmaceutical interventions were performed, 92.6% of which involved pharmacist-patient communication, with 48.8% of these interventions being implemented. Cardiovascular risk decreased in three patients and remained unchanged in nine. In hypertensive patients with diabetes, fasting glucose levels were reduced in six out of nine cases. The Pharmaceutical Care model proposed here was effective in detecting drug-related problems and in proposing interventions to resolve or prevent these problems. Consequently, this may have contributed towards improving clinical parameters, such as fasting glucose levels and cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients receiving care within the FHS.Item Pharmaceutical care for hypertensive patients provided within the family health strategy in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil(2013-09) Martins, Bárbara Posse Reis; Aquino, Aline Teixeira de; Provin, Mércia Pandolfo; Lima, Dione Marçal; Dewulf, Nathalie de Lourdes Souza; Amaral, Rita GoretiThe aim of Pharmaceutical Care programs is to improve patients’ quality of life, and such programs are particularly effective in the case of chronic diseases such as hypertension. The objective of this longitudinal study was to analyze a Pharmaceutical Care model for hypertensive patients receiving care within the Family Health Strategy (FHS). All patients were being seen by an FHS team affiliated to a primary healthcare unit in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. Fourteen patients participated in the study, with each patient receiving six home visits during the Pharmaceutical Care. Overall, 142 drug-related problems were reported, the most common concerning the ineffectiveness of treatment (33.8%). A total of 135 pharmaceutical interventions were performed, 92.6% of which involved pharmacist-patient communication, with 48.8% of these interventions being implemented. Cardiovascular risk decreased in three patients and remained unchanged in nine. In hypertensive patients with diabetes, fasting glucose levels were reduced in six out of nine cases. The Pharmaceutical Care model proposed here was effective in detecting drug-related problems and in proposing interventions to resolve or prevent these problems. Consequently, this may have contributed towards improving clinical parameters, such as fasting glucose levels and cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients receiving care within the FHS.