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Item Arte e morte: reflexões, mediações e aprendizagens com a arte mortuária(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-04) Pedra, Kárita Paul de Melo; Soares, Marcos Antônio; Soares, Marcos Antônio; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Cabral, Valéria Fabiane Braga FerreiraIn this study, we deal with a disturbing theme common to all people: death. In addition to the biological dimension, death is a social aspect that affects different dimensions of human life – in its unique, historical, social, cultural and, in a unique way, plant dimensions. This theme has been configured as a fruitful terrain for the most different areas of human investigation and, regardless of the context, a subject that is not exhausted. Based on this clipping, based on a bibliographical research, carried out during the course of Degree in Arts at the Federal University of Goiás, the present work is planning a reflection on the intertwining between art and death, having as reference some objects, monuments, customs and funerary rituals, discussing the meanings, representations and practices that materialize in the encounter, in the field of education and in the teaching of art.Item Ateliê de gravura: território artístico de ensino aprendizagem(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-31) Sousa, Sarah Ribeiro de; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Ospina Álvarez, Juan SebástianThis study aimed to address the need for experimentation of the engraving studio in arts teaching environments, as well as the diverse forms, adaptations and possibilities arising from the transcreation of the engraving studio in different spaces. For this purpose, a case study conducted through the follow-up of an engraving class at the School of Visual Arts, in 2020, during remote education, was used as a method. Thus, data and lived processes that contributed to the process and its triggers were analyzed. The research shows how one can take the experience of engraving and its developments beyond the traditional workshop. Emphasizing the adaptation of materiality and technique, focusing on practical experimentation.Item Blue period: contextos de discência a partir de um anime(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Telles, Leonardo de Oliveira; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Santos, Noeli Batista dosThis monograph is part of the Japanese animation series Blue Period, audiovisual production of 2021, written and illustrated by Tsubasa Yamaguchi, made available by the Netflix streaming platform. Based on parallels between the narrative presented by the series and the Brazilian socio-historical and educational reality, regarding the teaching and learning of visual arts, this work aimed to verify issues such as creativity and creation, subjectivity and acquisition of knowledge in visual arts, in addition to training and teaching practice. To this end, elements of the history of arts teaching in Brazil were observed, covering the BNCC in terms of the curricular component of Art, in addition to focusing on issues of curriculum and teaching. It also sought to observe biographical narrative elements that dialogue with the content of the narrative treated by the Japanese series.Item Confrontar complexos de visualidade patriarcais: a montagem de imagens e masculinidades com estudantes de licenciatura em artes visuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-31) Brito, Marcus Vinícius Turíbio de; Santos Júnior, Jocy Meneses dos; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Santos Júnior, Jocy Meneses dos; Amaral, Maria Elisa Martins Campos do; Martins, Alice FátimaEste estudio propone investigar qué y cómo las imágenes educan sobre el género y la sexualidad. Observamos el potencial educativo de las visualidade y contravisualidades a través de una pesquisa desarrollada en el campo con un grupo de estudiantes del curso de Artes Visuales de la Universidad Federal de Goiás, en un proyecto de iniciación científica formado por personas con identidades de género relacionadas con las masculinidades. El grupo sirvió como espacio de discusión sobre las imágenes con las que estos estudiantes tienen contacto y cómo pueden servir para construir y solidificar ideas sobre las masculinidades que perpetúan la violencia de género. Como contrapunto, se fomentó el diálogo con otras imágenes, cuyos discursos subvierten las visualidades hegemónicas respecto a las cuestiones de género y sexualidad, proponiendo formas de interpretar las masculinidades que no están vinculadas a la violencia. La investigación arroja luz sobre la necesidad de crear espacios en las universidades para discutir la violencia basada en el género y la sexualidad, ya que es necesario un esfuerzo colectivo para combatirla.Item "E se eu abrir essa porta agora" ensinar e aprender: a arte do encontro entre as diferenças(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-04) Andrade, Suzane Oliveira; Martins, Alice Fátima; Martins, Alice Fátima; Boleão, Josseir; Meira, Elinaldo da SilvaThis work deals with the experience of creating with art, in the context of non-formal education, whose apprentice is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The process is supported by the relationships between learning and teaching, guided by the propositions of border pedagogies, in which the preceptor, the preceptor first listens, observes, analyzes and understands the best way to bring the apprentice person closer to artistic thinking, presenting proposals for interaction. with elements of art between books, materials from artistic languages such as clay, painting and drawing. The purpose of the proposal in question is to provide the construction of an intuitive and autonomous artistic expression, based on feeling, on artistic doing, within the context between learning and teaching and then creating. In this way, it is intended to provide an approach to artistic languages, helping to better develop the relationship of emotions. Through art we seek to develop empathy, in the recognition of the other, because it is in the contact with the other that we better understand who we are. Based on this relationship of alterity it is possible to learn new ways of expressing oneself, and above all of humanizing oneself.Item O ensino de arte na Educação de Adolescentes, Jovens e Adultos (EAJA): contexto covid no ano 2021 na cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-04) Silva, João Pedro Alves da; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araújo; Lima, Renato Cândido deThe objective of this monograph is to address the issues of art teaching, with special attention to the teaching of visual arts, in the Education for Youth and Adults modality, in the city of Goiânia.This research was born during the Compulsory Supervised Internship, carried out during the year 2021. At that time, we lived in an emergency remote teaching situation. This study uses biographical elements, but prioritized other issues, such as: the importance of Education for Youth and Adults, the precariousness of public schools, the lack of government interest in the subject. Interviews were conducted with former students, as well as with teachers. This work observed how the strategies adopted by the Municipal Department of Education of Goiânia were during the remote teaching experience. We analyzed legal documents, and resorted to specialized bibliography. We believe that we accomplished our task, and left a small but important legacy for the Visual Arts Education area.Item Entre criar e mover-se: reverberações transdisciplinares do movimento hip hop para o ensino das artes visuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-09) Macedo, Poliane Lima; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araujo; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araujo; Martins, Alice Fátima; Santos, Noeli Batista dosThe research arises from concerns about my future work as a teacher, at the end of the Degree in Visual Arts. During training, he carried out parallel studies of dances in non-formal teaching spaces. These joint experiences led me to reflect on transdisciplinary. As a research subject, I raise questions about transdisciplinarity in the individual and collective scope within art teaching. It investigates Hip Hop as an example of transdisciplinary artistic and pedagogical practice, where the visual arts, dance and music, influenced by each other, result in a territory in constant movement. Weaving this path also made me look at the National Common Curricular Base and question it regarding the presence of transdisciplinary proposals in the document. In the end, conclusive reverberations point to the ethical, critical, subjective and political issues necessary for a transdisciplinary teaching.Item O estudo de nossas memórias: qual a sua importância na formação docente e para a construção de relações de afetividade no campo do ensino da arte?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Gracia, Julia Melo; Arantes, Kelly Christina Mendes; Arantes, Kelly Christina Mendes; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Andrade, Rita Morais deBased on the concepts of memory, affection and art experiences I try to think in a teaching practice, in which the teaching-learning process become satisfactory for all involved. For this I use the dialogue with the author Oliveira (2019) to understand the conceptual notion of memory, of the authors Mahoney e Almeida (2005) which explain the theory of affectivity elaborated by Henri Wallon to enter the broad universe of the study on affectivity within the school context, teaching practice and student. John Dewey to reflect on experience in art. Use of analysis of research project articles “Fragmentos de Memória” de Arantes (2012, 2012b e 2013) to reinforce my thesis and demonstrate possibilities of experiences that were transformative for those involved considering the three basic conceptual notions.Item As experiências dos pontos de cultura para a formação docente em artes visuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-09) Lima, Renato Barrete Marcelino de; Silva, Rosana Gonçalves da; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Lopes, Pablo; Silva, Rosana Gonçalves daPublic policies for culture in Brazil experienced an unprecedented moment in its history with the Lula administration, between 2003 and 2010, which had Gilberto Gil and Juca Ferreira as ministers of culture. In this work, the Cultura Viva Program will be approached, created by the secretary of the folder Célio Turino, which was carried out through the support to already established cultural spaces that now have approved work projects such as Ponto and Pontão de Cultura in hundreds of Brazilian municipalities. Through the use of netnography, which is characterized by ethnographic research in virtual environments, this research will seek to systematize the sociocultural actions carried out in these spaces in Goiânia and Aparecida de Goiânia, which may contribute to teacher training in Visual Arts. We will seek, through this systematization, to understand how these spaces that have sociocultural actions of non-formal and informal teaching can contribute to a reflection on teacher training in Visual Arts, answering questions such as what a non-formal education can tell us about what do we teach-learn in formal spaces? What practices of artistic production and teaching-learning are relevant to a critical and civic education that the formal curriculum has left to be desired? Has formal education taken into account the experiences of our students? We will do this while we seek to dialogue with authors who research on Visual Culture.Item A feminização da docência: um recorte para as artes visuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Marcelino, Gabriele; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes AraújoEl estudio y análisis reflexivo de la feminización de la docencia, proceso histórico, se convierte para esta investigación, aliada a los estudios de la imagen por el escenario de la cultura visual, en una potencial herramienta formativa, que impulsa diálogos entre género, educación y artes visuales, así como en el ejercicio de percibir críticamente quiénes somos, el lugar que ocupamos, cómo lo ocupamos y por qué, en este caso, la docencia en artes visuales. Dicho esto, en síntesis, esta investigación se propone provocar el pensamiento crítico acerca de algunas relaciones entre la profesión docente y las mujeres, con foco en el campo de la educación en artes visuales. La pregunta orientadora de la investigación fue: ¿Cómo la historia, nuestras memorias y experiencias de vida pueden contribuir a la construcción de una criticidad acerca de las relaciones que envuelven la presencia mayoritaria femenina en la educación? ¿Cómo se presenta este tema en el campo de la enseñanza de las artes visuales? Para ello se utilizó la metodología de investigación bibliográfica con carácter autobiográfico. Esta investigación se organizó a partir de tres capítulos, respectivamente: la contextualización autobiográfica y metodológica de la investigación, la feminización de la profesión docente en Brasil y los posibles diálogos entre la feminización de la enseñanza en Brasil y el campo de la educación en artes visuales.Item O material didático-pedagógico no ensino de arte: reflexões, relatos e mediadores educativos para o contexto escolar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-04) Machado, Angélica Moraes; Soares, Marcos Antônio; Soares, Marcos Antônio; Arantes, Kelly Christina Mendes; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes AraújoThis study has as its theme the didactic-pedagogical materials in the field of Visual Arts teaching, which was treated in its conceptual aspects and in its specificities and possibilities of use and production in the school context. For that, through an exploratory research, I looked for authors that deal specifically with the theme, analyzing the relationships built along my path as a student in elementary school and graduation, in the Degree in Visual Arts. From the analyses, reflections and reports, based on a critical perspective, it was possible to perceive that the didactic-pedagogical materials can be a valuable support to the teachers, being these mediating objects that relate the contents in art with the artistic practices and the subjectivities of the subjects. The text highlights some important aspects about the possibilities of using these materials in the pandemic context and the relevance of technology as a pedagogical resource in times of accentuated virtualities. It highlights how the didactic-pedagogical material can be an indispensable resource for the teacher and the students as support and mediator of the teaching-learning processes of Art.Item Mulheres artistas outros modos de ver: questões de gênero na narrativa oficial da história da arte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-31) Oliveira, Julliany Cassia; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Monteles, Nayara Joyse Silva; Martins, Alice FátimaEsta investigación se basó en estudios desde una perspectiva feminista crítica y problematizó la invisibilidad de las mujeres artistas, especialmente latinoamericanas, en las narrativas oficiales de la Historia del Arte. Para la elaboración metodológica, se utilizó el método cualitativo, a partir del abordaje bibliográfico, teniendo como referencia principal el análisis de la obra A História da Arte, de E.H. Gombrich. Las reflexiones fueron inspiradas también en la crítica realizada por la artista María Gimeno a la obra de Gombrich, y materializada en el proyecto performático Queridas Viejas. Como brújulas para orientar los procesos de investigación, se utilizaron las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cómo se presentan y representan las cuestiones de género en el libro A História da Arte, de E.H. Gombrich? ¿Cómo puede la perspectiva feminista de la Historia del Arte favorecer el desarrollo de material didáctico-pedagógico y enfatizar narrativas plurales que se opongan a la hegemonía masculina en la Historia del Arte? Se espera que este trabajo pueda generar reflexiones en docentes y estudiantes de Artes Visuales, ya que fue posible comprender a través del estudio realizado, que al abordar el tema de la producción artística realizada por mujeres, problematizar sus ausencias y también sus representaciones, producidas y legitimadas por los discursos del Arte, pueden enseñarnos que hay otras formas de ver.Item O papel do professor na construção de identidades discentes: pensando o dentro e o fora na experiência do desenhar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-14) Oliveira, Tatiana Azevedo; Arantes, Kelly Christina Mendes; Arantes, Kelly Christina Mendes; Martins, Alice Fátima; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes AraujoEsta investigación busca discutir y valorar la práctica pedagógica crítica en la formación de la identidad, enfatizando cómo se dan los procesos de construcción de las identidades de los estudiantes y cómo el profesor en mediación con la práctica del dibujo podría contribuir a ese proceso. Para ello se utilizó como metodología la investigación autoetnográfica, interpretando y dando sentido a las narrativas personales, además de un levantamiento bibliográfico. Las reflexiones planteadas posiblemente contribuirán a la ampliación de la visión docente por la importancia del papel del docente en el fomento de la manifestación de las identidades de los estudiantes mediada por la práctica del dibujo.Item Percursos poiéticos na formação de uma artista-educadora-pesquisadora(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Leite, Ângela Vitorette; Martins, Alice Fátima; Martins, Alice Fátima; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes AraújoEl presente trabajo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre conceptos y discusiones sobre el currículo, la producción de saber poético y la integración de la docencia, la investigación y la extensión en artes visuales. Parto de mi experiencia en el camino como estudiante del curso. Reflexionamos sobre el currículo, como proyecto y práctica de significación (SILVA, 2001), examinando, como recorte, el Proyecto Político- Pedagógico del Curso (PPC) de la Licenciatura en Artes Visuales (FAV/UFG, 2019), para mapear los flujos de producción del conocimiento poético en interlocución con los ejes temáticos del PPC. En diálogo con los caminos poiéticos en mi formación, investigamos enfoques transversales y performances híbridas como estrategia de enseñanza, investigación y práctica en artes visuales. Nos articulamos entre la investigación bibliográfica y documental, para proponer la práctica de la A/R/Tografía (DIAS, B., 2013) como pilar de deconstrucción de las performances como artista-educadora-investigadora.Item Tempos de convergência das mídias: uma autoetnografia colaborativa sobre as potencialidades do Youtube, Instagram e jogos digitais para o ensino das artes visuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-13) Silva, Bruna Martins; Martins, Eras Saturnino Gondim; Queiroz, Matheus Santos; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes Araújo; Pacheco, Luiz Augusto de Paula LacerdaThis study has the objective of understanding the potentialities of the Convergence Culture for the education of Visual Arts, as well as: identifying how the visual productions of trans artists in the contemporaneity speak with the education of Visual Arts, using the YouTube platform as a way of convergence; reporting the pedagogical possibilities that emerge from the usage of digital games as a way of teaching Visual Arts; and explaining how Stories, an Instagram tool, can be potentialized in the classroom as a way of teaching Visual Arts. With the objective of discussing how can the Convergence Culture contribute didactically and pedagogically to the education of Visual Arts. Therefore, Collaborative Autoethnography was used as a methodology through the following methodological steps: understanding and analyzing the three defining concepts of the Convergence Culture according to Henry Jenkins; building individual testimony about personal experiences with the Convergence Culture; comparing the three narratives in order to raise points that can potentialize the education of Visual Arts. By analyzing the data was possible to realize that the platforms in question can approximate the school context with the day-to-day of the contemporary youth stimulating the usage of digital tools to build collective knowledge about art and visualities. At long last, by the accomplished study was possible to realize in which way the Convergence Culture is made present in the shaping of teacher-educators and how the conceptions of art and education can be distinct inside the same graduation, yet it is possible to build bridges and dialogues starting from mutual extracurricular experiences.Item Zine: arte, resistência e ações pedagógicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-31) Sousa, Diego El Khouri; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Andraus, Gazy; Meira, Elinaldo da SilvaThis work aims to contribute to the construction of critical/reflective thinking about the universe of zines and expansion of knowledge in the teaching and learning processes that use this media as a pedagogical resource. The focus is on the nonformal spaces of education and the intention of this Final Course Work was to analyze the didactic potential of the zine, through reports and experiences of artists, educators and social educators with experiences in prison spaces in Brazil. For this purpose, the bibliographic research approach was used to select authors and systematize the relationships between concepts, ideas and characteristics of educational projects in which the zine served as a bridge for actions. Finally, a script for the development of a zine creation workshop is presented, with the intention of helping teachers and cultural agents in the construction of pedagogical practices that make use of the language of zines in mediation processes.