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Item A contribuição do ensino das artes visuais para o desenvolvimento de pessoas neurodivergentes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-18) Fernandes, Mariana Martins Teixeira; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Meira, Elinaldo da SilvaTeaching visual arts is an important tool that offers great benefits for education. Some people have neurocognitive functioning that differs from the expected average. In this course conclusion work I present reflections on neurodivergences and the aim is to understand how the teaching of visual arts contributes to the development of neurodivergent people. Based on my own experiences as a neurodivergent person, I seek, through bibliographical research, to build reflections on the relationship between the teaching of visual arts and neurodivergence, in addition to mapping practices that were and are carried out and that contribute to the development of neurodivergent people.Item Autorretrato: a subjetividade do ser(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-22) Abreu, Daniel Oliveira de; Sampaio, Glayson Arcanjo de; Sampaio, Glayson Arcanjo de; Feitoza, Paulo Henrique Duarte; Silva, Odinaldo da CostaThis research has as its theme the processes of artistic self-portraits creation, from a sensitive perspective of the ''self''. The discussion of identity goes beyond answering a simple question of ''Who are you?'', there are several developments about representativity. Given that, this work’s general objective is to analyze the artistic production in self-portraits carried out during the years 2019 to 2023, observing and analyzing processes of artistic creation, in addition to artistic and theoretical references that influenced the production.Item "Coisas de menina" por uma desconstrução(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-26) Cruz, Ana Maria Silva da; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Almeida, Flávia Leme de; Abreu, Carla Luzia; Rangel, Nara Cristiane de Miranda; Almeida, Flávia Leme deThis work explores the dynamics of gender role construction within families in Goiás, focusing on the socially conceived and constructed role of women. This analysis examines the manifestation of male power within domestic spaces and through everyday objects. I make use of the cartographic method as this research adopts a subjective and self-investigative approach. I explore the interplay between everyday objects, domestic spaces, power relationships, and the formation of social identity. My work is drawn partially from my personal journey, and aims to create objects that reflect the themes being presented.Item Comecei a escrever para romper com o silêncio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-14) Freitas, Frontana Pereira Sant'ana de; Beck, Ana Lúcia; Beck, Ana Lúcia; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Carvalho, Rafael de SousaIn this current research I investigate and theorize a part of my artistic production. The reflections talk about the word and how I use it by printmaking and artist books. This research approaches my artistic process and everything that influences it, trying to observe how certain actions—choice of typography, sizes, and number of pages—can interfere in the sensations caused to the reader-observer, exploring the semiotics of the word and its use through textures, repetition, fragmentations, and overlaps that have the power to transform the word—verbal language—into an image in itself, improving not only my artistic practice but also being able to assist other word researchers in the others areas of kwonledge.Item Cultura Furry e ensino de artes visuais: contextos preocupados com a inclusão de referenciais acolhedores(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-16) Oliveira, Lucas Silveira de; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Meira, Elinaldo da Silva; Santos, Noeli Batista; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes AraújoThis work aims to address furry culture. It was born from its author's empathy with this contemporary cultural practice, and perceived as a research possibility during training in the Bachelor of Visual Arts. Born in the context of the 1970s, in the United States, and widely spread with the arrival of the global computer network, Furries are present from drawn forms to representations as costumes; In all these representations the cute and graceful forms stand out, however, beyond this, there is a lot of work and mobilization of derived forms of expression. An essayistic character was adopted in this work, as it was understood as the best way to tell this experience.Item Da matéria, fiz o rastro: experimentações artísticas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-26) Cunha, Giovanna Peixoto e; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Chaud, Eliane Maria; Sampaio, Glayson Arcanjo de; Mendonça, Adriana AparecidaThe present research is about a series of works made, mostly, out of recycled paper and plaster, through imprinting everyday objects, such as the hairpin and the nail. Simultaneously, the concept of trace in art was researched, having the thoughts Walter Benjamin and Georges Didi-Huberman as conductors of the principles that guide this work. Throughout the process, there were stablished connections between that concept and the materialities of the elements explored, noticing identifications and creating compositions visible through hollow shapes and rust.Item Das coisas que ainda não sei. Percursos pessoais de formação em arte, ensino e pesquisa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-06-02) Silva, Matheus Martins da; Martins, Alice Fátima; Martins, Alice Fátima; Santos, Noeli Batista; Meira, Elinaldo da SilvaThis research discusses my training trajectory in the visual arts degree course through three axes that played an important part in my process and that go hand in hand within the course's curricular plan. They are art, teaching and research. I start from personal experience, firstly, because the discussion is directly related to my undergraduate career, secondly, because I consider the importance of reporting the impact that art, teaching and research have on society, given the protagonism that these areas have in my professional and human training. To do this, I use the mechanisms of autobiography, so that I can bring subjective aspects into the discussion, and artography, so that I can relate the three axes of art, teaching and research combined with my experiences. I seek to explore the issue of my lack of knowledge, exposing the things I still don't know within these three fronts of knowledge construction, especially because I consider ignorance a fuel for learning, and I also propose the exercise of reflecting on the things I still don't know on my own. that they were veiled from us, knowing that Brazil was a colonized country for centuries.Item Desafios na construção de laços afetivos com a prática artística na escola(2024-01-17) Chaves, Carolina Moreira; Martins, Alice Fátima; Martins, Alice Fátima; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes AraújoThis study aimed to comprehend the underlying reasons for students’ lack of emotional connection with artistic production in the Art discipline at school. Employing bibliographic research methods, previous investigations on the subject were examined, interwoven with materials and personal accounts through an autobiographical approach. It was evidenced that students’ disinterest in the Art discipline is largely linked to a lack of meaning, being approached in a disconnected manner from the student’s context and without the proper appreciation for their visual baggage. It is a complex and significant theme that, despite being extensively explored, remains a challenge to be addressed currently and likely in the future.Item Do ato fotográfico ao ato autobiográfico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-24) Carvalho, Thais Torres de; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Ospina Álvarez, Juan Sebastián; Silva, Odinaldo da CostaIn this work, I investigate my artistic practice in photography as part of a liberation process, considering my daily experience since childhood, as a girl, teenager, and woman outside the norm. With a lot of hair spread across my body, I always faced people's judgement, my appearance was a reason for exclusion in the classroom groups of girls, to be accepted you had to be beautiful, your appearance was a reason for criticism, and since a long time I soon discovered this. In an autobiographical and self-representation approach to my own body, I seek in photography to break the bonds that have been imposed by society and at the same time encourage other women to free themselves from cycles of oppression. Thus, I make the photographic act an autobiographical act that seeks to emancipate my self-image.Item Do tradicional ao estilizado: as visualidades da cultura das quadrilhas juninas e a educação em artes visuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-22) Silva, Aleksander Sousa da; Andrade, Rita Morais de; Andrade, Rita Morais de; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Meira, Elinaldo da SilvaThe research work on the visualities of the Square Dance culture arises from the need to identify elements that are part of the June culture within educational spaces through cultural transformations. Given this, the interest in research aims to understand the visualities of the Square Dance culture in the past and present (from traditional to stylized) and the ways of working with the elements of the June festival in Visual Arts classes and in education spaces. To do this, we will identify the main visualities that make up the June festivals through documentary research, experiences lived during my career as a June square dancer and the pedagogical residency program carried out during my degree in Visual Arts at the Faculty of Visual Arts of the University Federal of Goiás (2022-2024)Item Eu, o outro e a natureza. Um processo de autoconhecimento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-22) Camilo, Carlos Henrique Pedro; Feitoza, Paulo Henrique Duarte; Feitoza, Paulo Henrique Duarte; Sampaio, Glayson Arcanjo de; Chaud, Eliane MariaIn this research in Visual Arts, I propose to investigate my own artistic production in order to understand the paths I am treading and the poetics I am constructing. Amid doubts, uncertainties, and insecurities surrounding my artistic journey, I expose experiments, exercises, and works created during my training, aiming for a better understanding and confidence in my production. Furthermore, as an extension of this process, I have committed to producing 11 oil paintings on canvas, continuing this journey of self-discovery. As I applied this investigation, many questions arose regarding my production, such as the mysterious and complex relationship between the self, the other, and nature in my works. I am beginning to comprehend my tendency to address issues related to my personal experiences linked to how I relate to others, while simultaneously interweaving these questions with my relationship with nature an environment where I find interest, comfort, and solace.Item Histórias de vida de professores de artes visuais da educação básica e os impactos do currículo oficial no exercício da docência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-17) Barboza, Isabela Silva; Santos, Noeli Batista; Santos, Noeli Batista; Martins, Alice Fátima; Olivieri, Luiz Henrique Arantes AraújoThis study was developed as a Course Completion Work (TCC) of the Visual Arts course - Teaching Degree, at the Faculdade de Artes Visuais at UFG, and aimed to analyze the paths of two Visual Arts teachers working in the Basic Education in Goiás State ― State Education of Goiás and the Federal Education of Professional, Scientific and Technological ―, investigating how the official curriculum impacts your teaching practices, as well as understanding the impact of the official curriculum on your training and professional development. Life Stories were used as a qualitative research method, through interviews, observations and analysis of official documents, such as the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) and the Diretrizes Curriculares para Goiás (DCGO). The research results can provide relevance and significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of teaching practice in this area, such as understanding the impacts of the official curriculum when investigating how it affects the teaching practice of visual arts teachers, providing insights into the limitations, challenges and opportunities that these professionals face in the current educational context. This will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence the quality of visual arts teaching in basic education.Item Mandalas: integração de técnicas bricoleiras na criação visual(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-24) Cavalcanti, Andrea Rodrigues; Ospina Álvarez, Juan Sebastián; Ospina Álvarez, Juan Sebastián; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Santos, Daniela BragaEsta investigación en artes visuales tiene como principal objetivo indagar y comprender el proceso creativo de las mandalas, partiendo del bricolaje con materiales reciclables, pedrería, joyas, dibujos y pinturas que formaron parte de mi vida. A lo largo de este trabajo, reflexiono sobre mis caminos, técnicas, posibilidades de reinvención y cómo la elección de materiales y técnicas artesanales impactan en la singularidad y expresividad de mis obras. La elección de abordar el proceso creativo de las mandalas, a través del bricolaje, se basa en la búsqueda de una expresión artística auténtica y personal. Este enfoque me permite combinar materiales y técnicas de manera única, brindándome un espacio, como artista, para expresar mi individualidad, experiencias vividas, mientras exploro la intersección entre arte y artesanía. Hasta el momento, la investigación revela que la aplicación del bricolaje en el proceso de creación de las mandalas y su confección manual enriquece no solo visualmente las obras, sino también táctilmente, contribuyendo a una exploración profunda. Estas conclusiones parciales apuntan a la significativa relación entre técnica y expresión individual en las mandalas. Es como si cada material trajera una parte de mi historia a las mandalas.Item Matriz-objeto: um olhar ao antes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-25) Urzedo, Stella Vitória Vieira de; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Mendonça, Adriana Aparecida; Ospina Álvarez, Juan Sebastián; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos AfonsoThis research arose from the need to understand my own creative artistic process. I write about what I do, how i do it and what I do it for. In these writings, I walk through corridors and open the doors of my internal studios, wallowing in what is there, evoking hidden bodies and carved matrices. In this TCC I trace a course that goes from gestation to the birth of the matrix and the bodies, finally arriving at the body-matrix. As a result, I arrive at non-conclusions, but instigators for the future that encompass new processes and new discoveries of the body-matrix.Item No exercício largo de tatear as coisas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-13) Machado, Arthur Leal Monteiro; Sampaio, Glayson Arcanjo de; Sampaio, Glayson Arcanjo de; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Oliveira, Wolney Fernandes deNo exercício largo de tatear as coisas is an art research in which i investigate my work in drawing, especially those made between the months of june of 2022 and january of 2023. this paper aims to sustain a careful look over the artistic practice lived in those months, seeking to reveal and understand the poetic and processual questions implied in it. it is an exercise of wandering through this wide practice, supported by the possibilities of writing, attempting to cultivate and expand it.Item Nu fogo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-26) Silva, Jeanne Jardini da; Almeida, Flávia Leme de; Almeida, Flávia Leme de; Sá, Rubens Pilegi da Silva; Rangel, Nara Cristiane de MirandaIn this text, I intend to explore the themes that permeate my authorial work within the visual arts, examining my artistic attempts while facing traumatic events. I realized that my research had a therapeutic aspect, revealing the psychosexual elements present in my work in a morbid way. I highlight how different forms of artistic expression, such as painting and sculpture, have the power to soothe intense emotions. I organized my work into a single chapter called "No", emphasizing the simplicity of autobiographical writing. The narrative I share is personal and incorporates emotional and professional influences from artists mentioned along the way. I prefer to explore my own personal and artistic history rather than focus so much on theoretical research, as I consider it a less significant part of the process.Item Paisagem natural: uma poética da desnaturalização(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-13) Gomes, Levi Nascente; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Silva, Odinaldo da CostaThis is a research in Visual Arts that aims to investigate my creation process in digital paiting from dialogues setted down between personal experiences and references that stretch the notion of landscape and gender. As such, I studied these concepcts inspired by artistic references that marked my path along my graduation. The methodology stands in art research approaches with emphasis on the autobiogeography exercise, once I take the artcraft also as a critic autolocalization process capable of generate visual and narrative expressions in first person. When investigating my creation process on digital, I came to a series of three painting entitled Natural Landscape, resulted of reflections not only about paiting, but also about gender dissent. There, in this research I challenge the concept about ‘’natural’’ as well as gender as in paiting to reclaim the desnaturalization as poetic, decolonial and liberator.Item Paisagens negras: gingando entre terras e águas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-23) Procópio, Jeise Kelli Carneiro; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Oliveira, Wolney Fernandes; Gomes, ElisângelaThis is a research in visual art that seeks to access the construction of black people in historiography towards a perspective of crossing representations and discourses with a Western bias. Based on the methodological approach of ginga and autobiogeography, the processes and creation of black landscapes take place in my artistic work. Thus, I produce other narratives in the face of colonial visuality in contemporary times. In the subversion of signs, I present the connection of body-ancestry arising from the worldview and cosmoperception of plural narratives along with questions of memory, diaspora and identity. Between the attack and counterattack, I call on thinkers and artists to build the research, both in writing and in practice, among them: Conceição Evaristo, Sueli Carneiro, Grada Kilomba, Achille Mbembe, Rosana Paulino, Dalton Paula and Antônio Obá.Item Pequena Polly: a colecionadora de memórias(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-23) Bastos, Nathália Batista; Quintanilha, Bruna Mazzotti; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Quintanilha, Bruna Mazzotti; Silva, Odinaldo da Costa; Oliveira, Wolney FernandesYou are about to enter the fabulous universe of an adult who refuses to embrace the end of her childhood. These are notes from an artist clinging into memories and fables of a life, transformed into an autobiographical research that matches collecting habits and memories of a place whose no longer exists physically: Escola Infantil Pollyanna. The old and dirty chest has been opened, and things stored long ago, along with life stories, buyid a collection of memories that inspire artistic strategies to bring this place into the present by incorporating material and immaterial elements linked to Pollyanna into the creative processes. Enabling the resolution of the mystery: who is little Polly?Item Perene: uma narrativa visual fotográfica da Ofélia de Shakespeare(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-13) Bastos, Maria Luiza Mendonça de Carvalho; Berardo, Rosa Maria; Berardo, Rosa Maria; Godoy, Patrícia Bueno; Feitoza, Paulo Henrique DuarteThis research is part of a Course Completion Work in book format, with textual elements reminiscent of books and theater plays, together with the production of a series of photographs entitled “Perennial”. The final objective is the analysis of the photos and their relationship with the character Ophelia from the book The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare, through works of art in different ways. The possibility of resuming beauty in the academy of contemporary Visual Arts is present in the aesthetics of the work and is accompanied by a feminine vision in the original sense of the words, but respecting the feminist perspective. As a woman, Ophelia is a very problematic character, as she exists solely for the narrative of the men in her life: her father Polonius, Prince Hamlet and her brother Laertes, but it is undeniable her power and presence in the visual arts. Thus, one can see in this text a representation of the character through female eyes without denying her main characteristics and discussions that surround her representation: madness, beauty, sensuality, delicacy, sexuality, death and her connection with nature in her representation.