FANUT - Faculdade de Nutrição
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A FANUT - Faculdade de Nutrição, da Universidade Federal de Goiás, oferece Graduação em: Nutrição. Além de Especialização em: Nutrição Clínica; e, Controle de Qualidade e Gerenciamento da Produção de Alimentos.
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Item Alimentação escolar no Brasil e Cabo Verde: uma avaliação sobre as políticas na atualidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-07) Évora, Sérgio Alexandre Lima; Souza, Thaísa Anders Carvalho; Souza, Thaísa Anders Carvalho; Mortoza, Andrea Sugai; Martins, Karine AnuscaThe school feeding plays a large role in the student's learning and development process and also ensures a minimum food supply for the neediest populations, in other words, it enters as a right of students in basic public education and as a duty of the state. The present work has as general objective, to carry out a comparative evaluation between the School Feeding Programs implemented in Brazil and Cape Verde. It is a study with data collection performed from secondary sources, through a bibliographic survey. In the context of this process, a brief contextualization was made both of the Brazilian School Feeding Program and of the National Cape Verdean School Feeding and Health Program. The results point out the differences and similarities in the guidelines and guiding principles and also in the execution of the programs, since it is perceived that the field of action of the nutritionist professional as technical responsible goes beyond planning menus and that in Cape Verde there is still this restriction. It is concluded that school feeding programs are an important partner in stimulating the adoption of healthy food practices in the school environment, being considered one of the strategies for guaranteeing Food and Nutrition Security and the Human Right to Adequate Food.Item Alimentação escolar no Brasil e Cabo Verde: uma avaliação sobre as políticas na atualidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-07) Évora, Sérgio Alexandre Lima; Souza, Lucilene Maria de; Souza, Thaísa Anders Carvalho; Souza, Thaísa Anders Carvalho; Mortoza, Andrea Sugai; Martins, Karine AnuscaThe school feeding plays a large role in the student's learning and development process and also ensures a minimum food supply for the neediest populations, in other words, it enters as a right of students in basic public education and as a duty of the state. The present work has as general objective, to carry out a comparative evaluation between the School Feeding Programs implemented in Brazil and Cape Verde. It is a study with data collection performed from secondary sources, through a bibliographic survey. In the context of this process, a brief contextualization was made both of the Brazilian School Feeding Program and of the National Cape Verdean School Feeding and Health Program. The results point out the differences and similarities in the guidelines and guiding principles and also in the execution of the programs, since it is perceived that the field of action of the nutritionist professional as technical responsible goes beyond planning menus and that in Cape Verde there is still this restriction. It is concluded that school feeding programs are an important partner in stimulating the adoption of healthy food practices in the school environment, being considered one of the strategies for guaranteeing Food and Nutrition Security and the Human Right to Adequate Food.Item Alimentação saudável e cognição: um estudo da interface em idosos autônomos de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-06-19) Ribeiro, Lorena de Sousa; Oliveira, Naraiana Tavares de; Oliveira, Naraiana Tavares de; Santos, Renata Carvalho dos; Pimentel, Gustavo DuarteTo verify the influence of a protective feeding on the cognition and depression in the autonomous elderly. It is a qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study, conducted through questionnaires and conversation. The instruments used in the data collection were structured into seven types, serving to characterize the autonomous elderly, socioeconomic conditions, general health conditions and mobility; (Mini-Mental State Examination - MMEM), screening for mood disorders (Geriatric Depression Scale of Yesavage), nutritional assessment (Mini Nutritional Assessment) and food consumption (VIGITEL). We observed scores above 25 for the majority of the elderly participants of the study, related to the high consumption of fruits, vegetables and white meats. Regarding depression, the participants showed mild symptoms or even did not present depression, which is related to protective feeding. It was found that the influence of protective feeding on cognition and depression in autonomous elderly.Item Análise da qualidade de cardápios de unidades de alimentação e nutrição de Goiânia - GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-26) Souza, Yasmin do Couto; Marques, Rosana de Morais Borges; Marques, Rosana de Morais Borges; Cominetti, Cristiane; Correia, Márcia Helena SacchiItem O arroz com pequi na formação da cultura alimentar goiana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-17) Ramos, Cyntia Alves Miranda; Santiago, Raquel de Andrade Cardoso; Silva, Mara Reis; Martins, Selena Carvalho; Santiago, Raquel de Andrade CardosoItem Avaliação nutricional de idosas com câncer de mama em um centro de referência em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-06-19) Brito, Fernanda de Lima; Ribeiro, Ludimila Cintra Vaz; Martins, Karine Anusca; Tette, Patrícia Amaral Souza; Souza, Luciana Bronzi de; Martins, Karine AnuscaItem Colite Ulcerativa em atividade: avaliação nutricional, da qualidade de vida e funcional do paciente em atendimento ambulatorial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-08) Costa, Geame Fialho da; Oliveira, Tayrine de; Stringhini, Maria Luiza Ferreira; Stringhini, Maria Luiza Ferreira; Gil, Maria de Fátima; Almeida, Géssica Mércia deItem Consumo alimentar de adultos com síndrome do obeso eutrófico: relações com o perfil lipídico sérico e com parâmetros antropométricos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-11) Costa, Erika Menezes Barbosa; Damas, Gleicy Kelle Alves; Cominetti, Cristiane; Cominetti, Cristiane; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa Monteiro; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário GondimObjective: To determine the percentage of alterations in lipid profile andto estimate the usual food consumption of individuals with Normal-weight Obesity Syndrome. Methods: a cross-sectional study with 117 adults with Normal-weight Obesity Syndrome. Socioeconomic, health and lifestyle questionnaires were applied; anthropometric evaluation, food consumption and lipid profile tests were performed. Student’s t test or Mann-Whitney test, as well as Pearson or Spearman correlation tests were applied according to the data distribution. Results: the sample had median age of 22.6 (21.4 – 24.9) years, with72.6% of women. The macronutrients mean intake was in agreement with the recommended, however, with a contribution of saturated fats a little higher than the recommended. Among females, there was a negative correlation between fiber intake and apolipoprotein B levels. Percentages of android / gynoid body fat correlated positively with cholesterol in very low-density lipoprotein and triacylglycerol levels. In males, lipid intake was negatively correlated to the levels of cholesterol in high-density lipoprotein and apolipoprotein A1 and positively with Castelli I and II and apolipoprotein B / apolipoprotein A1 ratios. The android / gynoid body fat percentage correlated positively to the levelsof certain lipoproteins, triglycerides, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein B / apolipoprotein A1 ratio and Castelli I and IIindices. Conclusions: There were significant correlations between dietary intake, lipid profile and body composition of individuals with Normal-weight Obesity Syndrome, in a sex specific manner, which suggests the influence of these parameters on the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases.Item Consumo de chá verde (Camellia sinensis) e os seus benefícios sobre a densidade mineral óssea(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-08) Santos, Ana Carolina Pereira; Silva, Talita da Cruz; Cunha, Juliana da; Cunha, Juliana da; Mortoza, Andrea Sugai; Corgosinho, Flávia CamposThe objective of this paper was to present a description of the evidences in the literature on the association between the consumption of green tea and bone mineral density (BMD). For this narrative review, the search was performed using the following electronic databases: Science Direct, Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane, Google Scholar and Embase. The descriptors were used in English, without restriction for the year of publication. In order to find articles relating green tea to BMD, abstracts were initially selected and articles that presented the pre-established inclusion criteria were read in full. Two reviewers performed the search, selection and extraction of data, independently. There were 49 studies that fit the initial criteria of search, from which 10 were selected (2 epidemiological studies, 3 clinical trials randomized trials and 5 animal studies). The studies evaluated BMD directly (the most frequently methods used being DXA scan) and / or indirectly (evaluation of biomarkers of bone formation and remodelling). Although most observational and experimental studies included in this article have suggested a beneficial effect of green tea in relation to BMD, few were performed in humans, and of these none showed a positive association. An effective supplementation dose for humans has also not been established, nor safety parameters. Thus, further studies are required to conclude if supplementation of green tea or its phenolic compounds is effective in the treatment or prevention of osteoporosis.Item Consumo de macro e micronutrientes por adultos com diabetes e sua relação com a densidade mineral óssea(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017) Silva, Grasiele Cesário; Botelho, Patrícia Borges; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário Gondim; Marques, Rosana de Morais Borges; Botelho, Patrícia BorgesItem Fatores de risco cardiovascular em adultos com Síndrome do Obeso Eutrófico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-10) Passos, Anna Flavia Ferreira; Lopes, Gabriela Feitosa; Cominetti, Cristiane; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa Monteiro; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário Gondim; Cominetti, CristianeObjective: to describe the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors of normal-weight obese individuals. Methods: observational, analytical and cross-sectional study, performed with 117 adults with Eutrophic Obesity Syndrome (normal body mass index and increased body fat percentage). Socioeconomic, health and lifestyle questionnaires were applied. Anthropometric evaluation, biochemical tests and food intake analysis were performed. The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (alterations in biochemical exams and risk food intake according to sex) was determined through Pearson’s chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test. The main project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Goiás. Results: The median (interquartile range) age was 22.6 (21.4 – 24.9) years, with predominance of females (72.6%). In general, there was high prevalence of alterations in markers of lipid metabolism, in the intake of total lipids and proteins. Men showed higher prevalence of alteration in waist circumference and android/gynoid fat ratio. Women presented higher prevalence of alterations in total, gynoid and android body fat percentage. Men showed higher prevalence of high mean systolic pressure. Women presented higher prevalence of low HDL-C. Conclusion: young normal-weight obese adults presented high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, which has significant importance regarding the likely negative consequences in the medium and long terms.Item Impacto de programas de educação em diabetes tipo 1: uma revisão integrativa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-06-15) Sousa, Keila Fernanda Vieira de; Marques, Rosana de Morais Borges; Marques, Rosana de Morais Borges; Souza, Luciana Bronzi de; Souza, Rávila Graziany Machado deItem Influência de um programa de educação nutricional em diabetes no controle glicêmico e estado nutricional de adolescentes com Diabetes tipo 1(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-08) Freitas, Ana Paula Dorta de; Jardim, Isadora de Sousa Veiga; Marques, Rosana de Morais Borges; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário Gondim; Horst, Maria Aderuza; Marques, Rosana de Morais BorgesTo evaluate the influence of nutrition education interventions in diabetes on glycemic control and nutritional status in adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, attended at a school hospital in Goiânia-GO. Methodology: Longitudinal study performed in adolescents of both sexes with Diabetes Mellitus type 1, in the year 2012 with duration of 9 months. The nutritional education actions were developed each quarter in the waiting room through play activities, with the themes "what to eat", "how much to eat" and "when to eat". The following variables were analyzed: socioeconomic and demographic; Anthropometric; Food consumption; Practice of physical activity and glycemic control. The Fisher exact chi-square test was used to test the homogeneity of the groups in relation to proportions and the Kruskal-Wallis test, of non-parametric data for comparison of the medians continuous variables. The significance level used in these tests was 5%. Results: Of the 47 adolescents recruited, only 10 completed the four steps of data collection. The variables: glycated hemoglobin, fasting glycemia, weight, stature, body mass index, waist circumference, physical activity coefficient, carbohydrate intake, lipids and proteins, as well as total caloric value and total fibers did not show statistical differences in the four Stages of nutritional intervention. The indexes stature by age and body mass index by age also did not present significant differences. Conclusion: The nutritional education program in diabetes did not interfere with changes in glycemic control, dietary intake and nutritional status of the participants, possibly because there were not many inadequacies regarding nutritional status and dietary intake. Thus, educational actions play a fundamental role in this process, since they exert a positive influence on the treatment or they minimize the chances of worsening, but they must be cyclical and permanent.Item Padrões alimentares e fatores associados em indivíduos com a Síndrome do Obeso Eutrófico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-07-05) Sertão, Izabella Cristina Tabosa; Barbosa, Jéssica Pereira; Cominetti, Cristiane; Cominetti, Cristiane; Souza, Luciana Bronzi de; Peixoto, Maria do Rosário GondimItem Perfil acadêmico dos estudantes de nutrição ingressos por ações afirmativas e ampla concorrência na Universidade Federal de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-11-24) Domingues, Karoline Toledo; Sousa, Lucilene Maria de; Sousa, Lucilene Maria de; Menezes, Ida Helena Carvalho Francescantônio; Marques, Rosana de Morais BorgesItem Perfil de sonolência, glicêmico e alimentar de adolescentes portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 1(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-07-08) Andrade, Tatiane dos Santos; Corgosinho, Flávia Campos; Corgosinho, Flávia Campos; Cunha, Juliana da; Lima, Glaucia CarieloIntroduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease characterized by deficiency of insulin production by pancreatic beta cells. Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes, as the prevalence of diabetes is increasing in children and young adults. In addition to nutritional therapy and drug therapy, some studies have shown that sleep time and quality may influence glucose metabolism, with insulin resistance in patients with a shorter sleep time. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the drowsiness pattern and the glycemic and eating pattern of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Methodology: This is an observational cross-sectional, non-interventional study. Data were collected from 19 participants between 10 and 18 years. The patients were evaluated through an examination of glycated hemoglobin, 24-hour food recall, Epworth sleepiness questionnaire, anthropometric evaluation and physical activity. Results: Of the 19 adolescents participating in the study, 89.47% had excessive sleepiness and 94.73% presented inadequate glycemic control. When evaluating the eating pattern of adolescents, it was possible to observe high consumption of ultraprocessed foods, caloric inadequacy and low micronutrient consumption. Conclusion: In the present study, it was possible to observe that the majority of the adolescents participating in the study had an excessive sleepiness pattern and altered glycemic profile, as well as presenting a food pattern with the presence of processed foods and simple carbohydrates, which interfere directly with management of complications arising from decompensated DM1.Item Perfil inflamatório de pacientes com Colite Ulcerativa em uso de cúrcuma longa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-06-26) Santos, Ludimila Ribeiro dos; Santos, Luthiana da Paixão; Nagib, Patrícia Resende Alo; Nagib, Patrícia Resende Alo; Mortoza, Andréa Sugai; Crespo, Adriana de Moraes CostaAim: To evaluate the possible effects of Curcuma longa on the inflammatory markers of patients with Ulcerative Colitis. Methodology: The work was double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial conducted at the Hospital das Clinicas de Goiânia (HC/EBSERH/UFG) in a period of 8 weeks. The patients ingested 3 capsules per day of dried extract of curcuma. The sample consisted of 8 patients in the active phase of ulcerative colitis, of both sexes, aged 18 years or older. The cytokines IL-10, IL-6 and TNF-α plasmatic levels was verified by the ELISA method, before and after the curcuma treatment. The test group (n = 4) received 3 capsules per day, containing 500mg dry extract of Curcuma longa and the placebo group (n = 4), received cellulose in the same amount. Results: Only two participants reduced TNF-α levels (pre: 57 pg/ml and post: 30 pg/ml), (pre: 11pg/ml and post, 9 pg / ml) (pre:1 pg/ml and pos: 10 pg/ml) and (pre: 8 pg/ml and pos: 28 pg / ml). In relation to IL-6, three patients presented increased plasma levels (pre: 0.104 pg/ml and post: 0.108 pg/ml), (pre: 0.123 pg/ml and post: 0.209 pg/ml) and (pre: 0.118 pg/ml and post: 0.151 pg/ml) and one patient had a significant reduction (pre: 0.289 pg / ml and post: 0.084 pg / ml). In relation to IL-10, three patients presented a slight increase in the concentration of this cytokine (pre: 0.108 pg/ml and post: 0.109 pg/ml), (pre: 0.099 pg/ml and post: 0.116 pg/ml): 0.192 pg/ml and post: 0.0.098 pg/ml). One participant presented a significant reduction of this cytokine (pre: 0.192 pg/ml and post: 0.098 pg/ml). However, none of these data were statistically significant, probably due to the low number of participants and non-control variables, such as: diet, lifestyle, time of exposure to the disease, genetics and dose of mesalazine. Conclusion: This study did not prove that Curcuma longa is able to reduce the inflammation of patients with ulcerative colitis, however, new studies should be performed by analyzing other variables.Item Perfil microbiológico de amostras alimentares analisadas em laboratório(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-04) Gonçalves, Isabela Corrêa; Carvalho, Taynara Christina de; Borges, Liana Jayme; Borges, Liana Jayme; Braga, Carla Afonso da Silva Bitencourt; Tette, Patrícia Amaral SousaItem Pesquisa de Campylobacter spp. em carcaça de frango comercializado em Goiânia, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017) Almeida, Ana Paula de; Cruvinel, Nathália Teixeira; André, Maria Cláudia Dantas Porfírio Borges; Borges, Liana Jayme; Correia, Márcia Helena Sacchi; André, Maria Cláudia Dantas Porfírio BorgesCampylobacteriosis is a disease transmitted by food contaminated by bacteria of the genus Campylobacter and constitutes a serious public health problem. It is a major cause of diarrhea in the US and European Union, being associated with severe sequelae such as Guillain-Barré syndrome. One of the largest reservoirs of this bacterium are poultry, and the consumption of raw or undercooked chicken meat is the main source of contamination for humans. The most prevalent species involved in infections are C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lari. Objective: To determine the prevalence of Campylobacter in chickens carcasses commercialized in Goiânia. Material and methods: 40 samples of chilled chicken carcasses were collected from Goiania abattoirs and their outlets in the municipality. To evaluate the viability of the microorganism after freezing, half of the samples from the slaughterhouses were frozen for 21 days in a conventional freezer. The methodology for isolation and identification obeyed the rules of ISSO 10272-2. Results: Of the 40 samples collected, 37.5% (15) were contaminated with Campylobacter species. Of these, 20.0% (8) were contaminated by Campylobacter jejuni, 10.0% (4) by Campylobacter lari and 7.5% (3) by Campylobacter coli. The cooled specimens presented 41.6% (5) of contamination and the frozen samples 33.3% (4). Conclusions: The high prevalence of Campylobacter shows a compromised microbiological quality of chicken carcasses, representing a threat to the health of the population and points out the need to establish control parameters of this bacterium in food.Item Prevalência de dislipidemia em pacientes em hemodiálise e fatores clínicos e nutricionais associados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-10) Gonçalves, Jordana Ramos; Freitas, Ana Tereza Vaz de Souza; Hadler, Maria Claret Costa Monteiro; Stringhini, Maria Luiza Ferreira; Freitas, Ana Tereza Vaz de SouzaObjective: evaluate the prevalency of dyslipidemia and the association with clinical and nutritional factors on patients in hemodialysis. Material and metods: transversal study with 42 patients in hemodialysis. The analyzed variables was anthropometric demographic data, evaluation of food consumption and biochemical exams of lipid profile. The dyslipidemia was classified as mixed (elevation of values of LDL-c ≥ 160 mg/dL and triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dL) and low HDL-c (reduction of HDL-c in men with levels lowers than 40 mg/ dl and women 50 mg/dl in isolated form or in association with the elevation of LDL-C or triglycerides) Results: the prevalency of dyslipidemia was 78,60% in the studied group , 61,90% was of male sex, majority (71,40%) adult, with media of ages of 52,88±11,42 years. Majority of the patients presented excess of weight (54,80%), 64,30% with abdominal fat augmented/very augmented and 92,90% with high body fat , without association with dyslipidemia (p>0,05). About the media ingestion of nutrients, lipids was 34,75±11,15% of the total energetic value , satured fat 16,04 ± 10,65, E vitamin 15,20 ±13,71mg, fibers 11,91 ± 7,91, without association with dyslipidemia. Was constated correlation positive between the levels of triglycerides and the values of IMC, CC e % GC. Conclusions: patients in hemodialysis have high prevalency of dyslipidemias, vulnerability to the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and nutritional deficit with inadequated ingestion of important nutrients for the prevention of dyslipidemias and promotion and recovery of your healthy.