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Item Mapeamento geológico integrado 1:50.000 da região da Serra da Jiboia (GO) - área 1(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Coutinho, Nathália Amaral; Maciel, Victor Augusto Silva; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Lopes, Débora Nogueira; Lopes, Débora Nogueira; Santos, Marcelo Henrique Leão; Siepierski, LincolnThis paper presents the results obtained from the 1:50000 mapping of the Serra da Jiboia region. The detailing of the geological units was possible with the conciliation of bibliographical survey, photointerpretation, geophysical, geochemical, and geoenvironmental, lithological and structural data obtained in the field. As a result, the following mapped units were detailed in the context of the Brasília Belt brim and the Goiás Magmatic Arc (AMG): Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence (SAI), Campestre Gnaissic-Migmatitic Complex, Santa Bárbara Complex and the Creoulos Granodiorite. The SAI is characterized in forearc basin associated with an island arc system, recorded by platform sedimentation in the rhythmic-carbonate unit and marine regression depositional in the psamo-pelitic unit. The Creoulos granodiorite records syncolonal magmatism of meta to peraluminous granites. The geological evolution is marked in the Brasiliano, responsible for the opening of the Goiás Ocean and later the closure. This phase concludes the formation of island arcs and the Brasília orogen. The deformation of the rocks is represented by east-west compression that resulted in isoclinal thrust folds with N-S axis and eastward vergence with higher temperature and pressures. Conjugate fracture systems occur, with E-W and NE-SW direction that, by progressive deformation, originate NS, NW and NE transcurrent shear zones. The observed metamorphism of the rocks is a variation of high greenish schist to amphibolite facies, associated to SAI, besides hydrothermal metamorphism linked to shear zones. The area presents some economic aspects, with potential for manganese, calcitic marble and remineralizers for agriculture and gravel and sand for civil construction.Item Mapeamento geológico integrado 1:50.000 da região da Serra da Jiboia (GO) - área 2(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Nadote, Hianna Carvalho; Cardoso, Sara Vieira; Lopes, Débora Nogueira; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Paixão, Marco Antônio Pires; Chagas, Daniel Bezerra dasThis work begins through the processing and interpretation of image data, geophysical, geochemical, mineral resources and environmental data and following data collect of lithological, structural, environmental and mineral occurrence in field. The geological mapping in the Serra da Jiboia (GO) region intend to describe and interpretate the units Anicuns-Itaberaí Sequence, Gnaíssico-Migmatítico Complex and Santa Bárbara Body. The first fase of deformation is associated to the S1 foliation, to the intrafolial folds and quartz veins, the phase 2 is characterized for the shale which is well preserved in all area and associate with the assimetric isoclinal regional fold of the Serra da Jiboia. The third phase also receive emphasis by the extensive shear zone which occurs in the Santa Bárbara Body limits, this compressive deformational fase also occurs crossing folds. The fase 4 distinguishes for the crenulations and spaced cleavage. The potential economy of the area is diverse and with emphasis on clay and gravel occurrences.Item Mapeamento geológico integrado 1:50.000 da região da Serra da Jiboia (GO) - área 3(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-14) Silva, Gabriela Soares Freitas e; Silva, Michele Urbano da; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Reis, Mateus Andrade; Heringer, Rodrigo de Almeida; Lima, Martha NoéliaThe area of study is located in the southeast portion of the state of Goiás, next to the municipalities of Nazário and Anicuns. It is geologically located in the context of the Goiás Magmatic Arc (AMG), which is composed by rocks that register the complex metamorphic and structural geotectonic development, associated with the Brasiliano orogenesis (Arquean-Neoproterozoic), developed mainly during the structuring of the Brasília Belt. The integrated geological mapping aimed to map the different lithofacies associated with the outcropping units, namely: Anicuns Itaberaí Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence, Anápolis Itauçu Granulitic Complex, Campestre Gneiss Migmatitic Complex, Anicuns-Santa Bárbara Suite, Creole Granite and undifferentiated granitic intrusions. The work was carried out from the processing and interpretation of photointerpretive, geophysical, geochemical and geoenvironmental data, as well as lithological and structural data collected in the fieldwork, generating geological, structural and point maps as final products. The rocks exhibit metamorphism from greenschist facies to the amphibolite-granulite transition. Four deformational phases were identified: D1 generated a main E-W compression, marked by isoclinal folds with NS axes, which folded S0 and originated the S1 foliation; D2 represents the continuity of compression, generating parasitic folds and S2 foliation; D3 represents the formation of NW-SE shear zones and thrust faults, associated with the continuity of E-W compression; D4 reflects the decrease in compression, generating S3 foliation. The area presents occurrences of minerals used in civil engineering and industry.Item Mapeamento geológico integrado 1:50.000 da região da Serra da Jiboia (GO) - área 4(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Santos, Daniel Carelli Batista; Carvalho, Franklin Williams Silva de; Lima, Gabriel Dutra de; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Oliveira, Ítalo Lopes de; Arab, Paola BrunoThe present work had as objective the geological mapping in the region of Nazário - GO from the accomplishment of systematic works that integrated data from remote sensing (orbital images), geophysical, geochemical, lithological, petrographic, structural and geoenvironmental surveys. The result of the integrated work was the geological cartography of Neoproterozoic units associated to the Goiás Magmatic Arc: Metavolcanosedimentary Anicuns-Itaberaí Sequence, Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, Creoulos Granite and Santa Bárbara Anorthositic Complex. Four deformational stages were recognized in the area: D1 represents E-W compression associated with regional folds with eastward vergence; D2 is the E-W compression refolding of the D1 progression; D3 characterizes shallower crustal level change during deformation progression and generates N-S lateral shortening of the D2 deformation and N-S axis crenulations; D4 represents the ruptile-ductile stage of E-W compression with formation of shear zones and thrust faults. In general, the rocks of the Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence in the study area are metamorphosed between green schist and amphibolite facies with retrometamorphism to green schist facies. The region is relevant for understanding the evolution of the Brasília Belt, as the rocks are linked to tectonic and magmatic events that started with in the formation of the Magmatic Arco f Goias. The study area is economically interesting due to the presence of mineral occurrences with potential for metallurgy (manganese and iron) and civil construction (sand, gravel, crushed stone and ornamental rocks).Item Mapeamento geológico-ambiental, em escala 1:25.000, de área adjacente ao reservatório do ribeirão João Leite, região metropolitana de Goiânia - Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-08) Álvares, Amanda Pereira; Silva, Ariele Lisita; Silva, Icaro Souza; Canile, Fernanda Maciel; Canile, Fernanda Maciel; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo; Trindade Netto, Gil BarretoThe area under study comprises a peri-urban strip, located in the northwest region of the municipality of Goiânia, capital of the state of Goiás, which is part of the rural macro-zone of João Leite, an area destined for the preservation and sustainable use of its resources, under the influence of the Área de Preservação Permanente de João Leite (APAJoL). It is inserted in the geological context of the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, belonging to the Brasília Belt, formed during the Brasiliana Orogeny in the Neoproterozoic. The objective of this work was to carry out an integrated mapping, in which the main aspects of the physical environment are related to geoenvironmental characteristics, based on the analysis of variables such as hypsometry, slope, drainage density, soil use and occupation, erosive susceptibilit, structural surveys, among others. Furthermore, in the area, four lithotypes belonging to the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex were characterized: i) garnet-hornblende-clinopyroxene-plagioclase granulite; ii) hypersthene gneiss, with presence of hornblende; iii) tremolithites, indicative of metasomatism; vi) quartzite metasedimentary sequence. The results obtained suggest that it is necessary to adopt inspection measures and control the advance of areas for agricultural purposes, implementation of allotments and residential condominiums that increase the deforestation of the Cerrado and cause erosion that cause silting and pollution of the rivers that supply the city.Item Mapeamento geológico-geotécnico: mina de Barro Alto - GO, Anglo American(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-14) Santos, Lavoisier Matias dos; Arab, Paola Bruno; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Lima, Martha NoéliaThe Barro Alto Mafic-Ultramafic Complex is part of the Goiás Massif, which is inserted in the geological context of the Tocantins Province. The deformations associated to the amalgamation of Gondwana generated in the study area a series of structures and deformation stages. A schistose (S1) subparallel to the compositional banding (S0) is characterized. Boomerang-like refolding patterns associated with flexural slip mechanisms are also observed. Conjunctively, a NE-SW and NW-SE fracture system compatible with idealized fracturing models associated with cylindrical flexural folding are observed. The Barro Alto supergene nickel deposit is composed of lithological units derived from ultrabasic rocks - dunite-serpentinized, dunite boulder, base ore, acid ore, ferruginous ore, internal waste rock, soft chalcedony, hard chalcedony and laterite soil. Nickel extraction in Barro Alto is characterized by open pit mining, which consists of excavation of the soil or soft rock and consequent modification of the topography. These modifications must be technically planned, in order to optimize resources and increase safety levels. Saprolitized heterogeneous massifs are composed of reliquary structural features, rock blocks immersed in the weathered profile (bedrock), and irregular zones with contrasting weathering. These heterogeneities usually control the failure mechanisms and locations, as well as the factor of safety. For this work, in addition to good internal practices, the geological-geotechnical characterization was carried out based on the recommendations suggested by the ISRM and the criteria established by the RMR rock mass classification system (Bieniawski, 1989). The geological-geotechnical characterization indicated a rather heterogeneous and anisotropic massif. Furthermore, the simple kinematic analysis performed as a preliminary study obtained indices higher than 0.1 (10%) for planar and wedge type ruptures.Item Relatório final do mapeamento geológico 1:50.000 da região de Anicuns (GO) - área 02(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-25) Silva, André Luiz Gonçalves e; Assis, Túlio Moreira de; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Souza, Valmir da SilvaThe 1:50.000 scale geological survey of the Anicuns region (GO) consisted in mapping an area of 128 km2, inserted in the domain of the inner zone of the Brasília Belt. In terms of mapped units, the area is constituted by metabasic-ultrabasic and metasedimentary psamo-pelitic rocks of Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavulcanosedimentary Sequence overlapped on ortho- and paraderived gneiss rocks of Anápolis-Itauçu Complex. This entire set is intruded by syn-tectonic granitic rocks of Lage Granite and Córrego Santa Rosa Metadiorite. Basic dykes related to 125º azimuth and alluvial sediments complete the local stratigraphy. In structural terms, the area contains five deformational phases related to the Brasiliano Event (the first indicated by intrafolial folds): the second formed nappes with an eastward vergence (Sn and Sn+1 foliations), the third formed interference patterns due to the change in regional stress (Sn+2 foliation) and the fourth and fifth formed transcurrent faults and sinister shear zones (Sn+3 foliation). The metamorphism of the rocks of Anicuns Itaberaí Metavulcanosedimentary Sequence varies from greenschist facies to amphibolite facies. In the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, the metamorphism reaches amphibolite facies conditions higher than the amphibolite/granulite facies transition. The tectonic compartmentation of mapping area is marked by lateral placement of rocks of different crustal levels, but which were submitted to the same phases of regional deformation, related to compressional processes with an eastward trend. The contacts between the mapped units were defined based on the tectono-stratigraphic relationships observed in the field, complementing them with information extracted from the photointerpretation and geophysical maps.Item Relatório final do mapeamento geológico 1:50.000 da região de Anicuns (GO) - área 1(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-25) Feitosa, Lara Maciel; Guimarães, Marco Tulio; Bezerra, Silvencler Batista; Sanchez, Joana Paula; Sanchez, Joana Paula; Rodrigues, Sérgio Wilians de Oliveira; Sanglard, Julio Carlos DestroThe detailing of the geology of the Anicuns region was made from a bibliographic survey combined with the processing and interpretation of photointerpretative, geophysical, geochemical, geoenvironmental and lithological and structural data collected in the field. The mapping made it possible to identify the lithotypes and group them into 10 lithostratigraphic units related to the Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavulcanosedimentary Sequence, Sanclerlândia Metagranite, Anápolis-Itauçu Granulitic Complex, Lage Granite, Córrego Santa Rosa Diorite, Taquaral-Trindade Suite and Cretaceous Dikes. Through the structural analysis, 3 deformational phases were identified, where D1 resulted in the main E-W shortening, pronounced in a set of regional folds with NNW axes, D2 generated N-S shortening that curved the regional folds in an orthogonal way. D3 represents the last stage (ductile-brittle) of EW compression, with the formation of shear zones and thrust faults. In general, the units are metamorphosed between the amphibolite facies to high green schist, associated with the Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavulcanosedimentary Sequence and locally there are rocks in granulite facies, associated with the Anápolis-Itauçu Granulitic Complex. The Córrego Seco body was defined in the geological mapping of the final 2020 work, consisting of rocks that allowed for the characterization of a volcanic system called Anicuns. This work also highlights the economic aspects of the area, including mineral occurrences with potential for metallurgy (manganese, iron), agriculture (calcitic marble) and civil construction (wollastonite, gravel, clay).Item Relatório final do mapeamento geológico 1:50.000 da região de Anicuns (GO) - área 3(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-25) Aguiar, Pedro Guilherme do Carmo Gonçalves de; Gontijo, Rafael Ayres; Melo, Rodrigo Prudente de; Santos, Marcelo Henrique Leão; Santos, Marcelo Henrique Leão; Heringer, Rodrigo de Almeida; Reis, Mateus AndradeThis work presents the results of the 1:50,000 scale geological mapping, performed in Anicuns, Goiás. The region is located in the Brasília Belt context,inserted at contact between the Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavulcanosedimentary Sequence (AIS) and the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex (AIC). This mapping aimed to characterize the geological units, starting with the literature review, photolithological, geochemical and geophysical interpretations. After the field stage and petrographic description, six lithostratigraphic units were defined. The AIS has three units mapped in the area, the basic-ultrabasic unit, which include tremolite-talc-schists, tremolitites and amphibolites, some serpentinized with mineralogical assemblages indicating amphibolite facies; carbonated rhythmic unit, which includes intercalations of quartzite magnetite, metalimestones, marbles and metarrhythmites, affected by reverse faults associated with thrust zones; and, psamopelitic unit represented by intercalations between quartz mica-schists (with or without garnet) and quartzites. The AIC represents gneiss rocks that underwent retrometamorphism leaving the granulite facies to high amphibolite, in the area they are identified as amphibolite orthogneisses with a composition containing quartz, biotite, epidote, garnet, plagioclase, hornblende and pyroxene being uralitized; and amphibolite paragneisses represented by biotite-muscovite gneisses, muscovite-garnet gneisses, garnet-muscovite-biotite schist with or without sillimanite and calciosilicate gneisses. Finally, the Tonian granitegneisses represented by the granodiorite creoulos with porphyritic, leucocratic texture, rich in biotite and muscovite, with the presence of hornblende also being common. The entire area is affected by three deformation phases associated with the third event of the Brasiliana Orogenesis (~790-545 Ma).Item Relatório final do mapeamento geológico 1:50.000 da região de Anicuns (GO) - área 4(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-25) Messias, Davi Resende; Ramos, Lucas Portes; Sanchez, Joana Paula; Melo, Rodrigo Prudente de; Melo, Rodrigo Prudente de; Brod, José Affonso; Farias, Vanderlei deThis work was accomplished through the processing and the interpreting of images, geophysical, geochemical, and environmental data and lithological and structural data obtained in the field. The geological mapping in the Anicuns region had as result the outlining of units in the Goiás Magmatic Arc (AMG) context, including gneisses from the Sanclerlândia Metagranite and rocks from the Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavolcanosedimentary Sequence, units associated to sincollisional magmatism (Córrego da Lavrinha and Creoulos granites) and mafic rocks associated to volcanism installed through the collisional orogen collapse (Córrego Seco Complex), all comprising the Brasília Belt. Four deformational phases were recognised in the area: D1 represents an EW compression that generates folds verging East, which is refolded by D2, an EW compression from D1 progression; D3 is a NS lateral shortening that creates crenulation with an EW axis; D4 represents the ruptile last stage of the EW compression, with shear zones and thrust faults associated. The area is important in the understanding of the Brasília Belt evolution because its rocks are inserted in the tectonic and magmatic events related to the belt development, starting with the AMG formation in the Tonian Period, during the fracturing of the Rodinia Paleocontinent, and progresses until the Goiás Paleocean closure, when the last magmatic events occur. Economically, the area is interesting because of the presence of potential to numerous metallogenetic processes, including contact metamorphism, volcanism and hydrothermalism. The main mineral occurrences are gold and gravel.