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Item Movimento feminista negro, questões ético-raciais e sexistas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-02) Silva, Samantha Ribeiro da; Ferreira, Maria Meire de Carvalho; Ferreira, Maria Meire de Carvalho; Jesus, Elenizia da Mata de; Santos, Munyque Lorany Ribeiro dosBrazil was deeply influenced by European currents, whose traces resonate in the Brazilian social structure, keeping the models of the colonialist empire intact. The marks of exploitation and inequality left by the enslavement of people still persist today. This work aims to present colonialism in the imposition of ethical-racial issues, highlighting racism, sexism, misogyny and transphobia. Based on the contributions of renowned authors who discuss the topic, drawing a parallel between the experiences of people marginalized (black) by colonization and the marks that remained present in the 21st century. The struggles of the black feminist movement, throughout the ages, emphasize the discussion of race as a driver of change for the black population. To support this study, bibliographic and documentary research was used, including the review of books, articles and legislative documents that regulate racism as a non-bailable crime, the result of the incessant battles for fundamental social rights. The continuous need for demands from marginalized communities and State mediation to implement public policies that support the guarantees achieved and firm the inclusion of black women in society is evident.Item Lawfare de gênero: as “novas” formas de violência de gênero contra as mulheres(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-05) Pinto, Sophia Caetano Ribeiro; Motta, Maria Carolina Carvalho; Rampin, Talita Tatiana Dias; Arbues, Margareth Pereira; Motta, Maria Carolina CarvalhoEn Brasil, aunque se han ratificado convenciones internacionales que protegen los derechos de las mujeres, la adopción de una medida legislativa y legal necesaria para erradicar la violencia de género no se produjo hasta 2006 y se centró en las formas de violencia doméstica, con la creación de la Ley N° 11.340 - Ley Maria da Penha. A pesar de estos avances, todavía existen diversas formas de resistencia a su implementación. Según la teoría del lawfare de género (Mendes; Dourado, 2022), la cotidianidad histórica brasileña está marcada por la persecución de las mujeres, siendo el Derecho utilizado para debilitarlas, menospreciarlas y violarlas. Desde esta perspectiva, se entiende que existen otras formas de violencia de género contra las mujeres, que no son caracterizadas ni combatidas formalmente. Desde la perspectiva de las teorías de género y del lawfare de género, este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender las clasificaciones de violencia no previstas en la Ley Maria da Penha, a saber: violencia procesal, violencia institucional y violencia vicaria. Al mismo tiempo, aplicar los "nuevos" conceptos de violencia de género contra las mujeres a casos públicos y notorios publicados en línea, con el fin de investigar la verosimilitud de las teorías, así como la correlación entre las respectivas violencias. Cabe mencionar que este trabajo fue producto de la Iniciación Científica realizada con el Observatorio Regional de Políticas Públicas de Combate a la Violencia de Género en el Campus Goiás/UFG. Desde esta perspectiva, el principal método utilizado en este estudio fue una revisión integradora, basada en dos parámetros: una revisión de la literatura teórica y empírica, combinando los conceptos de violencia con el estudio de casos brasileños públicos y notorios. Como resultado, se entendió que las asimetrías de género son transversales al Derecho y a las instituciones públicas, siendo dichas violencias obstáculos para la realización de los derechos de las mujeres. En la investigación empírica la incidencia de las formas también se observó en tres casos: Titi Müller versus Tomás Bertoni, Luana Piovani versus Pedro Scooby y Ana Hickmann versus Alexandre Correa. Además, se identificó una correlación entre las "nuevas" formas, denominándose el fenómeno como "red de violencia".Item O medo das saídas temporárias: uma análise crítica ao direito da saída temporária da pessoa encarcerada na realidade punitivista do sistema penal brasileiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-06) Lobo, Maria Luísa Marques Salvino; Andery, Fernanda Rezek; Ferreira, Allan Hahnemann; Gonçalves Neto, João da Cruz; Alves, José do Carmo; Andery, Fernanda Rezek; Ferreira, Allan HahnemannThe project ahead analyzes the Brazilian criminal execution with a focus on temporary leave, a right of the arrested person provided by the Law of Criminal Enforcement. The objective is to investigate how the institute, which aims to maintain the harmony of the prisoner with the progression of the regime and the fulfillment of the execution, in a more humane way, has been threatened legislatively, as by the recent Law 14,843, of April 11, 2024, which restricted temporary leaves. The research addresses the normative provisions of temporary leaves before and after the restriction, demonstrating the requirements of concession and revocation that confer it as a right. An analysis of the penitentiary data revealed that the rates of non-returns during temporary leaves are minimal, denying media and political discourses that this right contributes to escaping prison and an increase in urban violence. The project uses a quantitative and qualitative approach to identify how these discourses are contrary to statistical data which promotes the approval of laws, discussing the social construction of criminalization by the creation of the stigma conceptualized by Erving Goffman who, promoting fear, validates punitivism through the emergency voice of "punitive populism" and fixes norms with the tool of legislative symbolism, maintaining the political power of dominant groups. It is concluded that temporary leaves are fundamental for the accountability of the prisoner during the progression of the regime and an important assistance for the humanization of the custodial sentence, highlighting the need for a critical and informed discussion on the subject in the socio-political context.Item Direito antidiscriminatório e violência política de gênero: representatividade das mulheres em Itapuranga/GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-02) Barbosa, Aline da Fonseca; Pereira, Nathália Mariel Ferreira de Souza; Pagliaro, Heitor de Carvalho; Pagliaro, Heitor de Carvalho; Pereira, Nathália Mariel Ferreira de Souza; Carvalho, Giovana Nobre; Faria, Juliete Prado deThe political marginalization of women systematically undermines the realization of a truly democratic Rule of Law. It is important to note that the effectiveness of affirmative policies enshrined in legal frameworks is hindered by processes of stigmatization and exclusion of women from the political and electoral arenas. In this context, the application of anti- discrimination law as a hermeneutic tool serves as a robust and legitimizing framework for ensuring the effective enforcement of legal guarantees within an exclusionary society. This research employed a rigorous bibliographic methodology to conduct a critical analysis of this issue. Specifically, the study aims to assess the underrepresentation of women in politics and the persistent violence faced by female officeholders and candidates. From the perspective of anti-discrimination law, the examination of political representation in the municipality of Itapuranga is essential for understanding the local dynamics that directly impact the women of this region.Item NUPIA: a instituição da autocomposição de conflitos no Ministério Público de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-09) Oliveira, Vitória Silva; Costa, Andrea Abrahão; Ornelas, Sofia Alves Valle; Pereira, Nathália Mariel Ferreira de Souza; Costa, Andréa AbrahãoThe growing search for alternative conflict resolution methods aims to reduce disputes and offer more agile and effective solutions to satisfy rights. In Brazil, the Public Prosecutor's Office has played a fundamental role in this movement, particularly through the permanent centers for encouraging self-composition (NUPIA). These centers promote the use of mediation and conciliation as alternatives to traditional judicial processes, fostering social peace and alleviating the burden on the Judiciary. The state of Goiás has stood out in implementing these methods, with its Public Prosecutor's Office, through NUPIA, being one of the main agents in promoting conflict self-composition. The exponential increase in cases in Brazil has significantly overburdened the Judiciary, leading to delays and often dissatisfaction among the parties involved. Self-composition methods, such as conciliation and mediation, emerge as efficient tools to relieve the judicial system and improve the quality of justice provided. The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Goiás, by promoting self-composition, has contributed to this context, becoming a key player in transforming the provision of judicial protection. However, implementing these practices faces challenges that must be overcome for these methods to be more widely accepted and utilized. This monograph's general objective is to analyze the role of NUPIA as a tool for encouraging conflict self-composition. The specific objectives include examining the self-composition mechanisms used, assessing the challenges in implementing these practices, and verifying the practical impacts of this initiative on the legal and social context of Goiás. The study is justified by the need to analyze the functioning of an innovative center, which can serve as a reference for other regions, helping to improve the effectiveness of public policies aimed at peaceful dispute resolution.Item Os desafios da efetivação do direito à privacidade digital no Brasil: proteção de dados para além do consentimento, uma análise à luz da Lei 13.709/2018(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-17) Jesus, Durval Messias de; Garcia, Bruna Pinotti; Góes Junior, José Humberto de; Góes Junior, José Humberto de; Garcia, Bruna Pinotti; Freitas, Vitor Sousa; Motta, Maria Carolina CarvalhoThis dissertation addresses the challenges of enforcing the right to digital privacy in Brazil, focusing on data protection beyond consent under the framework of the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/2018). Initially, it contextualizes the historical transition of societies, from agricultural to the information society, emphasizing the centrality of information as an economic asset and instrument of power in contemporary times. In this context, personal data is analyzed as an extension of human personality, requiring a normative approach that promotes dignity, autonomy, and informational self-determination. The research identifies the limitations of the consent-centered model, especially considering informational asymmetries and the rise of technological surveillance. Furthermore, it examines the impact of new technologies on behavioral profiling and the risks of algorithmic discrimination, highlighting the hypervulnerability of data subjects. Finally, the dissertation proposes a systemic approach to personal data protection based on risk regulation, focusing on dynamic principles and overcoming the dichotomy between public and private spheres. This proposal reflects the need to adapt Brazilian legal frameworks to the ethical and legal challenges posed by the digital economy and the datafication of social relations, consolidating data as an autonomous category of personality rights.