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Item Nota sobre resultados coproscópicos de felinos do jardim zoológico de Goiânia(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Carneiro, José Roberto; Komma, Margarida Dobler; Pereira, Edson; Santos, Cacildo Rodrigues dosThe incídcnce of intestinal helminths in 14 wildcats from the zoo in Goiânia was investigated. The following results were obtainefJ: 12 animais were infectcd by helminths; ali of them had hookworms. Besides, two wildeats had Toxascaris leonina, 4 were infected by Diphyllobothrium sp, three were carriers of rhabditiform larvae. Helminths are believed to be responsiblc for the diarrhea since no other causative agent was found.Item Toxoplasmose em Goiás: comparação dos resultados da reação de sabinfeldman em investigação clinica e epidemiológica(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-03) Fernandes, Waldemar José; Barbosa, WilliamThe results of 141 l Sabin-FddmLin tcst pcrformcd on patients procccding from scvcral clinics wcrc analyzcd: ophtalmologic 213; neurologic 52; ohsletric 231; general clinic 353, other clinics 562. Thcse results wcrc comparcd with thosc obtained in 366 apparently normal individuais livíng in thc samc área. The average índex of positivúy was 56,7% and 4H,6% rcspectivcly. Titcrs as high or over 1/1024 werc found in 12% of the first group and in 5,1% of the hcalthy individuais whereas titcrs ranging betwccn 1/16 and l '256 wcre found in 45,9% of the patients and among 43,4% of the hcalthy group.Item Observações sobre taenia solium (lineu, 1758) e taenia saginata (goeze, 1782) em uma coleçao de 31 tenias, a maioria eliminada com uso de tenifugo caseiro à base de sementes de abóbora(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Komma, Margarida Dobler; Santos, Vera Lúcia VerasThe rcsults of investigations on 31 taeniae proceeding frora inhabitants of the rural districts of Goiânia are presented; 24 were expcllcd after the use of a taeniafuge made of pumpkin seeds, the others after treatmen with Yomesan and two others after the in take of nonmentioned taeniafuges. Taenia solium was found 13 times, 11 were expelled after the use of medicinal compounds made of pumpkin seeds, the scolex being present in 7 of them. Taenia saginata was found 18 times, the scolex occurring only once; it was attached to a narrow portione of the neck and was expelled after repetion of the treatment with Yomesan 20 days after the first dose.Item Prevalência de parasitos intestinais em Goiânia(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Evangelista, Alfredo; Komma, Margarida Dobler; Santos, Maria Alves Queiroz dosThe stools from 2702 inhabitants of Goiânia were examincd and the results were analyzed and expressed in 6 tables. 84,9% were natural from Goiás; 14,99% carne from other states and 0,11% were foreigners. Intestinal helminths were observed in 68,1% of cases; the highest incidence was ancylostomidae with 28,3%; Schistosoma mansoni was found in 1,8% — no autochthonous case was observed. The foreigners did not harbor any exotic parasites. The most frequent intestinal protozoa were Entamoeba coli, in 22,5% of cases; Giardia lamblia — 12,7%; Entamoeba histolytica — in only 0,70% . Simple parasitism (only a single type of parasyte) occurred most frequently — 33,49% of cases. Of the 420 patients infected by hookworm, 11,8% also harbored Stronglyloides stercoralis.Item Toxoplasmose em crianças excepcionais em Goiás (1969)(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-03) Fernandes, Waldemar José; Barbosa, William; Oliveira, Raquel Lopes de; Machado, Arminda de Jesus; Guerra, Hélio de Almeida; Evangelista, Sigisfredo; Ceva, Grace Helena DaherSerologic tests for Toxoplasmosis were performed in: 112 exceptional children from the Central-Western region of Goiás witli 53,2% positive results. The same seruns reacted to syphilis in the proportíon of 1,1% and to American Trypanosomiasis in the proportion of 17,6% . These finding do not allow us to attribute to any of the etiologies the responsibility for the mental disease.Item Evolução de ovos de ancilostomídeos a larvas filarióides em cultura sobre papel de filtro(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Komma, Margarida DoblerThe development of eggs of ancylostomidae into infectivc larvae was studied ín the laboratory at room temperature. The material consisted of cultures of larvae of Necator amerícanus (Stiles, 1902) Ín filter paper. The filariform stage on filter paper occurred on the fifth day; positive hygrotropism was shown by filariform larvae on the seventh day. Photomicrographs of morphologic and structural characteristics of the encapsulated filariform larvae were taken.Item Diarreias infantis em Goiânia durante o verão de 1970 estudo bacteriológico de 400 casos(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Reis, Cleômenes; Muniz, Maria AparecidaThe prevalence of intestinal disease causing bactéria during Summer 1970 was studied. The stools of 400 children with acute diarrhea from two Hospitais in Goiânia were examined. The highest incidence was E. coli (42,6%) predominating the samples: O III B 4, O 55 B 5, and O 126 B 16. Also great numbcrs of Proteus, Klebsiella and Shigella were found. In ali cases susceptibility tests to 15 different antibiotics were performed. Nalidixic acid, gentamicin and ampicillín proved more effective "in vitro" against ali cnteric bactéria than the other 12 antibiotics tested.Item Do provável encontro do strongyloides stercoralis macho parasita do homem(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-03-31) Komma, Margarida Dobler; Barbosa, WilliamLarvac of Strongyloidcs stercoralis were isolated by hygro and thcrmotropism. Thrce specimcns of male stercoralis werc found Io nave migratcd to watcr from two samplcs of fcces. Thery presenteei the fcature describcd for thc malc parasite of man.Item Resultados preliminares com a associação da sulformetoxina à pirimetamina sob a forma injetável * no tratamento da malária por plasmodium falciparum(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-06) Almeida Neto, Joaquim Caetano de; Vasconcelos, Wanderlei Montenegro de PitalugaThe parenteral combination of sulfamethoxine + pyrimethamine was tested in 25 patients with malária due to P. falciparum Two dosage schedules were followed. One group of 14 oligosymptomatic patients with low paràsitemia received a single I.M. dose. The second group of eleven patients with severe clinicai manífestations and high parasitemia reçeived one daily intramuscular injection for two days. Blood smear controis revealed that in the first group the asexual forms disappeared between the 2nd 4th days after treatment in ali 14 patients. 10 patients of the second group showed negative blood smears between the 3rd and 6th days and one patient died. Two relapses occurred in the group and one was observed in, the second group during a control period of cure of 30 days. The patients remained hospitalizes during this time. It is concluded that the association of these two drugs when administered parenterally is well tolerated and highly effective for the treatment of severe forms of P. falciparum malária in which oral administration of drugs is often impracticable.Item Pesquisa de antígeno circulante na malária humana(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-06) Barbosa, William; Aires, Wiliam Ferreira; Souza, Oswaldo Caetano de; Chavarria, Raul; Oliveira, Giovanni Septimmi Cysneiros deThe presence circulating antigens of P. falciparum or P. vivax was demonstrated in 14 out of 153 será of patients wíth malária. The identification of these permitted to group them into: carriers of acute non-ímmune P. vivax malária — 2 cases; patients with P. falciparum malária, 6 cases — 2 with high parasitemia, 2 with low parasitemia and 2 with circulating gametocytes only (whose stage of parasitemia was not controlled by us) and finally theie were observed circulating antigens in patients presenting the clinicai picturc of tropical splenomegaly. In the first two groups there were circulating parasites. In the cases with tropical splenomegaly no circulating parasites were found. Ali patients showed high titers of fluorescent antimalarial antibodies, P. falciparum beins used as antigen . The finding of circulating antigen is believed to be of great importance in the interpretation of the physiopathology of tropical splenomegaly .Item Isolamento de possível espécie nova de chromobacterium em águas poluídas(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-06) Reis, Cleomenes; Pereira, Edson; Sousa, Oswaldo Caetano de; Diniz, Mário; Muniz, Maria Aparecida; Koleilat, Nohamad Nader MusbahA new bacterium was isolated from a small brook, of the Genus Chromobacterium but whose species was not identified yet. It is believcd to be a Chromobacterium with different characteristics from the known species violaceum and ianthinum, according to the tests listed below: Rods — 0,3 to 0,5 by 1,5 to 4,0 micra, occurring single. Gram-negative. --' : - . : : . . ; - , . .- Motile with a monothrichous flagellum-v' .Agar colonies; circular, violet. Nitrites produced from nitrates. Gelatin stab — no liquefation. Thioglycollate broth: turbid, with light violei pellicle and violei sediment. OUtmus milk:,,slDW coagulation. litmus decolorízed on the fifth day. Potato dexfrose agar: slow pigmentation, spreading growth. índole: not fonned. VM: negative. Voges-Proskauer: negatíve. Simmons: citfate: positive. Acid from glucosc with CO2. No acid from maltose, lactose, sucrose, mannitoí, dulcitol, salicin, inositol, mannosc and inulin. Strict aerobic. Optimum temperature: 37.°C. No growth at 2 tu 4.°C. McConkey: circular, light violet. Blood agar: hcmolytic colonies. Desoxicolatecitrate agar (SS agar médium): no growth. Pigment soluble in alcohol, chloroform, saline and éter sulfuric acid, and insoluble in acetic acid, destilled water and NaOH (40%). Pathogenic for mouse (300.000 bact/mil), but not causing septicemia on inoculation of 1.000 at 10.000 bact/ml (intraperitoneal) . This species probably causes fatal septicemiai in some manimals especially in pigs.Item Toxoplasmose — notas sobre sua ocorrência em animais domésticos em Goiânia — (1970)(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-06) Fernandes, Waldemar José; Barbosa, WilliamThe incidence of toxoplasmosis in 174 apparently healthy animais in Goiânia was investigated. 35 adult domestic urban dogs were studied; the Sabin-Feldman dye test was positive in 57,1%, the highes titer being 1/256. The eyes of 60 bovines were examined and inoculated into mice, none of which showed positive results and into 79 pigs whose serologic tests revealed 34,17% positivity, the highest titer being 1/254 in four; a strain of toxoplasma gondii was isolated from one out of twenty diaphragms examined; in 5 pigs, histopathological examinations revealed pseudocysts which were interpreted as being due to toxoplasma gondii in skletal muscle and miocardium.Item Estudo preliminar sobre epidemiologia da toxoplasmose em Goiás. investigação pela reaçao de sabin-feldman e toxoplasmina em dois bairros de Goiânia(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-06-30) Fernandes, Waldemar José; Barbosa, William; Ceva, Grace Helena Daher; Oliveira, Raquel Lopes de366 people from two dístricts of Goiânia were examined. One group comprised workers of a slaughter-house and their families líving in its surroun dings at the colony of Matingo; the other group included people living under very poor sanitary conditions in sheds built on empty grounds in the Universitary District. Ali were submitted to the Sabin-Feldman dye test and toxoplasmin and data concerning their provenance, sporadic or continuous contact with animais as well as the kind of meat used for food were taken. A statical analyses of these data revealed no relation between the results of serologic tests and contact with animais either professionally or in food habits. On the other hand those people living near the slaughter-house presented a higher índex of positivity — 60,9% whereas those living in the Universitary presented an index of positivity of only 47% . This significative difference suggests that living in an área continously contaminated by animais may be an importam factor of infection. The general results of serologic investigation revealed 202 positive cases in one or other reaction or in both (55,19%); 170 cases gave discordant results, 32 cases gave positive results in both reactions and 164 cases gave negátive results ín bolh reactions.Item Influência da transmissão de bactérias gram negativas intestinais pelas moscas (musca doméstica), nas enteroinfecções, em Goiânia(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-06-30) Reis, Cleômenes; Diniz, Mário; Muniz, Maria Aparecida; Koleilat, Nohamad Nader MusbahThe incídence of disease causing intestinal bactéria in a suspension of domestic flies in sterile distilled water was investigated. A great number of E. coli, Proteus, ShigeUa and one sample of Salmonella paratyphi B was isolated. The flies were captured in different sites of Goiânia, such as butcher's shops, coffee-houses, green-groceries, resídences and in the garbage of empty lots. The flies fron empty lots carried more enteric organisms than those captured in other localities, although the latter may also be carriers of bactéria causing enteric disease.Item Ensaio terapêutico com o fenileno — diisotiocianato — 1,4 no tratamento de ancilostomíase. dados preliminares em 30 doentes internados no hospital do penfigo da Osego(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-07-31) Vasconcelos, Wanderley Montenegro de Pitaluga; Maia, Moacir AlvesPhenylene-isothiocynate l ,4 was used for the treatment of ancylostomiasis in 30 patients with pemphigus submitted to corticosteroid therapy. Only 20% were cured and another 25% shov/ed severe symptoms of digestive intolerance. It is suggested that the low percentage of cure and the intolerance naay be due to the dermatosis as well as to the corticosteroid therapy.Item Investigação sobre imunologia da leishmaniose tegumentar americana. I — intradermo reação de Montenegro concomitante com antígenos de leptomonas pessoai e «l. brasiliensis"(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-09) Barbosa, William; Sousa, Maria do Carmo Moreira de; Rassi, Divino Miguel; Oliveira, Raquel Lopes de; Mota, LourdesHigh specificity of an antigen obtained f rom Trypanosomatid — "Leptomonas pessoai" (Herpetomonas) Galvão, 1969, was observed in the intradermal test for cutaneous leishmaniasis. Besides specificity, a sensitivity similar to the homologous antigen normally used in the Montenegro reaction was found. 30 positive reactions were obtained in 30 patients with mucocutaneous leishmaniasis and in 64 patients with other diseases ten negative reactions, less than 5 mm were observed. In 8 cases these weakly positive reactions were concomitant with the two antigens, suggesting a probable cellular hypersensitivity by specific infection and the value of the simultaneous use of both antigens in epidemiologic surveys.Item Cannabis sativa l. (maconha)(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-09) Rizzo, José Ângelo— The material sent to the Department of Botany was Cannabis satíva L. This was confírmed by characteristics of the plant and by the Beam test. H — The fruíts whích have been planted presented an average percentage of germination and normal development which allows us to foretell the possibility of its cultivation in our environment mainly by peonle concemed with the traffic of hash. Hl —. The plants have answered favorably to the conditions of pnvirommt, having shown a good adaptation to the surrou ndingsItem Resistência do piasmodium falciparum à associação sulfamidicos-antifólicos na região Centro-Oeste do brasil. dados referentes ao estudo de 104 casos(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-09) Almeida Netto, Joaquim Caetano de; Oliveira, Giovanni Septimmi Cysneiros de; Sampaio, José Alberto AlvarengaFrom 1966 to the last trimester of 1972 a sufonamide-antifolic association was used for the treatment of 104 cases of falciparum malária at the Department of Tropical Medicine of the Institue of Tropical Pathology of the Federal University of Goiás. Ali patients had been hospitalyzed and were submitted to a cure control of at least one month. From 1972 on, there was observed an increased resistance of falciparum infection to this drug association. In this study, the results obtained with 40 cases until September 1970 are compared with the results observed in 62 other cases from January 1971 to May 1972. During the 2nd period, a decrease in susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum, namely, a slower response and an increased tendency to recurrences was observed, including inability to promote negativation in fíve cases. By using double dose schedules with both associations in a group of 20 patients, a precocious recrudescence of parasitemia occurred in 7 cases. It is concluded that Plasmodium falciparum is developing a resistance to the sufonamide-antifolic association in Goiás.Item Helmintos de roedores (rattus rattus alexandrinus e. geoffrey, 1803) e marsupiais (didelphis azarae azarae - tomnik, 1825) procedentes da cidade de Nerópolis, estado de Goiás(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-09) Komma, Margarida Dobler; Santos, Maria Alves Queiroz dos; Schmidt, Sydney; Alves, Edimar LuizJn 26 rats (Rattus rattus alexandrinus, E. Geoffrey, 1803) and marsupials (Didelphis azarae azarae-Tomnik, 1825) from the city ot Nerópolis, helminths have been found which are being dêscribed for the first time in our state. In the rodents we have identified Litosomoides carini (Travassos, 1911), Aspiculuris sp Schluz, 1924) and Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi, 1819), m the abdominal cavity, caecum and small intestine, respectively. In the marsupials we have found Brachyaemus sp (Dujardin, 1843), in the caecum and small intestine; Rhopalias coranatus (Rudolphi, 1819) Stiles, and Hassal, 1898) Cruzia tentaculata (Rudolphi, 1819) and Physaloptera túrgida (Rudolphi, 1819) in the caecum; Gnathostoma didelphis (Chandler, 1932), in the stomach; Pseudophyllidea in the small intestino. Two species of the genus Rhopalias which have not been described yet in Brazil were observed and one of them seems to be a new species awaiting further communication.Item Diagnóstico laboratorial da difteria realizado com um novo meio de cultura na complementaçao do eugonagar(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-09-30) Reis, Cleômenes; Diniz, Mário; Koleilat, Nohamad Nader MusbahA new culture médium elaborated by the authors permitted a quick selective and luxuriant growtti of Corynebacterium diphteriae For its constitution they used Eugoiagar Vera (BBL), and ad- 4ed starch, maltose, hemolyzed :heep plasma, neutral red and a J% aqueous solution of potas- ;ium telluríte. This médium, according to the zuthors, showed more effectivc *ian any other in the detection cf Corynebacterium.