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Item Aplicação de machine learning para identificação de corpos máficos-ultramáficos na porção sul da faixa Brasília, Goiás, Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-02) Barros, Lucas Marques; Tabosa, Luiz Fernando Cursino; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Yokoyama, Elder; Lopes, Débora NogueiraThis research investigates the application of Machine Learning in identifying mafic-ultramafic bodies within a 200 km² area in the southern portion of the Brasília Belt, focusing specifically on the boundary between the Anicuns-Itaberaí sequence and the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, near the municipality of Anicuns, Goiás.. The study applied the Random Forest algorithm to process and analyze geophysical and remote sensing data, aiming to enhance the geological mapping and detection of these bodies. The research integrated aerogeophysical data, including magnetometry and radiometry, as well as satellite data, in order to develop a robust geospatial dataset. The model was trained using a significant fraction of the dataset to provide a predictive map of geological occurrences. The obtained results demonstrated the high effectiveness of the model, with significant accuracy in discriminating the geological bodies of interest, which were validated by comparisons with field data and provided new insights on the distribution and characteristics of mafic-ultramafic intrusive bodies in the studied area. This study highlights the potential of using Machine Learning techniques in geology, particularly as a supporting tool for mineral prospecting, as well as providing more accurate and detailed geological maps.Item Mapeamento geológico-ambiental, em escala 1:25.000, de área adjacente ao reservatório do ribeirão João Leite, região metropolitana de Goiânia - Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-08) Álvares, Amanda Pereira; Silva, Ariele Lisita; Silva, Icaro Souza; Canile, Fernanda Maciel; Canile, Fernanda Maciel; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo; Trindade Netto, Gil BarretoThe area under study comprises a peri-urban strip, located in the northwest region of the municipality of Goiânia, capital of the state of Goiás, which is part of the rural macro-zone of João Leite, an area destined for the preservation and sustainable use of its resources, under the influence of the Área de Preservação Permanente de João Leite (APAJoL). It is inserted in the geological context of the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, belonging to the Brasília Belt, formed during the Brasiliana Orogeny in the Neoproterozoic. The objective of this work was to carry out an integrated mapping, in which the main aspects of the physical environment are related to geoenvironmental characteristics, based on the analysis of variables such as hypsometry, slope, drainage density, soil use and occupation, erosive susceptibilit, structural surveys, among others. Furthermore, in the area, four lithotypes belonging to the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex were characterized: i) garnet-hornblende-clinopyroxene-plagioclase granulite; ii) hypersthene gneiss, with presence of hornblende; iii) tremolithites, indicative of metasomatism; vi) quartzite metasedimentary sequence. The results obtained suggest that it is necessary to adopt inspection measures and control the advance of areas for agricultural purposes, implementation of allotments and residential condominiums that increase the deforestation of the Cerrado and cause erosion that cause silting and pollution of the rivers that supply the city.Item Relatório final do mapeamento geológico 1:50.000 da região de Anicuns (GO) - área 02(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-25) Silva, André Luiz Gonçalves e; Assis, Túlio Moreira de; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo; Nogueira Neto, José de Araújo; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Souza, Valmir da SilvaThe 1:50.000 scale geological survey of the Anicuns region (GO) consisted in mapping an area of 128 km2, inserted in the domain of the inner zone of the Brasília Belt. In terms of mapped units, the area is constituted by metabasic-ultrabasic and metasedimentary psamo-pelitic rocks of Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavulcanosedimentary Sequence overlapped on ortho- and paraderived gneiss rocks of Anápolis-Itauçu Complex. This entire set is intruded by syn-tectonic granitic rocks of Lage Granite and Córrego Santa Rosa Metadiorite. Basic dykes related to 125º azimuth and alluvial sediments complete the local stratigraphy. In structural terms, the area contains five deformational phases related to the Brasiliano Event (the first indicated by intrafolial folds): the second formed nappes with an eastward vergence (Sn and Sn+1 foliations), the third formed interference patterns due to the change in regional stress (Sn+2 foliation) and the fourth and fifth formed transcurrent faults and sinister shear zones (Sn+3 foliation). The metamorphism of the rocks of Anicuns Itaberaí Metavulcanosedimentary Sequence varies from greenschist facies to amphibolite facies. In the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, the metamorphism reaches amphibolite facies conditions higher than the amphibolite/granulite facies transition. The tectonic compartmentation of mapping area is marked by lateral placement of rocks of different crustal levels, but which were submitted to the same phases of regional deformation, related to compressional processes with an eastward trend. The contacts between the mapped units were defined based on the tectono-stratigraphic relationships observed in the field, complementing them with information extracted from the photointerpretation and geophysical maps.Item Relatório final do mapeamento geológico 1:50.000 da região de Anicuns (GO) - área 3(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-25) Aguiar, Pedro Guilherme do Carmo Gonçalves de; Gontijo, Rafael Ayres; Melo, Rodrigo Prudente de; Santos, Marcelo Henrique Leão; Santos, Marcelo Henrique Leão; Heringer, Rodrigo de Almeida; Reis, Mateus AndradeThis work presents the results of the 1:50,000 scale geological mapping, performed in Anicuns, Goiás. The region is located in the Brasília Belt context,inserted at contact between the Anicuns-Itaberaí Metavulcanosedimentary Sequence (AIS) and the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex (AIC). This mapping aimed to characterize the geological units, starting with the literature review, photolithological, geochemical and geophysical interpretations. After the field stage and petrographic description, six lithostratigraphic units were defined. The AIS has three units mapped in the area, the basic-ultrabasic unit, which include tremolite-talc-schists, tremolitites and amphibolites, some serpentinized with mineralogical assemblages indicating amphibolite facies; carbonated rhythmic unit, which includes intercalations of quartzite magnetite, metalimestones, marbles and metarrhythmites, affected by reverse faults associated with thrust zones; and, psamopelitic unit represented by intercalations between quartz mica-schists (with or without garnet) and quartzites. The AIC represents gneiss rocks that underwent retrometamorphism leaving the granulite facies to high amphibolite, in the area they are identified as amphibolite orthogneisses with a composition containing quartz, biotite, epidote, garnet, plagioclase, hornblende and pyroxene being uralitized; and amphibolite paragneisses represented by biotite-muscovite gneisses, muscovite-garnet gneisses, garnet-muscovite-biotite schist with or without sillimanite and calciosilicate gneisses. Finally, the Tonian granitegneisses represented by the granodiorite creoulos with porphyritic, leucocratic texture, rich in biotite and muscovite, with the presence of hornblende also being common. The entire area is affected by three deformation phases associated with the third event of the Brasiliana Orogenesis (~790-545 Ma).