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Item 1-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-2-(6-methyl-2-nitro- 3-pyridyloxy)propan-1-one(2005-01-08) Vencato, Ivo; Ferri, Pedro Henrique; Santos, Suzana da Costa; Pereira, Maristela; Lariucci, Carlito; Homar, Leon Ítalo Brasil; Napolitano, Hamilton BarbosaThe title compound, C16H16N2O5, is a -ketoether derivative closely related to natural 8,40-oxyneolignans, which are of interest because of their moderate antifungal activity against systemic mycosis. The nitro group is not coplanar with the aromatic ring, as shown by a torsion angle of 47.2 (4) . The molecules are linked by two non-classical intermolecular CÐ H O hydrogen bonds with distances between donors and acceptors of 3.441 (5) and 3.539 (5) A Ê , leading to the formation of molecular stacking perpendicular to the bc plane.Item 4D-QSAR: perspectives in drug design(2010) Andrade, Carolina Horta; Pasqualoto, Kerly Fernanda Mesquita; Ferreira, Elizabeth Igne; Hopfinger, Anton J.Drug design is a process driven by innovation and technological breakthroughs involving a combination of advanced experimental and computational methods. A broad variety of medicinal chemistry approaches can be used for the identification of hits, generation of leads, as well as to accelerate the optimization of leads into drug candidates. The quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) formalisms are among the most important strategies that can be applied for the successful design new molecules. This review provides a comprehensive review on the evolution and current status of 4D-QSAR, highlighting present challenges and new opportunities in drug design.Item A comparative study on active and passive epidemiological surveillance for dengue in five countries of Latin America(2016) Sarti, Elsa; L'Azou, Maïna; Mercado, Marcela; Kuri Morales, Pablo; Siqueira Júnior, João Bosco; Solis, Erick; Noriega, Fernando; Ochiai, R. LeonBackground: Dengue is a notifiable infectious disease in many countries, but under-reporting of cases to National Epidemiological Surveillance Systems (NESSs) conceals the true extent of the disease burden. The incidence of dengue identified in a cohort study was compared with those reported to NESSs. Methods: A randomized, placebo-controlled study was undertaken in Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, and Puerto Rico to assess the efficacy of a tetravalent dengue vaccine (CYD-TDV) in children aged 9–16 years. The incidence of dengue in the placebo group was compared with that reported to NESSs in a similar age group (10–19 years) from June 2011 to April 2014. Results: Three thousand six hundred and fifteen suspected dengue cases were identified in the study over 13 527 person-years of observation. The overall incidence of confirmed dengue was 2.9 per 100 person-years (range 1.5 to 4.1 per 100 person-years). In the NESSs combined, over 3.2 million suspected dengue cases were reported during the same period, corresponding to over 1 billion person years of observation. The incidence of confirmed dengue reported by the NESSs in the same locality where the study took place was 0.286 per 100 person-years across Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico (range 0.180 to 0.734 per 100 person-years). The incidence of confirmed dengue was 10.0-fold higher in the study than that reported to NESSs in the same localities (range 3.5- to 19.4-fold higher). Conclusions: There is a substantial under-reporting of dengue in the NESSs. Understanding the level of under-reporting would allow more accurate estimates of the dengue burden in Latin America.Item A transcriptome and proteome of the tick Rhipicephalus microplus shaped by the genetic composition of its hosts and developmental stage(2020) Garcia, Gustavo Rocha; Ribeiro, José Marcos Chaves; Maruyama, Sandra Regina Costa; Gardinassi, Luiz Gustavo Araujo; Nelson, Kristina; Ferreira, Beatriz Rossetti; Andrade, Thales Eduardo Galdino; Santos, Isabel Kinney Ferreira de MirandaThe cattle tick, Rhipicephalus microplus, is a monoxenous tick that co-evolved with indicine cattle on the Indian subcontinent. It causes massive damage to livestock worldwide. Cattle breeds present heritable, contrasting phenotypes of tick loads, taurine breeds carrying higher loads of the parasite than indicine breeds. Thus, a useful model is available to analyze mechanisms that determine outcomes of parasitism. We sought to gain insights on these mechanisms and used RNA sequencing and Multidimensional Protein Identifcation Technology (MudPIT) to generate a transcriptome from whole larvae and salivary glands from nymphs, males and females feeding on genetically susceptible and resistant bovine hosts and their corresponding proteomes. 931,698 reads were annotated into 11,676 coding sequences (CDS), which were manually curated into 116 diferent protein families. Male ticks presented the most diverse armamentarium of mediators of parasitism. In addition, levels of expression of many genes encoding mediators of parasitism were signifcantly associated with the level and stage of host immunity and/or were temporally restricted to developmental stages of the tick. These insights should assist in developing novel, sustainable technologies for tick control.Item A abreugrafia como método de triagem de patologia toráxicas não tuberculosas(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1975-03) Mello, Javan Valle deThe author presents his experience with roentgenphotography, by which he intends to demmonstrate lhe utility of the method far the screening of several pathologic states, as a practical and cheap procedure that should be employed not only in connection with TB. He illustrates his arguments with statistical data and typical cases. He discusses some problems that may arise, interesting Public Health Services and Welfare.Item Absence of NOD2 receptor predisposes to intestinal inflammation by a deregulation in the immune response in hosts that are unable to control gut dysbiosis(2018) Garcia, Patrícia Reis de Souza; Guimarães, Francielle Rodrigues; Campos, Helioswilton Sales de; Bonfá, Giuliano; Takahashi, Viviani Nardini; Lazo Chica, Javier Emilio; Turato, Walter Miguel; Silva, João Santana; Zamboni, Dario Simões; Cardoso, Cristina Ribeiro de BarrosMutations in NOD2 predisposes to Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Therefore, we evaluated the role of this innate receptor in the modulation of immunity in face of host microbiota changes. NOD2−/− mice presented higher susceptibility to experimental colitis than WT, with increased CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes in the spleen. NOD2 deficiency also led to reduced Th17-related cytokines in the colon, with overall augmented IFN-γ in the gut and spleen. Nonetheless, there was increased frequency of CD4+IL-4+ cells in the mesenteric lymph nodes besides elevated CTLA-4 and FoxP3 regulatory markers in the spleen of NOD2-/- mice, although it did not result in more efficient control of gut inflammation. Indeed, these animals also had augmented IL-1β and IL-5 in the peritoneum, indicating that this receptor may be important to control bacteria translocation too. Microbiota exchanging between cohoused WT and NOD2−/− mice led to colitis worsening in the absence of the receptor, while antibiotic therapy in WT mice abrogated this effect. Then, not only the genetic mutation confers increased susceptibility to inflammation, but it is also influenced by the microbiota harbored by the host. Finally, NOD2-/- mice are more prone to intestinal inflammation due to deregulated immune response and increased susceptibility to colitogenic bacteria.Item Absenteísmo-doença no serviço público municipal de Goiânia(2015-03) Leão, Ana Lúcia de Melo; Branco, Anadergh Barbosa de Abreu; Rassi Neto, Elias; Ribeiro, Cristina Aparecida Neves; Turchi, Marília DalvaBackground: Sickness absence, as work absenteeism justified by medical certificate, is an important health status indicator of the employees and, overall, sociodemographic and occupational characteristics are among the main factors associated with sickness absence. Public administration accounts for 21.8% of the formal job positions in Brazil. This population allows the study of a wide range of professional categories. Objective: To assess the profile and indicators of sickness absence among public workers from the municipality of Goiania, in the State of Goiás, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study on certified sick leaves, lasting longer than three days, of all civil servants from January 2005 to December 2010. Prevalence rates were calculated using as main criteria the number of individuals, episodes and sick days. Results: 40,578 certified sick leaves were granted for health treatment among 13,408 public workers, in an annual average population of 17,270 people, which resulted in 944,722 days of absenteeism. The cumulative prevalence of sick leave for the period was of 143.7%, with annual average of 39.2% and duration of 23 days per episode. The cumulative prevalence of sickness absence was higher among women (52.0%), older than 40 years old (55.9%), with a partner (49.9%), low schooling (54.4%), education professionals (54.7%), > 10 years of service (61.9%), and with multiple work contracts (53.7%). Diagnoses groups (ICD-10) with higher cumulative prevalence of sick leaves were those with mental disorders (26.5%), musculoskeletal diseases (25.1%), and injuries (23.6%). Conclusions: Indicators of sickness absence express the magnitude of this phenomenon in the public sector and can assist in planning health actions for the worker, prioritizing the most vulnerable occupational groups.Item Ação anti-inflamatória do amitraz pela inibição da produção de interferon gama e da atividade mitocondrial de linfócitos T.(2006) Di Filippo, Paula Alessandra; Sousa, Raimundo Vicente de; Vieira, Leda Quercia; Santana, Gilcinéa de Cássia; Abrahamsohn, Ises de Almeida; Oliviera, Milton Adriano Pelli deEl amitraz es un pesticida formamidínico y una de las drogas escogidas en el tratamiento de la sarna demodésica canina. Alteraciones inflamatorias se encuentran asociadas con la presencia, en número elevado, del ácaro Demodex canis en la piel. Las justificativas para la indicación del amitraz se basan apenas en su acción acaricida. Aunque algunos autores han sugerido una posible acción analgésica y antiinflamatoria, poco se ha hecho para entender los mecanismos que proporcionan tal efecto. Para verificar esta supuesta acción, células esplénicas de ratones C3H/He, fueron cultivadas y estimuladas con 5 μg/ml de Concanavalina A (Con A) o 10 μg/ml de lipopolisacáridos (LPS) de Escherichia coli 0111:B4, en presencia de 0; 0.78; 1.56; 3.13; 6.25 y 12.50 μg/ml de amitraz diluido en arol, o una cantidad equivalente de diluyente. La viabilidad de las células fue significativamente reducida cuando cultivadas por 48 horas en cantidades iguales o superiores a 3,13 μg/ml de amitraz. La actividad mitocondrial de los esplenocitos, medida por medio de la reducción del MTT, no se alteró cuando estos fueron tratados con amitraz en concentraciones iguales a 1,56 μg/ml. Por lo tanto, esta actividad fue significativamente reducida cuando los esplenocitos fueron estimulados con Con A y posteriormente tratados con amitraz. La proliferación de los linfocitos T estimulada por Con A no se alteró cuando se utilizó el amitraz en una concentración (1,56 μg/ml) capaz de inhibir el metabolismo de estas células. La proliferación de los linfocitos B tampoco mostró ser alterada cuando los esplenocitos fueron tratados con LPS. La producción de IFN-γ fue inhibida por el amitraz en concentraciones iguales o superiores a 1,56 μg/ml. Los resultados presentados muestran que uno de los posibles mecanismos de la acción antiinflamatoria del amitraz se debe a su capacidad de inhibir el metabolismo y la producción de IFN-γ por los linfocitos T, pero sin afectar su proliferación.Item Ação da deltametrina na dosagem de 0,8g/Há sobre o Aedes aegypti (Lin., 1762), na formulação de ultra-baixo-volume(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1997-03) Fernandes, Fernando de Freitas; Silva, Ionizete Garcia da; Camargo, Marlene de Fátima; Elias, Carmeci Natalinaaegypti to the action of deltamethrin, (1% concentration), applied in ultra-low volume, in different schedules in the dose of 0.8 g/Ha were performed. A LECO equipment attached to the back of a truck was utilized to apply the deltamethrin. Fifteen biological assays were carried out, with 24 cages, each containing 230 mosquitoes, placed at the house and at peridomiciliary environment. The mosquitoes were exposed in the "testareas" for about one hour. Another 36-hour períod of observation followed the transference of the mosquitoes from their exposition cages to the rest cages. For each assay, 200 mosquitoes were used as controls, and placed as far as 2 km from the test área. The dose of 0.8 g/Ha proved to be effícient on the killing of the Aedes aegypti. Females fed on blood were more resistant to deltamethrin than fasting ones. Males fed on sugar water were more resistant than the fasting ones, and these were more susceptible than females. The statement that only fed females should be used for pesticide susceptibility testing was confirmed, só these data may be used as guidelines for obtaining biological assays. The Aedes aegypti was killed more efficiently with deltamethrin between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. There was a 0.9% mortality in the control group. The bioassays were carried out with a mean temperature of 27,5 ± 0,4°C, and 66,1 ± 2,5% relatíve air humidíty.Item Açao da sulfametoxazol associada ao trimetoprim na terapêutica da blastomicose Sul-Americana(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1973-09) Barbosa, William; Vasconcelos, Wanderley Montenegro de PitalugaAn association of Sulformethoxíne and Trimethoprim was employed in the treatment of 34 patients wíth various clinicai forms of South American blastomycosis. The patients were kept under control for a period of 60 days. Excellent results were obtained with cicatrization of the lesions wíthin 35 days after the onset of treatment. No untoward effects from this therapy were observed.Item Ação de agentes químicos e físicos sobre o vos de lagochilascaris minor. (Leiper,1909)(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1995-09) Oliveira, Jayrson Araújo de; Vieira, Miguel Alípio; Silva, Andréa Caetano da; Barbosa, Carlos Augusto Lopes; Veloso, Aline PinheiroVarious chemical agents (ethilic alcohol, formaldehyde, lugol in different concentrations) have had their effícacy tested against Lagochilascaris minor eggs. The eggs were also submitted to physical agents (freezing -10° C, heating 80/97° C). The lethality Índex was calculated through the embriogenesis rate. The following conditions tested yield a 100% lethality index: 90° C heating, 99% ethilic alcohol and lugol (100%, 50%, 25%, 6,25%, 3,125%).Item Ação do extrato hexânico de frutos maduros de Melia Azedarach (Meliaceae) sobre Boophilus Microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) em bezerros infestados artificialmente(2005-07-15) Borges, Ligia Miranda Ferreira; Ferri, Pedro Henrique; Silva, Wellington Côrrea; Silva, Waydson Jerônimo; Melo, Lorena Socorro; Souza, Lorena Alessandra Dias; Soares, Sara Fernandes; Faria, Karina Alves; Gomes, Natali Almeida; Mori, Anderson; Silva, Nivia FariaA eficácia de um extrato hexânico dos frutos de Melia azedarach foi avaliada em bezerros infestados artificialmente com Boophilus microplus. Os frutos foram submetidos ao processo de secagem e, depois de moídos, o extrato foi produzido em Soxhlet utilizando-se o hexano como extrator. Oito bezerros infestados artificialmente, cinco vezes a cada cinco dias com 2.500 larvas de B. microplus, foram divididos em dois grupos (tratado e controle) com base na infestação por carrapatos. No dia zero os animais foram banhados com 3 litros de uma solução a 0,25% do extrato em água e acetona (1,2 litro). Os animais do grupo controle foram banhados com o mesmo volume de água e acetona. Diariamente, as fêmeas ingurgitadas desprendidas naturalmente eram contadas e 40 eram incubadas para acompanhamento dos parâmetros reprodutivos. O número médio de fêmeas, o índice de conversão em ovos (peso da massa de ovos / peso do grupo de fêmeas x 100) e o percentual de eclosão, obtidos nos dois grupos, foram comparados mediante o teste T de Student. Após 21 dias de contagens, o número médio de fêmeas ingurgitadas foi significativamente menor (P < 0,05) no grupo tratado (188) do que no controle (247). Porém, a conversão e a eclodibilidade das larvas não foram afetadas pelo tratamento. Estes resultados indicam que houve interferência da planta no desenvolvimento do carrapato sobre os animais, mas não na sua reprodução. Comparados com a literatura, os resultados se revelaram promissores. No entanto, novos estudos nos quais se empregue uma formulação adequada em uma concentração mais elevada são necessários para se propor o uso desta planta no controle deste carrapato. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTItem Ação larvicida de extrato bruto etanólico de magonia pubescens st.hil. (tingui-do-cerrado), sobre o Aedes aegypti (Lin.) em laboratório(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1996-06) Silva, Ionizete Garcia da; Santos, Adelair Helena dos; Ferri, Pedro Henrique; Alves, Rosa de Belém das Neves; Melo, Raquel Linhares; Peixoto, Luciano; Silva, Heloísa Helena Garcia da; Elias, Carmeci Natalina; Isac, Eliana; Lira, Kênia da Silva; Camargo, Marlene de FátimaBiological tests were performed with crude ethanol extract of Magonia pubescens St. Hil., (tingui-do-cerrado) (Sapindaceae) to check Aedes aegypti's action larvicid. The extracts were obtained from each part of the plant: wood's skin, seed's cover and seed, after to have been collected, the material was desiccate in air stove at 40°C, crushed, percolate in ethanol for 10 days, fíltrate in qualitative filter paper, concentrate in rotative evaporator and desiccate in vacuum pistol. After obtainment of crude ethanol extract of each part of the plant, it was dissolved in water with differents concentrations and tested with 4° instar of A.aegypti's larval to determinate DL5Q. This was of 35, 55 and 150 mg of crude ethanol extract/100 ml of water distilled, respectively, for seed, seed's cover and wood's skin. Each experiment was accomplished with 20 flask with capacity 30 ml with one larva in each flask and observed for 24 hours. The larvas were created in biological chamber at 28 ± 1°C , 80 ± 5% of relative humidity and photophase of 12 h. The biological tests were performed in another similar chamber. Among the experiments realized, the crude ethanol extract of the seed and seed's cover showed more effícient larvicids than of wood's skin and fruit's capsule.Item Accuracy in clinical examinations for the diagnosis of vulvovaginitis by Candida ssp. and In vitro susceptibility to the main antifungals(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-09-29) Santos, Andressa Santana; Zara, Ana Laura de Sene Amâncio; Ataídes, Fábio Silvestre; Gomes, Elisangela Christhianne Barbosa da Silva; Freitas, Vivianny Aparecida Queiroz; Costa, Carolina Rodrigues; Silva, Thaísa Cristina; Silva, Maria do Rosário RodriguesVulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a common infection. This work aims to determine the positive predictive value (PPV) of the clinical diagnosis of VVC and to characterize Candida species isolated from the vaginal mucosa. This cross-sectional study was conducted from February 2016 to February 2017 at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas, in Goiânia, Goiás State, Brazil. The study included samples of vaginal secretion from 55 women who complained of vaginal discharge and itching as their main symptoms. The PPV of the clinical diagnosis of VVC was estimated in comparison to the laboratory culture method. The phenotypic methods and molecular tests were performed to identify Candida spp. In vitro susceptibility of Candida spp. isolates to fluconazole, itraconazole, clotrimazole, nystatin, and amphotericin B was determined using the broth microdilution assay. Yeast growth using the enzymes protease, phospholipase, and hemolysin was carried out in media containing respectively bovine albumin, egg yolk, and sheep erythrocytes. A PPV of 61.8% (34/55) was determined. Among the 55 vulvovaginal samples collected, we identified 36 isolates in which C. albicans was the most common species. High resistance to fluconazole and low minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values for clotrimazole, nystatin and amphotericin B were observed. All isolates were proteinase and hemolysin producers, while seven strains were phospholipase negative. The clinical diagnosis of VVC presented a moderate PPV, which meant that cultures had to be conducted in the laboratory to confirm infection. The high resistance to fluconazole and itraconazole indicated the importance of the in vitro susceptibility test.Item Accuracy of rapid point-of-care serological tests for leprosy diagnosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis(2022) Romero Casas, Carmen Nila Phang; Castro, Rodolfo de Almeida Lima; Brasil, Pedro Emmanuel Alvarenga Americano do; Pereira, Daniella Cristina Rodrigues; Pinheiro, Roberta Olmo; Toscano, Cristiana Maria; Oliveira, Maria Regina Fernandes deBACKGROUND Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease, still endemic in many countries that may lead to neurological, ophthalmic, and motor sequelae if not treated early. Access to timely diagnosis and multidrug therapy (MDT) remains a crucial element in the World Health Organization’s strategy to eliminate the disease as a public health problem. OBJECTIVES This systematic review aims to evaluate the accuracy of rapid point-of-care (POC) tests for diagnosis of leprosy. METHODS Searches were carried out in electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, CRD, Cochrane Library and LILACS) in April 2021 for patients with suspicion or confirmatory diagnostic of leprosy, classified in multibacillary (MB) or paucibacillary (PB) cases, performing rapid POC serological tests compared to clinical evaluation, smear microscopy and immunohistochemistry analysis. Methodological quality was assessed using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies tool (QUADAS-2). A meta-analysis was undertaken to generate pooled estimates of diagnostic parameters, presenting sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) values. The review protocol was registered at PROSPERO, CRD # 42014009658. FINDINGS From 893 potentially relevant references, 12 articles were included reporting 16 diagnostic tests accuracy studies with 5395 individuals enrolled. Meta-analysis of NDO-LID and PGL-I tests data in MB patients showed sensitivity and specificity [95% confidence interval (CI)] of 0.83 (0.71-0.91), 0.91 (0.72-0.97); and 0.92 (0.86-0.96), 0.93 (0.78-0.98); respectively, with high heterogeneity among the studies. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Our results can inform policymakers regarding the possibility of implementing accurate, rapid POC tests for leprosy in public health services, especially within primary health care.Item ACE2 down-regulation may act as a transient molecular disease causing RAAS dysregulation and tissue damage in the microcirculatory environment among COVID-19 patients(2021) Ramos, Simone Gusmão; Rattis, Bruna Amanda da Cruz; Ottaviani, Giulia Maria Elisa; Celes, Mara Rúbia Nunes; Dias, Eliane PedraSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the etiologic agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the cause of the current pandemic, produces multiform manifestations throughout the body, causing indiscriminate damage to multiple organ systems, particularly the lungs, heart, brain, kidney, and vasculature. The aim of this review is to provide a new assessment of the data already available for COVID-19, exploring it as a transient molecular disease that causes negative regulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, and consequently, deregulates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, promoting important changes in the microcirculatory environment. Another goal of the article is to show how these microcirculatory changes may be responsible for the wide variety of injury mechanisms observed in different organs in this disease. The new concept of COVID-19 provides a unifying pathophysiological picture of this infection and offers fresh insights for a rational treatment strategy to combat this ongoing pandemic.Item Acetylcholine, fatty acids, and lipid mediators are linked to COVID-19 severity(2022) Martínez Pérez, Malena; Pimentel, VinIcius Eduardo; Fuzo, Carlos Alessandro; Silva Neto, Pedro Vieira da; Toro, Diana Mota; Silva, Thais Fernanda de Campos Fraga da; Gardinassi, Luiz Gustavo Araujo; Oliveira, Camilla N. S.; Souza, Camila de Oliveira Silva e; Torre-Neto, Nicola T.Lipid and cholinergic mediators are inflammatory regulators, but their role in the immunopathology of COVID-19 is still unclear. Here, we used human blood and tracheal aspirate (TA) to investigate whether acetylcholine (Ach), fatty acids (FAs), and their derived lipid mediators (LMs) are associated with COVID-19 severity. First, we analyzed the perturbation profile induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection in the transcriptional profile of genes related to the ACh and FA/LM pathways. Blood and TA were used for metabolomic and lipidomic analyses and for quantification of leukocytes, cytokines, and ACh. Differential expression and coexpression gene network data revealed a unique transcriptional profile associated with ACh and FA/LM production, release, and cellular signaling. Transcriptomic data were corroborated by laboratory findings: SARS-CoV-2 infection increased plasma and TA levels of arachidonic acid, 5-hydroxy-6E,8Z,11Z,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid, 11-hydroxy-5Z,8Z,12E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid, and ACh. TA samples also exhibited high levels of PGE2, thromboxane B2, 12-oxo-5Z,8Z,10E,14Z-eicosatetraenoic acid, and 6-trans-leukotriene B4. Bioinformatics and experimental approaches demonstrated robust correlation between transcriptional profile in Ach and FA/LM pathways and parameters of severe COVID-19. As expected, the increased neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, neutrophil counts, and cytokine levels (IL-6, IL-10, IL-1β, and IL-8) correlated with worse clinical scores. Glucocorticoids protected severe and critical patients and correlated with reduced Ach levels in plasma and TA samples. We demonstrated that pulmonary and systemic hyperinflammation in severe COVID-19 are associated with high levels of Ach and FA/LM. Glucocorticoids favored the survival of patients with severe/critical disease, and this effect was associated with a reduction in ACh levels.Item Achatina fulica como hospedeiro intermediário de nematódeos de interesse médico-veterinário em Goiás, Brasil(Ruy de Souza Lino, 2010-09) Oliveira, Ana Paula Martins de; Torres, Eduardo José Lopes; Maldonado Jr., Arnaldo; Araújo, José Luíz de Barros; Fernandez, Monica Ammon; Thiengo, Silvana CarvalhoAchatina fulica, também conhecido como caramujo africano, é um molusco terrestre que pode atuar como hospedeiro intermediário de vários helmintos, entre eles alguns com importância médica e veterinária como Angiostrongylus cantonensis e Angiostrongylus costaricensis, nematódeos responsáveis pela meningoencefalite eosinofílica e pela angiostrongilose abdominal, respectivamente. Este estudo objetivou conhecer a distribuição deste molusco no estado de Goiás e pesquisar a ocorrência de larvas de nematódeos de interesse parasitológico. Detectado, inicialmente, em 2003 no município de Morrinhos, A. fulica teve sua distribuição geográfica ampliada e encontra-se atualmente presente em 39,5%, dos municípios de Goiás. A pesquisa da helmintofauna, realizada pela técnica de digestão artificial das amostras obtidas em Caldas Novas, Morrinhos e Bela Vista de Goiás, resultou no encontro de larvas de Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (prevalência de 35%), Rhabditis sp. (47,5%), Strongyluris sp. (15%) e de outros metastrongilídeos (2,5%). Este estudo ampliou o conhecimento da distribuição geográfica de A. fulica em Goiás e reforçou a participação deste molusco em ciclos biológicos de helmintos, indicando a necessidade de controle e vigilância epidemiológica em áreas urbanas com grande densidade deste molusco em razão da facilidade de contato com as populações humanas e de animais domésticos, o que propicia a transmissão de zoonoses. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Achatina fulica also known as African snail is a terrestrial mollusc that may act as an intermediate host for helminthes, some of them with medical and veterinary importance such as: Angiostrongylus cantonensis and Angiostrongylus costaricensis, which may cause eosinophilic meningitis and abdominal angiostrongyliasis, respectively. This study aimed to investigate the distribution of A. fulica in the state of Goiás, Central Brazil, and to search for nematode larvae with parasitological importance. A. fulica was first reported in the municipality of Morrinhos in 2003 and it is currently present in 39.5% of the municipalities of Goiás. The search for larval nematodes, on the samples from the municipalities of Caldas Novas, Morrinhos, and Bela Vista de Goiás, performed using the artificial digestion technique revealed the occurrence of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (prevalence of 35%), Rhabditis sp. (47.5%), Strongyluris sp. (15%), and other metastrongyloid larvae (2.5%). This paper expanded the knowledge on the geographical distribution of A. fulica in Goiás and illustrated the role of this mollusc as intermediate host of nematodes of veterinary and medical importance. In addition, these results showed the high densities of this mollusc in the investigated municipalities pointing to the urgency of measures of control and epidemiological surveillance of this mollusc in urban areas where the contact between humans and domestic animals with infected A.fulica is easier.Item Acidentes com material biológico entre profissionais de hospital universitário em Goiânia(2010-06-29) Guilarde, Adriana Oliveira; Oliveira, Ana Maria de; Tassara, Marianna; Oliveira, Bethânia de; Andrade, Sabrina Sgambatti deOs profissionais da área da saúde vivem sob risco de exposição a material biológico em seu ambiente de trabalho e uma das mais temidas consequências é a transmissão de doenças infecciosas. A principal forma de evitar os acidentes profissionais é precaver-se durante o contato com o paciente. Neste estudo descritivo, pretendeu-se avaliar os acidentes profissionais com material biológico ocorridos entre profissionais do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás (HC/UFG), na cidade de Goiânia, durante o período de janeiro de 2006 a maio de 2007. O acidente foi caracterizado e definiu-se o status sorológico do profissional para hepatite B, hepatite C, sífilis e HIV. No período do estudo, foram acompanhados 46 profissionais no ambulatório de Infectologia do HC/UFG. Os acidentes ocorreram principalmente entre os técnicos de enfermagem (50%) e, em sua maioria (87%), durante o manuseio de agulhas e processamento de materiais. Não foi observada soroconversão para nenhuma das infecções monitoradas durante o período de seguimento. Quase 30% dos acidentados não haviam sido vacinados contra hepatite B, o que evidencia a necessidade de reforçar/ oferecer a vacinação para todos os profissionais de saúde da instituição. Ressalta-se também a necessidade de educação continuada para a adoção de medidas preventivas que favoreçam a redução da frequência de acidentes profissionais. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Health care professionals are under constant risk of biological material hazards, and one of the most concerning consequences is the transmission of infectious diseases. The key to avoid occupational accidents is to take standard precautions when in contact with the patient. This study describes accidents with biological material that occurred with health workers at Hospital das Clínicas of Federal University of Goiás (HC/UFG), in the city of Goiânia, central Brazil, between January 2006 and May 2007. The characteristics of the accident were described, and the serological status of the professional was established for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, and HIV. A total of 46 workers from different professional categories were attended at a specialized outpatient infectology clinic during this period. The accidents occurred especially among nursing personnel (50%). Percutaneous exposure occurred in the majority of cases (87%), especially through handling of needles and processing materials. There was no seroconversion during the monitored period. Almost 30% of the exposed health care workers had not received Hepatitis B vaccine previously. We conclude that there is a need for emphasizing the continued education for the adoption of preventive measures that reduce the frequency of occupational accidents.Item Acompanhamento clínico-Sorológico de profissionais de saúde expostos a materiais biológicos de pacientes portadores de vírus de imunodeficiência humana (Hiv)(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1994-01) Pereira, Ledice Inácia de Araújo; Souza, Marta Antunes de; Souza, Luiz Carlos Silva; Silva, Anita Bernardes da; Gomes, Ivete Vieira; Pinto, Raimundo Nonato LeiteSince 1986, when the first AIDS patient was admitted, the Hospital of Tropical Diseases hás been following up heallh care workers for occupational exposure (o AIDS. From July,1986 to October,1992 fíve hundred seventy-nine AIDS patients wcre admitted and 37 occupational exposures were notified; 22 of them due to biologk-al specimens of AIDS patients. Percutaneous exposures were more (12 times) and tln-y resulted from needle - sticks in 17 cases. The fingers were more frequently exposcd. Health care workers with these exposures included especially nurses (tecbnicians and auxiliaries). They were tested for HIV antibodies on exposure and 3 and 6 monlhs after. At this time 13 health care workers have been tested at least 180 days aftcr exposure, 3 have had only the first test and the others haven't completed the follow up yet. Seroconversions have not been identified. And none of the health care workers have shown clinicai symptons consistent with acute HIV infection.