FH - Faculdade de História
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A FH - Faculdade de História, da Universidade Federal de Goiás, oferece curso de Graduação em: Bacharelado em História; e, Licenciatura em História. Além de Especialização em: História Cultural.
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Item Entre floras e terreiros: uma análise sobre a presença das lojas de artigos religiosos afro-brasileiros em Goiânia (1960-2023)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-02) Dantas, Larissa Pereira; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Nicolini, Cristiano; Langaro, Jiani FernandoThe present article aims to explore the presence of Afro-Brazilian religious goods stores in the city of Goiânia since the 1960s. Through a literature review, we will conduct a historical analysis of the emergence of these stores in Brazil. Through a geographical survey and interviews with the owners, we seek to understand the changes that have occurred since the beginning of their presence in the capital of Goiás and how this type of commerce relates to Afro-Brazilian religions, and how both mutually influence each other. We aim to comprehend how the logic of the religious market in which these stores are situated functions, and to what extent it influences traditions within the religions themselves. Furthermore, we will explore how these stores relate to the surrounding society (neighbors and passersby) and what the boundaries are between religion and commerce for those who perceive them from the outside.Item Games e o ensino de História: o modo discovery tour de Assassin´s Creed Valhalla como possibilidade de ensino e aprendizagem(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-02) Folha, Fernando Martins; Silva, Thiago Juarez Ribeiro da; Martire, Alex da Silva; Carvalho, Vinicius Marino; Silva, Thiago Juarez Ribeiro daThis article aims to discuss electronic games and their ability to serve as a medium for teaching and learning history. Electronic games appeal to different age groups and can be used at various levels of education, especially in schools. We will discuss this possibility based on the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla, published by Ubisoft in 2020, unpacking the two game’s modes: the Main Campaign and the Discovery Tour mode. We'll take into account the perspective of media consumption fostered by Vikingmania, as well as its impact on the process of teaching and learning history through immersion in the elements built with historical references - which reaches another level in Discovery Tour, since we can see its game structure likened to real virtual museums.Item O “velho” (tradicional) e o “novo”: as periodizações moderna e pós-moderna em Gianni Vattimo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Souza, Kleiton Martins de; Valle, Ulisses do; Valle, Ulisses do; Arrais, Cristiano Pereiral AlencarAnte los numerosos problemas y controversias en torno a las definiciones terminológicas, conceptuales y cronológicas de las macroperiodizaciones, comúnmente denominadas Edades (Edad Antigua, Edad Media, Edad Moderna y cualquier otra), en este texto nos proponemos, en un primer momento, explorar y analizar algunos de los problemas y controversias que nos parecen más recurrentes y emblemáticos. Posteriormente, pretendemos realizar algunas reflexiones, especialmente de carácter filosófico y conceptual, sobre algunas cuestiones pertinentes a las concepciones de lo ‘posmoderno’, pero también de lo ‘moderno’, dada la inseparabilidad entre los términos; o, podríamos decir, por una cierta “dependencia” de lo ‘posmoderno’ en relación con lo ‘moderno’, al menos en relación a su constitución terminológica, con el prefijo ‘pos-’ que toma una posición crítica sobre la ‘moderno’. Para esto, buscamos basarnos principalmente en Gianni Vattimo. En este sentido, exploramos los conceptos, ideas, ideales y valores que nos parecen más centrales y que contribuyen para, en cierta medida, posibilitar la caracterización o definición de rasgos más inmediatos, emblemáticos y recurrentes de ambos, ‘Posmoderno’ y ‘Moderno’ (de lo ‘Moderno’, destacamos, especialmente, su génesis de uso conceptual).