Toxoplasmose em crianças excepcionais em Goiás (1969)


Serologic tests for Toxoplasmosis were performed in: 112 exceptional children from the Central-Western region of Goiás witli 53,2% positive results. The same seruns reacted to syphilis in the proportíon of 1,1% and to American Trypanosomiasis in the proportion of 17,6% . These finding do not allow us to attribute to any of the etiologies the responsibility for the mental disease.




FERNANDES, Waldemar José; BARBOSA, William; OLIVEIRA, Raquel Lopes de; MACHADO, Arminda de Jesus; GUERRA, Hélio de Almeida; EVANGELISTA, Sigisfredo; CEVA, Grace Helena Daher. Toxoplasmose em crianças excepcionais em Goiás (1969). Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 1, p. 39 - 44, jan./mar. 1972. Disponível em: <>.