Estudo comparativo realizado com 3 meios de cultura para detectar amostras de corynebacterium diphteriae

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


35 inpatíents of the Hospital Oswaldo Cruz in Goiânia (Goiás-Brazil) with clinicai suspicion of díphteria werc studíed from August 1972 to March 1973. In 4 cases, bacterioscopy with the Albert-Laybourn staín did not show the presence of rods with metachromic granules; one of these cases revealed growíh of colonies of Corynebacteríum diphteriac in selective culture media. In comparing the time of colony growth between a recently developed culture médium (RDK* and the traditional media of Hoyle and Gundel- Tietz, it was noted that corynebactena grew much more readiíy in the former, sbowing an Índex of 60,2% in the first 24 hours, whereas the latter media revealed a growth index of 15,6% and 12,5%, respecíively. 32 cases were positive, showíng the typical colonial morphology of the organisms in ali 3 culture media which were observed for 72 hours. Examination of samples of C. diphtheriae in the present study revealed greater incidence of the the ("mitis" type (65,5' followed by the "intermedius" type (28,1%), while the "gravis" type was seen in 6,2% of the cases.




REIS, Cleomenes; DINIZ, Mário; BRAGA, Augusto Luiz F.; KOLEILAT, M. Nader M. Estudo comparativo realizado com 3 meios de cultura para detectar amostras de corynebacterium diphteriae. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 2, p. 151-154, abr./jun. 1973. Disponível em: <>.