Níveis de fósforo e calagem para amendoim e feijão e efeito residual no arroz, em solos de cerrados de Goiás


ln this study, the resulta of the field experiments of phosphorus and lime levels on peanuts (Araehis hypogaea L.) and dry beans (Phasealus 􀀋ulgaris L.) after crotalaria juneea , and of the subsequent rice crop, at five locations in the State of Goiás, are presented. There was a linear effect of phosphorus in two experiments on peanuts and in one experiment on dry beans. ln the experiments testing residual effect on rice, there was a linear effect of phosphorus in two experiments and a linear e! fect of lime and interaction of phosphorus and lime in a third. Even though there was a severe drought, reasonable yields were reached. The results showed peanuts at dry beans at 1.9, and rice at 2.3 times the average yields for Bra zil in 1969. The profits were determined along with the relatia􀁃 ship between the increase in value of the croep and the cost of producing the increase. lt was determined that the cost of the treatments (Fertilizer and lime), which produced this increase, were justified at three of the five locations.




NASCIMENTO, Ildeu Matias do; SANTOS, Gil; SILVA, Raimundo J.M. da; SUHET, Albert Rosa; EIRA, Paulo Augusto da; DOBRREINER, Johanna. Níveis de fósforo e calagem para amendoim e feijão e efeito residual no arroz, em solos de cerrados de Goiás. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 137-155, jan./dez. 1975. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2210/2166>.