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    A formação inicial em educação física: análise do ensino do voleibol através dos jogos reduzidos a partir das ementas de universidades federais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-22) Caetano, Ana Júlia Moraes Saccol; Costa, Gustavo De Conti Teixeira; Castro, Henrique de Oliveira; Collet, Carine
    The Small-sided Games are an effective strategy in the teaching and learning of tactical and technical skills in volleyball. The objective of this study was to verify if the Small-sided Games in volleyball are part of the itinerary of Physical Education courses in Brazilian federal universities. A documental investigation was used with data collection from federal uni-versities registered in the e-MEC database. The results show there is an indication of the use of reduced and conditioned games in two volleyball disciplines analyzed. The conclusion is that there must be changes in the teaching of Small-sided Games so that the federal universities can update their curriculum in order to form more qualified human resources.
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    Apropriações das mídias na educação física: dimensões metodológica, crítica e expressivo-produtiva em questão
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-31) Pasquali, Dennia; Fantin, Monica; Lazzarotti Filho, Ari
    Este artículo tiene el objetivo de arrojar luz sobre el incorporación de dichos medios en relación con los docentes de Educación Física a través de un ámbito metodológico-crítico y expresivo-productivo da educación mediática. Se aplicó un cuestionario completo junto con una revisión semiestructurada a los docentes de Educación Básica en la ciudad de Goiânia. Los medios se utilizan suficientemente como un papel instrumental fuerte, principalmente en la planificación de clases. El enfoque crítico, así como los aspectos éticos y estéticos relacionados con la elaboración de contenidos mediáticos, no están bien explorados y, sugiere el significado de orientar estos temas con respeto a la práctica docente.
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    Concepções de corpo operadas no campo da educação física: uma revisão narrativa
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-30) Sousa, Priscylla de Moraes; Neves, Ricardo Lira de Rezende
    This narrative review aimed to describe and characterize the concepts of body operated in the field of Brazilian Physical Education. The material explored indicated that the concepts are appropriated from classical works, branch out and represent divergent theoretical approaches that influence knowledge, know how, and practices. The concepts demonstrate the divergences and contradictions between the natural and social dimensions, as well as the hegemony of the biomedical model in the field. The concept of body practices has been fundamental to build humanized and critical interventions with subjects and communities considering their health needs.
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    Olhares pra dança: histórias e afetos da dança cênica goianiense 1970-2000
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-28) Ribeiro, Luciana Gomes; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves de
    This project comprised the creation and publication of a cartography of the history and memory of the dance art scene in the city of Goiânia, from modern to contemporary times. An invitation to watch this dance and see its features and prerogatives. This maping took into consideration the different aesthetic trails related to a part of the dance scene in Goiânia, framing some modern and contemporary dance routes. The aim was to map out and delimit the dance contextual and artistical dimensions in play over the late 1970's until the first decade of the year 2000. Therefore, the relevant initiatives, dancers and choreographers chosen were asked to provide images and an oral history of their own stories crossing those memories. The method of investigtion privileged the field of memory and the oral history in the constitution of this affectual cartography.
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    Revisão integrativa das produções acadêmicas sobre o curso de Educação Física na modalidade a distância – EAD
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-16) Soares, Jitone Leônidas; Lazzarotti Filho, Ari; Barros, Jônatas de França; Coquerel, Patrick Ramon Stafin; Silva, André Ribeiro da
    This integrative review analyzed the scientific production carried out on the Physical Distance Education, present in bases Indexed in Periódicos CAPES during the years 2012-2016 from 175 results contained on the site. The searches were conducted through remote access to sub scribed content from the access CAFe - Federated Academic Community, provided by the National Network of Education and Research (RNP) for federal educational institutions, in cluding the University of Brasilia. Thus, there is the prevalence of studies that address differ ent aspects of physical education courses Distance, which are relevant to everyday experienc es mentioned.
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    Expansão do ensino superior e formação profissional em Educação Física: um mapeamento dos cursos na modalidade de educação a distância
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-12-20) Pimentel, Fernanda Cruvinel; Lazzarotti Filho, Ari; Inacio, Humberto Luis de Deus; Hungaro, Edson Marcelo; Alves, Fernando Mascarenhas
    This article is an exploratory study that proposes a mapping offering Physical Edu­ cation courses through Distance Education, seeking to identify the trends and nu­ances of this type of training as a strategy for expansion of higher education. The results mapped were (28) Physical Education courses at a distance, (24) by public institutions through the System UAB, and (4) by others institutions. However the number of places offered by others institutions is nearly 50% of enrollments. Un­ derstand that there is need for detailed studies on the process of teaching and lear­ ning in this mode, which requires studies about the topic of training the distance on the research agenda in the area
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    Influencia de un programa de actividades fisicas de larga duración sobre las senãles depresivas en andultas mayores
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-11-30) Dalla Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana; Duarte, Edison; Rebelatto, Jose Rubens; Vidal, Alessandra Paiva de Castro
    Este estudo avaliou a influência de um programa de atividades físicas de longa duração nos sintomas depressivos de idosas depressivas e não depressivas. Participaram 40 mulheres, com idades entre 60 e 80 anos (Média 66,8 e DP 7,03). Foi aplicada a Escala de Depressão para Idosos antes de iniciar a atividade física e após um ano. Os dados indicam que houve diminuição nos estados depressivos dos sujeitos com e sem depressão com idade entre 60 e 70 anos. Evidenciam também que o estado depressivo dos sujeitos com idade entre 70 e 80 anos permaneceu estável. Os resultados permitem concluir que a prática da atividade física influenciou positivamente no estado de depressão das idosas participantes.
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    Ciclismo na pandemia: relações entre o perfil socioeconômico de ciclistas de Goiânia/GO e ações durante o pedal para prevenir o contágio pelo SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-25) Inacio, Humberto Luis de Deus
    Esta investigación articuló relaciones entre el perfil de ciclistas de ocio y cambios en la acción de pedalear en función de la pandemia por el SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19). Los datos se obtuvieron por cuestionario electrónico, con 87 sujetos y tratados en plataforma específica. Los datos fueron: edad, niveles de renda y escolaridad y donde uno se informa; y sobre cambios se preguntó se pedalea solo o en grupo y si utiliza o no la máscara. Los resultados apuntan que la mayoría de los ciclistas tienen más de 30 años, nivel universitario y renda por arriba de R$2.500 e se informan por las medias virtuales. El principal cambio ha sido el uso de mascara. No se ha encontrado relaciones significativas entre el perfil y los cambios.
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    Equidade: apontamentos para educação do corpo
    (2011-03) Vilarinho Neto, Sissilia
    The intention of the paper is to analyze the historic development of the idea of equality and its unfolding in policies of equity. During the analysis we tried to apprehend in which measure the science is constituted in contributes to justify an universal meaning of equality, and in contexts of inequalities, changing social inequalities for physical differences among individuals, taking bodily particularities as a reference.
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    Balanço da produção do conhecimento sobre corpo e cultura: o centro-oeste em questão
    (2014-06) Vilarinho Neto, Sissilia; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro; Silva, Ana Paula Melo; Alves, Carolina Leocádio; Silva, Letícia Rodrigues Teixeira e
    This paper aims to present the balance of the knowledge production about “body and culture” in the Brazil Central West Zone. It was realized a documental researchby having two vehicles source scientific communication: i) the proceedings of Brazilian Congresso f Sport Science (CONBRACE), specifically the production of GTTCC, in the years 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013; ii) The Brazilian Journal of Sport Sciences (RBCE), in the publication of 10 years (2003 a 2012).The data analyzes was done in a qu quali-quantitative perspective, with descriptive and exploratory interest. Data confirm another researches about the knowledge production Regionalization in the Physical Education field in Brazil. It stands out: i) the almost inexistence relationship of works with research groups, although the majority authors titling are made of masters and doctors; ii) the predominance off emale sex; iii) the spotlight institution is the UFG; iv) only three works were funded; v) the predominant subject is “body, education, society and culture”, and v) the most of works was classified into the “body with world/nature” conception.
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    Capoeiras? Objets sujets de la contemporanéité/Théma
    (2012-12) Silva, Renata de Lima; Falcão, José Luiz Cirqueira; Dias, Cleber Augusto Gonçalves
    L?objectif de cet article est de clarifier et d?analyser certains aspects de la constitution des discours qui imprègnent l?univers de la capoeira angola : d?un côté, on trouve un discours populaire, en général porté par les capoeiristes, qui affirme, parfois sous l?influence des intellectuels professionnels, que la pratique exprime une ancestralité africaine ; de l?autre un discours plus académique, qui souligne qu?elle est une manifestation urbaine et moderne, codifiée seulement au XXe siècle. L?analyse de ces discours permet de déduire que le processus de construction et de transformation de la capoeira a été, hier comme aujourd?hui, une combinaison de croyances, de mythes et de discours d?origines diverses, populaires et académiques en même temps. Par conséquent, plutôt que de juger la véracité des discours sur la capoeira, nous voulons comprendre les conditions objectives qui les rendent possibles. Ainsi, la ritualisation qui symbolise l?héritage de Mestre Pastinha, le lien entre capoeira angola et pratiques afro-brésiliennes, ainsi que la gestualité même des capoeiristes, sont ici considérés comme quelques-uns des éléments qui concoururent à pérenniser les discours traditionalistes sur cette pratique.
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    Ritmo & rebeldia em jogo:só na luta da capoeira se canta e dança?
    (2012-03) Stotz, Marcelo Backes Navarro; Falcão, José Luiz Cirqueira
    Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar si existen y cuáles son las peleas y las artes marciales comprometidas con el sonido de la música, y señalar las similitudes en el ámbito de los gestos entre estas prácticas y la capoeira. A través de una búsqueda bibliográfica y el análisis de imágenes y vídeos se han planteado como elementos que apuntan a la existencia de rasgos similares entre algunas manifestaciones militantes, en especial los generados en la diáspora africana durante la esclavitud, y la capoeira.
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    Identidades negras em movimento: entre passagens e encruzilhadas
    (2015) Silva, Renata de Lima; Falcão, José Luiz Cirqueira
    The assertion of Black identity has been in discussion in Brazil with greater consistency since the 1970’s. Although these affirmations referenced by lar ger political and ideological discourses have been im portant for the expansion of rights and the adoption of public policies for the Black population, this article analyzes the issue from its organic relationship with the body, and the manifestations of the African dances of Congada and Hip Hop. We can see that, beyond a sin gular political-ideological discourse that Black identity is claimed in a diversified way via cultures performan ces, either by the mythical exaltation of the African continent in the case of African dance; the mournful singing and devotion to Catholic saints in the case of Congada; and the modern techniques of communica tion desecrated in the Hip Hop movement.
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    Análise dos livros de atletismo: subsídio para o ensino na Educação Física escolar
    (2014) Gemente, Flórence Rosana Faganello; Matthiesen, Sara Quenzer
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    Atletismo (ainda) não se aprende na escola? Revisitando artigos publicados em periódicos científicos da Educação Física nos últimos anos
    (2015-12) Silva, Eduardo Vinícius Mota e; Gemente, Florence Rosana Faganello; Ginciene, Guy; Daniel, Juliana Cardoso; Matthiesen, Sara Quenzer
    Based on a survey in scientific journals, this study aimed to verify the actual presence of athletics in Physical Education classes. We used a systematic review of articles published between 2005 and 2013 in 15 PE journals. The articles verified come from distinct states and cities in Brazil. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data from Physical Education teachers and undergraduate students. The results show an increase in the presence of athletics in school Physical Education classes.
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    Qualidade de vida, estilo de vida e saúde: um artigo de revisão
    (2013) Costa Júnior, Gilvam Rodrigues; Tonello, Laís; Neves, Ricardo Lira de Rezende; Ribeiro, Jean Carlos; Miranda, Eduardo Fernandes de
    education have sought to establish the relationship between quality of life, health and lifestyle. There is an emphasis on bio-physiological dimension. However, from the 80s, the presence of other branches of knowledge, especially of Humanities and Social Sciences has been noted in this debate. It focuses on studying the relationship between these constructs in a broader view, considering the multidisciplinarity of social, historical and cultural. Objective: This paper aims to enter into this discussion and has to contribute to the debate conceptual quality of life, health, physical activity and lifestyle and their relationships with health in a broader perspective. Material and Methods: We performed a literature review of articles from MEDLINE, LILACS and SciELO, in Portuguese, using the following descriptors: quality of life, lifestyle, health, and combined with each other, and also in contemporary books. Final Remarks: This study calls attention to the expansion of the concepts related to quality of life issues, lifestyle and health, in addition to the biological dimension and individual came historically been consolidated. This consolidation is important not only to build up a guide for reliable instruments to measure quality of life, but also to that information as a basis for political awareness and social critic, is widespread and incorporated as a concept.
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    Memória do estádio 'Pelezão': uma identidade em construção
    (2014) Assumpção, Luis Otávio Teles; Neves, Ricardo Lira de Rezende; Araujo, Rogério Gedeon de
    This article recalls the memory and the importance of "Pelezão soccer stadium”, reference in social, cultural and sports aspects in the Federal District during the 1960s and 1970. The objectives were to tell part of the story; rescue one of striking and significant moments in the sociology of Brasilia soccer and reflect on the importance of a place where this "emerging society" meet themselves and, somehow, share collective feelings. From the biographical method and oral history, we analyze the speeches of former members from several soccer teams of Brasilia, as well as newspaper clippings and documents about the stadium. The results show that contrary to build the stadium as a symbol and make it stronger as a "place of memory", he was forgotten and vilified by speculators in a city devoid of roots and cultural references.
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    Educação Física na saúde pública: revisão sistemática
    (2015) Neves, Ricardo Lira de Rezende; Antunes, Priscilla de Cesaro; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro; Assumpção, Luis Otávio Teles
    In this Article, we purpose to think about the Brazilian academic production between 2000 and 2012 years, in the theme Physical Education in the Public Health, through 60 published texts in scientific journals, books, books chapters, thesis and essays. We found a concentration of studies that criticize the biophysiological dimension hegemony, which historically determinates and is determined to this field. We observed some highlighted elements, like the importance of physical education teacher in relation to health policies; the managers, professional and users social representation about physical education; the vocational training question; and the approach of experiences in different health centers, where some of them proved reductionist, in the way of a certain preventivism, but in the most of Works, there were focus in the health promotion in an amplied perspective. As for the experiences in SUS, we observed that there is a very complex and different situation in the several country places; some are very precarious and below the considered “health care”, another is possible to identify significant results to the institution and to the members. Also we can infer that the physical education teachers’ insertion has shown signs of timid expansion of the formal actuation throughout public contest.