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    Portugal no Brasil (1951): regiões brasileiras no olhar da Embaixada Universitária de Coimbra
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-06-27) Serpa, Elio Cantalicio; Campigoto, José Adilçon
    In the early 1950s, the University Embassy of Coimbra was established to visit Brazil. Among other objectives, it was about perceiving (and demarcating) the Portuguese presence on this side of the Atlantic. More broadly, the purpose implied to consolidate 'the awareness of the historical greatness of Portugal'. The objectives, as well as the activities, are found in the report published in 1953. This same report was again published in 1954, the 3rd Centenary of the Restoration of Pernambuco. Using the concept of region, this report divided Brazil into two major territories: that of equality / identity with Portugal and that of difference. We assume that such a view was deeply marked by Salazar's historical and political culture, therefore in a perspective averse to modernism. We will try to understand the selection of the presupposed differences, but also, to perceive political issues present in the observation of the so-called expressions of 'lusitanity' and, finally, to identify this look that seems to us nuanced by historical culture. Thus, we will go through the report prepared by Dean Maximino Correia, professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Coimbra institution, following his organization, however, selecting information.
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    Estratégias teórico-historiográficas na obra tar-dia de Walter Benjamin
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-07-21) Freire Junior, Josias José
    This paper discusses some motifs of the late work of the philosopher and crit ic Walter Benjamin (1892-1940). In the reception, perhaps the most significant to the work of Benjamin is the field of historical knowledge, whose theme is important primacy in the afterthought of the philosopher. This article aims to review some aspects of Ben jamin's later work with a view to promoting a discussion of aspects of this work to the field of theory and methodology of history. The main reference for the discussion that follows is the constructive aspect that articulates the Benjamin’s late work.
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    Personalismo e exterioridade: a busca do ser-brasileiro e o dilema da autenticidade
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-29) Valle, Ulisses do
    This article sought to capture the image of "Brazilian-being", emphasizing the critical sense of thought about national authenticity, which gains strength from Machado de Assis and reaches its maturity with the modernist literature of Oswald de Andrade and Mario de Andrade, and with historiography developed in the 30s by Gilberto Freyre and Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. The objective will be to capture a common feature of the representation which such authors provided of the image of Brazilian-being, in particular the relationship with the outward appearance, as something which is characteristic of Brazilian personalism.
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    Teoria da História do Brasil: a produção historiográfica do brasilianista Thomas Elliot Skidmore
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-06-04) Pereira, Alan Ricardo Duarte; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira
    This work has as main objective to analyze the historical production classified conceptually as brazillianist and a brief and exploratory way, exposing the assumptions and interpretations of history in Brazil according to the American Thomas Elliot Skidmore. At first, we present the meaning of the Historian / brazillianists and intellectual production of Thomas Elliot Skidmore term and, finally, seek to understand, from the production of its brazillianist, was interpreted as Brazil and especially in the United States represented by this intellectual. Therefore, it is intended, in general, show production and overview Historian History of Brazil according to Thomas Elliot Skidmore.
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    História e literatura: algumas considerações
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-06-01) Borges, Valdeci Rezende
    Seeks in this text to make some reflections on the relationship between history, as a social process and as a discipline, and literature as a form of artistic expression in society possessing historical and documentary source for the production of historical knowledge. It is pointed out a few issues facing for the construction of a methodological approach of this particular document in historical research.
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    O problema do sentido histórico e de suas variações axiológicas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-12-01) Valle, Ulisses do
    This article makes some references to the importance of concept of meaning (Sinn) for the scientific history. It takes notice of how Max Weber proposed pertinent solutions for the problem of historic meaning. For this, is necessary to introduce how the Weber's theory was formed with foundation to a problematization of concept of meaning. After it, will be presented three epistemological implications of meaning’s concept for the scientific history: different meanings constitute the same events of past; the impossibility to a disinterested knowledge; and in the necessity of valuation to that something, among the infinity of historic cultural event, may be outlined and invested with meaning.
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    Leituras do historicismo antes e depois do Holocausto: Rüsen e Benjamin
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-01) Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da
    Treat-it of characterize two prospects about historicism, from of point of wiew before and after to holocaust, and ist perspectivs within the scope of updating historicism
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    A Filosofia da História de Walter Benjamin
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-01) Freire Junior, Josias José
    This paper aim is to sketch some indicators about the relationship between reflections on the history and the language. From the comments of some ideas of German philosopher Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) appears us the opportunity to enhance the reflections on the history from the questioning of his ideas. To draw up a typical concept of language,medium producers, possibility of knowledge, the philosopher articulated this concept laden with the demands facing contemporary updates. To present the concept of history of W. Benjamin from his ideas about language to bring the issue of language to theory of history, to discussions on linguistic character of both the object of history as history knowledge.
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    The hermeneutic problem posed by digital humanities
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-07-27) Santos, Murilo Gonçalves dos
    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o problema hermenêutico relacionado ao surgimento do campo de pesquisa amplamente conhecido como humanidades digitais. Em geral, no nível epistemológico, esse problema envolve a consideração de uma teoria da interpretação histórica que articula métodos e técnicas de pesquisa com objetos digitais em seu caráter simbólico. No plano ontológico, ele destaca a necessidade de levar em conta os aspectos constitutivos que tornam essa teoria da interpretação possível. Ao examinar o fundamento histórico-filosófico do paradigma hermenêutico, bem como o engajamento das ciências humanas em geral — e da história em particular — com as tecnologias digitais, chegamos à conclusão de que uma hermenêutica histórica digital precisa ir além de reflexões metodológicas e epistemológicas em direação ao questionamento das condições ontológicas não apenas da compreensão humana, mas também da interpretação realizada pela máquina.
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    Desafios propostos pela Constituição de 1988 ao patrimônio cultural
    (2017) Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de
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    Da máquina do esquecimento à cultura da memória
    (2021) Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de; Alves, Wesley Ribeiro
    In a century plagued by countless tragedies such as the 20th, testimony assumed a central role in the world, and it is natural that memory has become central to today's society. After all, the society that enjoys the most advanced standard of living is also the society that produced the most victims in its relentless march towards progress. The ubiquity of memory is such that there is even talk of an excess of memory, or an uninterrupted search for something that fills the void caused by the unfulfilled promises of and by modernity. In Brazil, there seems to be a forgetting machine, using an expression by Márcio Selligman-Silva (2003), which prevents Brazilian victims from having their testimonies heard by a society hostile to attempts to repair the past. It is necessary to reflect on the consequences of this culture of oblivion that permeates Brazilian society. Therefore, this text addresses the relationship between the silence imposed on victims of past tragedies and the tragedies that continue to be promoted by the State or with its connivance. It is understood that the dismantling of this machinery of oblivion is a condition for the consolidation of Brazil as a democratic State, while witness is understood as the key to such a process, even though forgetting is recognized as an indispensable key to sedimentation of collective memory. The non-recognition of these assets is an indication of a major obstacle to democracy.
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    As políticas públicas sobre o patrimônio cultural: divergências, ilegalidades e distorções
    (2015-12) Lopes, Larissa Coelho; Andrade, Lorena Gomes; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de
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    Trayectoria constitucional del patrimonio cultural en Brasil
    (2017-06) Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de
    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es indicar cómo la actual Constitución brasileña innova al definir qué es el patrimonio cultural y al establecer medidas para su conservación. Con este objetivo, se hará una genealogía de las llamadas “Cartas Políticas” brasileñas, que trataron temas relacionados al patrimonio. Sin profundizar en el proceso que condujo a la formación de dichas cartas, se pretende demostrar cómo la actual constitución amplía el concepto de patrimonio, aunque con algunas limitaciones, tales como la naturalización de la diversidad cultural.
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    A Constituinte e a Constituição como instâncias do patrimônio cultural
    (2018) Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de
    The relationship established between the constituent exercise, so important to modernity, the relevance of the Constitution to the National State and the formatting of a social identity erected by cultural heritage is the first object of this article. Understand the intricacies and the overlaps between these basic categories of National States is the main purpose.
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    Os conceitos de lugar e território na composição do patrimônio cultural: quilombos e terras indígenas na Constituição Federal brasileira
    (2018-09) Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de
    The current Brazilian Constitution deals with indigenous and quilombo rights, both in relation to land and culture. But incoherently, it unties the two issues that are inherent in each other. In view of political and economic interests, the National Constituent Assembly, which forged the Constitution, was the scene of the imponderable detachment of the binomial place and territory of cultural practices and goods classified as heritage. In order to understand this question, a bibliographical review was raised with the intention of demonstrating how this separation present in the legal text can only be justified by the optics of the political game.
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    Patrimônio, religião e identidades na cidade de Goiás
    (2021) Santos, Fernando Martins dos; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de
    The City of Goiás, founded in 1727, was the capital of the State for more than 200 years. troughout its history – and specially regarding the history of its patrimonial status –, its relationship with the Catholic religion was present, and, in the 18th century, eight churches were built. It was in the churches that the vilaboenses had contact with art, mainly, from the 19th century, with the works of Veiga Valle. The possibility of transferring the capital has always been a recurring issue by government officials, a fact that ended up occurring in 1937. Fearful that the city would disappear, the villagers clung to what they were most proud of its history, creating the narrative of the city of Goiás to be the cradle of Goiás culture. For this, they will use the city's topography, a fact that would affirm the vilaboense identity as a cultural cradle from Goiás. In this way, the highlight was its colonial churches and sacred art, which were the first goods recorded in the city.
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    O Museu Municipal Ângelo Rosa de Moura (Porangatu-GO) e as reivindicações pelo patrimônio cultural
    (2020-12) Pina, Max Lanio Martins; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de
    This article makes a historical survey of the Ângelo Rosa de Moura Municipal Museum (Porangatu, Goiás, Brazil), housed in an old building that was an important “dry and wet”. It was named Casa Jaguatirica, and was the residence of the first elected mayor of that municipality, which gave the Museum its current nomenclature. Considering the conflict as intrinsic to the heritage and the different appropriations of the Museum, our intention is to understand the profile of the public who attended it, the nuances about the heritage appreciation that it receives and its potential as a scientific, cultural and conducive space for teaching and learning.
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    "Cada sepultura, uma história": arte tumular e patrimônio no Cemitério de Conceição da Boa Vista, Recreio-MG
    (2022-06) Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de; Rosa, Mariana Antão de Carvalho
    This work seeks to shed light on the Cemetery of Conceição da Boa Vista,located in Recreio, in the state of Minas Gerais, as heritage, place of memory and territory crossed by multiple histories. Initially, we will make a brief and necessary reflection on cemeteries as heritage, crossed multiple times by power relations and power disputes. In a second moment, supported by the materiality of historical sources as well as the possibilities opened up by the study of funerary art, we will try to know some stories, written in the graves of that field. We believe that each tomb can represent, for that community, the possibility of narrating, even if briefly, the story of one or several lives.
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    O problema do nome próprio e o projeto literário machadiano
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-07-01) Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves
    This article analyzes some of the character naming devices in Machado de Assis' early novels. Machado's naming practices are discussed taking into account a history of literary onomasticism, particularly its romantic moment. The intention is to demonstrate that Machado de Assis rejected the current terms in which romantic novelists dealt with the issue of the proper name. Unlike them, he created narrators who do not talk about character names, and practiced homonymy and ironic naming. It should not be concluded, however, that Helena's author was an anti-romantic writer. Another facet of his use of proper names makes clear the terms of Machado de Assis's literary project: not the refusal, but the reform of Romanticism.
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    Entre as margens do Atlântico: história e direito internacional no trânsito de criminosos entre a Europa e as Américas na segunda metade do século XX
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-07-21) Guerra, Francesco
    Il presente articolo prende in esame, dal punto di vista della storiografia e del diritto penale internazionale, la mafia corso-marsigliese, la French Connection, e la storia di Auguste Joseph Ricord, una di quelle figure del narcotraffico internazionale, che, guizzando qua e là in tempi e contesti assai diversi fra loro, sembrano realmente uscite dalla penna di uno scrittore amante di cospirazioni e trame internazionali. L’autore, attraverso le scarne informazioni reperibili in rete, tenta di restituire un profilo il più possibile dettagliato di Ricord e di tutto quel sottobosco di relazioni e intrecci tra ambienti della malavita ma, nondimeno, anche promiscuità con apparati di sicurezza di primissimo piano, che resero il narcotrafficante francese una autentica figura di riferimento per il traffico di sostanze stupefacenti tra l’Europa e le Americhe nell’arco di un trentennio, tra fine degli anni ’40 e inizio degli anni ’70, quando, non senza difficoltà, fu estradato negli Stati Uniti e là condannato ad una lunga pena detentiva.