Humoral immune resposnes of tuberculosis patients in Brazil indicate recognition of MPT-51 and GlcB


The humoral responses to recombinant MPT-51 and GlcB was determined by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Levels of immunoglobulin M (IgM) against MPT-51 and IgG against GlcB were higher among tuberculosis (TB) patients than among control individuals. When the MPT-51 and GlcB assays were combined, 90.8% specificity and 75.5% sensitivity were observed. MPT-51 and GlcB were recognized in the humoral responses of Brazilian TB patients.




ALMEIDA, Cristina Melo Cardoso et al. Humoral immune resposnes of tuberculosis patients in Brazil indicate recognition of MPT-51 and GlcB. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, Washington, v. 15, n. 3, p. 579-581, 2008.