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Sistema de gestão da qualidade em laboratório oficial de análises de alimentos da Agência Goiana de Defesa Agropecuária: inovação e internacionalização para governança estadual
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-30) Gonçalves, Pryscilla Vanesa Rodrigues; Melo, Cristiano Barros de;; Benício, Cristyene Gonçalves;; Rezende, Cíntia Silva Minafra e;; Rezende, Cíntia Silva Minafra e; Martins, Danieli Brolo; Alves, Cláudia Bueno; Guimarães, Marcelo Sales; Fernandes, Daiana de Souza
Agricultural Defense is responsible for ensuring the origin, conformity and safety of products of animal origin intended for human consumption. Food safety depends on compliance with ood manufacturing practices, inspection and correct application of technical norms and standards established in the country. Official laboratory analysis constitutes a relevant regulatory instrument, supporting inspection actions through product monitoring. The lack of management in testing laboratories generates uncertainty regarding the carrying out of activities and results in results with a lower degree of reliability and lack of traceability. To this end, its implementation transforms the analytical rite, assessing innovative management and internationalization of the laboratory ecosystem. In this sense, the objective of this study was to describe the process of implementing a Quality Management System in an official state laboratory for analyzing foods of animal origin, in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17.025-2017. Initially, a situational diagnosis was carried out in the laboratory intended for this purpose, linked to the government of the state of Goiás named the Food Quality Control Laboratory (LABQUALI); In a second stage, the viability of the laboratory management system (QMS) in the current laboratory structure and the public administration's adherence to execution and restructuring were assessed. The third stage involved the implementation of the QMS and the fourth stage, the critical analysis of the consistency of previous actions for the effectiveness of the new laboratory management. All instruments for enabling the ISO 17.025-2017 standard were declared as necessary requirements and awareness was raised by the state Agricultural Defense Agency of Goias (AGRODEFESA) for the implementation and implementation of the standard. Documents, records were created and prepared, internal documents were issued. There was a broad flow of external documents, creation of manuals, writing of administrative, managerial and technical reports. For physical and financial execution, a schedule for acquisitions, human resources training, internal and external audits, proficiency tests, statistical process control and adaptation of all physical infrastructure and administrative, technical and scientific structure were prepared in relation to the requirements of the General Coordination of Accreditation (CGCRE) from the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO). The results obtained attested that the QMS proposed to LABQUALI met the requirements determined by the reference standard and was in line with what was recommended regarding the precepts and intentions for governance of the state of Goiás. In addition to laboratory quality management, it was verified that the communication with the state structure through the insertion of computerization of the laboratory system into the agency's digital platform and innovative action, compared to the other states of the federation and the Federal District. Another important result refers to LABQUALI's adherence to the Goiás Public Compliance Program. It was concluded that the creation of a laboratory management system generated numerous benefits for AGRODEFESA and the state. The existence of responsibility, reliability and traceability actions for the accuracy of results in food analysis, contributing to the growth and qualification of the official inspection service in the state of Goiás, also corroborates risk monitoring. The QMS implementation model for LABQUALI could support other official laboratories seeking qualifications to master laboratory management for regional and national development
Desvendando tendências: o universo da moda e as contradições socioespaciais na região da 44 em Goiânia-GO de 2010 a 2024
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-19) Correa, Letícya Sousa; Borges, Ronan Eustáquio;; Borges, Ronan Eustáquio; Matushima, Marcos Kazuo; Maia, Carlos Eduardo Santos
This dissertation proposes a discussion about the impacts of fashion commerce in the Rua 44 region, in Goiânia. Region 44 is the second largest fashion hub in Brazil, behind only Brás, in São Paulo, and presents an intense dynamism. The centrality that this commercial agglomeration plays in intra-urban transformations and in the landscape itself acts as an open-air laboratory for geography. Our location is Mega Moda Shopping, the largest shopping center in the region and one of the projects that exerts the most political, economic and social influence in the region, in addition to driving the transformation of the fashion hub. We also discuss the work carried out by the different classes present in the space. Some concepts guide our studies, such as fashion, centrality and landscape. Methodologically, the research relies on a bibliographical review of the concepts and historical contextualization of the region, in addition to semi-structured interviews and forms with open and closed questions. We conclude that Region 44, being the largest employer in the service sector in the State of Goiás, presents a unique operating dynamic, operating in an increasingly structured way and driving the creation of various government policies and actions to support small business owners and boost the fashion industry in Goiás, paying attention to women who are the majority in the fashion industry
Desempenho clínico de longo prazo de overdenture mandibular retida por implante unitário
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-11-25) Flores, Xotchil Lourdes Tellez; Leles, Cláudio Rodrigues;; Leles, Cláudio Rodrigues; Nogueira, Túlio Eduardo; Hartmann, Roberto
This study aimed to evaluate the long-term outcomes (up to 10 years) of two prospective cohorts of completely edentulous individuals treated with single implant mandibular overdenture (SIMO) opposed to a conventional maxillary complete denture. A total of 74 participants, treated between 2013 and 2016 at the School of Dentistry of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, were included. A single implant was placed in the mandibular midline, followed by the creation of a relief space in the complete mandibular denture, utilizing the ball O-ring retention system (Neodent, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil), outcomes were followed for 8 -10 years. Data collected included patient satisfaction with the dentures, quality of life related to oral health through the Oral Health Impact Profile for the Edentulous (OHIP-Edent), implant survival, implant stability, peri-implant health, and incidence of prosthodontic events. Multiple regression was performed using a Generalized Linear Model due to the repeated measurements of the longitudinal data and within-implant peri-implant measures. A significance level of p<0.05 was used. Of the 74 patients, 39 were included in the 8-to-10-year follow-up. Significant improvements in OHIP-Edent scores and satisfaction were observed immediately after treatment and maintained throughout the follow-up period. Regression analyses confirmed a significant positive effect of a SIMO on these outcomes (p < 0.001). The peri-implant results indicated a favorable health status with minimal peri-implant bone changes. The most frequently observed prosthetic complication was overdenture fracture (n = 74). Additionally, the most recurrent maintenance event was matrix replacement (n = 259). SIMO demonstrated good long-term performance with minimal clinical monitoring and maintenance. The initial positive outcomes persisted for up to 10 years, suggesting that a SIMO is a low-complexity option, particularly beneficial for older patients with financial constraints
Uma proposta de intervenção para o uso da realidade aumentada no Museu Antropológico da UFG
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-25) Tomaz, Cristiane Helena; Bernardelli, Luan Vinicius;; Bernardelli, Luan Vinicius; Nemirovsky, Gabriel Gualhanone; Petean, Gustavo Henrique; Brene, Paulo Rogério Alves
The advancement of new technologies has enabled progress in several areas, including museums. As an innovative experience in museums, Augmented Reality (AR) appears, proposing a more dynamic and attractive museum. The general objective of the study is to evaluate the benefits that the use of Augmented Reality could provide to the Anthropological Museum (MA) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). The specific objectives are to verify the profile of visitors and non-visitors to the MA, identify the factors associated with visiting the Museum and its recommendation to other individuals and evaluate the possibility of implementing an AR module in the MA. As a study methodology, a bibliographical research was carried out and a structured form was also applied to collect primary data in the UFG academic community. The difference tests between groups, Chi-square test and Pearson correlation index were used to analyze the data. From the results it was concluded that with the implementation of RA in MA the public would have a greater interest in visiting and recommending MA to other people
Complexos agroindustriais e sua influência na Farm Bill de 2014
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-22) Rodrigues, Isabela Almeida; Thomaz, Laís Forti;; Thomaz, Laís Forti; Okado, Lucas Toshiaki Archangelo; Lopes, Rafael Bittencourt Rodrigues
This work investigates the ethanol lobby on the American agricultural law, the Farm Bill, of 2014. The formation of the ethanol agro-industrial complex usually engages in the construction of arrangements between actors according to the best combination that helps them achieve their interests in agricultural laws. The role of the State is fundamental in this conformation: it is in its interest that the Farm Bills are perpetuated, as these laws help in the economic maintenance of the country. This situation occurs in a specific context that allows for re-election, international trade and lobbying. It is in this scenario that the influence of certain agents on public policies occurs. Thus, the objective is to understand the formulation of the 2014 Farm Bill, in addition to the aspects that influence its votes and how financing contributes to politicians continuing to vote in favor of these laws. To achieve this, in the research we will use the process-tracing method explaining outcome PT. The hypothesis is that the ethanol agro-industrial complex, through lobbying among actors interested in maintaining Farm Bills, influenced the formation of the 2014 law's agenda. As a result, it was possible to debate the theories used, in addition to collecting data regarding the law, and analyze the viability of the hypothesis. Finally, we conclude that there is interaction between different actors, in accordance with the hypotheses of the Advocacy Coalition Framework and the Agroindustrial Complex theory, which guided the agenda and approval of the 2014 Farm Bill