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Item A articulação e a coordenação de políticas públicas de desenvolvimento regional: os encontros e desencontros na RIDE/DF(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-04-20) Almeida, Ana Flávia Cordeiro Souza de; Ferreira, Vicente da Rocha Soares;; Ferreira, Vicente da Rocha Soares; Rosim, Daniela; Rocha Neto, João Mendes daThe National Policy for Regional Development (PNDR) has as its main focus the combat against asymmetries in the Brazilian territory. In this way and also to promote integrated actions to regional development, the PNDR brings the possibility to create priority regions to head the government actions. Through the Decree nº 7.469/2011, the Integrated Development Region of the Federal District and Surroundings (RIDE/DF) was created and delimited the participation of the Federal District, the states of Goiás and Minas Gerais. The RIDE/DF has as a main goal the seek for integration actions to achieve common objectives in shared areas and promote the development of the municipalities around the national capital, Brasilia. Thus, this study sought to analyze how the public policies in the scope of the RIDE/DF brought the conditions for the regional development. In this case, as a research strategy, was adopted the data collection from semi-structured interviews, policy documentation and census data. The content analysis was performed with NVivo software, in the results investigation and research orientation. Based on the theoretical basis, categories of analysis were created to characterize the study. The process of elaborating the RIDE/DF (formulation, implementation and evaluation) was investigated and verified that the actions in the scope of the public policy occurred with non-integrated planning, high expenditure in specific demands, poor articulation at the local level and concentration of resources in some municipalities. It was concluded that the disarticulation interferes negatively in the regional development processes on the context of the RIDE/DF, as the municipalities continue with high asymmetries when compared with each other and the Federal District.Item Incentivos fiscais e o programa “produzir” em Goiás: impactos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-01) Amaral, Ana Paula Xavier; Monsueto, Sandro Eduardo;; Monsueto, Sandro Eduardo; Ferreira, Vicente da Rocha Soares; Carvalho, Cláudia Regina RosalThe tax incentive is a government policy used in order to attract business and provide local development. This public action was initially used only by the federal government, however, with the 1988 Constitution, the states could also adopt this measure, which led to internal conflicts for attracting companies. The tax incentive has been discussed in the literature and does not yet have a consensus. Some authors defend their practice and others point out its shortcomings. In addition, there are few jobs that provide a statistical analysis at regional level. The impact of these programs on the development of the economy is still inconclusive, therefore, the present study was to verify if there is a significant correlation between public policies of tax incentives and regional development, analyzing the data on companies benefiting from the incentive program tax implemented in the state of Goiás (Produzir) and checking whether there is a correlation between this public policy with the economic aspects of the beneficiary regions. The analyzed data were extracted from the base of the Department of Industry and Commerce from Goiás and arranged in to 8 diferent econometric models. It was found that there is not a positive correlation between this tax incentive policy and the local industrial development in Goiás, in addition, this correlation is significant, despite having small values. The analyzed results corroborate with others researches pointing to a negative impacts of the use of tax incentives, and identified several weaknesses of the program should be fixed for a better economic performance, such as a better distribution of resources. This research contributes to the academic field as using estatistics models (Ordinary Least Squares) to identify correlation with economic development data of citys in Goiás. For future research, it is suggested to check is this a misallocation of resources, if there is funding request for little incentive areas or if companies that do not develop interest in investing in a particular place and why this occurs.Item Aprendizagem do empreendedorismo em equipe: influências contextuais sobre novas empresas de base tecnológica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-08) Arantes, Fernanda Paula; Freitag, Maria Salete Batista; Freitag, Maria Salete Batista; Borges Junior, Cândido Vieira; Grzybovski, DenizeConsidered as a continuous experiential process, entrepreneurial learning does not have enough conceptual structure to explain how a team of entrepreneurs learns. The scarce models presented in the literature focus on the entrepreneurial individual and, at times, disregard the context and other influence groups. Thus, from a constructivist sociocultural perspective, the present dissertation presents the development of a research whose main objective was to analyze and characterize the learning process of entrepreneurship in the level of New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) teams. The decision to study the founding teams of these organizations is due to the need they face to learn quickly, in view of the rapid evolution of the technology market. The study is constructivist sociocultural because it considers that to occur the sharing of knowledge and learning it is necessary to have social interaction, participation, formation of identity and contextual influence. The context in which a team finds itself directly influences its learning, at the same time that it is influenced, shaped by it. And, in view of the principle of Lebenswelt, one of the drivers of the study, it was considered that it is not possible to study the human being in a way that is isolated from his context, from the world he experiences, transferring this premise to teams. Therefore, following an interpretative phenomenological-hermeneutical approach and using a theoretical guiding model, the learning experiences of four different NTBF founding teams were analyzed, two incubated and two non-incubated. Three data collection procedures were used: semi-structured interviews, observation and documentary research; being applied on the collected data the premises of the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The study made it possible to capture the deeper meanings of the teams' learning experience, allowing the analysis of the impact of the context, the relevance of internal and external interpersonal relationships, and the strengthening of the human and social capital of a team for its learning. Thus, as the main result of the dissertation was proposed a conceptual model of entrepreneurial learning in team, which considers learning as a process continuously modified by the experience and joint reflection of individuals, being evolutionary and inseparable from the context.Item FCO rural nos municípios goianos: um estudo acerca de seus impactos socioeconômicos de 2008 a 2012(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-26) Araujo , Karla Mendonça de; Scalco , Paulo Roberto;; Scalco , Paulo RobertoThe aim of this study is to analyze the impact of the Constitutional Fund of the Midwest Finance (FCO), more specifically in the Goiás State agriculture for the induction of the growth of the municipalities in which they operate this program, and thus their contribution to reducing regional inequalities in Brazil. The empirical results show the importance of agribusiness to Goiás as well as explains the issues of regional inequality as well as indicating that the variables (GDP, employment, income and productivity) no significant relationship with the employment of rural FCO, however , that is the Constitutional Fund of the Midwest Finance showed no significant relationship with the differential economic growth of the cities where it operates .Item Desaprendizagem organizacional em empresas graduadas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-27) Botelho, Érica de Aguiar; Freitag, Maria Salete Batista;; Freitag, Maria Salete Batista; Teixeira, Rivanda Meira; Borges Junior, Candido VieiraThe aim of this study was to analyse how organizational unlearning occurs in ventures that have graduated from business incubation process. The research is exploratory, qualitative, with retrospective longitudinal time frame. A multiple case study was conducted, with the selection of six cases. Data was collected from semi-structured interviews, documentation and direct observations. Ventures and incubator perspectives were considered. Content analysis was taken. NVivo software was used to support the research. Based on theoretical backgrounds an analysis frame was elaborated in order to present the selected approaches. How organizational context of gradutated ventures that were bonded to a University Business Incubator in the technology sector can influence organizational unlearning was examined. Changes in organizational routines of graduated ventures were described, involving specific routines, from the new venture creation and development processes. Organizational unlearning was verified, predominantly in writing or updating business plan routine. Types of interplay between organizational learning and unlearning were identified. Isolated organizational learning was identified in every routine and all organizational unlearning situations were caracterized as isolated. Thus distinction between the two processes was corroborated. Situations where organizational unlearning precedes or occurs simultaneously to organizational learning were not observed. Relearning was verified only in writing or updating business plan routine. It was noticed that the context of these ventures offers opportunities for studying organizational unlearning not only after graduation but also during incubation period. Propositions were established based on venture incubation, new venture creation and development processes and organizational unlearning literatures.Item Impacto das atividades de marketing nos primeiros anos do negócio em seu desempenho futuro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-04) Camargo Filho, Altair; Borges Junior, Cândido Vieira;; Borges Junior, Cândido Vieira; Teixeira, Rivanda MeiraThis study aimed to analyze how the moment in which the venture starts using marketing activities in its early stages affects its future performance. In order to achieve this goal the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED), which consisted of application of questionnaires, via telephone, to 1,214 new entrepreneurs from the United States between the years 2005 and 2011. The data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis in which the dependent variables considered as performance were the survival and profitability of companies. The independent variables, marketing activities, were “effort to talk with potential clients”; “effort to collect competitors information”, and “execution of promotional efforts”. For the analysis, it was related the beginning of realization of marketing activities in the first and second years with the new venture’s performance in the second, third and fourth years. Results show that the first year is the optimal time for entrepreneurs to start talking to consumers, that is, the moment that takes the company to perform better in subsequent years. The execution of promotional efforts in the first year also leads to positive results for business, but results regarding the optimal moment to develop this action and regarding the collection of information about competitors were inconclusive.Item Terceirização: um estudo sobre trabalhadores terceirizados e não terceirizados em uma instituição de ensino superior(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-02-26) Camilo, Taynan Alexandre; Costa, Sérgio Henrique Barroca;; Medeiros, Luiza Ferreira Rezende; Antunes, Caio SgarbiWork in modernity occupies a central position in the life of the human being. Thus, aspects that concern the world of work end up influencing the whole existence of the individual. The shift from the prevalence of the fordist / taylorist model to the flexible toyotista model, added with the process of globalization and financialization of production, led to a process of deterritorialization and outsourcing of production. Both processes have the objective of reducing labor costs, either through the use of labor deregulation in some countries, or through more flexible ways of hiring labor. This paper aims to discuss, from a critical point of view, the possible impacts of the outsourcing phenomenon on the working-class life, from the point of view of outsourced and non-outsourced workers who carry out activities in a Higher Education Institution. The outsourcing process has been approached from three contexts - administrative, legal and social. The administrative aspect points to outsourcing as a "modern form of management", where the contracting company concentrates efforts on its core business. Regarding the legal aspects, the legal changes that have made the hiring of outsourced work, previously totally prohibited, become fully permitted, including those related to the company's main activities. In the social aspect, outsourcing is seen as one of the forms of precariousness of work, contributing to the commercialization of human activity, to intensify work and to weaken collective protection mechanisms (unions). The research was developed through a qualitative design, seeking the in-depth understanding of the phenomenon. Interviews were conducted with outsourced and non-outsourced workers who carry out their activities in a Higher Education Institution. Considering that social life can be thought from an interconnected network of social practices of different typologies, the data collected will be analyzed using the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) technique. The life history interviews with the workers allowed the understanding of some of the historical and social context that brought the members of these groups to the present moment. The study also allowed us to verify the extent to which these parallel stories at the beginning have tended to diverge to the detriment of outsourced workers during the work cycle. Longer working hours, lower wages, lack of job stability, high turnover of workers, constant change of company, impossibility to access labor rights, union isolation, lack of institutional incentives, among others, makes this new service proletariat a "precarious work class". As a suggestion for future research, the studies with workers who perform other activities and are part of the same legal regime can bring new dimensions, new categories of analysis and promote new discussions that this study could not achieve.Item Fatores institucionais associados à evasão na educação superior(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-07) Carvalho, Alessandro Pires de; Sousa, Marcos de Moraes;; Sousa, Marcos de Moraes;; Parreira, Gizele Geralda; Cardoso, Flávio Manoel Coelho BorgesDropout is one of the bottlenecks to be overcome by education in its various stages, especially in Higher Education, in which the Educational Institutions suffer from the constant losses of students. In order to better understand this phenomenon, this research aimed to describe the institutional factors associated with it, using as normative reference the concept of evasion of the Special Study Committee of ANDIFES, which defines as evade any student who definitively leaves the original course without, therefore, concluding it. The research was carried out within the framework of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás, which has fourteen campuses in several cities of the state. The microdata of the Higher Education Census, in the period from 2010 to 2014, were used and analyzed using Descriptive Statistics mechanisms. As a result, it was observed that several institutional factors mentioned in the literature regarding the dropout rate did not significantly influence evasion in the analyzed educational institution, such as the course shift and duration. The average dropout rate per course found in the study is quite floating, with the values between the lowest and the highest evasion rates being very different, 8% and 42%, respectively. In the analyzed institution, there are educational policies that contribute - or at least should contribute - to the permanence of the student in the course. The most evident pedagogical aspect of the institution is the monitoring program, which assists students with more difficulty in some course subjects. The institutional evaluation allows both the internal and external community to contribute, in order to allow the institution to identify possible bottlenecks affecting the administration. On the other hand, when analyzing the average annual evasion of this institution in the period, it is noted that it follows a pattern of similarity.Item A relação entre ciência, tecnologia e inovação e o empreendedorismo de alto crescimento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-05-18) Condeixa, Gustavo Abrantes; Monsueto, Sandro Eduardo;; Borges Junior, Cândido Vieira;; Borges Junior, Cândido Vieira; Monsueto, Sandro Eduardo; Emmendoerfer, Magnus Luiz; Mesquita, Albenones José deHigh growth is a phenomenon that occurs for a small group of companies and, it is related to fast growth caused by new jobs creation or superior growth compared to other companies. Researchers and public politics makers showing interest for companies with high growth is motivated by the fact that those companies are perceived as important factors for a dynamic economy and, job creation. They are also known for creating and diffusing new technologic knowledge, contributing for regional development. To analyze the relation between science, technology and innovation's regional indicators, as well as the entrepreneurship indicators of high growth in the Brazilian states, the collected data composed a cross-section within the 27 Brazilian federation states, between the years of 2008 and 2012, having its explanatory variables grouped into four indicators of ST&I that corresponds to ST&I infrastructure, ST&I Human Resources, Investment in R&D and Innovation. Stacked data was utilized and the estimated method adopted was the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS).To better adjust the proposed model the dependent variable TEAC general was segregated for the Service, Industry and Commerce sectors.16 logistics regression specifications was studied in reference to the four proposed equations, segregated in function of the four dependent variables mentioned. The results shown in this work demonstrate the existence of a low correlation between ST&I and TEAC general. It also suggests that the activities sector is an important component in relation between ST&I and TEAC, although the ST&I indicators present larger impact for Industry Sector's TEAC. Another significant result was that a better human resources qualification results in better TEAC. To prove the theory, it was verified a strong correlation among people hired with bachelor's degree while a person holding a master or Ph.D. degree didn't present significance to the study.Item Impacto dinâmico da estratégia de marketing em dispositivos móveis no desempenho de uma empresa varejista(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-04-30) Costa, Milena Alves; Almeida, Marcos Inácio de Severo;; Almeida, Marcos Inácio Severo de; Monsueto, Sandro Eduardo; Coelho, Ricardo Limongi França; Vieira, Valter AfonsoThe aim of this paper was to analyze the impact of the marketing strategy in mobile devices, through promotional and advertising publicity in offers aggregator app and social media, in company performance, which will be represented by the sales revenue, gross profit and number of sales. To achieve this goal, the data was analyzed in 91 days, from October 1st to December 31st of 2017, of a midsize supermarket, its social media and the visualizations of its content in an app. The analyses happened by an autoregressive modeling, method that has as an analyses tool result the generation of the impulse response function, that will provide the strategies elasticity in social media and app in performance. The results are: the visualizations of the app have direct effect on the number of sales, total sales and gross profit of the supermarket. The reach of posts (variable regarding to the social media), had effect only on the app, which demonstrates indirect impact in performance. It can be concluded that the communication channels integration in mobiles devices have a direct and indirect impact on the business performance, being a practicable alternative to the midsize retail companies invest in marketing.Item Avaliação de impacto do projeto Escola Estadual de Tempo Integral em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-04) Costa, Rafael dos Reis; Monsueto, Sandro Eduardo;; Monsueto, Sandro Eduardo; Najberg, Estela; Cardoso, Larissa BarbosaThe State School Program of Full Time, started in 2006 in the state of Goiás. It have 135 schools attended in 2013. This program offers cultural and sports activities, besides school reinforcement. The study intends to evaluate the project impacts on the academic performance in portuguese language and math of the 5th and 9th graders with data from the Brazil Proof (Prova Brasil) of 2013. To achieve this goal was used the method of propensity score matching. The results found point to non-significant effects in mathematics and portuguese language for the 5th graders. On the other hand, the 9th graders who study in schools that participated in the program before 2013 the effects are positive. Those in schools that started the program in 2013 did not have a significant difference in math, but did a negative and significant performance in comparison with the control group in portuguese language.Item Processo de desenvolvimento de um novo serviço - atividades críticas para o setor de transporte aéreo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-30) Cualheta, Luciana Padovez; Souza, Mauro Caetano de;; Souza, Mauro Caetano de; Borges Junior, Cândido Vieira; Silva, Isidro AntônioThe air transport sector is highly relevant to the global economy and has grown about six times the global GDP in recent years. Nevertheless, it has not been able to generate the desired profitability, due to high costs and the inability to deliver differentiated services to customers. In this context, innovation in services is a priority. This study aimed to identify what are the main practices in the new service development process (NSDP) for companies in the air transport industry. Several NSDP practices are identified in the literature which make up a conceptual model. By conducting multiple case studies and comparing the results with the literature, ten of those practices are found to be recurrent in the air transport industry. They are: analyzing the external environment, analysis of the financial capacity of the company, the creation of support activities, the new service price definition, employee training, adaptation of the physical structure, the disclosure of the new service, disclosure of the benefits of the new service for the customer, obtaining customer feedback and the comparison of actual costs versus planned costs. Future research should try to understand how and why those activities occur.Item O papel da confiança nas alianças estratégicas em sistemas agroindustriais: o caso do tomate cereja no estado de Goiás, Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-10-22) Ferreira, Regiane Colatini Gomes; Rossi, Ricardo Messias;; Rossi, Ricardo Messias; Souza, Mauro Caetano de; Conejero, Marco AntonioThe Agroindustrial System (AS) is complex, dynamic and competitive. In this context, the agents acting in an AS need to choose strategies to deal with this environment. In this sense, firms should establish strategic alliances in order to get a competitive advantage. Strategic alliances are related to trade-based relationships and trust among agents. Thus, this study aims to assess the role of trust in establishment and sustainability of such strategic alliances in the type grape tomato agricultural system in Goiás State, Brasil. We rely on Strategic Alliance, Transaction Costs Economics and Trust literature as a theoretical framework. We use qualitative and descriptive techniques as a methodological framework. This methodology comprises semi-structured interviews and non- participative observations. The data will be interpreted by means of content analysis. Our analysis points out the main sources that enables trust in the relationship between grape-tomato growers and their partners: (1) Transference process, (2) Reputation, (3) Frequency e (4) ex-ante reputation. In addition, we shed a light on how trust directs strategic alliances by grape-tomato growers during the set up phase and strategic alliance maintenance. Therefore, this research presents an empirical contribution to the understanding on how trust affects interorganizational within the grape-tomato AS. Future research should increase the number of cases and rely on quantitative methods. The main take away relates to studies that capture the economic feasibility of strategic alliances in order to make a stronger point regarding financial aspects to agents intending to participate in a strategic alliance.Item Fatores determinantes da eficiência no processo de compras públicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-01) França, Jairo Fernando Taufick; Gomes, Ricardo Corrêa;; Gomes, Ricardo Corrêa; Guarnieri , Patrícia; Najberg, EstelaThe importance of Government Procurement comes from the constitutional imposition. This fact forces the Public Administration to process the public bidding for the purchase of goods and services to meet society demands. Thus, moving up a significant part of the economy, around 10% to 15% of the GDP in Brazil. The procurement process is imperative to the achievement of Public Administration objectives. It is important to emphasize that it will be possible to get the reduction of the public expenditure and the stakeholders satisfaction, only achieving efficiency on this process of purchasing and service contracting. In order to contribute to fill gaps in the scientific literature, this study analyses the data of 3.310 public biddings in Goiás State during 2012 to 2016, in the Electronic Procurement. The study aimed to identify the determinant factors of the efficiency of the Electronic Procurement, considering the analysis of Celerity and Economy. After the descriptive analysis, univariate analysis, such as the correlation of X2 and Pearson correlation, and multivariate analysis, such as the Multiple Correspondence Analysis – MCA and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis – HCA, the results showed that the determinant factors of the efficiency in Electronic Procurement are the following: a) nature of the expenditure, consumption or permanent; b) quantity of items in the process; c) biddings exclusively for micro enterprises – ME and small business – EPP; d) the size of the winning company in the bidding process, ME and EPP or any other; e) the administrative organization, direct and indirect public administration; f) municipal and state/federal election year; g) amount of the intended expenditure. This study contributes to fill in part of the theoretical gap on the multivariate analysis of the determinant factors in the performance of public procurement processes.Item Práticas organizativas dos empreendedores culturais na constituição das cidades: compreendendo a produção e ocupação dos espaços da cidade por grupos de forró em Brasília, Distrito Federal(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-28) Franco, Bárbara Lopes; Oliveira, Josiane Silva de;; Freitag, Maria Salete Batista; Fantinel, Letícia DiasIn this dissertation, I propose that the daily practices of organizations on the field of popular culture form policies of production and space occupation in cities that resist the logical imposition of the urban space planning. I strongly highlight that the cities are organizational processes, therefore may be based on the daily practices of the organizations that inhabit them. I propose a theoretic approach of the Practice-Based Studies (PBS) in the Administration area with discussions about cities, starting from the discussions proposed by Certeau (2008) having as an empirical context of research the organizational daily routine of cultural entrepreneurs. For the development of these concepts of organizational analysis, I carried a qualitative study in 2017 with a forró subjects in Distrito Federal, considered a popular culture movement. The choice of the organization occurred because the different subjects of forró are constituted by performative shows and events in different locations of the city of Brasilia, that makes possible to comprehend different spaces produced by the organization studied that comprises Brasília. The production of the empirical material for the analysis will occur from the observations of the participants that will be held on a daily bais of the studied organization, as well as interviews of the life history that should be done with the subjects of forró in Brasília. As contribution to the Administration area, I emphasize (1) the relevance of thinking the city as an organizational process; (2) the understanding that daily practices of organizations form policies of production and spaces occupation in the cities; (3) the relevance of thinking popular cultures as organizational processes of resistance against city planning logic; (4) the advance on the theoretical appropriation of Michel de Certeau works to organizational analysis.Item Avaliação dos impactos de um programa de mobilidade acadêmica internacional: o caso Brasil-França, ao nível de graduação em ciências agrárias(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-05) Goes, Marcos Linhares; Najberg, Estela;; Najberg, Estela; Sousa, Marcos de Moraes; Carvalho, José MárcioThe internationalization of higher education refers to the increasing interconnections among national education systems, in which the sending and receiving of students, professors and technical-administrative staff is an essential component. In this context, the present study aims at assessing the international academic mobility program CAPES-BRAFAGRI, from 2006 to 2014, contained in the public policy of internationalization of higher education Binational University Partnerships. The study takes as starting point regulatory documents from CAPES and from UFG and processes mapping that describe the actions of BRAFAGRI program: funding, eligible undergraduate courses, selection, sending and receiving of students and evaluation of the activities performed. To measure the academic performance during the mobility period, were collected data on the studied subjects, approved and utilized in academic processes and, to measure the students perceptions on international academic mobility and employability trend, was submitted to them a structured questionnaire. Through documents and mapping processes it was described the public policy cycle of the program in which were identified: the actors, the activities, the arenas and the institutional environment. Academic processes information have showed that the number of vacancies offered for academic mobility in French institutions is larger than the demand; students have been approved in 70% of subjects taken, however, only 50% of these disciplines are utilized in specific core of the curriculum structures from original courses; Engineering Food is most likely to celebrate double University Degree. Data on students perceptions have shown: international academic mobility was very important for University Graduation and then employability; the expectation of mobility has been satisfied; language teaching and interculturalism are better in French higher education institutions; few previous foreign languages knowledge hindered the implementation of academic and social integration activities. The internationalization policy of higher education directed to undergraduate students fills a gap by providing to Brazilian students, including low-income, take courses and perform stages in different countries, which contributed to the improvement of student graduation and increased internationalization of Brazilian universities. Studies to adopt the methodology developed in this work can be done in other programs that make up the policy of Capes Binational University Partnerships. As a contribution to the understanding of internationalization of higher education, we suggest further studies on the strategic positioning of the internationalization of higher education in the strategic plans of universities, comparative studies of strategies and outcomes among internationalization of policies made in Brazil and in other countries.Item Capacidades administrativas municipais: desempenho e desenvolvimento dos municípios goianos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-10-30) Jacob, Kelly Cristina Gomes; Ferreira, Vicente da Rocha Soares;; Ferreira, Vicente da Rocha Soares; Rosim, Daniela; Valadão Júnior, Valdir MachadoThe decentralization of public administration to local governments dictated by the Constitution of 88 gave greater administrative autonomy to municipalities, thereby increasing their responsibility for providing services to the population. As a result, there was an increase in the volume of resources to be managed locally, which, however, was not matched at the same speed by the capacity of municipal governments to manage them. In this sense, the present study aimed to demonstrate the repercussions of administ rative capacities on the performance and development of the municipalities of Goiás. We adopted the descriptive, cross-sectional and documentary research for the development of this study. For data analysis, we used procedures and techniques that make up descriptive statistics, which allowed the analysis and interpretation of data from pre-established categories, created based on the theoretical foundation. There was a positive relationship between municipal size and administrative capacity, since larger municipalities work with less revenue, with fewer staff, but are able to deliver better results regarding municipal and human development.Item Análise da implementação da política de turismo na região de negócios e tradições em Goiás (2008-2014)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-06-03) Jesus, Rassan Solarevisky de; Najberg, Estela; proper planning and effective implementation of a public policy for the development of tourism, this sector can contribute to economic and social development of a region. This research aimed to identify and analyze the factors involved in the implementation of tourism policy in Business and Traditions Region in the State of Goiás, between 2008 and 2014. The research took advantage of the qualitative approach and the study only if the method for its operation, which concluded that there was a low degree of implementation of the programs and actions in the documents that guide the tourism policy in the region studied: Integrated Development Plan for Sustainable Tourism (2012), Business Plan (2008) Tourism Municipal plans Goiania, Anapolis and Trinity Marketing Plan. The factors identified for this are: the political games established in the trading networks; the alternation of power; not specifying the technical, human and financial; the implementation of actions, projects and strategies of top-donw way, besides a very incipient intersectoriality the management of public policy tourism process process in the region Business and Traditions. Suggested some alternatives with a view to greater success in implementing this type of policy, such as: management of more interactive policy between the actors, the articulation between the regional and municipal plans, greater private sector participation in the management of tourism policies ; and even a better specification of the human, technical and financial resources for each proposed action.Item Gestão por competências em universidades públicas federais: análise de modelos, aspectos que influenciam sua adoção e respectivos impactos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-11-18) Landfeldt, Isabela Machado Papalardo; Odelius, Catarina Cecília;; Odelius, Catarina Cecília;; Abbad, Gardênia da Silva; Freitag, Maria Salete BatistaThe concept of competence takes different meanings in organizations and some features are essential to organizational performance. Therefore, it becomes important the competence management aimed at people management in order to maintain and develop skills required for the organization performance. In the Brazilian public sector, competence management was established through the Decree nº. 5,707/2006 which sets the National Policy for Staff Development (PNDP), encouraging permanent learning and development of institutional skills from individual skills. Despite the fact that competence management is not exactly old, it is already widespread in different institutions. In this way, public institutions end up sharing and using management methods applied in other institutions, showing very similar characteristics and management models, which is a feature of isomorphism. In consequence, considering the implementation of competence management requirement in federal public institutions in Brazil, this study aims to identify and describe the aspects that influence policies of competence management in federal universities and what the development and implementation of these policies generate in terms of learning. Based on the literature, initially the concepts of competence in organizations, learning in organizations and institutionalization of practices were defined. Then the methodology was set, so that this research is characterized as interpretative, descriptive and case studies. Seven Brazilian Federal universities were analyzed among a universe of 14 universities that have already started the implementation of competence management. With a semi-structured guide, interviews were conducted with managers involved in the process of development, implementation, monitoring and impact of management skills. Data were analyzed based on the goals set before. It was identified that among of the seven universities analyzed, none of them has the competence management model consolidated, whereas some universities are in development step and other in an advanced processes. The main areas that are affected by competence management in universities are training and performance evaluation. Besides relating the fields of study of competences, learning and institutionalization, this research contributes to organizations to understand better the demands of the Decree 5.707/2006 as well as to serve as a tools source for better management of servers.Item Financiamento de campanhas eleitorais e empréstimos do BNDES: lobby e interesses privados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-20) Lopes, Alex Diniz; Scalco, Paulo Roberto;; Scalco, Paulo RobertoThe National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and one of the world's development banks and the main instrument of Federal Government long term investment and Financing in almost all the segments of the Brazilian economy. Last doze years, one of the main features of national economic policy was the increase in bank acting, of increasing loans and their greater participation in the Brazilian economy. While some of the resources have been directed one other state entities, the largest share of expenditures, was destined to private companies, in the form of fusions operations or support for investment Projects, most of the time, with interest rates subsidized. In list of companies that were more benefited by the Bank loans include contumacious donors of election campaigns. The possible political influence over the decisions of the BNDES is a very important aspect, in that it is a federal public company, its resources come mainly from public funds as FAT and the National Treasury, originating mainly in the taxes paid by citizens and businesses. This study analyzed the relationship between the financing of election campaigns and the BNDES credit operations. In order to understand the dynamics between the elections and the state of the credit policy we used the regression method with panel data, using quantitative information on: a) provision of election campaigns accounts available in the electronic site of Election-TSE Superior Court; and b) List of direct and indirect operations not automatic BNDES, available on the Site of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development. The results showed that the donations campaign designed to related parties the president of the republic positively influence the BNDES loans and, on the other hand, the donations the opposition parties have the opposite effect. In this same vein, it was found also evidence that there is a positive relationship between the victory of candidate recipient of donations, especially for the post of federal deputy, and access to BNDES credit.
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