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Item Gerenciamento de resultados, custo da dívida e trade off entre as estratégias de gerenciamento: evidências do mercado brasileiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-18) Almeida, Gabriel Queiroz de; Diaz, Mario Ernesto Piscoya;; Carmo, Carlos Henrique Silva do;; Carmo, Carlos Henrique Silva do; Diaz, Mario Ernesto Piscoya; Zanolla, Ercilio; Paulo, EdilsonThe objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between Earnings Management by Real Earnings Management (REM) and by Accruals Earnings Management (AEM) in the cost of debt of Brazilian publicly traded companies, as well as to investigate how debt could impact the trade-off between these same strategies. Searching indications of how the characteristics of each strategy and the ability of creditors to perceive earnings management would impact the cost of debt and how the manager would direct earnings management as a whole, in light of the cost of debt. Hypotheses 1 and 2 were based on the assumption that creditors would perceive the informational asymmetry and the potential risks of the two earnings management strategies, thus there would be a positive association between the strategies and the cost of debt. Hypothesis 3, was developed taking into account the characteristics of each earnings management strategy, the manager would adjust the way in which they are used if pressured by the cost of debt. The study was conducted in a set of Brazilian non-financial publicly traded entities in the period from 2010 to 2018. The management strategies were estimated using the Roychowdhury (2006) models for Real Earnings Management and the Pae (2005) and Jones (1991) models for Accrual Earnings Management. The analysis was performed through the implementation of statistical techniques (univariate, bivariate and multivariate), such as quantile regressions, logit, panel data and GLS. The results indicated for hypotheses 1 and 2 that management trough REM is not perceived in a satisfactory manner and misinterpreted in the case of REM by discretionary expenditures, indicated by the negative association found, which can be explained by a certain lack of sophistication of the brazilian market in perceiving REM, after all, it is considered more difficult to perceive. About the accruals, the sign found was the same found in the literature and according to the established hypothesis, creditors are able to perceive the abnormal movement of accruals and include it in the required compensation. The results of hypothesis 3 indicated that the cost of debt is capable of impacting how managers use earnings management strategies, with a reduction in REM and an increase in AEM the higher the cost of debt is. Estimation through 2SLS was also carried out to resolve any inconsistency related to endogeneity (simultaneity), the results indicated that it is the perception of creditors that drives the association, therefore the manager is not so concerned with debt issues when applying earnings management techniques, thus tending to manage in search of issues related to compensation and the stock market. The results contribute to the research in earnings management and indicates the inability of the corporate debt market to perceive and incorporate REM into debt costs efficiently.Item Efeitos da adoção da IFRS 15 no gerenciamento de receitas: uma análise dos países do BRICS(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-11) Braga, Paula Graciely da Silva; Carmo, Carlos Henrique Silva do;; Carmo, Carlos Henrique Silva do; Machado, Lúcio de Souza; Marques, Vagner AntônioInternational accounting standards are guided by principles, offering managers greater judgment and discretion in the preparation of financial statements. In this environment of accounting standards, as of January 2018, the new revenue recognition standard, entitled IFRS 15, is inserted, having as scope more possibilities of choices and judgments on the part of managers. Such discretion offers the possibility to more accurately portray the economic particularities of each company and, on the other hand, it can facilitate the manipulation of discretionary revenues. In view of this, the present research aimed to analyze whether the adoption of IFRS 15 influenced the practice of earnings management through specific accruals of revenues. As specific objectives, we sought to verify whether this influence differs in each country and in each sector. 1116 companies from countries belonging to the acronym BRICS were analyzed, classified in the sectors of telecommunications, software, engineering, construction and real estate, and the automobile sector, covering a time period from 2016 to 2018. To test the research hypotheses, discretionary revenues were estimated through the model developed by Caylor (2010), and later used as a proxy for revenue management. Multivariate regressions were performed with panel data with robust random effects. The results demonstrate that the effectiveness of IFRS 15 positively influenced the practice of revenue management, in other words, from the adoption of the new revenue recognition standard, there was an increase in management levels by revenue accruals. It was also found that the effects of IFRS 15 differ according to the country and the sector, with a significant difference in China in the engineering, construction and real estate sector.Item Contribuições de red flags para detecção de fraudes corporativas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-01-15) Nascimento, Monize Ramos do; Piscoya Diaz, Mário Ernesto;; Piscoya Diaz, Mário Ernesto; Rech, Ilírio José; Murcia, Fernando Dal-Ri; Pundrinch, Gabriel PereiraResearch has shown the importance of corporate fraud risk red flags from Cressey's (1953) fraud risk theory. Despite presenting false positives, they can identify a fraudulent situation at an early stage. However, the analysis of the use of financial indicators from financial statements has not yet received due attention from scientific research due to their degree of relevance. Thus, there is timely research that has empirically explored the ability of a set of red flags to help identify signs of fraud. In this sense, the objective of this research is to investigate the contributions of red flags obtained from financial reports in the detection of corporate fraud. In order to achieve the proposed objective, non-financial publicly traded companies with shares traded on the Brazilian stock exchange, called B3 (Brasil Bolsa Balcão), were selected, totaling 277 companies. To construct the database used in the variables analyzed, the information present in the companies' explanatory notes, in the Thonsom Reuters® database, on the website of the Commission of Monetary Values (CVM) and the Federal Police, was considered. For the selection of companies, the years between 2008 and 2018 were considered. For the selection of variables, the period was from 2006 to 2018, allowing data to be collected before the fraud occurred. The method chosen was Logistic Regression for panel data. Indicators identified in the literature with potential to identify evidence of fraud were selected. The variables collected were audit firm, debt, inventory increase, profitability and operating losses. The results confirmed the positive association between liability size and fraud risk. For the other red flags addressed, no statistical significance was found to suggest possible contributions. The findings of the research contribute to the discussion of the theme regarding the prevention of corporate fraud.Item Retenção de caixa e estratégias de gerenciamento de risco corporativo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-19) Sousa, Elizamar Costa; Cruz, Alethéia Ferreira da;; Cruz, Alethéia Ferreira da; Barboza, Flávio Luiz de Moraes; Pimenta , Daiana PaulaThis study aims to analyze the impact of corporate risk management strategies on cash holding decisions in publicly traded Brazilian companies listed on B3, based on an empirical model. The strategies being evaluated are the use of political connection and the use of hedge as tools for corporate liquidity. In order to achieve the proposed objective, in the first analysis, the relationship between political connection and cash holding is observed with a regression evaluation with panel data using the stacked OLS technique. In the second analysis, based the theoretical model of Disatnik et. al. (2014), shows how corporate hedge and corporate liquidity policy facilitates greater dependence on economic liquidity, with a new empirical approach between cash and other types of hedging instruments. Based on these considerations, the paper explores and discusses constructs related to the political connections of companies and the use of corporate hedge. The results demonstrate the following evidence: the relationship between members of the board of directors, executive officers or corporate committees as elected politicians suggests a greater volume of cash reserves for companies, showing evidence that there is a political connection through this association; by evaluating the types of hegde used by companies, it is possible to notice an increase in the use of these instruments in Brazilian companies. These results contribute to consolidate the relevance of political issues in corporate strategy, as well as to explore the theoretical integration between cash holding and financial derivatives as risk management instruments.