Mestrado em Arte e Cultura Visual (FAV)
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Item Estéticas da existência: a moda nos Festivais de Rock (Goiânia Noise Festival e Lollapalooza Music Festival-2008/2009)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-04-13) ABDALA, Lorena Pompei; MENDONÇA, Míriam da Costa Manso Moreira de; dissertation deals about the care of the self as a mediator of the construction of identities, which legitimize the existence of the socio-cultural subjects. Through the visual narratives produced in the scenario of rock festivals, were traced the relationship of fashion as a tool for the construction of identity. The fashion, understood as a social and cultural practice operates as an existential support in the setting of the visual symbolic representation of a given culture at a given time and space history. The figures of speech created by the practices of fashion generate social archetypes that become signs of a life style. The dress becomes a whole system of meaning. The analysis is based on photographs taken of goers of the two festivals (Festival Goiânia Noise and Lollapalooza Music Festival), noting that were considered the subjects photographed and not the photograph itself, as supported by observation. The study was structured considering the symbolic systems as creators of communities of existence and fashion as a form of social practice. Thus, the work is grounded in the discourse of fashion in the form of how identities are determined by simulations made by the groups / tribes and how to establish mediated existence poetics of everyday wear.Item Brasília gravada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-03-27) AFONSO, Manoela dos Anjos; FRAGOSO, Maria Luiza Pinheiro Guimares;; CLÍMACO, José César Teatini; Master dissertation is mainly composed by some reflections about the creation processes that have brought me to the beginning of a new engraving production. The graphic research showed here was made from 2003 to 2005 and is a result of my affective relation with Brasilia through several languages. As I got to know the city, initially having a foreign look over it, I came from the architecture to its history and then to the Nicolas Behr´s poetry. In that constant transit I made the Brasília Gravada engraving series, which became a thinkingthe- city graphic place.Item Percorrendo Tangerine: discursos e territórios da memória(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-04-22) Alexandre, Alda; Martins, Alice Fátima;; Martins, Alice Fátima; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Ferreira, Glauco BatistaThis paper proposes to discuss, in the perspective of the Queer Studies or Theories and in the context of Visual Culture, how conceptions related to gender are reflected in the discourse of the protagonists of the film Tangerine (USA, 2015) by Sean Baker and also to the notion of what it is to be a woman. This analysis comes from the concept of performativity diffused by Judith Butler as a specific modality of power, which acts as normalizing discourse, and it is reflected, in the field of enunciation, about the constitution of the genre. It is a reflection that was taken from the expression "real woman" used by the characters to refer to a street contestant, a cisgender woman, who appears in the history at first as her antagonist. Throughout this study the autobiography cutout is used as a methodological resource, in search of possible confluences between the experiences of the characters and those of the author in the bias of the discursive practices of gender, whose symbolic construction, in a cultural, social and family system is based on the notion that there are "real women." This analysis also goes through the scope of education, where the performative power of the statement is also guided by the binary notion of gender, contributing to the hypersexualization of female bodies and bodies outside the norm. It is a process that is taken to extremes when subjects who do not fit the shared pattern of heteronormativity are expurgated. The non- formal educational practices that are in the film intersect with the formal practices that have affected the author's experience as a teacher, which in turn are intrinsically related to the notion of identity that constituted her.Item Narrativas de patrimônio e percepções culturais sob a ótica da cultura visual(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-05-09) ALEXANDRIA, Genilda da Silva; GUIMARÃES, Leda Maria de Barros; dissertation aims to investigate the relationship between patrimony and society, and in this sense focuses on the processes related to the building of this patrimony, by seek-ing out through the so-called narratives on patrimony a mélange of senses and under-standings about this theme and linked to the field of the visual culture. In reality, this is also a research under a clear-cut pedagogical approach, so that there is herein an inten-tion to re-read, reanalyze and reinvestigate, giving rise to a speculative review, the rela-tionship between identity and culture concerning the topic patrimony.Item Simbiose: relações mútuas através do fazer artístico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-06) Alves, Don Gomes; Chaud, Eliane Maria;; Chaud, Eliane Maria;; Frade, Isabela Nascimento; Guimarães, Leda Maria de BarrosThe project "Symbiosis" aims to bring reflections on human beings and their relationship with the means they inhabit, whether for the environment, their habitat and/or other beings of our specie. In developing this search an experience was made in the Recycling Cooperative Healthy Environment (COOPERMAS), with activities and reflections that brought to light the prejudices surrounding that space, culminating in the use of art making how a relational tool among members and neighborhood working collective characteristics in a collaborative proposalIt was being built step by step. Human habits are put to debate this process and raise the power that cultural activities have to intervene in hostile environments, human working towards a connection between beings that circumscribe the cloth of Gaia.Item Caminhos cruzados artistas entre viagens, olhares e tempos: arte e ciência na expedição Langsdorff: séculos XIX e XX(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-02-14) AMBRIZZI, Miguel Luiz; MONTEIRO, Rosana Horio; research CAMINHOS CRUZADOS. ARTISTAS ENTRE VIAGENS, OLHARES E TEMPOS: ARTE E CIÊNCIA NA EXPEDIÇÃO LANGSDORFF - SÉCULOS XIX E XX results from the study of a curatorial project in contemporary art ( O Brasil de hoje no espelho do século XIX Artistas alemães e brasileiros refazem a expedição Langsdorff , 1995, Dieter Strauss e Alfons Hug). This work, with a bibliographical study in Art History, History and Sociology of the Travel presents visualities readers of artworks produced by the artists of 19th and 20th centuries. The explorers / traveling artists like Rugendas, Taunay and Florence, in a context of The Langsdorff Expedition (1822-1829), and the contemporary artists Carlos Vergara, José Fujocka, Olaf Nicolai and Anatoli Juravlev, all they, development the relationship between Art and Science. The Langsdorff Expedition (1822-1829) between two ways of look, the landscape and the naturalistic view, including the representational notion of the Nature, produces a pattern of iconographic representation (scientific and documental). For this study, the travelers story in a scientific mission (Rugendas, Taunay, Florence) and their relationships with the historical and natural environmental includes and meets biographical elements and iconographic analysis and stylistic, technical and formal analysis. The representational and conceptual changes between 19th and 20th centuries are the background for the analyses artists works. This works are described and analyzed, in the project context, including the expedition and the artistic trajectory and production. In our time, Brazilians (José Fujocka and Carlos Vergara) and foreigns artists (Michael Fahres, Olaf Nicolai, Anatoli Juravlev) restores for the present The Langsdorff Expedition with multiples points of view, representations and languages with a intention to propose questions and problems to our own world. Key-words: Art History, travelers artists, Art and Science, Langsdorff Expedition.Item Que memórias me atravessam? Meu percurso de estudante indígena(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-14) Anaquiri, Mirna Kambeba Omágua-Yetê; Martins, Raimundo;; Martins, Raimundo; Miranda, Fernando; Abreu, Carla Luzia deThis is an autobiographical research concerning my career as an indigenous and quota student in the Visual Arts undergraduate program at the Faculty of Visual Arts of the Federal University of Goiás (Brazil). The purpose of the research is to gather elements to understand how autobiographical narrative can help me in teacher construction, and how teacher construction can help my indigenous identity. The thesis is structured in four chapters. In the first one, I present a narrative of some key moments of my career as an indigenous student, focusing on my admission at the Federal University of Goiás, and on my experience in courses that have significantly contributed to my teacher training, as well as in postgraduate courses I attended as a special student. The second chapter is devoted to the processes of elaboration of this research. I make an exposition of the initial methodological intentions, report on the changes that have taken place and present the guiding questions of the research. Used as part of the methodological procedures, I present the performance "What memories cross me?", and describe the activities carried out in the field work. In the third chapter, I analyze the plots that were constructed in the course of field research based on the principles of Visual Culture Education. In the fourth chapter, I draw the final conclusions of my research, highlighting its main points and achievements.Item Entre artistas, cineastas e sujeitos desviantes, a questão do olhar educado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-06-01) ARAÚJO, Allex Rodrigo Medrado; MARTINS, Alice Fátima; paper proposes an investigative reflection and (mis)reading helical tangle of lines that seeks, in the discourses and images of dadá and the avant-garde film movement dogma95 elements for performing an artistic intervention in the Rodoviaria Plano Piloto in Brasília (DF). The focus of the text is aimed at the questions that underlie the notion of looking educated in the (mis)direction of visual culture, as epistemological basis in order to ask about the different meanings articulated by the individuals who pass in the environment of the intervention in the field. By this route, the lines of escape and overflow interpretations by those subjects who admit a multiplicity of perspectives shaped, inventive and deviants, before the cultural transgressions in insurgency movements above. The research had the (dis)methodological guid Merz in the Hand, which has theoretical and historical descriptions of the movements in question, and the bases for practices with structured interviews, structured scripts of questions by e-mail, photographs, film and artifacts produced in the field. This multiplicity of assemblages unraveled reflections on the myriad of meanings from the looks of interpretations conformed to art images and connections between the subjective and cultural space-times, as well as the practices of subject positions that constitute deviant.Item Cinema de ficção científica na escola(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-06-26) Araújo, Bruno Eduardo Morais de; Martins, Alice de Fátima;; Silva, Maurineide Alves da; Satler, Lara LimaThe objective of this research is to discuss the inclusion of science fiction movies within the school environment as well as realize the way students relate to these film narratives. Field research was conducted. In it, interviews were applied with teachers and film workshops were made with students, within a state school. The data collected was analyzed in order to understand the observed relations between school, science fiction cinema and educational practices, as well as the way these relationships occur, considering the point of view of teachers and students. These and other issues raised in this paper are addressed in the context of studies of visual culture, which also methodologically guide the paths followed by the survey.Item Corpos em movimento a partir do olhar de Pina Bausch – construindo modos de dançar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-16) Araújo, Pedro Simon Gonçalves; Berardo, Rosa Maria;; Berardo, Rosa Maria; Martins, Raimundo; Berté, Odailso SinvaldoThis work is the result of a research project that was conducted by the Graduate Program in Art and Visual Culture, master´s level, in FAV-UFG, and aimed to immerse in the dance theater practice, through paths traced by the German choreographer Pina Bausch, who was a guide in the development os this research and helped me to answer personal questions, which the principal aim was to discover how our histories, memories and feelings are represented in body. This research started with a watchful eye in the dance history, as well as in the creative process of Pina Bausch to be able to understand the method of creating images by the body and her representations through cinema. Her unique movie “The Lament of the Empress” had an important function in structuring the Project, since questions that were shared with two other dancers in an immersive practive came from it, and led to the creation of a documentary that dialogues with the videodance and brings through interviews, essays and movements research a sample of a body-affective experience also shared with students from the Federal Institute of Goiás. In a play between theories and reports I sought the different perceptions of the body and dance, crisscrossing authors of visual culture, movement researchers, theories of representation, documentary, which merged with the reports of the meetings with dancers, ballet lessons, contemporary dance and some workshops. The aim was to achieve tangible answers that unravel the pathways of the body and image to find my dance through my body.Item Jo Spence e Hannah Wilke: narrativas da dor(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-07-10) Arcanjo, Kárita Gonzaga de Oliveira; Monteiro, Rosana Horio; Monteiro, Rosana Horio; Bueno, Paulo Lima; Rocha, Cleomar de Sousa; Borges, Maria Elisia; De Jesus, Samuel José GilbertThis research aims to investigate the sick body and the pain representation by means of photography, considering its documentary and narrative elements. To that end we elected the photographic series The Picture of Health? (1982-1986) and Narratives of Disease (1990) by Jo Spence (1934-92) and Intra-Venus (1992-1993) by Hannah Wilke (1940-93), which focus on the cancer photographic documentation, taking into account their meanings as photographic narratives. In these series we have as interests the pathological pain of the sick and treated body and the image built from its appropriation by these artists. Basing on the study of self-portrait we discuss the relationship between pose and identity in the photographic image constitution as well as the concepts of photography-document proposed by André Rouillé and photographic narrative adopted by Susan e. Bell. Thus, we understand Jo Spence‘s and Hannah Wilke‘s narratives as potent instruments to face the pain, the silence and the stigma which the cancer patient is submitted, and still, a way for questioning the female image socially and culturally constructed.Item PRODUZINDO IMAGENS E DESEJOS: UMA ANÁLISE DO PAPEL DO STYLIST NA SEDUÇÃO EXERCIDA POR EDITORIAIS DE MODA PUBLICADOS PELA MÍDIA IMPRESSA BRASILEIRA(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-10-06) ASMAR, Rafaela; COSTA, Luís Edegar de Oliveira;; MENDONÇA, Míriam da Costa Manso Moreira de; Outros modos de ver: imagens cinematográficas no ensino de artes visuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-04-03) ASSIS, Henrique Lima; MARTINS, Alice Fátima;, School is one of those places where meaning about daily life is produced through cultural practices, concepts and values. Therefore, the aim of this investigation is the development of a number of artistic learning, amid technical images, specially the eletroeletronic ones of the origin of cinema. In this study the main motivational aspect was the possibility of learning from imagery modalities. In this regard, a number of different ways of learning, involving the visual narratives of Lumiére Brothers as well as George Méliès were planned and developed by me with a group of second grade students at a public state High School in the suburb of Goiânia. The students also produced their visual works discussing problems faced in the daily relations established among students and educators. As reflection on this educational practice, the students, the tutors and I watched and discussed the short films produced by the students of room B guided by the methodological processes of visual culture. Therefore, we discussed and reached conclusions on these narratives mediated by the following questions: What do these images allow us to think? , What relations can we establish and what do they tell about us? Among other arisen questions the students visual narratives caused a diversity of feelings and interpretations about relations of power established in the core of the field-school as well as showing the absence of dialogue, interaction and hearing in the processes of teaching and learning. Finally, for the students, the attention, dialogue and the possibility of complaining about their problems became an alternative for them to be heard. For me, dialogue, action and reflection of the same actions within the context of my pedagogical practice were some of the main concepts in which, we, the people linked to this investigation could experience in a field-school.Item Gravobraduras: processos de impressão e objetos de estrutura dobrada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-27) Ávila, Eduardo Araújo de; Clímaco, José César Teatini de Souza;; Clímaco, José César Teatini de Souza; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Saito, Cecília Noriko ItoThis work presents the outcomes of a research master’s degree in Art and Visual Culture, which consists of experiments in printmaking and in studies on the use of foldings as matrices, whose poetic concept is defined as “gravobraduras”. The study has as reference the wrapping culture (tsutsumu bunka), which involves not only the study of origami, but also about other practices, such as furoshiki, that include the production of involucres and wrappings. The reference in question alludes to “practice of Japanese gift” and the artistic production of this work to the “wanderings of Japanese immigrants in Brazil”. Therefore, the primary objective of this research is to analyze what are the paths, sometimes errant sometimes constant, in which the image generated by the “matrix folding” travels up to become a visual pattern, but also evaluate the development of the artistic production in three methods of printing: by high relief (matrix folding), by permeation (silkscreen) and by digital means. The research also involves reflections on artistic creation as creating networks, according to Cecilia Salles, who emphasizes that are important the concomitant actions and the establishment of links between relevant subjects to the research to generate its own methodology and poetic.Item Reflexões sobre o absurdo – o corpo-cabelo e seus objetos de (in)definição(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-09-03) Azevêdo, Anna Behatriz Alves de; Jesus, Samuel José Gilbert de;; Jesus, Samuel José Gilbert de; Guimarães, Leda Maria de Barros; Correia, Paulo PetronilioThe following dissertation aims to reflect on the body through the perspective of the relationship in which bodies are able to affect and be affected by the bias of perception and sensation which comprise the vibrating body. The methodological path of this research is divided into three chapters that contaminate each other and the chosen method is Cartography. It is to lead the discussions through text in which images, conversations and, especially the performance / program created by me in 2015 titled Abduction for small revolutions, are triggers for the development of essays that permeate report of experience and academic writing. The ideas of absurdity, the paradoxical latency of the living (tangles of life and death), relations of domination and submission, are part of the scope of the discussions, and hair, be it in the head or outside it, is the main element for triggering affairs. Together and through the images and conversations, I articulate reflections and self-reflections about and with such an element chained in experiences, both in the artistic production bias as in the daily life. In the first chapter I started with the image of a photograph of Ana (my mother), together and through conversations with her in everyday life, we come to the idea of the Lost Braid which is the return to aspects of her history. This braid is a force that opens the door to questions about absences generated by naturalizations that actions and segregating discourses form in our bodies, such as those generated by symbolic violence, linked to the androcentric and phlogologocentric logics, The Lost Braid is a force that rubs image, conversation and written, in the midst of the narrated memories of picking nits and lice as activators of affections. In the second chapter Screaming Hooks, I work with the logic of sensation and the concept of "body-vibrating." In relationships created by the gestures of scratching and shaving the head, I also come to the experience of a vertiginous and reeling body that can be restored or not, such sensations are potentialized from the "affects of vitality." In addition, I outline situations and experiences about and with the hair and the maintenance of the shaved head, presenting some examples of images of women who had their hair shaved and reports of artists, mostly women, in which the hair element or the absence of it in the head is present in his works. Finally I enter the third chapter entitled Body-Hair in which the performance / program Abduction for small revolutions is field of study. I present this work to 12 people and I develop a dialogue with them about the event of the action and the elements (especially the hair and the absence of it in the head) and gestures that compose it. So to speak, I start from the assumption that the body in performance / artistic program is a body that acts in relation to other bodies. Since then, the performance / Abduction program for small revolutions is revealed from this encounter, thus creating perspectives around the absurd, the paradoxical latency of the living that can define a set of affections, which move the body from the place of mere instrument and artistic tool for the place of experience and re-existence.Item Diálogos entre acessibilidade e design universal(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-06-28) Bandeira, Ana Paula Neres de Santana; Passos, Ravi Figueiredo;; Rocha, Cleomar de Sousa;; Rocha, Cleomar de Sousa; Dalla Déa , Vanessa Helena Santana; Silva, Thiago Fernando Sant`Anna eDespite the exponencial advances in information and communication technologies, there are still some obstacles when the aim are those users with some kind of disabillity, whether physical, intelectual, visual or hearing. Starting with an analysis of sites – a government one and another oriented to the public with visual impairment – taken as parameters studies of Brazilian legislation on web accessibility and the Principles of Universal Design, it appears that existing solutions, when assimilated in the projects, still incur in discriminatory and inefficient solutions. Starting with the proposal that the very technological advances and the formation of a cyberculture based on post-massive media follows personalizable and customizable solutions, it is proposed a customizable system design for educational e-books user oriented on Universal Design perspectives that are characterized as a totally inclusive design.Item A enunciação e a reflexividade no cinema documentário aproximaçoes teóricas, filmográficas e uma realização(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-07-29) BARBOSA, Douglas da Silva; ROCHA, Cleomar; dissertation deals with the idea of enunciation in documentary cinema, also taking into account an aspect found within this field called reflexivity. Generally the questions of enunciation in the field of this cinema permeate the documentary undertaking from the film project to the moment of reception by the public who watch the film. In choosing this object of study it was aimed to find instigating aspects about the course of the documentary as an audiovisual product linked to the idea of enunciation about the lived world. The research joins together theoretical contributions of some authors around what we might consider typical of enunciation in documentary cinema, among them Fernão Ramos and Jean Louis Comolli, passing through the tendencies in this cinema and important film-makers with their films (among these: Eduardo Coutinho, 2005: O fim e o princípio ; João Moreira Salles, 2006 Santiago and Kiko Goifman, 2002: 33 ). Further on, a revealing discussion is made about the undertaking of the documentary Os Corrêa da Silva e Santos Reis (a short-film, 24 , the result of 12 hours of filming of raw material in the rural community of Água Limpa and with ex-inhabitants of that community). The results obtained with this dissertation point, generally, towards the notion of taking the câmera-image as a dimension of documentary enunciation which strengthens the persepective of enunciation about the lived world. At the end there is an understanding of a proposal of performance of the documentary film-maker which turns to the people, subjects of his/her action, in aiming to divide with them a cinematographic mise-en-scène capable of making emerge their singularity, as well as argumentation directed to something pre-defined. It is this aesthetic dependence on the real which strengthens a documentary film and allows one to see in it more than what is in its enunciation.Item A obra de Walmir Alexandre na série Meninas de Minas: investigação do processo de produção de esculturas em cerâmica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-08-27) Barbosa, Eny Arruda; Mendonça, Míriam da Costa Manso Moreira de;; Mendonça, Míriam da Costa Manso Moreira de; Martins, Raimundo; Christoff, Maria Elvira Curty Romero; Andrade, Rita de Morais; Borges, Maria EliziaThis dissertation is the result of an investigation about the Walmir Alexandre’s work from the series "Girls from Minas". Its main goal is to identify the elements of inspiration and themes that motivated the montesclarense artist to make his sculptures, as well as representative features of the work. To achieve the expected results, the study was divided into three chapters: the first, I present a brief history of the artist Walmir Alexandre’s life and work, showing his techniques work, artistic trends and material used for the preparation of his works art, seeking to understand how his work is developed and its relationship to the works as a creator; in the second chapter, I wonder about the Walmir Alexandre’s works from the emergence of gender representations, making an analogy between some ceramic works, with emphasis on the sacred and on the profane elements of these representations that escape this discourse; the third chapter, I make a reflection and analysis of the "Girls from Minas" series, contextualizing the topic in question with other authors and artists who used the female figure and her sensuality as inspiration for the creation of their works. Are also highlighted in the work of visuality marked Walmir Alexandre and the presence of potters that use this technique nowadays. The allegorical way of giving a new format is a natural tendency of the artist. The peculiar look about the riches of the land of Minas, its people, roots, is resignified by the delicacy of poetic information of figures.Item WORK RIFT - RPG de Realidade Alternativa para gerenciamento de tarefas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-06-28) Barroso, Jordão França; Passos, Ravi Figueiredo;; Rocha, Cleomar de Sousa;; Rocha, Cleomar de Sousa;; Christino, Daniel; Monteiro, RosanaStarting from specific concepts of project management and making reference to the cultures of the task applied to century XIX companies, this resource initially tries to identify key elements of task management. Then seeks, through the use of game concepts in other contexts, to identify a different user approach related to work tasks. In a second moment the research tries to find, through a concomitant concept of RPG games and project management, around characters evolution, missions and rewards, elements and processes who converges between those knowledge basis. Finally, making use of this study is presented a web application who looks like an alternative reality RPG game, with the intention to motivate the application use as a task management platform.Item O ativismo ambiental nas ações e instalações de Siron Franci, 1986-2008: A arte como estratégia de divulgação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-26) BERTAZZO, Lucia; BORGES, Maria Elizia; Franco is an artist who has, in a parallel with his pictorial work, always produced pieces that denounced social grievances and pieces of political nature which, placed in public settings, aimed at inducing the media to broadcast protests. The artist has for very long championed the environmental cause, what has led him to produce a series of pieces on the theme: paintings, demonstrations, stickers, installations, video-sculptures. This dissertation sets out to review the historical moment in which these pieces come out and presents them as postmodern art work produced in line with environmental activism. This research intends to analyze the insertion of artistic protests which have the environment as a cause, into the press and in contemporary art production