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Item Experiências femininas na política goiana. Dona Gercina: entre o público e o privado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-06-05) Abreu, Mayra Regina Saraiva de; Ferreira, Denise Paiva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0144446693015854; Ferreira, Denise Paiva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0144446693015854; Prá, Jussara Reis; Souza, Marta Rovery de; Eliane, Gonçalves; Bitencourt, Liberdad BorgesSome social groups, such as women, by virtue of their status in social relations and the social representations that explain them, were silenced in the authorized and imposed narratives due to the national memory. This procedure generated damage to the female identity , insofar as reproduced, in the present , the notion that women were absent from large and small events that marked social life in our society , and engaged to reaffirm the values that have kept women away from the world of politics. “Experiências femininas na política goiana. Gercina Borges: entre o público e o privado.” [“Women's experiences in Goiás policy. Gercina Borges: between the public and the private. "] attempts to explain the causes of social silence among the female experiences in politics and the persistent lack of prestige of this social group by theoretical references from the modern political thought, such as the concepts of public and private sphere and gender. At the same time, making use of the experience of Gercina Borges Teixeira and by means of oral history and combination of other sources, presents the joint that, over time, in Goiás, they created to act in this field without restrictions imposed on women. Finally, it examines the motivations present in the care rendered by the wives of candidates and heads of the government, associating this action to the political sphere, with the intent to withdraw the humanitarian and innocent character with which it was covered.Item Vidas em espera : uma etnografia sobre a experiência do tempo no processo transexualizador(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-04-06) Almeida, Anderson Santos; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4883038594618199; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Souza, Erica Renata de; Henning, Carlos EduardoThis research aims to anthropologically interpret the meanings about time and waiting among transsexual women who participate or wish to participate in the Processo Transexualizador within the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). I carried out fieldwork in various situations, lived with and interviewed some women participants in the Projeto Transexualidade, at Hospital das Clínicas from UFG, who shared their experiences with me. The semi-structured interviews, along with participant observation, helped me to produce the ethnographic elements that will be shared in this dissertation. Thus, among the elements that configure this research, the narratives about the (re)construction of the interviewees' body, during the so-called gender transition, stand out with a focus on time and temporality. The waiting within the public health area is constant, even more so when it comes to the quest for a better living condition and realization of dreams for trans women. This waiting can be an element that directly influences their lives, as it is a condition that is always present in each moment of life in the course of the transexualization process. Thus, at the end of this anthropological experience, it is evident to me that waiting is a factor that in many instances regulates the experiences of these women, and it is difficult to separate it from the meanings shared around the gender transition experience.Item Manda quem pode, obedece quem (não) tem juízo - corpo, adoecimento mental e intersubjetividade na polícia militar goiana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-09-25) Almeida, Cláudia Vicentini Rodrigues de; Silva, Telma Camargo da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5600367671251186; Silva, Telma Camargo da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5600367671251186; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Víctora, Ceres GomesThis thesis studies the relationship between mental illness and military police through the analysis of oral narratives. The theoretical bases for this study are the theoreticalmethodological formulations in the field of medical anthropology as studied by Good (1994), Kleinman (1980; 1988; 1995) and others, such as Das et al (1997), Csordas (1994; 1999; 2008), and also Bourdieu (1980) who tried to articulate the individual and socio-cultural dimensions when privileging such notions as experience, social suffering, inter-subjectivity, agency and body. The empirical narrowing of the research privileged corporal and police officers from the Military Police of the State of Goiás (PMGO), males only and in active duty, under psychiatric care by the military institution. The field observations and semi-structured opened interviews took place at the Military Police Hospital of PMGO (HPM), where forensic psychiatric appointments take place as well as psychological care for those who work for the PMGO. Above all this research tries to answer two mutually implied questions: how a military order appears in the meaning attributed by military policemen to their experience of mental illness since their trained bodies signify identity and masculinity; and, on the other hand, what do the meaning attributed to their experience of illness have to say about individuals inscribed in the military order and about the social relationships dramatized in it.Item Flamboyant shopping center: entre trabalho, lazer e consumo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-26) Almeida, Felipe Mateus de; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4734159T0; Santos, Cleito Pereira; Marques, Edmilson Ferreira; Viana, Nildo SilvaIn this dissertation, we present a discussion of the relationship between work, leisure and consumption in the capitalist mode of production, and the Shopping Center as a research object. It is a theoretical work of the Marxist perspective to analyze the phenomena of work, leisure and consumption in capitalist society. At first, we present a discussion of the changes in the working world in the light of the theory of accumulation schemes. Then in the second chapter of the dissertation, we make a discussion of work, free time and capitalism, bringing a debate on consumption and leisure, surpassing the functionalist conception and presenting a critical definition of these phenomena. In the third chapter, we dedicated to the study of the Shopping Center, presenting the historical and structural aspects of these developments to then relate this environment with playing and practice of leisure and programmed consumption. With this research, we find that there is no free time in capitalist society, but rather a time increasingly streamlined and practice-oriented consumption and scheduled leisure. We were able to note also that the Shopping Center is one of the main centers of consumption in contemporary society, and an environment where leisure and scheduled consumption are common practices, thanks to the service of marketing, practicality and alleged security Shopping Center offers his regulars. The Shopping Center is a fantasy island in which the individual holds and forget for a minute of things happening out there.Item Personagens emolduradas: os discursos de gênero e sexualidade no Big Brother Brasil 10(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-09-16) ALMEIDA, Katianne de Sousa; RATTS, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0348844638764982Open your eyes and see. There is nothing more incredible than the act of visualizing the innumerous possibilities that are before our eyes: images, they are more than a combination of colors and forms, they produce meanings and, logically, symbols. From this production of images some questions can be raised, such as, what do they want to represent? This dissertation focuses the images transmitted on the television program Big Brother Brazil (BBB) in its tenth edition, which took place in 2010. When I started the research, the question that I, a television spectator and anthropologist, raised were: how are the discourses of femininity, masculinity and homosexuality reproduced? Above all, how the central model was reproduced hegemonic references? These references seem to subordinate, devalue and limit the plural existences of masculinity, femininity and homosexuality. Finally, I perceived that the fieldwork data did not only show the assumptions of normativity and the subjects were not completely framed, there were dislocations. Knowing that nothing is simple in the field of gender and sexuality, there were several tensions. The diversity proposed by the program had its limits. In proposing to denaturalize the BBB, I aimed to understand how an audiovisual product watched by the most varied social groups can influence, sediment or make one reflect on the formal conventions about gender and sexuality.Item Práxis política do movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra (MST)- TO: trajetória de organização e formação política(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-08-18) Almeida, Rejane Cleide Medeiros de; Martins, Lucinéia Scremin; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6636418419069593; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Junqueira , Ivanilda Aparecida de Andrade; Pietrafesa , José Paulo; Bogo , Maria Nalva Rodrigues de AraújoThe thesis has the objective to analyze the political praxis in its relation with the political education in the MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra), more specifically developed in Bico do Papagaio, Tocantins (TO). The follow matters are studied: Do the social fights conducted by the MST contribute to the political education of the subjects engaged in the process? How the political praxis developed by the MST is linked with the education proposal of the movement? Up to what point this process generate a change in the political culture of the people involved in the fight for the land? The inquire has a qualitative approach, but it also has some quantitative contributions. The technics employed were semi-structured interviews, survey (with open and closed questions) and systematic observation in forums, regional meetings, seminars, occupations, conferences, processes of political education, groups of thematic and strategic studies of the movement. The research showed that the praxis of the MST and the relation with the political education allow a process of dealienation, once the subject of action is the same subject of reflection, and the actions and strategies for the education of its cadres are effectively a praxis. They defend the praxis in the quotidian (that may happen in the great movement of political transformation, but also in the little activities that produce the means of live for the subsistence of the subjects in action) and then the occupations, the demonstrations, the organizations of collectives and assemblies in the encampments make spaces that really contribute in the process of education of peasants in fight for the land. In this way, a new political culture is developed.Item Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) no Brasil: masculinidades em disputa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-06-10) Almeida, Sebastião Carlos Ferreira de; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4883038594618199; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Amaral, Marcela Carvalho Martins; Camargo, Wagner Xavier; Mello, Luiz; Bonetti, Maria Cristina de FreitasThe following study consists in a sociological analysis about the production of manhood styles in the universe of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), from an ethnographic research made with a group of physical fight practitioners in the city named Goiânia-GO. Thus, it points out to the relevance of consumption and the interference of the market in the construction of some symbolic repertoire about manhood seen as essentials and/or primordials, discussing how the subjects seize and embody such an imaginary thing amidst stress, ambivalences and disputes. The document is organized into five chapters. In the first, I talk about the questionable utilization of physical fights and martial arts as an invented tradition, as an orientalist play, in the configuration of imaginary communities. In the second, I talk about the appearance of MMA coming from the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), giving focus to historical and sociological aspects that takes part in the symbolic economy in which establishes some manly speeches that are important for involved agents with the dynamic of manhoods in question. The third chapter brings thoughts about implied codes to the expression of manhoods in the universe of fighters where it was realized the field research, emphasizing the usage of signs associated to the genre relations with the production of relevant styles of the habitus of fighters. I develop discussions about the acceptance of the speech of order and the discipline of the contributors in the fourth chapter, in order to determine how interactions with women and other manhoods go through the influence of conservative opinion; and how much this dynamic is responsible for the creation of conflicts in this universe. The fifth chapter talks about the biographies of iconic fighters in several levels of the field topology embodied by fighters and referees that take part of the cultural goods market around MMA and UFC. So I posit that the fight that brought the thoughts about manhoods in this study highlights the stress around the sexuality, of questions related to family and to work; and before it means a sportivization, it indicates an intense civilizing process, as it allows the fruition an uncontrolled control of the emotions and makes evident tools of social control. The respect and affection of traditional institutes like family and heterosexuality, like the possibility of social ascension through MMA, require from the fighters a self-sacrifice that reinstalls in the contemporaneous scenario the perspective of the individual discipline as a resource to the success. This process allow us to imply that dynamics and rhetoric of market (re)products styles of manhoods seen as “non corruptible” by the present day, such elements being appropriate by interested agents in the symbolic capital that is inherent in the form of disputes for hegemony. Keywords: Mixed Martial Arts, manhoods; uncontrolled control; imaginary communities; market of symbolic goods.Item O esquema do mensalão como um mecanismo de formação de maioria parlamentar no País da fluidez(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-05) ALVES FILHO, Ari Martins; BEZERRA, Heloisa Dias; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5901954357328179Anchoring empirically on the political episode known as grand allowance scandal the purpose of this dissertation (thesis) is to study the parliamentary majority formation in present -day Brazil. On the trails of this proposal there will be systematized 04 (four) analytical models, considered ideal types, and 02 (two) systematized models considered non-ideal types, besides; all presented as possible mechanisms to form parliamentary majority in pre sidential regimes. Such mechanisms will be compared to the grand allowance scandal experience with the aim to verify what of the Brazilian culture and sociability favors, that one of these mechanisms, the financial cooptation, presents itself as an alternative on the majority parliamentary formation, even if it is superimposed among the others. This study will be built up by bibliographic and documentary research. Taking those models as instruments for empirical analyses, there will be used a variety of r eading material with the purpose of understanding the parliamentary majority formation in Brazil in its most vast context, pursuing to reveal, for that, possible shades of the social and cultural structure of the country. For that, the research will use sc ientific works of sociology, political and historic science, appealing to the themes concerned to sociological and political theory, to Brazilian political culture and to the corruptionItem Aposentadoria: o novo começo, expectativa e realidade. Uma análise com servidores técnicos-administrativos da UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-10-10) Alves, Fleide Wilian Rodrigues; Freitas, Revalino Antônio de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8705661441925211; Freitas, Revalino Antônio de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8705661441925211; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; Previtali, Fabiane SantanaThe work brings attached to itself a number of social protection mechanisms achieved by workers over the last two centuries. One of the most important is retirement, usually linked to aging, it presents as a social statute and a life transition that allocates the active worker erstwhile in the list of removed from the world of work. Of great importance in the personal and social context, this passage is a divider in the existence of workers, which has been enjoying retirement for more time due to increased life expectancy. This research aimed at understanding social aspects that permeate the retirement process of the Administrative Technical Education of Federal University of Goiás, in the period between his eminence and its recent acquisition.Regarding the worker about to retire, there was a discussion about the reasons that weighed in his decision, what are your expectations and plans for the future. After retirement, he was investigated as the worker just out of the labor market deals with your free time, if your plans and expectations have been met and as reestabelecem their family ties with their return home. Research has shown that the investigated statutory enjoy better quality of life when they are at work and in retirement, compared to CLT workers with the same training and educational level. This finding was justified by their income be higher, the job security and the possibility of coexistence of working times, and social times in their workplaces during the activity.Item Representações do comer ideal e do comer saudável em pacientes obesos com indicação de cirurgia bariátrica em Goiânia/Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-30) Alves, Larissa de Farias; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9655194212314066; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9655194212314066; Silva, Denise Oliveira e; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes daAs a multidimensional character, eating is inserted into an interstitial space, a system of values specific to each culture, whose complexity and incomprehensibility begin to be understood within the limits of disciplines. Thus, this research uses the perspectives of consumption anthropology, health and disease anthropology and food anthropology to analyze speeches of people assisted in public health services and compare them with current biomedical hegemonic discourses about eating. The methodological strategy was the observational qualitative ethnographic study (participatory) and, as a tool, semi-structured and open interviews were carried out at Clinical Hospital (Goiânia, Goiás) and Family Health Units (Trindade, Goiás). Fundamentally, the research aims to analyze the categories, influence factors, values and meanings involved in the representation of the ideal and/or healthy eating of people who are in a dietary change process under the guidance of nutritionists and who went through some disease process and currently have a biomedical diagnosis of obesity.Item É Deus quem cura: um estudo sobre as curas espirituais na casa Dom Inácio de Loyola(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-02-22) Alves, Nilauder Guimarães; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348Este trabalho tem como objetivo uma investigação sobre o sistema ritual espírita, com ênfase em suas práticas terapêuticas. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida num “hospital espiritual”, a Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola, onde atende o médium curador João Teixeira de Faria, conhecido como João de Deus. Identifico um conjunto de prática e crenças religiosas voltadas para o trabalho de cura. A partir da observação da utilização e manipulação de símbolos rituais, descrevo um complexo de expressões performativas verbais e não verbais, constituído de gestos, palavras e movimentos executados pelos praticantes. A análise é estendida às ações que, em um contexto ritual, correspondem a um fenômeno performativo e cujo ordenamento específico e a execução precisa dos atos performativos que permitem a eficácia do ritual de cura.Item Tocantins: narrativas sobre o sertão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-05) ALVES, Telma Antonia Rodrigues; AMARAL, Custódia Selma Sena do; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8696864863691181The work has as main objective understand, from a town of the State of Tocantins called Duro, current city of Dianópolis, the construction of arrangements of visibility and denial of the sertão. The Duro and its surroundings are considered in the literature and regional history as deep sertão as a place of difficult access, hidden, poor transport and communication, low population, privileged place for fugitives, the scene of violence and traditional social relations. Through reinterpretation of local literature and empirical research this work seeks to understand the strategies by which the State of Tocantins and the city of Duro are deleting the designation of sertão through strategies of modernizationItem A atividade legislativa do presidente da República na política democrática brasileira(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-03-06) Alves, Vinícius Silva; Ferreira, Denise Paiva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0144446693015854; Ferreira, Denise Paiva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0144446693015854; Ribeiro, Pedro José Floriano; Lameirão, Camila Romero; Botelho, João Carlos AmorosoThis work aims at, from a comparative perspective, testing the hypothesis that the 1988 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, when collated with the 1946 constitutional text, shows an increased influence of the president of the republic over the legislative process. So this question guides the work: to what extent the 1988 Constitution unbalanced in favor of the chief executive, the handling of the legislative process and the corresponding production of existing legislation? We also use the comparative method to identify traces of continuity and rupture in the established relationship between the Executive and Legislative powers from 1946 to 1964 and from 1988 to 2010. To accomplish this, first, the concept of political influence, from the work of Robert Dahl, and its relevance to political systems analysis, will be explored. After that, institutional recourses that allow the Chief Executive to influence the parliament members, present in the Brazilian constitutional history, will be listed, emphasizing the observation of the initiative powers and the prerogative of producing a law like normative act without the participation of the Legislative Power. Furthermore, the work observes the real influence of the president of republic, moment where data concerning the volume of legislative propositions and the duration processing of law projects from each one of the mentioned powers will be presented. At last, this thesis analyses the possible effects of the presence of an agent endowed with an expressive influence deriving from the asymmetric distribution of political resources provoked by an institutional plan.Item Com o peito cheio de pó: uma etnografia sobre a negação do adoecimento de trabalhadores do amianto na cidade de Minaçu (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-05-17) Amaral, Arthur Pires; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7816009438312510; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares; Víctora, Ceres Gomes; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Nunes, Jordão HortaThis doctoral thesis starts from the problematization of the risks involved in working with asbestos, in an international perspective, casting the comparison with the empirical case of Minaçu, a Brazilian city that was founded and consolidated due to the asbestos mining industry – represented here by S.A. Minerações Associadas (SAMA). The ethnography held in this city evidenced and built herself under the avoidance and embarrassment of the locals to a dialogue about asbestos-related illness of SAMA employees and former employees. This situation reflects the collusion between Science, Industry and State, as instances of power responsible for raising doubts about the dangers of toxic substances that, at Minaçu, become entangled in the mining company’s strategies of: (i) concealment of the risks involved in working with asbestos, and (ii) manipulation of the former employees’ medical reports. By means of the anthropological concept of social suffering, the ethnography brings to light narratives and experiences of illness and death of asbestos workers at Minaçu, in their (ineffective) searches by diagnosis, treatment and medical-legal recognition. Finally, it demonstrates how the illness process of SAMA workers, whose asbestos-related diseases were never recognized by the mining company, are subsumed and assimilated to the “normal”, “ordinary” routine of the everyday life in that city. This situation produces a deep sense of loneliness among the sick and their relatives that, added to socioeconomic and institutional power relations, prevent the local ethical, political and civil engagement that would lead to its effective public complaint.Item Em meio ao lixo, a riscos e estigmas: Construindo um lugar chamado Parque Santa Cruz(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-03-28) AMARAL, Arthur Pires; SILVA, Telma Camargo da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5600367671251186Item Religião e sofrimento: ressonâncias patrimoniais no discurso religioso em Ouro Preto (MG)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-09-17) Amorim, Alexandre de Paula; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9114125597206149; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Laraia, Roque de Barros; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes daThis dissertation is the result of an ethnographic experience in the city of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. The text presented constitutes an intellectual effort that aims to understand and describe ethnographically suffering as a hermeneutic construction, which is caught in the discourse of religious Ouro Preto, as a phenomenon historically inherited and its interface with the historic and cultural heritage of city. Based on the discourse of religious evangelicals and Catholics, the focus of this dissertation is to analyze the relationship that the interviewees establish the historical and cultural heritage, in particular, the historical narratives about the suffering of slaves and how these narratives influence their representations of suffering.Item Formação em saúde em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-08-29) Amorim, L. T.; Souza, M. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1155042579123151; Gonçalves, Eliane; Nunes, Tânia Celeste Matos; Paiva, Denise Ferreira; Rabelo, Francisco Chagas E.; Pereira, Edsaura MariaIn Brazil, the Unified Public Health System (hereby SUS), established from the context of the redemocratization of society and sanitation reform movement, was responsible for ordering the vocational training in health sphere. The continuing health education (hereby EPS) refers to: training, care, management and formulation of health policies, aimed at transforming professionals' practices and bring them to SUS based on the problems faced in everyday life of health services. The objective was to understand and analyze the health training in Goiás, at the level of lato sensu post-graduation, from the implementation of PNEPS in Brazil, this study involved three institutions of higher education and a school of public health. Therefore, an extensive bibliographic and documentary research was conducted in the period 2004-2013 on the subject. Information gathered from primary sources was also collected through semistructured interviews, applied to key informants who were or had been involved with health management and educational institutions. Results showed that the actions developed by the policy are still incipient, but waving to possibilities of change, so, institutions are still in the process of implementing these actions, seeking to consolidate a formation based on the EPS suggestions, and thereby, transform training process and consequently health care. In conclusion, the continuing health education is in essence, very vigorous, and to intertwine with SUS main principles, can become an important tool for effective achievement of Brazilian democracy.Item Um dilema feminino: o câncer de colo do útero(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-17) AMORIM, Linamar Teixeira de; SOUZA, Marta Rovery de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1155042579123151The treatment of uterine cancer, a slow-growing form of the disease, is particularly effective in regard to precursor lesions. In order to understand this illness from the perspective of health sociology, this study focused on women afflicted with uterine cancer. Semi-structured interviews were employed in an attempt to perceive these women s representations. The interviews revealed the coexistence of positive and negative aspects in experiences with cancer and confirmed the stigma borne by both the illness and the treatment. Results showed that public health policies and available health services need to complement individual prevention measures in attributing priority to information about the illness and the treatment, thus covering all dimensions of people s lives. This conclusion highlights the need for a humanized health system that guarantees access to quality health services and exposes the interface between sociology and health, which is essential for the promotion of humanization within the sociocultural context of the health-illness process.Item Pessoas idosas vivendo com HIV em Goiás: um estudo de gênero, sexualidade e subjetividades(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-04-25) Andrade, Márcia Andréa Rodrigues; Gonçalves, Eliane; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7413052054334814; Henning, Carlos Eduardo; Souza, Marta Rovery de; Maksud, Ívia Maria Jardim; Amaral, Marcela Carvalho MartinsThis thesis is about aging, HIV and gender in the context of subjectivity. In a first moment, it looks to the importance of aging for the sociological studies, as well to the formation of the categories of elderly people and people living with HIV. Then, it analyses the subjectivity of elderly people. For doing that, a qualitative sociological research and a bibliographical review of authors who explore the topic were realized. It was possible to point out the limits of the discursive construction of the erotization process of the old age, in a critique of the gerontological discourse of multisensorial sexuality as well of the discourse of HIV feminization. To go deep in the debate, the thesis explores the idea of biographical rupture, which proposes a reordering of the everyday life. By understanding subjectivity through biographical ruptures, it was possible to dialogue with the logic of affective, marital and family experiences, the way of facing HIV, stigmas, secrets, corporeity and sexuality, bringing the unequal gender relations to the debate. The empirical analysis of these questions relies on field work and interviews, done between October 2014 and June 2015 with 15 elderly people over 60 years of age who receive regular treatment at the Hospital of Tropical Diseases Dr. Anuar Auad, in Goiânia, Brazil. The thesis concludes that old age and the way of facing HIV are heterogeneous. The unequal gender relations exercise a fundamental role in the subjectivity, since they produce different reactions to risk, marital life and the way how elderly people face HIV, which leads to a reflection about the production of differences. The living experience with HIV has given to the interviewees a constant learning for the recognition and reordering of the life ruptures. The understanding of the thesis is that the dilemmas of elderly people living with HIV are not individuals, but a responsibility of all the society.Item Identidades de filhos ouvintes quando os pais são surdos:uma abordagem sociológica sobre o processo de socialização(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-05-03) ANDRADE, Pablo Regis; ALMEIDA NETO, Luiz Mello de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1951913717385648This dissertation will discuss the construction of the Identity of hearing children of deaf parents, reflecting on family, socialization and deafness. Firstly we aim to understand who are the family members of those interviewed and how they see their parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents generally considered as part of these groups, a reference for the process of acquisition and the learning of values, beliefs and social rules. Starting with the idea of mediation between individuals and society, we ask what the link would be that allows individuals to see themselves as a family. Contextualized in each timeframes we perceive that family ties are developed within a perspective of loyalty. In the cases researched, the vision that aunts, uncles and grandparents form part of the group that has a direct relation to the need to reach hearing children of deaf parents to communicate orally. Therefore, this method of communication becomes one of the aspects discussed in the second chapter: the language that the children use daily Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) and Portuguese. As a product of a family context, we show how they learn to communicate orally and in sign language as practical sense. These linguistic acquisitions allow those interviewed to mediate between deaf parents and chat we call the outside world, a kind of interpretating responsibility acquired in childhood. After looking at these two questions we will read about how the idea of border identity is dealt with in literature and will analyse parts of interviews that bring to our discussion elements of the way of seeing the world from this conception of being between . In this way, narrative memories about childhood and teenage years of the seven interviewees are used. We seek to understand how they become individuals with their own identities, hearing children of deaf parents, and what is contingent in the process of construction of this way of being and seeing the world. Finally we conclude that identity acquires valve from discourse for people who live between two different worlds.