Programa de Pós-graduação em Agronegócio
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Item O extrativismo vegetal e a saga do baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) em Sagarana - MG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-05) Alcantara, Rebecca Silva; Ribeiro, Dinalva Donizete;; Ribeiro, Dinalva Donizete; Gonçalves, Ricardo Júnior de Assis Fernandes; Abdala, Klaus de OliveiraPlant extractivism is one of the oldest activities practiced by mankind. Currently its practice by rural populations is based on the family workforce and has been encouraged by a variety of institutions. In the Cerrado Territory, among the various non-timber forest products that can be extracted, baru (Dipteryx alata Vog), a native species, has stood out due to its nutritional characteristics. In Vila de Sagarana, district of the municipality of Arinos located in the northwest of Minas Gerais, this product occurs in high concentrations and due to its market demand and availability of occurrence in the village, it has been gaining prominence among local residents due to income generation for families. Therefore, this research aims to understand the effects of the baru extractive circuit on social and environmental relations in the territory of Sagarana, among those involved in this activity of transforming baru into commodity. This is a qualitative study whose data analysis was based on the interpretation of information collected in the field, combining multiple theoretical and methodological perspectives, together with participatory methods. The actors of this circuit were delineated, namely: collection area owner, collector, the intermediary in the figure of wholesaler and wholesaler and finally gathered information from the final consumer through one of the intermediary agents. In addition to these identified subjects, it was noted that this activity generates socio-environmental conflicts in this territory, which are structured or maintained according to the private ownership of land tenure, the appropriation of natural resources and labor as factors of production and availability. of economic goods. Despite the problematic of this activity, it presents to the collectors a strategy of social reproduction, which evidences the peasants' (re) existence, making activities such as autonomy, knowledge exchange and establishing baru territoriality in Sagarana through its relationship with nature. and the other cultural dimensions.Item Panorama dos 10 anos de vigência do código florestal brasileiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-18) Araújo, Lorrainy da Costa Vieira; Barreira, Sybelle;; Barreira, Sybelle; Cruz, José Elenilson; Pires, Patricia PereiraThe Brazilian Forest Code, Law No. 12.651/2012, turned 10 years old in 2022, and during this period, the federal entities drew up rules to regulate the state's need to deal with the themes of the Forest Code's chapters. The general objective of this study is to analyze the developments of Law No. 12.651/2012 in the states and the Federal District, and the specific objectives are to catalog the regulations of the federated entities related to the period of 10 years after the Forest Code came into force; to identify the normative acts of the states and the Federal District on the subject of the chapters of the law; to analyze the developments in the context of the sub-themes of the Rural Environmental Registry, Conservation Units, Fires and Deforestation; and, finally, to develop a dynamic platform. The research was carried out by collecting secondary data, so the methodological procedures began with an electronic search on the government websites of each federal entity, starting with the Union and searching state by state in alphabetical order; The information collected was entered into an Excel spreadsheet to catalog the data and create a database, so that, after completing the survey of normative acts, the results were presented using a Power BI dashboard, which is a dynamic platform, as well as maps in graphical formats. The results show that measures need to be taken to ensure that Law 12.651/2012 is applied effectively throughout the country, in order to guarantee the protection of native vegetation and the sustainable use of forests and other forms of native vegetation in Brazil.Item Assistência técnica e gerencial para agricultores familiares do município de Silvânia-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-30) Bernardes, Lázaro Lucas Rodrigues; Jesus, Andrelisa Santos de;; Souza, Cleonice Borges de;; Souza, Cleonice Borges de; Corcioli, Graciella; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues deThe interactions of family farming with different aspects of the productive sectors, show how important the study of this social category is. Since the advent of the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Farming (PRONAF), technical assistance and rural extension have approached the horizon of action of this social category, mainly due to the rural credit policy. However, the relationship of the segments needs to go beyond credit, since the availability of publicly available technical assistance is of fundamental importance for family farmers. In the search to understand the relationship between technical assistance and rural extension with family farming, this research aims to evaluate the possible effects of technical assistance on the economic, social and environmental development of traditional rural communities in family farming in the municipality of Silvânia-GO, taking into account taking into account producers from three rural communities who had access to technical assistance in the years 2017 and 2018. It is assumed that the access of family farmers to technical assistance and rural extension can contribute in an important way so that they have access to information, technologies and technical knowledge that enable the development of economic activity and the social development of the family, in addition to promoting the use of techniques that aim at the conservation of natural resources such as water and soil. This is a qualitative, quantitative, exploratory, descriptive research. The survey of qualitative data took into account the knowledge of the technicians involved in the technical assistance projects, in addition to the reports of the producers who were served by the project. The primary data, obtained without any previous treatment, refer to the interviews of the teams of the Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture of the Municipality of Silvânia and of Emater, and of the producers and technicians involved in the ATER projects. Secondary data, on the other hand, refer to those obtained from the Municipal Health Secretariat (SMS), together with community health agents and; the data used in geoprocessing, obtained through digital platforms such as the State Geoinformation System (SIEG). The research results that technical assistance is, yes, a vehicle that causes positive effects with regard to environmental and socioeconomic aspects. With regard to the effects of technical assistance, it appears that, despite the availability of ATER projects, at no cost to producers, it is still very difficult for them to adhere to such offers. The perception held in the communities during the research is in line with a little discussed weakness, which is the producers' lack of interest in expanding their activities, given the reduced prospect of continuity by their successors. This reinforces the issue of reducing succession in family farming, which may compromise the continuity of this social category in the medium and long term, at least in the communities studied. It is also noted that the offer of ATER for an activity already consolidated in the communities, does not have a very relevant effect, since relying on milk - as is the case with the communities - ends up being a lower risk option for producers. In this perspective, it is suggested that the ATER services take information and qualifications for the pluriactivity of the properties, that they are able to present better proposals and results regarding the interests of the producers, who seek other activities as an income supplement. Thus, the execution of projects and activities for this purpose still need to be better planned and executed by the institutions that carry out ATER. In addition, that the offering institutions and the professionals responsible for the development of actions with producers, have the behavioral skills and technical capacity necessary to deliver to family farmers an ATER that actually has the perspective of sustainability and sustainable development in their practices.Item Análise da competitividade de laticínios em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-28) Bernardes, Nívea dos Reis; Cruz, José Elenilson;; Cruz, José Elenilson; Nacife, Jean Marc; Cavalcante, David Frederik da Silva; Cunha, Cleyzer Adrian daBased on the economic and social importance of the milk production chain for Brazil and the state of Goiás, specifically, and given the lack of research that points out which factors (internal to companies, market structural and systemic) most affect the competitiveness of Brazilian dairy agroindustries, this study aimed to analyze the competitiveness of dairy products in the state of Goiás. The specific objectives were to characterize the milk production chain in Brazil and in the state of Goiás, identify the degree of concentration of the dairy sector in Brazil and test a theoretical model of relationships between internal, market structural, systemic factors and competitiveness. of dairy products in the state of Goiás, under the theoretical perspective of systemic competitiveness proposed by Coutinho and Ferraz. Secondary data sources were used to characterize the sector, and to identify the degree of market concentration at the Brazilian level. The test of the theoretical model of hypothetical relationships was performed based on primary data collected from a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 27 respondents. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show the numbers of the dairy sector in Brazil, the prominent position of the state of Goiás on the national scene and the growth of milk uptake by dairy in recent years. Overall, the results indicated a moderate degree of concentration of the dairy industries in Brazil, based on the calculations of the CR4 and CR8 Concentration Ratio indices and the Herfindahl-Hirschman index (IHH). Finally, the analysis of the empirical data through the MEE indicated that of the three natures of factors tested as independent variables, only the structural market factors positively affected the competitiveness (dependent variable) of the researched dairy agro-industries. The results have positive implications for the companies investigated regarding the reformulation of strategies and the improvement of the decision-making process. To the literature, the study contributes by expanding knowledge about the competitiveness of the dairy agroindustry in Brazil, and by making available to future studies on the subject an empirically validated research scale.Item Análise da concentração e expansão da produção e do beneficiamento do milho-pipoca (Zea mays L. var. everta (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey) no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-23) Bertolucci, Murilo Fernandes; Cunha, Cleyzer Adrian da;; Cunha, Cleyzer Adrian da; Wander, Alcido Elenor; Godoi, Cintia NevesO objetivo do presente estudo foi averiguar a concentração e expansão da produção e beneficiamento do milho-pipoca (Zea mays L. var. everta (Sturtev.) L. H. Bailey) no Brasil. O modelo utilizado foi o ECD (Modelo Estrutura, Conduta, Desempenho) e os índices analisados foram o HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) e o CR4 (Razão de concentração das 4 maiores empresas). Para mensurar o tamanho do mercado e seus agentes nos mais diversos elos foram realizadas entrevistas com os agentes dos elos de interesse da pesquisa. Os dados secundários utilizados para determinar a competitividade da cadeia foram volume e o preço das sementes de milho-pipoca importadas e dos grãos do cereal exportados e importados no período, além de dados do Registro Nacional de Cultivares (RNC) para demonstrar o incremento no número de novos cultivares disponíveis. Os resultados revelaram que há concentração de mercado tanto no elo fornecedor de sementes quanto no elo indústria processadora e que devido a maior especificidade de ativos, esta é maior no elo dos fornecedores de sementes. Concluiu-se também que a cadeia produtiva é competitiva tanto em nível nacional quanto internacional.Item Agricultores familiares nas feiras livres goianienses: estudo de suas relações sociais, culturais e econômicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-23) Bittencourt, Blenda Domingues; Caliari, Márcio;; Caliari, Márcio; Marin, Joel Orlando Bevilaqua; Ribeiro, Cleonice Borges; Vera, Rosângela; Ferreira, Manuel EduardoThe objective of Chapter II was to identify whether the category of family farmers, especially those who produce fruits, uses the marketing channel, such as open markets, to sell their production, without departing from the way of life and traditional forms of production. The research is qualitative, with descriptive quantitative aspects. He used an outlining procedure such as bibliographic, documentary and field research. Data collection took place with the application of a questionnaire and observation techniques, which took the form of a survey. As a result, it was possible to recognize the insertion of family farmers in this métier, it was concluded that they establish relationships in the social, cultural and economic dimensions; allowed to understand the functioning and dynamics of open markets and to identify their origin in the macro-region of the city of Goiânia/GO. The objective of Chapter III was to of this research was to search in the free markets in Goiânia/GO, the presence of family farmers, observing their specificities regarding the social, cultural and economic relations established in this environment and between the actors that compose it. To carry out this research, the questionnaires and semi-structured interview techniques were used as a method to collect data, the nature of this data is qualitative and quantitative and descriptive, the field research took place in the environment of all regularized free fairs in Goiás, among the September 2018 to March 2019. The collected data were refined using descriptive statistics. The results obtained clearly reveal the existence of a significant contingent of family farmers inserted in the free fairs in Goiás. The objective of Chapter IV this research was to search in the free markets in Goiânia/GO, the presence of family farmers, observing their specificities regarding the social, cultural and economic relations established in this environment and between the actors that compose it. To carry out this research, the questionnaires and semi-structured interview techniques were used as a method to collect data, the nature of this data is qualitative and quantitative and descriptive, the field research took place in the environment of all regularized free fairs in Goiás, among the September 2018 to March 2019. The collected data were refined using descriptive statistics. The results obtained clearly reveal the existence of a significant contingent of family farmers inserted in the free fairs in Goiás. The purpose of Chapter V was to verify the insertion of family farmers in the open markets in Goiânia/GO and their social, cultural and economic relations. It delimited the research, outlining qualitative and quantitative descriptive procedures. The results confirm the participation of family farmers in the fairs in Goiás, with social, economic and cultural relations between them and other actors. It is concluded in this way, that open markets represent a fertile field for family farming, being promising for rural and local development.Item Determinantes da adoção da tecnologia de controle biológico da mosca-branca com o fungo Cordyceps javanica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-07-31) Borges, Mariely Moreira; Quintela, Eliane Dias;; Wander, Alcido Elenor;; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres;; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres; Wander, Alcido Elenor; Cruz, José Elenilson; Assunção, Paulo Eterno VenâncioThe excessive application of pesticides has had negative effects, not only on nature, water quality and food security, but also on human health. In addition, the growing resistance of insects to chemical insecticides has made it difficult to control pests such as the whitefly. Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) chosen by the UN, the second aims to eliminate hunger, ensure food security, increase nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. The goal is to double agricultural productivity and the income of small food producers by 2030, in addition to securing food production systems and implementing resilient agricultural practices. In view of this, it is essential to expand integrated pest management strategies, including biological control. Lallemand and EMBRAPA, together, formulated a biological product based on the fungus Cordyceps javanica, known as Lalguard Java. The objective of this work is to evaluate which factors are involved in the adoption of this biological product. Through a qualitative and quantitative research that used groups. Most seniors have low education, in addition to this there is a clear difficulty in accessing quality information, which can negatively influence the adoption of new technologies. Products that know the effectiveness of biological control are 81.81% more likely to adopt biological control with the fungus LALGUARD JAVA if it is efficient in controlling the whitefly and if it does not cause harm to humans and the environment. Producers who know the effectiveness of biological control have a 135.57% greater chance of adopting biological control with the fungus LALGUARD JAVA if it presents a cost and mortality level similar to those of chemical control.Item Determinantes à comercialização da produção de agricultores familiares assentados da reforma agrária no Distrito Federal/Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-09-28) Cavalcante, David Frederik da Silva; Cruz, José Elenilson;; Medina, Gabriel da Silva;; Medina, Gabriel da Silva; Cruz, José Elenilson; Thomé, Karim Marini; Dias, Cleidson Nogueira; Corcioli, GraciellaThe commercialization of production is an important rural development strategy, however, competitive market processes plus the access restrictions to social and material resources identified from natural, financial, human and social capital, make it difficult for family farmers. It's also important to understand that the entrepreneurial action of farmers is linked to the use of these capitals as it might enable better results. In this context, this thesis sought to measure and report the contribution of natural, financial, human and social capital and the entrepreneurial competence in family farmers’ commercialization of production. This research was carried out in 11 agrarian settlements in Distrito Federal (Brazil) and involved a universe of 503 families. In chapter 1, the aim was to describe the families’ commercial and productive profiles by comparing them in terms of natural, financial, human and social capital. In order to do so, 156 settlers were interviewed. The data analysis used the cluster technique, descriptive statistics and comparison between groups (non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test). It was found that in groups with higher levels of commercialization (through farmer’s markets, institutional markets and Community Supported Agriculture) there are also better capital levels. In chapter 2, the relationship between capitals (as means of livelihood) and commercialization was measured in both isolated and combined ways. As a result, the researcher was able to identify that the means of livelihood influence commercialization and that human and social capital are the ones that most contribute to sales. In chapter 3, the aim was to measure the effect of entrepreneurial competence as a mediator in the relationship between capital (livelihood) and commercialization. The results showed that entrepreneurial competence exerts total mediation in the relationship between livelihood and commercialization. In chapters 2 and 3, the research sample was restricted to only 125 farmers, who had both been interviewed in the research previously presented in chapter 1 and whose production had been at least partially commercialized. In both, the equation modeling technique was used (Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling - PLS-SEM). Ultimately, in chapter 4, the focus was to explain how capitals and entrepreneurial competence help family farmers overcome the commercialization of only part of the production and direct their production towards the markets. The analyses were performed using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and content analysis. It was identified that the commercialization orientation is associated with the use of irrigation, machinery and equipment with no manual labour involved plus the frequent participation in training and the incorporation of innovative products and processes used by neighbors. In addition, the achievement of this condition requires that farmers take the initiative to seek new forms of production and commercialization and form partnerships with their neighbors. These results indicate that the strategies to support family farming cannot be focused on just one type of resource. Furthermore, resources must be directed towards productive reconversion focused on products that present some type of differentiation, especially those linked to quality and identification as a healthy product.Item Modelo de predição da ocorrência de ferrugem asiática na cultura da soja a partir de variáveis climáticas e clusterização(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-24) Côrtes, Filipe da Silva; Abdalla, Klaus de Oliveira;; Abdalla, Klaus de Oliveira; Wander, Alcido Elenor; Heinemann, Alexandre BryanAsian rust is a disease with a significant impact on soybean in Brazil. Despite the great economic relevance of soybeans for Brazilian agribusiness, there are few studies on the conditions that cause the disease. This work aimed to create a predictive model considering the influence of climatic variables (temperature, precipitation, humidity and solar radiation), based on a dataset of rust occurrence, using the decision tree induction technique and logistic regression . The model was created with data on the occurrence of the disease in the cities of Cristalina, Jataí and Rio Verde - GO in the harvests from 2004/05 to 2016/17. For each occurrence record (detection), a corresponding “non-occurrence” was generated, this being the thirtieth day prior to the day of detection, assuming that on this date there would be no inoculum present in the field. The training set for the modeling has 10 variables totaling 393 records. The predictive model was proposed from the comparison of the best performance between the decision tree and logistic regression algorithms. After the accuracy results obtained (decision tree 77.88%, against 56.53% of the logistic regression algorithm), we used the clustering algorithm to group the data in the data preparation phase, again comparing the result between decision tree and logistic regression. With the support of clustering, we obtained the average accuracy in the range between 99 and 100% for decision tree and 66.75 and 100% for logistic regression.Item Barreiras ao sucesso da implementação da indicação geográfica no arranjo produtivo local do açafrão de Mara Rosa - GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-24) Costa, Rhynaldo Ribeiro da; Cruz, José Elenilson;; Cruz, José Elenilson; Wander, Alcido Elenor; Corcioli, Graciella; Dias, Cleidson NogueiraWith a cultivation model based on the traditions of the region, the saffron of Mara Rosa, which has adapted well to the climate and lands of the region, made possible a unique production of the spice, so the producers came together and within the actions of the cooperative members for expansion, it was requested and granted the creation of the Geographical Indication of Saffron of Mara Rosa. However, the research in the APL pointed out that the certification has not been implemented so far, so the present text, which is divided into three chapters, aims to identify in general the barriers to the successful implementation of the GI in the Mara Rosa-Go APL. The methodology was descriptive, composed of semi-structured interviews with APL actors. The analysis of the data from the face-to-face meetings was based on the relevant interview questions (Content Analysis) which dealt with the activities that are carried out in the routine of rural producers and the reflections and evaluation on how these were processed. Configuring itself, therefore, as a qualitative approach. The results pointed to issues related to land tenure, lack of labor, in addition to the producers' difficulties in complying with the technical standards imposed by the cooperative, from planting to delivery of saffron for processing.Item Análise da gestão de resíduos sólidos nas Centrais de Abastecimento de Goiás S.A. (CEASA-GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-31) Costa, Wilma Maria da; Souza, Cleonice Borges de;; Carvalho, Márcia Thaís de Melo;; Carvalho, Márcia Thaís de Melo; Souza, Cleonice Borges de; Corcioli, Graciella; Oliveira, Daniela Gislane deThe increasing consumption due to the growing urbanized population in the world requires an expansion in food production. In turn, the increased production and consumption of food generates greater transformation of inputs and raw materials, also resulting in increased waste production. Socio-environmental and economic problems arise when waste are not reused, treated, or disposed of properly. The generation of solid waste occurs not only during the production process, but also due to losses occurring throughout the production chain. The horticultural supply chain, for example, is seen as a major problem, because due to the perishability of the products, distribution efficiency is low. The Central Supply (CEASA) plays an important role in food distribution in Brazil. The Central Supply of Goiás S.A - CEASA-GO, located in Goiânia, has a gigantic marketing structure, being the 4th largest central distribution of horticultural products in Brazil. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize and estimate costs related to the management of solid waste generated by CEASA-GO in the period between 2019 and 2020. The methodology applied was based on bibliographic and documentary research, complemented by: semi-structured interviews with the actors who manage waste from CEASA-GO; gravimetric analysis of solid waste and the perception of CEASA-GO traders about waste management; and estimates of financial and environmental costs from secondary data. The results showed that of the total CEASA-GO waste forwarded for final disposal in the landfill of Goiânia, about 48.65% could be considered waste, or other waste, due to their characteristics, making it impossible to reuse or recycle. In the sample analyzed, approximately 41% of the waste generated by CEASA-GO is organic. Considering that the daily average for discarded waste was 26.50 tons between 2019 and 2020, then, approximately 10.86 tons per day of organic waste could be recycled through composting, for example. This estimate is useful, as it allows for the planning of processes that improve waste management at CEASA-GO. As for the perception and behavior of a group of 65 traders interviewed in this study, most of them: do not have knowledge about loss management and, consequently, do not use any technique to avoid them; have an average daily loss of 25kg of vegetables and 30kg of fruits; generate an average of 60kg of waste/day; do not separate waste; collaborate very little with cleaning; and do not have access to environmental education. Therefore, the research indicates that the implementation of an intense and more effective environmental education program directed to traders can contribute to reduce losses and waste production. Estimates indicate that the cost of waste treatment in CEASA-GO is high. In 20 months these costs reached R$ 4,547,605.79. But, the alternative projects have contributed to the saving of R$ 282.244.36 between the years 2019 and 2020. All organic and non-recyclable waste from CEASA-GO, an average of 26.5 tons per day, has as final destination the Landfill of Goiânia, where it occupies an area of 5,000 m2 or 0.5 ha, contributing to a production of leachate of 1,837.68 m³ (in 20 months) and the emission of greenhouse gases, mainly by transport and decomposition of waste that, according to estimates of this study, contributed with 0.0134 % of the total emission of Goiás in 2020. The adoption of measures for the separation of organic and recyclable waste at source would reduce the expenses arising from the disposal of solid waste originated in CEASA-GO, contributing to increase the life span of the Landfill of Goiânia.Item O efeito dos preços das commodities agropecuárias sobre os preços dos alimentos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-05-25) Fernandes, Kellen Cristina Campos; Figueiredo, Reginaldo Santana;; Figueiredo, Reginaldo Santana; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres; Sobrinho, Carlos Antônio Cardoso; Cabral, Juliana Silva Rodrigues; Gonçales, ClaudecirSince the food crisis that occurred in 2007-2008, the debate on the volatility of food prices has intensified, when there has been a significant increase in the prices of staple foods. This rise in food prices harms food security, since it affects more intensely the population of the downtown area, whose expenditure on food is higher compared to other social classes. This research was verified as the prices of agricultural commodities and their estimate estimates the prices of food and their estimate. Therefore, an analysis of price transmission between agricultural commodities and food markets will be carried out, using Engle and Granger's (1987) cointegration test and Johansen's (1988) Cointegration test and the analysis of volatility transmission. between agricultural commodities and food markets, using the BEKK model (Baba, Engle, Kraft and Kroner) by Engle and Kroner (1995). It was found that there is a long-term relationship between the prices of food and agricultural commodities as variations in commodity prices, according to food prices. It is suggested that further study and empirical research be carried out to explain how this effect of agricultural commodity prices occurs, given data to be studied on food prices. The information derived from this can contribute to the improvement of price and risk management in various agribusiness production chains and in their economic sectors.Item Cadeia dominial e processo de desapropriação da Fazenda Acaba vida, Niquelândia-GO (1756 a 2021)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-22) Ferretti, Kleber Destefani; Corcioli, Graciella;; Corcioli, Graciella; Cruz, Fabiana Thomé da; Oliveira, Ariovaldo Umbelino de; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues deThis paper seeks to analyze legal points that permeate rural expropriation for land reform. It analyzes the agrarian reform model and who benefits from it in the expropriation process, based on the expropriation of Fazenda Acaba Vida, located in Niquelândia-GO. It aims to demonstrate, based on the documents of the property, that goes from its origin to the current situation, and the administrative and judicial processes, to argue that the State privileges the great rural owner in all stages of land tenure regularization and, consequently, harms Brazilian society. In order to carry out these analyzes, the methodology used was the case study, based on the sesmarias records of the Overseas Historical Archive of Portugal, on the property transfer certificates of the Niquelândia- GO Property Registry Office, as well as information contained in the processes, administrative at INCRA, located in Goiânia-GO and judicial at the 4ª Federal Court of Goiânia-GO. With this collected documentary framework it was possible to verify that: 1. The lands are donated by sesmaria; 2. About 65% of the land in the property results from the illegal appropriation of vacant lands legalized by the judiciary; 3. The owner failed to fulfill the social function; 4. There were landless families in the place with the possibility of usucapir, and; 5. The expropriation action has lasted for more than 30 years. Finally, it is shown that the State had losses that pervade: 1. The sesmarial donation; 2. The loss of unoccupied land; 3. Compensation that the expropriated should not receive; 4. The acquisition of land unfit for agrarian reform. The results also show that the value of the property, which used to be R$ 19.979.746,77, went to R$ 63.003.562,36, in benefit of the expropriated property.Item Efeito da concentração da soja e algodão na produtividade de culturas essencialmente dependentes da polinização animal no centro-oeste brasileiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-07-05) Frias, Vinícius Diniz; Abdala, Klaus de Oliveira;; Abdala, Klaus de Oliveira; Franceschinelli, Edivani Villaron; Ferreira, Marcelo Dias PaesAccording to FAO’s data (2004) approximately 73% of agricultural species cultivated worldwide are pollinated by bees. However, a steady decline in the population of these pollinators has been observed in several countries and the indiscriminate use of pesticides has been pointed out as a major factor in this process. This master teses aimed to analyze the effect of the locational presence of soybean and cotton crops which use pesticides that are harmful to pollinators on the productivity of crops sensitive to pollination in central-western Brazil (a region that has significant productivity for agribusiness in Brazil). For this, a quantitative approach was adopted using statistical tools especially regression analysis through the development of an empirical model in order to test the hypothesis that municipalities that have not planted soybeans and/or cotton have higher productivity of pollinated crops than in municipalities that have planted soybeans and/or cotton, as well as to verify if the presence of forest remnants (habitat of native bees) favor the ecosystem service of pollination contributing to the productivity of crops essentially dependent on this service. The results suggest that the increase in the cultivation of Soy and Cotton in the Brazilian Midwest does not interfere in the productivity per hectare of the crops analyzed.Item Análise dos termos de ajustamento de conduta firmados pelo Ministério Público de Goiás em áreas de preservação permanente rurais na bacia do rio Meia Ponte(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-14) Jordão, Luciana Ramos; Barreira, Sybelle;; Barreira, Sybelle; Calil, Francine Neves; Zakia, Maria José Brito; Machado, Vilma de Fátima; Corcioli, GraciellaThis research analyses the results on damage recomposing in Permanent Preservation Areas located in cities that integrate the Meia Ponte River basin by verifying the Alternative Dispute Resolution Agreements (ADRs) in which Public Prosecutors take part. The research maps the judiciary districts and links them to environmental crimes committed between 2017 and 2019. After selecting five districts that would have their ADRs examined, it identifies the agreements that mentioned damages on Permanent Preservation Areas from 2014 to 2021. The agreements are read and described according to the research criteria. It identifies minimum patterns of content and validity considering existence, validity and efficacy criteria of contracts, and it’s interest in total repairing the damage caused to the environment. These criteria are systematically organized so that they can be user to analyze seven ADRs that were found during the research. The goal, during this step, is to examine if the agreements comply with minimum technical quality required by Brazilian Law. Also, it identifies five rural properties belonging to the ADRs participants in order to verify them by satellite images. These images permit temporal comparison of the areas and make it possible to see if there are Permanent Preservation Areas and Legal Reserved Areas that still have to be recomposed and the proposition on doing so according to the Rural-Environmental Registration. By qualitative analyses, the research concludes that the criteria stablished by Escada Ponteana are not sufficiently complied by the ADRs in which state Public Prosecutors take part. Important data on the parts, on the areas and on the obligations are not mentioned of forgotten. The restoration of the damaged areas was not verified in any of the rural properties analyzed. Public Prosecutors value documents over the reality of the areas and the possibility of complying with the ecological role. The way public officers deal with areas under Forest Code protection, even though it is easy to access data from the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) and it is possible to use remote sensing techniques, is not efficient and uses TACs as instrument to oversee environmental damage.Item Plantio de eucalipto e o serviço ecossistêmico de captura e armazenamento de carbono(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-22) Lacerda, Matheus Souza; Ferreira, Marcelo Dias Paes;; Barreira, Sybelle;; Barreira, Sybelle; Calil, Francine Neves; Ferreira, Jorge Luís SousaCommercial forest plantations are currently an important economic activity of Brazilian agribusiness, through technological, economic and social development, the sector has experienced considerable advances in the last few years. However, there is little information about the relationship of commercial forest plantations and ecosystem services approach. In this way, this analysis aimed to contribute to the environmental, social and economic debate through the principles of ecological economics, in this way, the analysis focused on the carbon sequestration service performed by a commercial forest plantation of eucalyptus, for this it was necessary to follow three fronts for research construction; I) quantification of the carbon stock and carbon equivalent of the plantation through a biophysical assessment carried out in the field, where information on volume, density, biomass, carbon allocation and carbon equivalent (CO2) of the area were collected. II) carried out the economic valuation of the carbon stock provided by the commercial forest plantation of eucalyptus, according to the social carbon cost (CSC), in which it is an important metric capable of translating the service of atmospheric carbon retention into monetary values, because in its construction there is a greater range of social, economic and climatic factors. III) Assessed the contribution of eucalyptus forest plantations on the emissions of the city of Goiânia, the analysis was made through the carbon balance data of the report of the System of Estimates of Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases (SEEG) revealing the impact of planting mitigation and its importance to face the climate crisis underway across the planet. The quantification of carbon stock and carbon equivalent was 108.44 t/ha of carbon and 397.96 t/ha of carbon equivalent, the monetary economic valuation was 2,602.44 US$ per hectare, reaching 130,122.38 US$ for the entire planting according to carbon stock and US$ 9,550.98 per hectare reaching US$ 477,549.13 for the entire planting, according to the valuation of carbon equivalent, the analysis of the contribution of planting, verified a potential for mitigating emissions of the city of Goiânia of 0.90% of the municipality's total emissions in 2018, results that demonstrate the ability of eucalyptus forest plantations as a sink for atmospheric carbon and to offer society well-being, through the allocation service, however as an economic activity, forestry projects need to be deepened, developed and interacted with the ecosystem services they perform.Item O sistema integrado de produção: aspectos ecológicos e econômicos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-30) Leite, Mayane do Nascimento Lima; Calil, Francine Neves;; Calil, Francine Neves; Felema, João; Silva Neto, Carlos de Melo eProducts derived from cultivated trees are experiencing growing demand from society, which has required the productive sectors to pay attention to environmental and climate issues, and has also motivated investment and development in the basic forestry sector. In this context, the forest biomass segment is emerging as a major player in meeting energy needs, being recognized as an important renewable source and has shown interest in research and technologies capable of making production economically viable and more environmentally sustainable through studies on biomass quantification, carbon stock, CO2 equivalent stock, nutritional factors, best plantation management practices, mainly related to the harvesting system and economic feasibility studies. The objectives of this study were to quantify biomass, carbon and nutrient stocks, define nutritional export scenarios at the time of harvest, analyze the economic advantages for the producer of adopting one of the proposed scenarios and analyze the economic viability of planting five eucalyptus clones at five years of age in IPF systems in the municipality of Morrinhos - Goiás. In the study area, a livestock-forest integration system was implemented in 2018, located in the Technological Reference Unit - URT, on the campus of the Federal Institute of Goiás with 10 hectares of extension, the area is a clonal test developed by Embrapa forests, where the forest inventory was carried out in April 2023, from the same, a ranking was carried out selecting the 5 best clones from the best to the worst, the criterion used in the ranking was greater volume of wood in the stem. Five trees were selected from each clone and then felled for analysis. The clones selected were AS-028 (E. urophylla x E. grandis), GG-2808 (E. urophylla x E. grandis), AS-006 (E. urophylla - hybrid), GG-1069 (E. urophylla x E. grandis), and GG-1980 (E. urophylla x E. grandis). After selection, a rigorous cubing of the stem was carried out according to the Smalian method, followed by the collection of wood disks from all the trees in the longitudinal positions: 0, DBH, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of commercial height. To estimate biomass, the basic wood density of each clone was determined. To calculate the biomass of the other components, a compartmentalization model obtained from a bibliographic survey of biomass for clones at a similar age was used. The results obtained for the average accumulated biomass for the five clones studied ranged from 104,050.00 to 139,067.00 kg/ha. To obtain the carbon stock and carbon equivalent values according to the IPCC, it was necessary to multiply the biomass value obtained by the factors 0.5 and 3.67 respectively. The results obtained for the carbon stock for the five clones studied were between 52,025.00 and 69,533.70 kg/ha, while the results obtained for the CO2 equivalent stock for the five clones studied were between 190,931.75 and 255,188.67 kg/ha. To obtain the nutrient content and stock values for each clone, samples made up of branches, leaves, bark and wood from each clone studied were sent to the analysis laboratory. Nutrient contents were found in greater concentration in the leaf compartment, while the lowest concentration was found in the wood of all the clones. Nutrient stocks were higher in the wood compartment due to its high biomass for all five clones. Three nutrient export scenarios were proposed based on the harvesting system (CN1, CN2 and CN3), where CN1 represents the removal of all aboveground biomass (wood, twigs, leaves and bark), CN2 represents the removal of wood and bark, with twigs and leaves remaining in the harvesting area, and CN3 represents the removal of only wood, with twigs, leaves and bark remaining in the area. With the results of the volume of waste left on site and the nutrient stock, the expected savings in fertilizers for each scenario were calculated. The savings generated based on the scenarios were estimated at between R$ 2,055.69 and R$ 3,487.44 for scenario 2 and between R$ 2,896.67 and R$ 4,314.00 for scenario 3. For the planting feasibility analysis, each clone was treated as a project, all the amounts invested and revenues were collected and tabulated, resulting in the cash flow for each project, a Minimum Attractiveness Rate (MAR) of 6% was set, based on the cash flow the Present Value of Benefits PV(B), Present Value of Costs PV(C), Net Present Value (NPV), Annualized Net Present Value (ANNV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) were calculated. The results obtained for all the projects based on the classic methodology (MC) were that all the projects are considered attractive (or recommendable)Item Análise dos parâmetros de produção, qualidade e comercialização da produção cafeeira em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-21) Maia, Donalvam Moreira da Costa; Ferreira, Marcelo Dias Paes;; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres;; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres; Nascimento, Abadia dos Reis; Silva, Vanderli Luciano daThe coffee is an agricultural activity with a strategic importance for being one of the products most traded in Brazil and worldwide. The coffee in state of Goiás, just like in brazilian market, looks promising, since the productivity in the state are higher than the national averages, and this results is justified by the favorable edaphoclimate condition. However, even the activity looks promising, the production is still far from reaching states like Minas Gerais e Espiríto Santo, being in seventh place in the country. Thus, the objective of this work is to realize a case study of the main coffee producers in Goiás, with the purpose to describe the way they produce, harvest, post-harvest and market in 2019. The coffee producers in Goiás seemed resistant to answer important questions of the questionnaire presented as a data collection methodology. Therefore, it was possible to realize that the state of Goiás, regarding agronomic production issue such as irrigation, planting, crop treatment and phytosanitary management is considered technified, but some important points, especially post-harvest and commercialization, are neglected witch direct impacts on profitability for producers and on the success of the activity. In the same way, it was possible to verify, by the CONAB (2019) methodology, that just 51% of the producers presented above their total cost. However, It was possible to notice that the coffee activity has an expansion opportunity and for that the producers of Goiás needs to see the activity is a business and their productive, marketing parameters should be analyzed separately, to reach more satisfactory levels.Item Efeitos econômicos e ecológicos da substituição de uso do solo por plantios de eucalipto(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-17) Marcelino, Eduardo Henrique Batista; Abdala, Klaus de Oliveira;; Abdala, Klaus de Oliveira; Cunha, Cleyzer Adrian da; Baumann, Luis Rodrigo FernandesThis study addresses the economic and ecological impacts of eucalyptus forestry expansion in Goiás, considering environmental fragility as a key indicator. By incorporating commonly used methodologies for fragility analysis, it evaluates the vulnerability of natural environments using soil, geological, relief, and rainfall data. The results revealed that Goiás has approximately 138.9 thousand hectares of eucalyptus plantations, with diversified distribution in terms of environmental fragility. Most areas are in the medium fragility category (28.5%), followed by areas with a high degree of fragility (22.6%). These eucalyptus areas encompass different levels of environmental risk, ranging from low to high risk, with notable classes being very low (18.8%) and very high (16.5%). Economic analysis based on the Value of Agricultural Production (VBP) revealed that annual crops showed a negative impact when compared to other land use classes replaced by eucalyptus. These results provide important insights for the sustainable planning and management of eucalyptus forestry areas in GoiásItem Avaliação executiva da assistência técnica e extensão rural do programa "Promoção da Agricultura Familiar Sustentável" no município de Campo Alegre de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Martins, Jean Louis Alves; Oliveira, Guilherme Resende;; Oliveira, Guilherme Resende; Cunha, Cleyzer Adrian da; Carneiro, Maurízia de FátimaThis work is an executive evaluation of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) provided in the program “Promotion of Sustainable Family Agriculture” in the municipality of Campo Alegre de Goiás, object of a contract between the Ministério de Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA) and the Agência Goiana de Assistência Técnica, Extensão Rural e Pesquisa Agropecuária (Emater), implemented between 2015 and 2017. The executive evaluation allowed establishing an overview of this Public Policy in the selected public through the analysis of data from structured interviews and semi-structured, documentary analysis of the beneficiaries' credit projects in the file of the Local Unit of Emater in Campo Alegre de Goiás, observations and informal conversations with the families of producers carried out in the visits to the Family Production Units, the evaluation proposal in this research/evaluation project was carried out in the municipality with a total of 83 families remaining from the original group of 100 families, This is the death, retirement from the activity and sale of the property due to illness of 17 producers, divided into 5 groups spread over 5 communities: Paulista, Paulista/Sesmaria, Conceição/Boa Vista, Calaça/Soledade and Rancharia , proving the effectiveness of technical assistance and rural extension actions in improving pasture management, management and genetic improvement of the dairy herd, increased milk and forage productivity, protection of springs, recovery of riparian forests, adoption of agroecological practices, reduction of toxic inputs, reduction of costs, leading to an increase in net income, which impacted the way of life of these families in terms of comfort and acquisition of consumer goods. The amount of the budget appropriation was sufficient to fund the actions towards the intended objectives and the Public Policy was carried out with reasonable costs (economy). As it takes place in a timely manner during policy implementation, the executive assessment is a faster and more targeted approach to adjusting public policy. According to Cohen and Franco (2004), a public policy evaluation is justified because it plays a central role in the rationalization process and is a basic element in the planning of a public policy with results evaluated by effectiveness.
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