Programa de Pós-graduação em Agronegócio
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Item Análise de impacto ambiental na zona de amortecimento do Parque Nacional das Emas a partir da pressão agropecuária(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-16) Barbosa Neto, Manoel Alves; Ribeiro, Dinalva Donizete;; Abdala, Klaus de Oliveira;; Abdala, Klaus de Oliveira; Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo; Carneiro, Gabriel TenagliaThe state of Goiás, with 97% of its area inserted in the Cerrado biome, has only 3% of the territory protected in conservation units, among them the Emas National Park, considered a priority area for biodiversity conservation. Weather conditions, geomorphological and government development with occupation programs since the 70s, turned the park region an important hub national agriculture, which represents major threat to this protected area. This study examined the effectiveness of the buffer zone established by the management plan for protecting this conservation unit to agricultural pressure on its surroundings using the PEIR matrix. Despite the regulations of the buffer zone, the standards set from the same are not being fulfilled as regulated. The results obtained can support public policies that promote behaviors appropriate to the functionality of the Buffer Zone of Emas National Park.Item Compliance no agronegócio: possibilidades e desafios para a cadeia produtiva do tomate industrial em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-12) Faria, Renato de Sousa; Nascimento, Abadia dos Reis;; Wander, Alcido Elenor;; Wander, Alcido Elenor; Cunha, Cleyzer Adrian da; Chehab, Isabelle Maria Campos VasconcelosGoiás is the main tomato producer and processor in Brazil (CEPEA, 2018). The productive chain in this sector is formally organized through contractual arrangements, due to the strong interdependence between the productive agents, especially producers and processing industries. The industry has a preponderance in governance since it controls various aspects of production demanding an incentive system that can generate contractual balance and efficiency. The study of the limits of contractual obligations and responsibilities from the economic and legal analysis of standard contracts used in the relationship between industry and rural producer, allowed the understanding of the existing legal mechanisms in the national order, including from the perspective of contemporary Law no. 13,874 of September 20, 2019, which established the Declaration of the Rights of Economic Freedom, to deal with situations related to opportunistic behavior, the limitation of rationality, information asymmetry and situations arising from unpredictability, which may require adaptation of these instruments. It was based on the premise that acting in a transparent and organized manner has the potential to enable the producer, the agroindustry, the members of the agro-industrial systems to obtain better results in their ventures through risk management, product quality improvement and access to new markets. In this regard, the actions of MAPA - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply related to the MAPA INTEGRO and Agro + Integridade programs were highlighted. The research is academic and theoretically related the concepts of compliance, contracts and transaction costs with reference to the industrial tomato production chain in the state of Goiás. The references and information were obtained through bibliographic and documentary research.Item A lógica da ação coletiva para os condomínios de armazéns rurais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-07-21) Filippi, Amanda Cristina Gaban; Guarnieri, Patricia;; Cunha, Cleyzer Adrian da;; Cunha, Cleyzer Adrian da; Souza, Cleonice Borges de; Wander, Alcido Elenor; Carvalho, José Márcio; Costa Filho, Bento Alves daThis thesis analyzed the Rural Warehouse Condominiums as a new model of Rural Collective Action in the light of the Collective Action Logic theory. For this purpose, it was carried out an applied, descriptive, exploratory and qualitative-quantitative research through semi-structured interviews and survey. The data analysis was performed through Content Analysis, Statistical Analysis and Multiple Correspondence Analysis. The results show an approximation of the rural model Condominiums of Rural Warehouses with the Theory of Logic of Collective Action, mainly for small groups. This fact occurs since individual objectives under collective action are more easily achieved and more efficient, promoting advantages for the individual, for the business and the production chain. In small groups, economic objectives, cohesion and efficiency, control and agility of actions, collective benefit, social incentives, results and the promotion of individual interest are more satisfactory and, thereis no presence of freeriders. Also, we highlight the viability of the warehouse structure managed collectively, strengthening and greate refficiency of rural business and producers, insertion and integration in a competitive market environment, economic and social benefits, costreduction, and, increase in profit. Related to the economic, social and logistical determinants, it can be pointed out the commercialization of the product, logistical gains, and the union of the producers regarding the development and growth of rural collective action. Finally, the quantitative analysis indicates the main motivating factors for the Rural Warehouse Condominium model through Social, Logistic, Political, Economic, Management and Collective Action Logic variables. The variable of Collective Action Logic resulted in a higher load for the dimensions and a greater number of determining variables, being decisive: (i) Smaller Collective Actions are easier to promote collective interest; (ii) rural producers act in common to promote interests; (iii) in a small collective group, individual efforts will influence results more; and, (iv) the smaller the collective group, the closer the individual, easier will be the achieviement of collective benefits. The correlations show stronger relationships between costreduction with freight and costreduction with transport (0,833); and, between the lack of financinglines for small and medium producers and the lack of financinglines for agricultural warehouse (0,741). As contributions to this thesis, the dissemination of the rural collective action model Rural Warehouse Condominium is exemplified, integration of research with the Theory of Logic of Collective Action, inputs for decision making, and contribution to the literature.Item Sujeito aos grandão: reprodução social do campesinato na comunidade Cana Verde em Palestina de Goiás-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-05) Galván, Gabriel Horacio; Ribeiro, Dinalva Donizete;; Ribeiro, Dinalva Donizete; Corcioli, Graciella; Mendonça, Marcelo RodriguesThe present research aims to analyze the social reproduction strategies of peasant families in the Cana Verde community located in the municipality of Palestina de Goiás, in the southwest region of the state of Goiás. As for the approach, this is a qualitative research based on elements methodological features of ethnography. In the development of the research, 11 family production units were visited, in which 14 families are working, involving 46 people. The families that made up the survey are organized in the Associação dos Pequenos Produtores da Cana Verde (APROCAN). In order to achieve the proposed objective, secondary sources of information were used, such as digital repositories of theses, newspapers and scientific journals, in addition to databases from different sources. The primary results were produced using testimonials obtained during semi-structured and open interviews with community members between 32 and 80 years of age. Also, participant observation and the field notebook were used as complementary techniques. The results show that the strategies adopted by families, and which contribute to their social reproduction, can be analyzed based on material and symbolic elements. Analyzing the effects of the modernization of Brazilian agriculture, it was possible to identify changes in the Community's social and productive relations. However, families have responded by specializing productively, mainly in dairy farming, but still maintaining a diversified agriculture to meet the needs of the family group and, at the same time, making use of several marketing channels, short markets and establishing commercial relations with different agribusiness segments. From a symbolic point of view, the characteristics of the peasantry are reproduced through elements such as popular and religious festivals, music, food, work and social relations of compassion, neighborhood and solidarity. Regarding the effects caused by the economic logic of agribusiness and which hinder the social reproduction of families, the process of encroachment stands out, materialized in: applications of pesticides and the advance of the agricultural frontier to the limits of the Community; through monopoly rents; and through the control of genetic resources and the suppression of autonomous forms of fertilization. Due to the influence of agribusiness in the Community, it is possible to determine that its logic pressures families to deprive them of their means of production and life, at the same time that it also generates conditions for their reproduction, albeit contradictorily, through relationships with the “Canaverdian” families. Thus, in the light of the results, it was possible to consider the hypothesis established at the beginning of the research, when it started from the understanding that the social reproduction of the peasantry is due both to elements specific to the organization of the family and community unit, as well as to its relationship with the larger circuit (capitalist society). This is done through its insertion subordinated to the productive logic of agribusiness, with a visible recreation of the peasantry mediated by capital. Thus, through the results of the research, we defend the thesis of the permanence of the peasantry in capitalist society, related to the current of thought of the “end of the end of the peasantry”.Item O uso de geotecnologias na vistoria e avaliação de imóveis rurais pelo INCRA(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-12) Pinto, Carlos Eduardo Marques; Jesus, Andrelisa Santos de;; Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo;; Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo; Souza, Cleonice Borges de; Santos, Alex Mota dosThe rural properties destined for agrarian reform purposes in Brazil, whatever the form of obtaining, must be inspected and evaluated by an INCRA technical, generating an Inspection and Evaluation Report. In this report, the price and the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of the property are determined for the creation of an agrarian reform settlement. The process of appraising a property can be time-consuming and expensive due to the long waiting list, agency infrastructure and logistical access to agricultural properties. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of new and free geotechnologies to identify parameters that can assist the inspection and evaluation of rural properties, reducing costs and time, with increased reliability and accuracy. For that, satellite images (e.g., LANDSAT, ALOS and SENTINEL platforms) and an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) were used to generate thematic maps for the Rio Vermelho Hydrographic Basin region, in Goiás state, with attention to three rural settlement projects. The results indicate that the identification of key characteristics of the studied areas is enhanced by the use of geotechnologies, with a significant reduction in costs and time of evaluation, including the phase of inspection and evaluation of rural properties covered in this analysis.Item Análise de produtores de tomate de mesa do estado de Goiás e uso de Vant como ferramenta para levantamento de informações(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-21) Quintanilha, Karolino Torres; Nascimento, Abadia dos Reis;; Corcioli, Graciella;; Corcioli, Graciella; Nascimento, Abadia dos Reis; Borges, Lino Carlos; Cruz, José Elenilson daThe tomato originates in South America, more specifically in the Andes region, its domestication took place in Mexico. It is a very important vegetable in both the national and international scene and it requires a lot of technology in its cultivation to achieve high yields. For the crop to be competitive in the national scenario, it is essential to know the main systems of the tomato production chain, as well as the profile of the producers and the technologies used. The use of UAV is being tested as a tool for precision agriculture and can be used in large table tomato crops to contribute to some data surveys. Thus, the first chapter of the present study aimed to present a sample of 23 municipalities and the main producers of table tomatoes in the state of Goiás, in order to map and identify the cultivation area of the producers of this crop, as well as to identify the place of production and technologies applied in the field. The data collection was carried out in the years 2018 and 2019, with support from EMATER-GO, LAPIG and UFG, via questionnaires applied on-the-spot and by telephone calls. The second chapter analyzed the profile and production technologies of 15 producers, as well as the feasibility of using UAV as a methodological tool for gathering information. The research is classified as exploratory, qualitative and quantitative. The main tools used for data processing were QGIS and Pix4D. UAV overflights were performed in three different municipalities chosen from the 23 municipalities investigated in the survey. The tools used for data processing were Excel, Word and IBM SPSS. As main results, 99 producers were found, with a total area of 290.27 hectares in 23 municipalities where table tomatoes are produced in the state of Goiás. As for the second trial, it was found that the profiles of the investigated producers are of middleaged people, with good schooling and predominantly male. The technologies applied in the production of table tomatoes follow a pattern with few variations in methods. It was verified that it is possible to use UAV as a methodological tool to assist in the confrontation of information obtained by on-site visits, for this tool is more efficient than satellite images.Item Análise da eficiência das unidades locais da Emater em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-20) Ramos, Érica Basílio Tavares; Oliveira, Guilherme Resende;; Ferreira, Marcelo Dias Paes;; Teixeira, Sônia Milagres; Daniel, Lindomar Pegorini; Ferreira, Marcelo Dias PaesThis study aimed to analyze the technical efficiency of Emater municipal units in the State of Goiás, Brazil. The methodological approach consists of a two-stage procedure. The first stage consisted of a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). In the second stage, we used Tobit regression and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) to evaluate the sources of efficiency. The results of the first stage show that the units of Emater in Goiás presented efficiency heterogeneity. We also found that average scale efficiency was 81.67%, which means that issues related to scale reduce efficiency VRS about 18.33% in relation to CRS. From the sample of 178 local units, only 15 units are efficient for the Variable Scale Return model. In the second stage, variables such as distance from the capital (Goiânia), Municipal support, Cattle herd, Proportion of employees with higher and technical level, among others, have statistical significance to explain the efficiency of Emater's municipal units in Goiás. The results can help to improve public policies, since it has been identified which municipal units are inefficient and some sources of inefficiency.