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Item Memória, corpo e performances: a dança negra de Mercedes Baptista(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-04-20) Pereira, Dayana Gomes; Correia, Paulo Petronilio;;; Oliveira, Vânia Dolores Estevam de;; Oliveira, Vânia Dolores Estevam de; Correia, Paulo Petronilio; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; Veloso, Sainy Coelho BorgesThis study proposes reflections, analyzes and discussions for the female black body in dance, having as a study the course and the performances of dancer Mercedes Baptista (1921-2014). In order to get perceptions of this body, are emphasized choices, pathways, spaces, Afro Brazilian Dance in Mercedes Baptista, events and people that have gone through and marked her life story. From the reconstruction of its trajectory, it is possible to think the problems that still demarcate this body. This reinterpretation grounded in biographical work "Mercedes Baptista: the creation of black identity in dance" Paul Melgaço (2007) are marked educational spaces and meeting that will contribute to the formation of ballerina, considered this work as a rhizome. To broaden perspectives on aspects that cut across its history, they are discussed concepts related to the memory, forgetfulness and invisibility, in dialogue with the review and analysis of the content of three books dealing with the history of dance in Brazil. At understanding the printed demarcations that body, are discussed aspects that make up the social imaginarywith a focus on one of the representations attributed to the female black body dance, present in the trajectory of Mercedes Baptista, the personification of "mulatto". In this context of thinking training, the female black body and its representations, is taken up the "body afrodiaspórico" while confrontation way these symbolic impositions. For better understanding the variances of which this body created and recreated, although the omissions and representations, through the lens of Cultural Performances are discussed the notion of the body as "liminal body" being considered the documentary "standing Ballet on the ground" of Marianna Monteiro and Lily Solá (2005). This work aims at weaving a dance writing, that emphasis an important aspects, that is expected to contribute to the reflections on the formation of the female black body dance nowadays.Item Afro rizomas: corpo, noção de pessoa e identidade no Candomblé(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-06-03) Rezende, Marcos Vinícius Buiati; Correia, Paulo Petronilio;; Correia, Paulo Petronilio; Nascimento, Wanderson Flor do; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Silva, Renata de LimaThe body in Candomble, in its scenic and ritual performances, is asked to dwell friction zones that destabilize and confuse certain aesthetic-ethical-political normative standards. The aim of this study is to map part of this conjuncture of destabilization and displacements from the liturgical - teaching aspects in which the body is inserted in Candomble, in dialogue with some of the conceptual axes, such as aesthetics, composition, person, gender and identity. It seeks to elucidate in which ways the scenic and ritual performances of body in Candomble are only possible if there´s a destabilization of these normative categories, therefore creating an aesthetic - ethics of being in community through social and liturgical means that displaces and unsettles this body. The general theoretical scope rests on the rhizome perspective, epistemological system proposed by Deleuze and Guattari (1995), where there are no pre-established hierarchies or closed dichotomies. The approach so of the body in Candomblé is from a multi conceptual and hybrid reference. It also relies in Deleuze and Guattari (2010), Guattari (1992), Maffesoli (1996) and Santos (2012) to consider aesthetics in Candomble; Segato (2000), Goldman (1984) Butler (2012) and Hall (2011) for identity and notion of person. Theory and method are therefore interdisciplinary, thought from multiplicity and plurality conceptual and analytical, guided by cultural performances perspective. It is expected to show that body in Candomble´s performance builds a scenic act in itself, unique and inventive, as well as is in itself an event. So here, it can be said that in its plurality, body in Candomble affirms itself as revolutionary and subversive. It is a body that resists the present, questioning it from its margins and cracks.