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Item Racismo e psicanálise: a voz da mulher negra na literatura(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-09-03) Almeida, Natália de Sousa; Marques, Rodrigo Vieira;; Marques, Rodrigo Vieira; Manzi Filho, Ronaldo; Lima, Priscilla Melo RibeiroThis research aims to investigate, through a psychoanalytic analysis, the voices of black women resonating in the literary works The Color Purple by Alice Walker and Quarto de Despejo [Eviction room] by Carolina Maria de Jesus. For this, we made a historical, political and social rescue about racism, highlighting the racial issue as intensifier of the suffering of black women. Thus, we used strands of feminism that appropriate a decolonial politics to develop discussions about the double condition of oppression in being a woman and black. We brought some questions that locate psychoanalysis as a guide for the discussions of race. We used the studies of the Martiniquian psychoanalyst Frantz Fanon and the Brazilian psychoanalyst Neusa Sousa Santos to collaborate in the understanding of what it is like to be a black person. Based on these studies, we made a comparative analysis between the two literary works, focusing on the similarities between Alice Walker's and Carolina Maria de Jesus' writings about the condition of black women.Item O trabalho do profissional de psicologia na atuação em cuidados paliativos: uma análise da morte e do morrer(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-25) Amaral, Jacqueline Andrade; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de;; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Costa Neto, Sebastião Benício daThe following study addresses the work of psychologists in Palliative Care, who experience, alongside both patients and relatives, moments of finitude in situations that have death as one of the possible outcomes. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted psychologists’ roles within multiprofessional teams which were based on a transdisciplinary approach. However, it is noted that the theories and competences which handle death and the process of dying are yet to be included in the national curricular directives of Psychology university programs, which leads to questioning whether Psychology professionals are actually well-prepared to work in the aforementioned field. This research focuses on the work of psychologists who handle death and the process of dying within Palliative Care teams. To reach the objective established, the experiences of psychologists in multiprofissional palliative care teams, when working with patients and relatives, were taken into account, emphasizing the competences and abilities required for interventions in situations which include death and the process of dying. The methodological course was of qualitative research, using narrative interviews as the method of choice. This allowed the apprehension of significant and subjective data regarding historical and sociocultural aspects, which provided a privileged space for speech and elaboration of life stories. In this study, three persons were interviewed, all three having worked in the Palliative Care field for at least two years. Results confirmed that psychologists’ knowledge regarding death and the process of dying is scarce, and that, to work in the palliative care field, Psychology professionals require theoretical knowledge. Considering said results, the present research indicates a need for inclusion of death and the process of dying in Psychology university programs, which might contribute to forming a holistic view of humanity.Item O laço contorna o vazio: um estudo de caso sobre a experiência subjetiva materna no contexto da pandemia da covid-19(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-29) Andrade, Débora Damacena de; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de;; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro deThe present study aimed to analyze, from a psychoanalytic perspective and through the narrative of the construction of her motherhood, the subjective experience of a woman who became a mother in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. We know that the pandemic scenario has caused important psychosocial transformations around the world. In the specific context of motherhood, the pandemic experience brought unique challenges for women who gave birth during this period. Therefore, to achieve the proposed objective, we based the research on psychoanalytic theory. The bond between mother and baby is fundamental for the individual's psychological development, and the experience of motherhood is marked by unconscious conflicts and fantasies related to identification, narcissism, and sexuality. During the pandemic, the experience of motherhood was even more challenging, as mothers had to face a series of difficulties, including fear of contagion, difficulty accessing medical care, and lack of social and emotional support. To deepen the study of this experience, we used the case study as a research method and narrative interviews as a way of apprehending the maternal subjective experience. In the analyzed case, the interviewee shows the ambivalences of motherhood; however, she finds in her experience with her son, in the mother-baby bond, a contour for a void resulting from her life history and the pandemic context. With this study, we were able to conclude that the social and emotional effects of the Covid-19 pandemic involved the potentiation of conflicts and issues present in the participant's life history for her experience with motherhood. Therefore, we highlight the importance that psychological intervention had on the interviewee's experience, who mentioned several times how this process of confronting her insecurities and anxieties in a welcoming space was important to elaborate her conflicts.Item Puerpério e processos identitários maternos diante da perda gestacional e suas implicações psicossociais na parentalidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-09-08) Andrade, Florise Teles; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de;; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Arrais, Alessandra da RochaThis dissertation addresses the transition of maternal identity crossed by neonatal loss in the pu-erperium within the psychoanalytic theory. For qualitative research, the methodology of narrative interviews was used, in which three case studies of primiparous mothers aged between 25 and 35 years who lost their children between 0 and 27 days of life were carried out. To contemplate this theme, the bibliographical survey about parental grief and the constitution of parenthood encom-passed the discourses that precede the maternal place in modernity. In this sense, we sought to understand the historical constructions and their possible implications in the process of identi-fying women with motherhood, later related to the loss and death of their child. In this follow-up, the deficiency of protocols in women's health care and in the management of psychological inter-vention in situations of perinatal mourning was highlighted in order to demonstrate how these events can further make the psychic elaboration more complex. The pregnancy-puerperal cycle and its consequences were covered in detail along with the validation processes in our culture, as they hinder the elaboration of mourning and narcissistic reparation in the investigated cases. Thus, the research aims to contribute to expanding the field of perinatal care and highlight the urgency to systematize psychological and psychoanalytic studies that can collaborate in the im-plementation of changes in the area of women's health in order to socially legitimize grief and the recognition of the experience of motherhood.Item História da psicologia brasileira: saberes psicológicos no século XIX(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-28) Araújo, Danielly Machado Alves; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito;; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito; Rodrigues, Divino de Jesus da Silva; Mata, Alba Cristhiane Santana daThe history of Brazilian psychology is a field of study with infinite possibilities, we have different time frames, theoretical and methodological perspectives that present us with an entire universe to be explored. This dissertation aims to explore one of these possibilities: the history of psychological knowledge based on travelers' reports published in the 19th century. Psychological knowledge is understood as that produced and disseminated in everyday life in the form of theories or practices, above all, that which, after the conception of psychology as a science, became its object. The sources researched are travel diaries of men who came to Brazil in the 19th century, whose missions were to record and detail information about the country and bring knowledge to the authorities about the various aspects of our territory, including geography, botany, economy, culture and population health, for example. This is a bibliographic study based on historicaldialectical materialism, whose works researched are authored by Auguste de Saint-Hillaire, George Gardner and Johann Baptist Emanuel Pohl. The works researched consist of major contributions to the history of brazilian psychology, mainly to the history of psychology in Goiás, providing rich discussion about how our people understood the psyche, human behavior and society. Critical reading and analysis culminated the identification and mapping of the following categories: “Customs: popular culture and ways of living life in Brazil”, “Religious diversity: one land, many Brazils”, “Knowledge about behavior: learning, education and control”, “Affects and temperament: emotions, character and self-knowledge”. The discussion allowed the understanding that psychological knowledge precedes scientific psychology and is closely related to popular wisdom, philosophy, medicine and education.Item Neoliberalismo e a fetichização de diplomas de psicologia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-30) Barbosa, Maria Clara da Silva; Santos, Lívia Gomes dos;; Santos, Lívia Gomes dos; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Tavares, Rosana CarneiroThe present study sought to investigate the impacts of the fetishization of Higher Education diplomas in the training of Psychology professionals. Our main hypothesis is that the increase in the emergence of Psychology courses in the city of Goiânia-Go occurred as a result of the fetishization of diplomas, mainly from the 2000s onwards, due to the advance of neoliberalism in the country. For this purpose, the National Registry of Higher Education Courses and Institutions, e-Mec and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) were used to collect data on the number of vacancies and courses offered per year. In fact, the increase in psychology courses in the city between 2000 and 2010 is significant, also showing a growing increase from 2020, due to factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the psychopathologization of life. For a better understanding of the theme addressed in the study, we will go through the history of universities in Brazil, the history of neoliberalism, the definition of merchandise and merchandise fetish and, finally, the fetishization of diplomas as the main consequence of the commodification of education, a remarkable phenomenon from the 1990’s. Finally, we point out that the relationship between the fetishization of Higher Education diplomas in Psychology, the growing number of courses in private universities and colleges and the rise of neoliberalism in Brazil from the 1990s onwards research and corroborates the initial hypothesis that the accelerated growth of the political and ideological system was directly related to the fetishization of psychology degrees.Item A perspectiva analítico-comportamental sobre a homossexualidade: análise da produção acadêmica brasileira e reflexões ético-políticas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-12) Barreto, Wanderson; Toassa, Gisele;; Toassa, Gisele; Laurenti, Carolina; Coelho, Cristiano; Rodrigues, Anderson de BritoThis work sought to understand the theme of homosexuality from the perspective of Behavior Analysis (BA), thus presenting reflections on their positions and productions in relation to homosexuality. Therefore, the topic was discussed from ethical and political implications present in the BA and finally, we present the scenario of the Brazilian academic production in order to raise more ethical and policies reflections for the field. So far, we have identified that the set of knowledge and practices of BA has already been used without reflection and criticism in treatments for reversing homosexuality. Such treatments assumed that homosexuality was a deviant and pathological conduct that could be modified by aversive behavioral techniques. Thus, we seek to identify how the BA in Brazil dealt with this issue through its academic productions from 1999 to 2019, a period in which Brazilian Psychology, through Resolution CFP 001/1999, materialized its favorable view of the struggles for diversity thus determining that homosexuality should not be treated as a pathology. This research has theoretical and bibliographic because in it a historical and contextual questioning, as well as a study and categorization of texts in order to explore what others authors have already said about homosexuality. The selected texts were analyzed from the following categories: 1) Definition and explanation of homosexuality; 2) Definition and explanation of prejudice against homosexuals; 3) Dialogue with other authors and areas; and 4) Ethical and political considerations. In general, it is argued that homosexuality is not the problem to be faced, but coercive culture against homosexuals.Item Implicações psicossociais da prematuridade na relação mãe-bebê(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-03) Becker, Jéssica Larissa Ferrari; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de;; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Arrais, Alessandra da Rocha; Costa Neto, Sebastião Benício da; Tavares, Naraiana de OliveiraThis Master's qualification text is linked to the line of research in Psychosocial and Educational Processes from the Psychology Master's Program at the College of Federal University of Goiás Education College (PPGP / UFG). It aims to understand the psychological factors involved in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle and to analyze the indicators of the affective relationship between mothers and premature babies admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit, under Psychoanalysis lenses. The study had the HighRisk Nursery as a field of investigation, inserted in the Maternity Hospital and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (UTIN) of Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Goiás (HC / UFG). The research is characterized by being descriptive, exploratory, transversal and of qualitative typology, which uses as instruments of data collection: the semistructured interview script, sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and medical records of the newborn. Fifteen mothers of premature babies who were hospitalized in the High-Risk Nursery or in the NICU of HC / UFG participated in the research. Data were collected after the participants signed the Free and Informed Consent Term (TCLE) and/or the Term of Assent (TA), between February and July 2019. Data analysis was done through the interlocution of Psychoanalysis (specifically with authors who worked with the question of the mother-baby relationship, such as Freud, Winnicott, Spitz, among others), with the field of qualitative research in health, using the Thematic Content Analysis method. The dissertation is divided in three chapters. The first chapter discusses fundamental questions for the study, which are related to the dimensions of prematurity and the mother-baby relationship, such as: the historicity of motherhood and maternal love, the baby's psychic constitution facing maternal discourse, aspects of the pregnancy-puerperal cycle and the effects of prematurity on the mother-baby relationship. In this chapter, the theoretical bases that support the analysis stand out. In the second chapter, public policies focused on maternal and child health are presented, examples of possibilities for early intervention in the context of prematurity and the design of the investigation: path and construction of the research. In the third chapter there is a description and discussion of the results from the characterization of the population, including the sociodemographic and clinical data of the mothers and the clinical data of the premature babies; and from the semistructured interviews the significant parts from the mothers' reports are highlighted and analyzed. The dissertation ends with the carried out research final considerations.Item O não-todo significante do feminino em Lacan(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-10) Braga, Leticia Ferreira; Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani;; Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani; Marques, Rodrigo Vieira; Souza, Elizabeth Cristina Landi de Lima eThe present work aimed to investigate how the feminine position happens in relation to the significant Other (A), the phallic significant, in Lacan. For that, a cut of the Lacanian route was chosen, in which the focus is that the female position has the characteristic of being not-whole in front of the phallic meaning. A research consenting to the bias that the sexual position is not limited to genders, to body anatomies, on the contrary, it is about signifiers. Thus, initially this research revisits the freudian theory of the Oedipus Complex, through which the enigma of the feminine will be put into perspective, in a dialogue with authors who agree that the feminine position is related to the signifier of the phallic function, but that something escapes the significance that the Other has. Then, this work puts in view that the incompleteness that fundamentally characterizes the place of the Other (A) is announced in a lacanian way by understanding the signifier of the barred Other, S(Ⱥ), precisely what in freudian theory is left in suspense of that escaped the phallic law in the said girls, due to the fact that this incidence comes from the field of the mother's desire, the feminine, therefore, which, in turn, takes into account what also escaped the phallic law. It is, in this sense, therefore, versed in the work that the Other is the field in which the subject gains consistency, since the subject is what a signifier represents to another signifier; however, jouissance being that which points to something that is of the order of an event of the body that is neither founded nor guaranteed in the relationship with the Other, the mode of jouissance in the feminine position is shown to be crossed by the symbolic, but there is something else in this enjoyment mode. The phallic signifier appears; however, it does not contain what the feminine represents. That is why its logic is that of being not-all phallic and, in the face of phallic jouissance, the mode of operation of its jouissance, which will be unique to each of the women, also announces another logic, supplementary and from which it is only semi-true says because it doesn't close.Item O amor romântico na sociedade capitalista e patriarcal: uma crítica feminista marxista(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-27) Braz, Isana Rodrigues; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando;; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando; Mendes, Lilian Marta Grisolio; Silva, Hugo Leonardo Fonseca daThe present theoretical research, aimed to investigate the relationship between romantic love and the patriarchy in capitalist society based on the theoretical framework of marxist feminism. We understand that patriarchy today is an integral part of capitalist society and not an autonomous system of rules and mechanisms that reproduce themselves. Patriarchy has its current roots in private property, in the sexual division of labor and in the consequent structural relationship of the home with the reproduction of capital. The family is an institution that has been transformed throughout the history of the development of production and social reproduction. With the consolidation of capitalism, the monogamous family emerges, which is characterized by its isolation and domesticity. It expresses the apparent antagonism between the spheres of production and social reproduction is constituted by the triangle: father, mother and children. The roles between the sexes are well defined: the father is the head and provider of the family and the woman, the wife and the dedicated mother. Romantic love is one of the ideologies that reinforces this family. It emerged in Europe at the end of the 19th century, with the consolidation of bourgeois society and the appearance of the possibility of an individual life independent of community life. The love relationship becomes exalted as a synonym for personal fulfillment and happiness. Romantic love propagates the ideas of love at first sight and sacrificial love. Regarding love, women are understood as more loving, emotional and responsible for promoting love and care in the home. We understand that romantic love fulfills the function of rectifying and legitimizing patriarchy and capitalism by reinforcing fixed and stereotyped roles for women who confine them to the sphere of private life and social reproduction, an important sphere for the maintenance of the capitalist mode of production and patriarchy.Item Visitando Clarice Lispector: alienação, identificação e repetição em “A hora da estrela”(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-06) Brito, Higor de Sousa; Marques, Rodrigo Vieira;; Marques, Rodrigo Vieira; Ravanello, Tiago; Burgarelli, Cristóvão GiovaniLiterature as an artistic production has contributed and contributes greatly to humanity, being able to provoke in the reader a range of sensations. Psychoanalysis, in turn, in Freud and later with Lacan, intends to understand the human productions, its subjectivity, and how the unconscious makes itself present and goes through everything the subject produces, whether it is the symptom, the dream, the flawed act, its repetitions, etc. Hence, the present work explores, by means of an approximation between psychoanalysis and literature, the Lacanian concepts of alienation, repetition, and identification, being the latter also understood as a form of alienation. All these concepts are explored starting from a dialogue with literature, in particular, the work The Hour of the Star by Clarice Lispector. All these concepts are explored starting from a dialogue with literature, in particular, the work “The Hour of the Star” by Clarice Lispector. The present research is therefore established on a literature review, especially from a Lacanian point of view reading of Freud's work and commentators who contribute to the discussion of the studied themes. According to what we seek of showing, psychoanalysis and literature contribute mutually, in a degree of parity, not being subordinated to one another, and perhaps literature has much to teach us about the fields of possibility, particularly regarding interpretation. Furthermore, alienation through the Other appears to Lacan as a si ne qua non condition of subjectivity, and the complete separation being impossible. Lastly, we can conclude that both pairing psychoanalysis-literature and alienation-separation are themes of great complexity, on which we sought here to establish a starting point.Item Violência, automutilação e suicídio: desdobramentos psicossociais na adolescência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-07-15) Cabral, Ana Luísa Lopes; Silva, Maria Aparecida Alves da;; Tavares, Naraiana de Oliveira;; Tavares, Naraiana de Oliveira; Brambatti, Larissa Polejack; Silva, Maria Aparecida Alves da; Resende, Maria do Rosário SilvaInterpersonal and self-inflicted violence has become more increasnig in adolescence, a period marked by social, physical and psychological changes in wich is required greater adaptability and preparation for adulthood. Considering Brazil as a country with high rates of violence, together with the understanding of childhood and adolescence as phases marked by violent experiences, the objective of this research is to identify and analyze self-inflicted violence in adolescence, its association with interpersonal violence in childhood, describing the factors related to these events and their psychosocial discoveries, through an integrative literature review. The objective is also to contextualize the notifications of violence in the city of Goiânia through the submission of public data (collected and interpreted by the “Center of Violence Prevention and Health Promotion”, of the Municipal Health Department) as well as reviewing the Public Policies to confront interpersonal and self-inflicted violence in these age groups. The results point to relations between physical, sexual, psychological violence, bullying, psychosocial vulnerabilities, and suicidal behavior. The analysis of public data points to an increase of the violence notification against children and adolescents and, increasingly, cases of self-harm over the years. Through the review of federal, state and municipal Public Policies, it is observed that despite the advances and the continuous struggle of many public figures, there is a strong necessity for more specific policies to combat violence and, in a unique way, self-inflicted ones. It is emphasized violence as a social phenomenon and the result of cultural, historical, economic, demographic, subjective and health conditions.Item Psicologia social comunitária e o sistema único de assistência social: práticas e diálogos nos CRAS de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-17) Carmo, Mirelly Conceição do; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando;; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando; Lemos, Gardenia de Souza Furtado; Oliveira, Isabel Maria Farias Fernandes deThe work of psychologists in public policies is expanding considerably. With job offers in different contexts, this expansion has been causing significant theoretical-practical changes in Psychology. With the creation of the National Social Assistance Policy in 2004 and the insertion of psychologists as technicians in social work with families, Psychology needed new perspectives in face of this new field of work. This dissertation intends to identify critical practices and dialogues of the community psychologist who works in Social Assistance Policy, specifically of psychologists that work in the Social Assistance Reference Centers – CRAS in Goiânia, Goiás – and their interfaces with Psychology’s social commitment. In this sense, the objective is to find dialogues and practices that are socially engaged and that aim the emancipation of social assistance users. The theoretical references are Community Social Psychology, Social Public Policies and Psychology’s Social Commitment. The method is semi-structured interviews and subsequent content analysis.Item Estudo sobre o Inventário de Percepção de Suporte Familiar (IPSF) em adolescentes grávidas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-21) Carvalho, Ana Claudia Barbosa de Araújo; Tavares, Naraiana de Oliveira;; Tavares, Naraiana de Oliveira; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Andrade, Celana Cardoso; Brito, Hérica Landi deTeenage pregnancy can have profound changes in the lives of adolescents and their families. Adequate family support represents a protective factor for adolescents, as it facilitates the establishment of the new role of mother and provides emotional support for pregnant women. Thus, the general objective of this research is to identify the psychosocial aspects of teenage pregnancy and the specific ones seek to characterize the psychosocial profile of the pregnant adolescents surveyed and to investigate the participants' perception of family support. It is a descriptive study with quantitative and qualitative methodology, with a convenience sample composed of 13 pregnant teenagers attended by a social project in the city of Goiânia/GO. Semi-structured interviews and the Family Support Inventory - IPSF were used in order to assess the participants' perception of family support, based on three factors: affective-consistent, family adaptation and autonomy. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed to characterize the obtained data. It was observed that the average age of the participants was 19 years old, most of them declared having been experiencing an unplanned pregnancy (84.6%) and with gestational recurrence (53.8%). It was found that with regard to transgenerationality, 84.6% stated that their mothers had also become pregnant during adolescence. The prevalence of low IPSF scores in the three factors points to a low perception of family support. A positive correlation was found between family planning variables and the IPSF autonomy factor, therefore, it can be said that the lower the pregnancy planning, the lower the level of autonomy. The results found corroborate the understanding of the importance of family support in the new roles assumed by the pregnant adolescent, in order to promote favorable conditions for the child's development and maternal wellness.Item Concepções e práticas acerca de queixa escolar em artigos da revista da associação brasileira de psicologia escolar e educacional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-14) Cavalcante, Wellita de Oliveira; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito;; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito; Rodrigues, Divino de Jesus da Silva; Lacerda Júnior, FernandoLinked to the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Goiás in the line of Historical, Theoretical and Political Bases of Psychology, the present research, of a bibliographical and historical nature, has as main objective to investigate the conceptions and practices about the school complaint in articles from the Journal of the Brazilian Association of School and Educational Psychology. This research is theoretically based on Historical-Cultural Psychology in a critical perspective of School and Educational Psychology. At first, it aimed to understand the process of emergence and development of the field of school and educational psychology in Brazil. Subsequently, he focused on the phenomenon of school complaints, trying to understand the concepts and practices about school complaints present in the articles. To carry out the research, 20 articles were selected from the descriptors 'school complaints' and 'school complaints'. After the exhaustive work of description, dialogues with authors in the area and analysis of published articles, three categories of analysis were arrived at: conceptions about school complaints, theoretical foundations about school complaints and action in face of the complaint. In the final analysis, it was possible to see that the predominant conception among the psychologists and educators who participated in the research remains linked to the medical and clinical model, which has as its characteristics the individualizing, reductionist, pathologizing and psychologizing look at school complaints. Regarding a more critical conception of school complaints, the analyzes showed that there are discourses that refer to this perspective and that the authors of the works read, for the most part, are based on HistoricalCultural Psychology and on dialectical historical materialism. The analyzes led us to the understanding that the conception that professionals have about school complaints will affect their performance in relation to it.Item A especialização lato sensu em neuropsicologia na cidade de Goiânia: dilemas ético-políticos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-27) Costa, Valéria Barros; Toassa, Gisele;; Toassa, Gisele; Souza, Marilene Proença Rebello de; Tavares, Naraiana de OliveiraThe present master's dissertation reports a research on postgraduate education in Neuropsychology in the city of Goiania, with focus in the more general context of the expansion of higher education in Psychology, as well as the historical constitution of Historical-Cultural Neuropsychology. In order to do so, it started from the following questions: a) When did neuropsychology reach relevance in Goiânia? b) What epistemological perspectives are present in the lato sensu Postgraduate courses in Neuropsychology in the city of Goiania? c) What ethical-political challenges are present in the format of the post-graduation lato sensu in Neuropsychology with regard to the confrontation of the phenomenon "medicalization of life"? These questions was approached through a qualitative methodology, which involves the bibliographic research about the object under study, the theoretical approach used, as well as the search in official websites and analysis of the projects of three lato sensu courses and the recording of interviews with its managers, which were organized with the methodology of the Nuclei of Signification. The records were arranged in four nuclei: a) determining factors for the constitution of a course manager; b) senses about fundamental themes that permeate the training in Neuropsychology; c) discussions in the theoretical and methodological field of the training in Neuropsychology; d) ethical-political discussions. Our conclusions point to the historical mark of liberalism / neoliberalism in the offer of the lato sensu postgraduate course in neuropsychology, which expanded beyond public control until reaching the number of eight face-to-face courses in Goiânia. The courses show a reproduction of the medical model of action, with the predominance of an eclectic, organic, medicalizing model, focused on the psychometric diagnosis, at the expense of the promotion of the quality of life, the understanding of education as a social process that transforms the brain as well and the training of professionals for neuropsychological rehabilitation. We also consider that these characteristics are opposed to the historical-cultural perspective; to its appreciation of the analysis of the complex functional systems of the human brain, resulting from the individual's cultural formation.Item O patologicismo e o estudo dos estados depressivos: da crise estrutural do capital à precarização da vida da miséria brasileira(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-09-03) Ferreira Júnior, Nivaldo; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando;; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando; Santos, André Vieira dos; Costa, Pedro Henrique Antunes da; Farias, Tadeu MattosEste trabajo presenta un estudio sobre los posibles traslapes entre el conocimiento y la producción de conocimiento de los profesionales de la Psi, el Proyecto Social de Psicología y sus relaciones con el Pensamiento Conservador, y las expresiones del Decadencia Ideológica - Irracionalismo Filosófico y Agnosticismo - y las condiciones específicas de la sociedad brasileña. formación que privilegia el surgimiento de la “Intimidad a la sombra del poder” y de lo que aquí llamamos “Patologicismo”. Para investigar los posibles solapamientos ya mencionados, analizamos la producción académica de Psicología sobre las categorías de diagnóstico de estados depresivos. Primero, hicimos la contextualización histórica y los supuestos fundamentales del Pensamiento Conservador y las tendencias de Decadencia Ideológica - Irracionalismo Filosófico y Agnosticismo -, “Intimismo a la sombra del poder” y “Patologicismo”. Para sustentar la discusión, es necesario caracterizar la formación social brasileña; Partimos de las discusiones de José Chasin sobre la “Vía colonial” de la objetivación del capitalismo, para caracterizar a la burguesía brasileña y cómo esta particular formación social privilegia sus particulares tendencias decadentes “Intimidad a la sombra del poder” y “Patologicismo”. El análisis de la depresión es paradigmático, como ¿qué discusiones hace la Psicología en relación a las cifras alarmantes de este diagnóstico? Se eligió como procedimiento la realización de un relevamiento bibliográfico en revistas científicas de Psicología de publicaciones sobre el diagnóstico de estados depresivos. Se eligieron los portales SciELO y BVS porque contienen varias revistas que son referencias para la investigación en Psicología a nivel nacional. Los trabajos se dividieron en tres categorías que son: Etiología indeterminada o “Patólogicismo”, Etiología determinada o Debate de temas sociales y Producción de escalas y testes.Item Estado, Direito e a inserção da Psicologia no complexo jurídico-penal: uma crítica marxista(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-09-02) Fleury, Barbara Sul Santana; Lacerda Junior, Fernando;; Lacerda Júnior, Fernando; Silva, Hugo Leonardo Fonseca da; Oliveira, Isabel Maria Fernandes deThis research sought to understand the nature of the relationship between Psychology and the legal-criminal scope, observing the possibilities and barriers of Psychological Sciences in this sphere. For that, it starts from the understanding of social totality developed in Marxist and Marxian theories and from the exposition of fundamental categories for the analysis of the State and Law complexes. The process of historical formation of the State and Law is explored and opens the way to understand their real bases in the current capitalist mode of production. Thus, when realizing that the development of the aforementioned complexes has foundations in the maintenance of order and exploration within the social division into classes, it is clear that the inclusion of Psychology is not exempt from this same articulation. It is a bibliographical research, supported by expositions of classical theorists such as Marx, Engels, Lukács and Pachukanis, as well as their commentators. A second moment of this bibliographical research is demonstrated by the survey and analysis of Psychology productions in articulation with Criminal Law, approaching its contributions, limits, criticisms, and possibilities. It is possible to affirm that the apprehension of the social totality is not a recurrent theme in the productions of the Psychological Sciences articulated to Criminal Law, mainly in the hegemonic theories. However, it is a necessary path, not only for concrete changes in the scope of the profession, but also for expanding a perspective of human emancipation and overcoming exploitation and violence.Item As políticas desejantes no Instagran: entre selfies e feedbacks(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-08-26) Gimenes, Lucio Flávio de Santana; Hur, Domenico Uhng;; Hur, Domenico Uhng; Silveira, Sergio Amadeu da; Cassoli, TiagoThe aim of this research is to investigate and analyze the politics of desire on Instagram. Instagram is a sophisticated technology whose business model is based on datafication and personalized advertising. It consists of a series of tools and resources for people to produce, share, and consume content. Its purpose is to capture attention and guarantee permanence on the platform thanks to a process of incessant maintenance and its mechanisms that overcode subjectivities. Thus, a cybergraphy of this social media platform was carried out. From an analysis of its abstract and concrete machines, its mechanisms of control, yield, and government of life that constitute it, such as the centrifugal governor and feedback, we sought to understand what effects they produce in us and how they engender our desires. With this, it was possible to update and develop notions about the processes of subjectivation, effects of analog and digital coding, as well as to understand the function of subjective feedback mechanisms as a form of government of life in the present, and to analyze and discuss the psychopolitical agency on this platform. The research culminated in understanding Instagram as multiple devices. Among them we highlight three, the confessional device, the device of spectacularization, and the device of consumption. We explore and examine these devices/machines as products of the current diagram and, most likely, present in other platforms as well.Item Os atravessamentos do discurso médico na experiência subjetiva de parturição de usuárias do Sistema Único de Saúde: reflexões a partir da psicologia perinatal(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-17) Goes, Raissa Melo de; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de;; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Arrais, Alessandra da Rocha; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro deUntil the 17th century, childbirth was not considered a medical act and it was the midwife’s responsibility. Gradually, the figure of the surgeon appears on the scene, the midwife loses her primacy and childbirth becomes an increasingly complex medical procedure. The high rates of maternal and neonatal mortality have redefined childbirth as a potentially risky situation, transforming the hospital environment and the use of sophisticated technology into synonymous with safety. In the same period, medicine sought to strengthen itself as a science, seeking to adapt its practices to the positivism of the time, excluding subjectivity from its field of knowledge. A hegemonic medical discourse emerges in relation to health practices that even today seem to come to normalize and regulate life in modern society. However, understanding that psychoanalysis comes to point out that not everything that affects the body is of the physiological order, we seek through this theory to look at the birth scene, elucidating the subjectivity of the parturient and its influence on the bodily consequences of childbirth. Thus, this dissertation aimed to analyze how the medical discourse reverberates in the subjective experience of women during the process of giving birth. Through birth reports and semi-structured interviews conducted online, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the process of elaboration of the experience of labor for primiparas in the Unified Health System (SUS), pointing to the existence of psychic work during the labor and we show how this experience, as it occurs in a body inhabited by a subject, is influenced by the medical discourse present in the scene. We elucidate with this the importance of also taking care of the subjective aspects of the parturient during her labor and the need to rethink medical practices since training.