Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia
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Item O pequeno historiador surdo em busca de sentido: reflexões psicanalíticas sobre a constituição psíquica do sujeito surdo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-21) Almeida, Marcella de Paula; Lima, Priscilla Melo de Ribeiro;; Lima, Priscilla Melo de Ribeiro; Carneiro, Thaís Renata Queiroz Santana; Gonçalves, Susie Amâncio de RoureIn the process of writing a child's identifying story, parental figures are essential elements. It is in the relationship with the parents that the first identifications will be metabolized. They will form the basis of representative capital that the small historian will have as an adult. Nevertheless, the quality of this path will have certain specificities if the image of the real baby moves away from the image, fantasized and idealized of a perfect child, built during pregnancy. Specificities that can occur in the birth of a child with deafness. Thus, this research aims to investigate the place that deafness occupies in the psychic constitution of deaf subjects. For this, we used narrative interviews as a method for generating data that provided significant data on subjectivity and historical and socio-cultural aspects. In addition, this research modality constitutes a field of listening and elaboration of life. Five deaf subjects and four caregivers were interviewed, three mothers and a godmother. The analysis of the stories of the participants-narrators showed the state of profound psychological pain arising from the narcissistic wound of having a faulty child, in the eyes of the mothers, and the unconscious attempt to make them appear as close as possible to the fantasized child. This psychic state resulted in the denial of deafness and Sign Language. The small deaf historians were constituted with the mark of a weakened ascension to the activity of thinking and stuck to the desire to be in conformity with the Other's desire. From the narratives and analyzes accomplished, we realize how Psychology and psychoanalysis can constitute themselves as significant means for deaf historians to be able to carry out the transition from being in consonance with the Other's desire for the Deaf Being.Item Inclusão social na Universidade Federal de Goiás: possibilidades e desafios na relação professor-aluno(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-26) Barroso, Raiana Vaz; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva;; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Crochik, José León; Mata, Alba Cristhiane Santana da; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro deBrazilian Higher Education Institutions face the challenge of strengthening access and permanence actions, as well as offering quality public education to students of diverse backgrounds and conditions. In this sense, this research discussed the topic of social inclusion in one of these Higher Education Institutions in the Midwest region. From a look at the relationship between teachers and students, information was raised about possibilities and challenges regarding the social inclusion of students from historically marginalized populations, such as people with disabilities, blacks, homosexuals, students in conditions of social vulnerability, people with mental disorders, among others. The theoretical background of this research focused on the Critical Theory of Society and also rescued concepts from Psychoanalysis. We opted for the qualitative methodological approach, through an empirical and exploratory study. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with university professors and the analysis of the material resulting from the interview was made with reference to the proposal by Minayo (2012). The compendium of the research points to the autonomy of conscience and the availability for the experience as a possibility of directing the teacher-student relationship towards the purpose of corroborating social inclusion.Item O bem-dito sertão: as veredas de lalíngua em Guimarães Rosa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-06-23) Cançado, Marina Junqueira; Burgarelli, Cristõvão Giovani;; Burgarelli, Cristõvão Giovani; Neves , Libéria Rodrigues; Marques , Rodrigo VieiraThe present work aimed to discuss how the practice of the lyrics of Guimarães Rosa in his novel Grande Sertão Veredas allows the concept of lalangue to emerge, forged by Jacques Lacan. For this discussion, initially, the path of Freud and Lacan with literature and how they take it as an emergency of the unconscious in its functioning will be highlighted. Refusing to adopt the posture of an external field that analyzes art, the work developed here aims to establish as the literary work, as a rest of unconscious formation that allows psychoanalysis itself to emerge. As a second point, the work focuses on the concept of lalangue, its unfolding for psychoanalytic theory and its evident connection with poetic literature, which opens up a lack of knowledge, a breakdown of meaning and leaves a hole in the language that is lalangue itself. Finally, the braid is linked to the lyrics of the narrative undertaken by Guimarães Rosa as a subversion of the language that enables the emergence of one language, among others, lalangue as proposed by Lacan. The neologisms, onomatopoeia and other figures of speech placed in the narrative of the backcountry Riobaldo make the crack that breaks the meaning, overflowing another language, lalangue, full of joy and resistant to any attempt at apprehension.Item Algumas implicações teóricas sobre a angústia em Kierkegaard, Freud e Lacan: sobre a (im)possibilidade da travessia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-15) Duarte, André de Paulo; Burgarelli, Cristóvão Giovani;; Lima, Elizabeth Cristina Landi de; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Burgarelli, Cristóvão GiovaniEs una investigación de la angustia en Kierkegaard, Freud y Lacan. A partir de una investigación teórica, se analizó la influencia de “El concepto de angustia” de Kierkegaard (1844/2017) para la teoría psicoanalítica, así como tú relación de la angustia con la sexualidad, el tiempo y la fe. En Freud, la noción de ansiedad pasó de 1895 a 1933, encontrándose que el autor atribuía la ansiedad a una etiología sexual, relacionándola con el cuerpo, con el exceso, con la relación del objeto y con el Ser. En Lacan, analizó “El Seminario Libro 10 - Angustia”, de 1962-1963, y se encontraron dos enfoques complementarios: el camino del significante y el camino del imaginario, relacionándose la angustia con el encuentro con el deseo del Otro, con la división subjetiva y con el momento en que el objeto aparece en el lugar que está destinado a la falta. Finalmente, se vio en todos los autores una referencia a una doble emergencia de la angustia, concluyendo que es imposible atravesar la angustia en su nivel fundamental y fundacional de la condición humana, ya que no hay humano sin angustia, sino que es posible atravesarlo en su nivel de señal, es decir, en el nivel donde es una reproducción de la angustia primigenia y fundamental.Item O efeito terapêutico da prática artística: a aplicação da arteterapia no serviço de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-01) Franco, Guilherme Henz; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de;; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Silva, Elisa Alves da; Resende, Maria do Rosário SilvaThis work is the final result of exploratory research about the insertion of Art Therapy in CAPS – Psychosocial Attention Centres of Goiânia. The phenomenologic methodology was applied, with bibliographic revision, semi-structured interview and observation as techniques of data production. It comprehends the conceptualization, description and history of Art Therapy (Chapter 1); the history and theoretical foundation of CAPS as a paradigm of mental health care (Chapter 2) and data analysis from interviews, through content analysis technique (Chapter 3). The research aimed to explore which therapeutic effect is attributed to Art Therapy. The author concludes that exist several effects attributed to it, among which are highlighted the following, specifically for the context of CAPS: social reinsertion, expressiveness, cognitive elaboration of one’s own desires, achievement of autonomy, self-esteem strengthening, self-comprehension, comprehension of one’s experiences and emotions, mood stabilization, civil rights and citizenship effectuation, and development of affective social relationships. The author suggests more work can be done in order to quali and quantitatively measure some of these therapeutic effects. It has been also demonstrated that despite the growth of public mental health care service on the past decades, the conception of the service in the Psychiatric Reform has lost strength. The correspondent investment evidences it, for there is no sufficient reposition of professionals, and there are lack of material, lack of own and adequate physical structure. In this sense, the number of CAPS has risen, but the necessary investment in each one does not follow. Therefore, it is important that workers and public managers reassume an effective management of the service.Item Diferença e negação: contribuições hegelianas à Psicologia pelo viés da dialética do reconhecimento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-23) Lacerda, Ana Carolina Borges de; Oliveira Neto, Pedro Adalberto Gomes de;; Oliveira Neto, Pedro Adalberto Gomes de; Santos, Altair José dos; Marques, Rodrigo Vieira; Martins Filho, José Reinaldo FelipeThis study intends to present the conceptual and philosophical categories so-called difference and negation. These categories are fundamental to comprehend the concept of recognition, and, thereby, to present an observation about subjectivity in Psychology. An interaction between German philosopher Georg W. F. Hegel (1770-1831). The research method is the development one, which uses measurement patterns according to the conscious’ experience with the Other, which is described in the central work of this study, The Phenomenology of Spirit. The research’s purposes are: to present the difference and negation categories, from the Consciousness section to the Master-slave dialectic in the Self-Consciousness section; to discuss the negation and difference categories by the recognition concept; to think about the recognition process in order to build subjectivity. Therefore, the first chapter is destined to Hegel’s historical contextualization and work, in order to discuss the criticism about modern dualism and its correspondence to Psychology. On the other chapters, the discussion is centered on the difference and negation categories regarding Consciousness and Self- Consciousness. The final reflection shows the ontological necessity generated by the discussion about subjectivity in Psychology, which must come from Philosophy. Therefore, this study is based on an interaction between Psychology and Philosophy.Item Famílias homoparentais com filhos em contexto escolar: conflitos, desafios e possibilidades da educação nesse cenário(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-30) Oliveira, Roberdan Ferreira de; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva;; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Carvalho, Analice de Sousa Arruda Vinhal de; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Siqueira, Teresa Cristina BarboIn this dissertation it is proposed to discuss the reality of homoparental families in relation to their children's school context, in order to reflect on the possibilities and challenges of education in this scenario. This work has as a theoretical foundation the Critical Theory of Society with reflections that aim to understand the relationships between the individual constitution and the constitution of society in the family and educational contexts, as well as the relationship between them thought from different family arrangements such as homoparental families. Contemporary authors were used to discuss topics such as homoparental families and homoparenting, since they are considered new and, therefore, discussed and conceptualized in more recent literature. Qualitative methodology of empirical and exploratory research was applied. As an instrument, we opted to use semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was carried out through content analysis proposed by Bardin and systematized based on the following categories: family, prejudice and education, that is, the concept of family, the experience in relation to prejudice and, finally, the challenges of children's education. As a result, it is possible to point out the difficulty of homo-affective families in being recognized as a “normal” family, as well as the existence of prejudice in the face of generalizations and the school's difficulty in putting into practice the right of the child in the face of diversity.Item Famílias homoparentais com filhos em contexto escolar: conflitos, desafios e possibilidades da educação nesse cenário(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-30) Oliveira, Roberdan Ferreira de; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva;; Resende, Maria do Rosário Silva; Carvalho, Analice de Sousa Arruda Vinhal de; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves de; Siqueira, Teresa Cristina BarboIn this dissertation it is proposed to discuss the reality of homoparental families in relation to their children's school context, in order to reflect on the possibilities and challenges of education in this scenario. This work has as a theoretical foundation the Critical Theory of Society with reflections that aim to understand the relationships between the individual constitution and the constitution of society in the family and educational contexts, as well as the relationship between them thought from different family arrangements such as homoparental families. Contemporary authors were used to discuss topics such as homoparental families and homoparenting, since they are considered new and, therefore, discussed and conceptualized in more recent literature. Qualitative methodology of empirical and exploratory research was applied. As an instrument, we opted to use semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was carried out through content analysis proposed by Bardin and systematized based on the following categories: family, prejudice and education, that is, the concept of family, the experience in relation to prejudice and, finally, the challenges of children's education. As a result, it is possible to point out the difficulty of homo-affective families in being recognized as a “normal” family, as well as the existence of prejudice in the face of generalizations and the school's difficulty in putting into practice the right of the child in the face of diversity.Item Licenciatura em Psicologia: uma perspectiva historiográfica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-10) Silva, Francielle Teodósio de Oliveira; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito;; Rodrigues, Anderson de Brito; Rodrigues, Divino de Jesus da Silva; Roure, Susie Amâncio Gonçalves deThis article aims to discuss the constitution of the Degree in Psychology in Brazil, between 1950 and 2017, through historical research. We seek to investigate how this field was formed in its historical and social characteristics. First, this research sought to present and discuss the legislation related to the institutionalization of Psychology in Brazil and its developments in the Psychology undergraduate area. Subsequently, this discussion focused on the analysis of academic productions that seek to discuss what was produced in relation to this field, through the journal Psicologia Ensino e Formação. After performing these steps, aspects of this area are presented, through categories found from the analysis of academic productions, which enabled the understanding of how the Psychology Degree was organized and thought in the field of teaching and training in psychology. This electronic device organizes productions that address this subject. This study is constructed by means of documentary analysis, bibliographic review performed on books, scientific articles, dissertations, theses, legislation related to Psychology graduation, in a global context. We understand that undergraduate psychology historically occupies a space in teaching, often confused with other areas of psychology, making it difficult to understand this field, both from the aspect of the psychology professor's performance and from the training itself. . Thus, this research allows us to discuss in which interests, conditions and commitment this area is being built. The research allowed us to understand that undergraduate psychology underwent several historical, political and social changes during its development, signaling challenges, commitments, practices, gaps and a greater need to strengthen the production of knowledge in this field.Item Identidade, sexualidade e gênero: uma análise de narrativas de mulheres lésbicas mães(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-03-06) Souza, Maria Clara Guimarães; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de;; Lima, Priscilla Melo Ribeiro de; Souza, Tatiana Machiavelli Carmo; Santos, Livia Gomes dosThe patriarchal and heternormative hegemonic discourses advocate a single socially acceptable way of being a woman. The heteronormative binary logic is based on the linearity between sexual practices, desire, biological sex, gender and sexuality, which restricts the sexual experience of men and women to a heterosexual model. Thus, the sexual experiences of lesbian women mothers are seen as inappropriate, what may result in “an inherently conflicting situational position” and generate psychological distress. This study aims to investigate the construction of the identity of lesbian women mothers in a heteronormative context. It is a qualitative research whose data generation was carried out through narrative interviews, in the model of life stories, in order to facilitate the access to the experience of motherhood and sexuality lived by five women who had biological children in heterosexual relationships and later (self) declared themselves lesbians. To do so, we investigated the construction of the identity of lesbian women mothers, and how this form of identity can be constituted as a discourse of resistance before the hegemony of heteronormativity. The data were analyzed according to the assumptions of feminist studies, using Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD) to understand hegemonic and resistance discourses, and studies in Critical Social Psychology about identity. In the narratives, we identified the marriage, religion and family institutions as reproducing patriarchal and heteronormative hegemonic discourses. Lesbianism was not considered a possibility, since marriage and motherhood were foreseen for our narrators. When incorporating a new character, the lesbian being, the act of assuming lesbianity represented a political and resistance action. The ways of resistance cited by the participants were the activism, sports practices, dance, music, companion support and psychological support. This way, our research provided an opportunity for listening and dialogue about how lesbian women mothers (re)mean their stories facing the fact that lesbianity still takes up space of invisibility and silence in a contemporary society.