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Item Em terra de sertanejo também tem regueiro: a música e a diáspora maranhense na grande Goiânia (2000-2016)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-12-16) Carvalho, Márcia Daniele de Souza; Araújo, Alexandre Martins;; Araújo, Alexandre Martins; Garcia, Allysson Fernandes; Silva, Carlos Benedito Rodrigues daThe proposal in this work was tostudy reggae as a rhyth minvolved in the processo fidentity (re) construction of the Maranhão community in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia. We discussed the migration of Maranhão to the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia. We seek to understand the production of a Maranhão identity in a phenomenon that we identity as diaspora. Being Goiânia a city Who secon figuration by immigrants from various regions of the country, we locate the Maranhão immigration as part of this history of migrations that characterizes thecity. Reggae is a musicality identified as Jamaican, Who semain background of its first songs was Rastafarianism, a politica land religious movement of messianic character that arisesamid social instabilities that penalize, especially, the country'sblack population, along with the Influences of Pan-Africanism constitute damid the effervescence of the processes of independence of African nations and Christian Protestant thought presentonthe island. Thmovement preaches thee mancipation of Black people and there demptivereturnto Africa. From the junction of the rastafarimes sagessungto ther hythm sof Afro-Caribbean musicians hipen counters, such as rumba, calypso, rhythmand blues, mento forms reggae. The rhythm reaches there gionof São Luís do Maranhão either by searoutes through maritime trade, from the sound waves of the Caribbe anto that coastal regionnorth / northe as of Brazilan disstrongly received, mainlyby theblack population of the peripheral areas of the region. It also comes throught heinter national music market. Jamaican reggae, when addedtos pecific cultural features of Maranhae an culture, under goes a processof (re) signification acquiring peculiar characteristics on the is landthat later came tobeknown as São Luís or Brazilian Islan ddueto the popularity The Maranhão rhythmamongthe local population. Of the municipalities of the interior where it spreads, this rhythm reaches Goiânia along with the migratory flow that takes thousands of Maranhão toin habitthe region.In this process reggae become sanamalgamo funion of the Maranhão community that identifies ther hythm as a representative of Maranhão culture and makes it a vector in the process of (re)constructionor production of a Maranhão identity in exile. We use thee thnographic work through Field visitsand interviews in order to obtainin formation about the forms of reggae achievements, the similarities and differences in relation, mainly, to Maranhão. In this way, we seek tounder stand the (re) signification sofrhy thm in the Maranhão diaspora in the metropolitan region of Goiânia.