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Item História, memória, fronteira e alteridade em Lavrinhas de São Sebastião nas “Cartas de Goiás” de Carlos Pereira de Magalhães (1919-1925)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-13) Ferreira, Gleisson; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Nazareno, Elias; Lemke, Maria; Arantes Júnior, EdsonThe present work has as object of study the memory of and on the quilombola communities of Lavrinhas de São Sebastião from the contents of the book "Charts of Goiás in the beginning of the XXth century", by Carlos Pereira de Magalhães, and based on the concepts of history, memory, frontier and otherness, addressing the worldviews that establish the differences, especially cultural, between individuals and societies. We thus seek to discuss elements of alterity that can be verified in the author's views, which the work in question denotes, in relation to the society of Goiás in general, and specifically to that of Lavrinhas de São Sebastião. It is a region that houses communities remaining in the gold and quilombos cycle. This statement is reinforced by testimonies collected locally by the author in the early twentieth century, and by the interviews we conducted for the development of this dissertation, so the analysis of the concept of memory becomes here, essential. In the lands of this former Sesmaria de Lavrinhas de São Sebastião, several quilombola communities emerged, however, in this work we only approached the community of the village of Lavrinhas and the community of Porto Leocárdio, far from Lavrinhas three kilometers approximately. We make an analysis from the decolonial perspective we seek a historicity that corroborates this quilombola ancestrality. We sought to trace a history of the region from the beginning of the exploration of the gold mines, with the numerous slaves, the escapes of slaves and formation of quilombos, the expropriation of lands by economic groups and the forms of resistance of the community.Item Mineração no município de Faina numa perspectiva da história ambiental - (1987-2015 )(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-27) Morais, Jaqueline Pereira de; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Araújo, Alexandre Martins deMining process has been an important field to academic studies of environmental issues. To that end studies of interactions between the environment and society have claimed attention to Environmental History field, as is the case of our research. This study, entitled “Mining in the municipality of Faina in a perspective of Environmental History” covering the years 1987 to 2015. In that period artisanal mining and mining industry co-existed simultaneously in the municipality of Faina, Goias, Brazil. In the scope of Environmental History, this study aims to understand the array dimensions of the mining process since the colonial period in the municipality of Faina. Those dimensions are the perceptions and feelings of local residents about environment changes and also their positive or negative viewpoints from their experiences in life. Furthermore, this study seeks to link the mineral extraction process historic event to the population development of Faina along with understanding political implementations made by Sertão and Orinoco companies in the perspective of the environmental changes. The considerations presented supports the analysis of the respondents' responses to this historical process that they experienced. The data from this study suggest an economic problem in the municipal area, in addition, a high rate of unemployment. On the other hand, the data also shows the population from the municipality of Faina perceived the infrastructure improvements as a result of the mining process. Whereas, in fact, the improvements are made from the municipal government. This suggests naturalisation of mining in the Faina history as a consequence of the presence from this activity since the beginning formation of the municipality. In view of environmental issues, it has been observed a lack of knowledge about it. Few people could answer the questions. But when the questions were answered the responsibility for environmental matters were assigned to landowners only. This finding presents a significant influence of the advertising campaigns sponsored by companies and politicians in the opinions of local residents about environmental changes.Item Os (dis)cursos do rio: um estudo de história ambiental sobre o rio Meia Ponte na cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-04-11) Pinto, Angela Ciccone; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Rocha, Leandro Mendes; Silva, Sandro Dutra e; Nazareno, EliasIt is within the city limits of the capital of the State of Goiás that we will make our studies about the relation between man/river. We will, in this way, treat of one of the interfaces of this river in its urban connotation. One will emphasize the movement of influence that the river presents on the interpretation of world by people, its configurations of meaning and the relations of affectivity of goianienses, and, specifically, of the inhabitants of its margins. We intent with this demonstrate "the place and the role of nature in human life" (WORSTER, 1991) correlating large factors linked to the river with expressions of individual senses and meanings. We propose ourselves to identify the wealth and the details of the relation of men with their environment, and also the historical intersections between a river and the regional and global context in which it is inserted within the methodological and theoretical perspective of Environmental History.Item “De onde nóis vei, prá onde nós vai”: um estudo sobre o processo histórico da luta por reconhecimento étnico e titulação das terras entre as populações do quilombo do Rio das Rãs durante o século XX(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-12-15) Silva, João Marques da; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Nazareno, Elias; Franco, Geisa Cunha; Oliveira, Alcilene Cavalcante deThe struggle of quilombos in Brazil and America, resemble and differ as to organize and create mechanisms struggles in defense of land and ancestrally occupied territory. The economic programs created by the federal government, from the 70s, aiming the development of the nation, placed in confrontation businessmen and landowners committed to capitalist interests and the traditional communities struggling to remain and survive in land ancestors. With the advent of the Constituent and the need to ensure in the Constitution, the right of minorities, the old resemantizations return involving the concept of quilombo their role in the new Constitution of 1988 as “remnants of quilombo”. This new category assured to the remnants to seek, in the collective memory of the group mechanism to justify, to the responsible agencies, recognition and titling of quilombo communities. Thus, the struggle in the Rio das Rãs imbricated in the possessory field enters the political-party sphere yearning the desire to ethnic recognition. This change put them in contact with institutions, to organize new fronts of struggle and walk a long way in the tangled landowner and judicial systems, until the regulation of Article 68 of ADCT and the consequent creation, precarious, Decrees and Normative Instructions, procrastination of the Constitutional right. Thus, this dissertation, we present the paths taken by in the Quilombo Rio das Rãs in defense of their territory and we verify that access to the recognition and titling from the occupied land on behalf of the quilombo communities do not ensure the enjoyment of the ancestrally occupied territoriality.Item Gênero musical choro em Goiânia e suas implicações sociopolíticas e culturais (1970-1990)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-11) Silva, Wilton Jonh dos Santos; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Garcia, Allysson Fernandes; Teixeria, Rafael SaddiWe are interested in understanding and registering the musical genre “choro” and its socio-politic implications and cultural History in the city of Goiânia. The study of its trajectory requests a hard effort to certain socio Historic comprehen- sions which involve the symbolic representation and cultural dynamics from a group in a certain period. Such musical genre emerged in Rio de Janeiro in the end of the 19th century among the popular demonstrations, throughout the mixing of music genre and style and incorporating the African descendant’s traditions. This study aims to understand and translate how it has been configured and identified to the transformations of this weeping music, especially in the capital of Goiás. In this sense, we also idealized to perceive the identity characteristics that make up its musicality and syncopation in its rhythms. It is relevant to point out its sound issues and record it from the perspective of languages, orality and memory. These last fields of History mentioned will be the nodal points especially the guides to the theoretical and methodological discussions to compose the trajectories of the theme of this research. It was chosen the ethnographic work through field visits and interviews, in order to obtain information about the forms of choro performance, similarities and differences, mainly to this genre practiced in the local capital. The trajectory of choro was able to put it as part of Brazilian popular culture since it appeared at the Second Empire Court. Its musicality was formerly understood as reli- gious celebrations, barbers' music, house and street parties, aimed at the lower strata of imperial society, until assuming sophisticated spaces such as theaters, imperial halls, spaces of high society, was characterized as a cultural movement of urban character in Rio de Janeiro, being seen more and more as authentic, that interpreting other rhythmic musical styles already existing at the time, announce themselves as such. This music was incorporated into the practices of the lundum rhythmic dances of the colonial slaves in Brazil which were identified in chótis, maxixe, polka, waltzes, and “modinhas”, among others. By assimilating these diverse sounds that were rising in this period we can affirm that the city and its surroundings were a fertile field - a melting pot of multiple rhythms that meant the Court's historical social context. Therefore, this environment was seen as a terrain for its configuration. Thus, we understand that the weeping genre built its aesthetic-sound definitions from there. In Brazil, as we believe that since the immemorial time, they keep a musical matrix, which is structured through syncopation, a rhythmic element distinct from diasporic music. However, our study follows the historical cultural perspective aiming to relate the facts that make up the stages of emergence, changes and duration of this music in the activity of “chorões” from the Old Guard of Goiás, since we interpret the representations and symbologies that make up this identity of determined social group composed of anonymous subjects in the new capital of the “cerrado”, Goiânia.Item O giro ambiental e o cinema hollywoodiano: um estudo de caso a partir do filme Avatar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-21) Silveira, Ludmila Carneiro da; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Borges, Rafael Gonçalves; Dias, Luciene de OliveiraThe cinematographic narrative is a space for the (re) production of ideas on various themes of society, and nature is an important issue used recurrently in Hollywood cinematographies. The message of James Cameron's Avatar film is clear, human societies need to preserve and respect nature. The research seeks to understand how the idea about nature are explored in the story of Avatar, where the research aims to read the film through the lens of environmental history and from the decolonial approach, problematizing these speeches related to the idea of nature and preservation of nature.