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Item O sertão do Brasil Central na literatura de João de Minas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-06-24) Caetano, Elisa Silva; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Fredrigo, Fabiana de Souza; Ferrero, Juan Pablo; Berbert Júnior, Carlos OitiDepuis le XIXe siècle, il était courant pour produire écrit sur l'intérieur du Brésil, tels que les rapports produits par les voyageurs étrangers. Dans les premières décennies de la République toutefois, préoccupé avec la question nationale et avec la recherche au coeur de nationalité brésilienne, la région du sertão* de Centre du Brésil avait été la cible d'intérêt de groupes d'intellectuels qui voyait dans l'habitant du sertão et dans l'intérieur du pays, la vraie les maux de cette nation. Ainsi, dans la perspective de dichotomique de sertão-litoral, cette étude vise à explorer la littérature du sertão produite par Ariosto Palombo, pseudonyme João de Minas, avec des oeuvres Jantando um Defunto (1929), Farras com o Demonio (1930), Mulheres e Monstros (1933), Horrores e Mistérios dos Sertões Desconhecidos (1934) e Pelas Terras Perdidas (1934) em train d'analyser les types sociaux de sertão-litoral, ainsi que les caractéristiques environnementales relevées par l'auteur, em train de confirmer l'idée que la littérature est représentatif de la pensée sociale brésilienne sur le sertão.Item As populações indígenas nos trabalhos da Revista do IHGB (1839-1880)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-26) Dias, Aline de Souza; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Croce, Marcela; Fernandes, Renata SilvaThis research aims to understand how the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute constructed a representation of Brazilian nationality, based on the narratives developed around indigenous populations during the 19th century. From this, it becomes necessary to understand how conceptions of nationalism were appropriated by Latin American nations, especially Brazil and Argentina, in view of the development of projects that outlined the construction of nations in the 19th century. With this in mind, I analyze the role of literature in the dissemination of ideas that contributed to the image of the indigenous person as a national representative, and subsequently how the IHGB represented the natives. The creation of the Institute contributed to the production of discourses aimed at building the new Brazilian nation, especially in studies relating to indigenous populations. The conceptions surrounding the civilization of the country contributed to the development of projects on the assimilation of indigenous people. With an interest in this issue, this research aims to investigate the process of building Brazil, using the works published in the Revista do IHGB as the main means of analysis. To this end, an analysis will be made of the works published by the Journal between 1839 and 1880, seeking to understand how the IHGB constructs Brazilian nationality through the discourses produced about native BraziliansItem A formação do campo filosófico e histórico no final do século XIX e a historiografia filosófica: Mind Review (1883-1922)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-10-30) Lopes, Hober Alves; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Bentivoglio, Júlio César; Oiti Júnior, Carlos Berbet; Silva, Luíz Sérgio Duarte daThis work aims to investigate as the structure of the philosophical field English of late nineteenth century from the Mind Review – the first magazine of philosophy and psychology – in order to compose a picture of the history of philosophy through analysis yours articles as to establishing that we call philosophical historiography. For this, we work with two different temporality: the first corresponds to the formation of philosophical field being analyzed qualitatively your articles between the years 1876-1922; the second concerns to the establishment of a philosophical historiography structured between the years 1883-1922 – it will be counterposed with ―amateus‖ historiography and professional historiography. It is in the later quater of the nineteenth century we observe the emergence of various fields of knowledge, such as philosophy and history. It is the imediation between these two fields that this research is being processed. The aim is to precisely verify what was the contribution of English philosophy in discussions about topics of methodology and epistemology of history, and so, see how it was processed such discussions in both areas.Item Goyaz, entre a forma e a função urbana: um estudo sobre a imagem da cidade no século XIX (1845 - 1880)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-08-24) Luz, Giovana Emos da; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Meneguello, Cristina; Sandes, Noé Freire; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte daThis work analyses the image of the town of Goiás in the 19th century, establishing relations between the forms and the urban functions. It’s a study that joins urban and social history and aims to find a genesis of the town, from the representation of its image. So, the legislative/administrative documents support this work and supply elements that are able to identify which was the political conception that orientated the construction and the posterior physical conservation of the urban space. Such conservation consolidates the image of the colonial town. The analysis emphasizes the preservation of the urban space that concerns permanence and continuity in the landscape arrangement and in the vernacular architecture. Furthermore, this study discusses the relationship between the image and the social memory. So, it provides a focus for some buildings that symbolizes the ideals that orientated the construction of the town, which are really religious. Written and iconographical documents are demonstrated and explored along the chapters. They are sources that confirm the urban preservation process of the town during the 19th century. This process followed the political instructions that reflected directly in the cultural values of its image.Item A greve de 2012 e os usos do Facebook pelo grupo "Mobilização dos professores de Goiás (MPG)"(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-11-23) Oliveira, Gabriel de Araujo; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Kulemeyer, Jorge Alberto; Vale, Ulisses doThis study presents the founding of the group named Mobilização dos Professores de Goiás (MPG) (Goiás teachers’ movement). Founded by teachers of Goiás public schools in the end of 2011, the movement’s goal was to resist the educational reforms promoted by the government back then. MPG has shown itself as an alternative to the Educational Workers’ Union of Goiás (SINTEGO), institution that officially represents the teachers’ working class in the state. Using the social networking site Facebook, it promoted a series of protests during the educational workers’ strike in 2012. For this research, 1,460 posts and 7,178 comments that were posted on MPG’s Facebook page in February and March of 2012 were documented and, from this, a research on quality and quantity was conducted to: measure the growth of the group on the social networking site; assess the relations between its posts/comments and political events; and capture the political, social, and emotional values that sustain the relationship between its members.Item A constituição da identidade narrativa de Fiódor Dostoiévski em Recordações da casa dos mortos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-08-14) Oliveira, Poliana Gabriel; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Guerra, Francesco; Silva, Ademir Luiz daThe current research consist o analyzing the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky through the constitution of a narrative identity in Memoirs from the House of The Dead, which points to a shift in his writings if compared to former works. This novel is an autobiograph that narrates the events of his in Siberia, from his analysis, is possible to identify elements that, interconnected to a historic reconstruction of that time, forms a narrative identity, a category of studies that is connected to life experience and the act of narrate with the purpose of provide meaning. Through this constitution, is noticeable a shift in his writings, that points to a nihilism concept as the finishing line of his post prison works, bringing forward the Slavophile aspect on his later works in detriment of his previous Occidentalism.Item Utopia e realismo: a construção narrativa produzida sobre Goiânia na década de 1940(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-11-20) Silva, Luciano Oliveira; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira AlencarThe present work, have the objective to analyze the narratives produced in Goiânia city at decade 40. The analyze privileged two periods considered of important for comprehension of representation of the city, that it’s Oeste magazine and O popular newspaper. Too we analyzed the literature period produced on period. The objective, therefore, it was to demonstrate that had different narratives forms to represent the city and these forms produced different images of the same object. In contact with the sources, it was possible to find two important types of representation, a utopian and other realistic. In the end, we represented for the reader what unfolding, implication and consequences, that these images were able to produce.Item Chacina do Duro: do evento à representação dos acontecimentos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-08-14) Silva, Elen Glauciene; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Fredrigo, Fabiana; Naxara, Márcia Regina Capelari; Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de; Saddi, RafaelThis dissertation deals with the different writings of Memory, Literature and History about events that occurred between 1918 and 1919 in the town of São José do Duro, in the northeast of the State of Goiás, and which were nationally known by the novel O Tronco of Bernardo Élis. Despite starting from the same sources, the authors constructed different representations about the events. In order to analyze the differences in the narratives, the forms of plot elaboration that led to the observation of the type of explanation given to the events were identified, and from there to the identification of which ideological implications are implicit and/or explicit in the texts. The narrative focuses adopted by the various authors were also analyzed, allowing the understanding that even when there are homogeneity of worldviews, history and time, and therefore ways of explanation, the narratives do not match, as they are attentive to different Outbreaks, denoting openness to future narratives. Meanwhile, the historical narratives took as a model of events the novel by goiano Bernardo Élis, a work that gave an opening to history.Item O Jornal Oió na formação do campo literário goiano em 1957 e 1958(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-06-28) Silva, Fernando Costa e; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de; Gomes, Ivan LimaThe following text is result of research involving the Oió Journal, published monthly in Goiânia between February 1957 and August 1958. It will be demonstrated that, around the Oió Journal, critics and writers met who introduced discussions involving the need to structure a literary field in Goiás. Part of these efforts, recorded in the self-titled "monthly of Goiás culture", appear to involve the professionalization of literary criticism and the prominence given to Bernardo Élis and Eli Brasiliense, most cited authors. Coordinated by the bookseller Olavo Tormin and his secretary Eliezer Penna, the Oió Journal gave an impetus to literary production in Goiás, which increased exponentially between the 50’s and 70’s. The texts published in this paper recorded the flourishing of Modernist Literature in the capital of Goiás, consolidated in the consecration of Bernardo Élis and Eli Brasiliense, in the maintenance of associations of letters, such as the Goian Academy of Letters and the Brazilian Association of Writers, and in the systematization of criticism professional.Item O progresso como categoria de entendimento histórico: um estudo de caso sobre a modernização da cidade de Anápolis-GO (1930-1957)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-08-29) Silva, José Fábio da; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; Furtado, João Pinto; Sandes, Noé Freire; Oliveira, Eliezer Cardoso deWe seek to trace the ways in which the process of modernization was interpreted and understood, between the 1930s and 1950s, the city of Anápolis-GO. Our intention is not aimed properly narrate or discuss the process of urbanization and industrialization o ccurred in the region, but to understand, through the discourses produced in this context, how modernization was interpreted and used as a way of building sense of local historical narratives. With this objective we address how the local press has used the category of progress as a way of appropriation and understanding of the changes that the city passed. From the perspective of the alien (foreign individuals to start to local cultural horizon), we revisit the same time, in order to check other ways to build the image of the city that was changing. Finally, we turn to other forms of interpretations built on this same time, cut this time, but from the perspective of historical narratives developed by the local journalism not only during the analysis period, but later, during the 1970s. With this we aim to demonstrate how the process of modernization has become not only a historical event experienced locally, but also a form of articulation and understanding of own temporal experienceItem Política e nacionalismo nos Annales d’Histoire Économique et Sociale (1929-1938)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-07-05) Teixeira, Fernando Sousa; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais , Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Carvalho, Eugênio Rezende de; Teixeira, Rebeca GontijoThis dissertation investigates politics and nationalism in the Annales d'Histoire Économique et Sociale. Firstly, it approaches the background of this review in political terms. In this sense, some historians who worked with politics in their books were selected. It is the cases of Fustel de Coulanges before the french defeat to Prussia in 1870, of Grabriel Monod who approached the progress of historical knowledge and founded the Revue Historique, Ernest Lavisse who conceived the nation as political expression and Charles Seignobos who consideredthe historical knowledge as an instrument of political education. Next, we show the relationship of the review with politics. Before that, we praised the organization of the review, its themes, authors, among other. In its pages, one finds the policy that somehow remained and the big names (political figures). Moreover, we emphasize a nationalism that expands, especially, towards the African continent. Finally, the dissertation intends to know better a little explored topic of the review, besides perceiving changes and stays between the historians mentioned above and the AHES.