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Item Uma perspectiva sobre a identidade mexicana na obra de David Alfaro Siqueiros (1920-1959)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-10-23) BARBOSA, Luciana Coelho; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; work has for proposal the analysis of the construction of a Mexican identity under the perspective of David Alfaro Siqueiros. This artist is an important character for the understanding of the transformations occurred in the Mexican society under the revolutionary context. The Mexican Revolution succeeded in motivating and involving the whole society and, due to the great popular participation in the uprisings, engendered the need to rethink this population contingent, surpassing the political and military character, and greatly affecting the culture. The muralist movement, on which Siqueiros took part, was significant to this question, since it tried to represent the inferior classes, inserting them in the official discourse. Under this perspective it is valid to point out that the analysis of the construction of identities is intrinsically connected to the social and political imaginary. In the Latin-American countries and especially in Mexico, object of this study, this relationship is directly connected to the notion of miscegenation. We cannot discuss Mexican identity without taking into consideration this question that is crystalline in the muralist movement and consequently in the work of Siqueiros. This identitary process is essential for the individual to engender the nation since it makes possible the integration between individual and society, despite its ocurrence in a contradictory manner, since it includes and excludes simultaneously. Hence, the emphasis of this work consists in the comprehension of how the Mexican historical context supported the Siqueirian identitary discourse.Item ARCA e Fundação o Boticário [manuscrito]: uma perspectiva sobre o movimento ambientalista contemporâneo (1980-2000)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-17) BORGES, Rafael Gonçalves; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; work proposed herewith, entitled ARCA and Fundação O Boticário: a perspective about the environmental movement contemporary , is an analysis which aims to examine the consolidation of environmental discourse over the last two decades of the twentieth century through a study of the environmental movement in its main characteristics, putting in discussion the insertion of it in the context of substantial changes occurred in the period, concerning to civil associations in network and the scientific-technical development, which form the basis for the emergence of an ethical imperative of responsibility and of a defense of a biological and environmental identity.Item O Lobo e o Morcego: A cultura popular e o imaginário inglês do século XIX(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-21) BRANCO, Arturo Alejandro Gonzales Y Rodrigues; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; thesis was written to uncover the process were a cultural symbol of a political oppressed people gets in possession of their oppressors, is modified, inserted in their literary imaginary, and then used by the neocolonialist ideology to disqualify the oppressed people‟s culture. The vampire, in popular culture, represents the supreme evil, for them, the foreigners, which do not have the same religion and simbology, being cursed by their God and obligated to walk on the living world, even after death. Studding this character of the popular imaginary, the english intellectual Sabine Baring-Gould change and bring it to the Victorian England mass culture. The evil represented by the vampire is no more the one that was exotic for the Balcanic people, but the foreigner for the english perspective, the uncivilized natives from the colonies. Based in Sabine Baring-Gould, Bram Stoker wrote his gothic fiction book, Drácula, as a way to propagate, for the Victorian citizens, the neocolonialist values of chastity, honor, civilization and xenophobia. Stoker‟s book, besides being a very popular entertainment book, is also famous for the exaltations to the civilized world denizen, the inhabitant of the colonial potencies, in their dominance relationship over the colonial people, the inhabitants of the dark corners of the world, presenting them as monsters capable of the worst depravationsItem Representação do mundo rural: identidades em construção em um espaço de conflitos (Campo Florido)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-09-26) MACHADO, Flávia Pereira; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; social transformations, politics, economical and cultural impelled by the expansion of the modernity" "project to Brazil imposed the need of a realignment of the agrarian social world starting from the process of agricultural modernization. New identities, subjects and representations appear or they are visibilities in the breast of this process making possible the perception of the complexity of the work relationships, sociability and production that delineate the rural world. Elements of the "modern life" intersect with values and "traditional" senses in the emergency of a new one rural Brazilian, making possible the construction of differentiated images of the field and of the city, that some times converge her, other times oppose. The search of explanations for the contrasts among these two universes (rural and urban) they imposed the identification of the field as place of the "delay", and the city as locus of the "modernity", of the "progress", or even of a continuity of the city in the field with the urbanization process of this. In order to we overcome these visions dichotomists, we challenged ourselves to the interpretation of the constitution of multiple identities and representations concerning the rural world starting from the daily of fight and work, of the life experiences and speeches built by these new insurgent subjects: seated rural originating from of the fight by the earth. In the construction of a social and cultural "place" in the extent of the modernization process the subjects establish several negotiation strategies among the "modern" and the "traditional", the rural and the urban in the delimitation of a new symbolic universe, constituting new identities (personal and collective). In this sense, our proposal if it rules in the process of statement identities be noticed in the different speeches, representations and strategies of material and cultural survival built by these subjects in his/her daily one.Item Guerra, nação e cinema: uma leitura filmográfica sobre as motivações norte-americanas para a ação beligerante(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-09-27) SILVA, Maurineide Alves da; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; United States is a country of tradition belligerent. It is common to find in their public squares and monuments statues of military figures, in addition to reserve specific days to honor them, military parades and ceremonies are displayed in various regions of the country and numerous film productions are performed representing the U.S. involvement in world conflicts. It is felt that the war is part of its fundamental characteristics. Seeking to understand the aspects that have built this tradition and thus marked the history of the United States military interventions around the world, without limiting ourselves to explanations that emphasize only the imperialist interests, but taking into account ideological and dogmatic aspects, we reach a ideology formulated in the nineteenth century, in order to justify the U.S. right to intervene in another nation: the ideology of Manifest Destiny. The three ideas that form the three show Manifest Destiny of American beliefs that are part of their national identity and profoundly marked its history: Puritanism, democracy and capitalism. To peer into the permanence of these three beliefs motivating the U.S. military interventions in the XXI century and still seek mainly new elements that enrich our historical understanding of the American society in his belligerent relations with other regions of the world, analyze imagery of a document period, the film Black Hawk Down (Black Hawk Down, Hidley Scott, 2001), which refers to U.S. military intervention in Somalia in 1993 and eventually present the vision of its directors on the subject. As one of the forms of cultural expression more representative of the United States, the film ends up a material extremely rich set of information about the beliefs and customs United States.Item Ditadura e desterro: trajetórias de exilados brasileiros do golpe de 1964 nos Estados Unidos (1964-1979)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-02-25) SILVEIRA, Lorenna Burjack da; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; thesis aims at analyzing the trajectory of Brazilian exile victims of the 1964 military coup that opted for the United States as a place of exile in that country or were there denouncing the repressive character of the Brazilian military dictatorship. In order to more appropriately approach and understand that issue, the study presents a reflection on the characteristics of the exile as a major concern, before addressing what happened to Brazilian exile victims. Thus, this is a multidisciplinary study, developed to understand how people who have been exiled can be framed in International Law, the difficulties imposed to individuals and yet the possibilities that arise from this situation for those who experience it. Eventually, the pathological aspects of exile and torture are also discussed. The main places where Brazilian exiles were found are traced in this research, among them the United States are highlighted. This country was also responsible for granting weapons as well as logistical and financial support to the military government that overthrew late president Goulart. The relations between Brazil and the United States in the 1960s and 1970s were prioritized in this study, in an attempt to signal how the American society during this period questioned the foreign policy adopted by their country, especially with regard to Latin America. Finally, this study examines closely the link between Brazilian exiles and American intellectuals, activists and religious leaders whose purpose was to publish in the American press reports about repression and torture practiced by Brazilian military.Item Uma Perspectiva Histórica Sobre Construções de Identidades Religiosas A Assembleia de Deus em Imperatriz MA (1986-2009)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-02-19) SOUSA, Bertone de Oliveira; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; at the beginning of the twentieth century, Pentecostalism has grown largely in Brazil, especially in recent decades. The city of Imperatriz, located in the southwestern state of Maranhão, is an example of how this form of religiosity is expanding. In this work, the Assembly of God is studied by stand out as the largest Protestant denomination, which has the second largest temple in this protestant denomination in Latin America and over a hundred and thirty-affiliated churches in the urban and rural. Its growth coincided with urban sprawl, economic and demographic of the city, especially from the 1970s. In this context the inclusion of Protestantism in the Brazilian backwoods, the institution started a large project of religious proselytism, competing with Roman Catholicism and engendering a religious identity Pentecostal fundamentalist content. Therefore, we seek to understand their origins, dissemination strategies and characteristics of their identity and their relationship to otherness (Catholicism and Whitsun) and the political field as well as scan their world view with regard to social and cultural issues, still problematic to the Pentecostals, such as secularism, abortion, atheism, among others. To this end, it is the approach of Cultural Studies and New Cultural History, which takes advantage to understand the symbolic exchanges occurring within it along its trajectory and the posture of denial of the secular culture. We can see that the institution has an ambiguous relationship to modernity, rejects their values, but uses its technological achievements to expand. Moreover, changes inside its history and its interaction with the events that reflect the changes that took place in Brazilian history have caused large changes in various postures adopted by his leadership, the decision to insert themselves in the media in order to compete with rival Pentecostal, the adoption of the Gospel of Health and Prosperity and closer ties with the political field, which brought many benefits in the social and religious fieldsItem A Minust e a alteridade: representações e identidades haitianas nos discursos da ONU e da Folha de São Paulo (2004-2010)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-08-06) VASCONCELOS, Alex Donizete; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; conquest of the New World that had begun around late fifteenth century left no doubts regarding its purposes. At that point, in a clash between civilization and barbarism there had been started one of the most tragic chapters of history. Colonization, a bizarre spectacle, which had no precedents, started from the little island of Hispaniola, which at the end of the eighteenth century was introduced to the world as the Pearl of the Antilles, it was one of, if not the most, prosperous colonies of the French metropolis. Haiti, a country of black people, of voodoo, and of revolution, emerges in history as the country of order subversion, of chaos and black terror, a stain on the civilization history. The rupture between colony and its metropolis, raised by the Haitian Revolution in 1791, became a watershed, an apart chapter in the Americas history. The outcomes of this, which was the only revolution carried out by slaves and that was able to overturn the order and to bring the independency of a country, are still visible today, however regretful. Toussaint L´Ouverture´s country would be harshly punished for its insolence. Haiti remained almost the whole nineteenth century in a political and economic ostracism for, in the twentieth century become the stage of successive interventions and the interference of countries which it has been tragically committed: France and USA. In the late of twentieth century and beginning of twenty first century, those interventions now legitimated by international organizations, such as UN, and OAS, become, effectively, part of the Haitian scenario. It is from those interventions, namely the last, which is represented by MINUSTAH, that we think Haiti in this paper. Making use of the documentation the UN and Folha de São Paulo produced and through a discourse that is, above all, an element of otherness, we will seek to reveal how the Haitian representation and identity are forged.Item A refundação da nação e o conceito de bolivarianismo nos discursos de Hugo Chávez Frías de 1999-2000(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-02-24) ZANCOPE, Tiago Ciro Moral; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; objective of this thesis is to analyze the rise of Hugo Chávez Frías to the presidency of Venezuela in 1999. His first speeches highlighted the need to refound the nation, under new parameters, created from his interpretation of the acts of Bolívar, therefore, his main proposal would be the creation of the República Bolivariana de Venezuela, which, distinctly from the previous ones, should symbolize the union of the nation with the ideas of its beloved son: Simón Bolívar. In order that operation could reach the intended success, it was necessary modify its sustenance pillars. These alterations were accomplished through the redaction of a new constitution, by the redistribution of the powers and also via the historic narrative, which instead of support itself in the historiography, was proclaimed bolivariana. Thus, the V República, that emerges was displayed as the unrolling of the independence war period in the XIX century. The association between the new Republic and the most glorious moment of the country s history, not only legitimated, but is also equivalent to the projection of the values and the brilliancy of formerly. Accordingly, sought to comprehend this phenomenon under one synchronic view, in other words, examining his specificities in order to identify possible points of changes and permanency, because, concomitantly, observing his diachronic, that is, the way how this strategy evolved over the time, in view of the fact that the president s of Venezuela repeatedly asseverate to act over the principals of the bolivarian philosophy. From then on, was reflected about the national paradox, in which the orientation in present seen as meaningless motivated the constant return to the past nineteenth century, since there would be a source of solutions for any kind of demand. The República Bolivariana de Venezuela is, in this sense, the radicalization of this aporia as well as the cult of Bolívar in the attempt to orient the nation and society on a premise which mobilize them in the direction of one bolivarian future and, which below the auspicious of the present, would complement one circle of the conflicts eradication.