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Item Concepções de poder e política em Erasmo de Rotterdam: o papel de diferentes tradições entre reelaborações e permanências(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-18) Rosa, Sérgio Paula; Berbert Júnior, Carlos Oiti;; Pierezan, Alexandre; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira de Alencar; Teixeira, Rafael SaddiPresent and discuss in this paper the positions of the philologist, philosopher, writer and augustinian theologian who lived in the sixteenth century european in relation to questions raised about the issue of good governance, Erasmus of Rotterdam. Although the title of the work suggest a centrality in thought rotterdamês not do here an intellectual history, but we strive to bring a focused discussion on the assumptions of the history of ideas, at which chosen as one of the theses that spans centuries and was played also by Erasmus of Rotterdam, that is, the age-old dispute between the spiritual power and the secular power of the papacy and empire, since the five hundred, will have a regal figure, whose strength and importance has been building for more than two centuries in the principalities , regna and republics. From the effort of reading and interpretation of the Institutio principis christiani work (The Education of a Christian Prince) defend their positions on the question of the origin and role of government and the ruler are due also to a large extent, of their membership in different and conflicting belief systems and traditions. In this sense, we point out that Erasmus receives and disseminates political ideas derived from Aristotelianism, Platonism and the thinkers of the imperial romanism and combined republican with christian morality via the teaching of the "church fathers", then opting for the view that the government of princes It is intended to promote the common good of the citizens living in the principalities, regna or republics. In exercising his adviser of Carlos de Gante, son of Philip I of Castile, and future ruler of the holy roman empire, devotes a treaty speculate with advice to do a good government. In this treatise, Erasmus we prescribe a morality not only christian, but also imbibed the teachings of pagan authors, highlighting the influence of these thinkers not only this work, but throughout his production as "man of knowledge" of his time.