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Item A expressão do “ser mexicano” em El Perfil del Hombre y la Cultura en México, de Samuel Ramos (1934)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-09-27) Dias, Stéfanny Soares de Menezes; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; present study aims to conduct a historiographical examination of the book El Perfil del Hombre y la Cultura en México from Samuel Ramos, dated 1934. Accordingly, we seek to amalgamate the importance of intellectual to understand the culture and being mexican, from the reading that another Latin American’s intellectuals have made from this book, looking for similarities and differences in their considerations. Therefore, we performed this exam from themes that Samuel Ramos verticalizes in his book, the main ones being the "feeling of inferiority," the "unthinking imitation" and "creole culture".Item Depois do começo - as composições de Renato Russo: modernidade - uma leitura da identidade cultural na geração do anos 80(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-04-14) Gomes, Cristiano Vinicius de Oliveira; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; 1980s in Brazil was made of scenery that depicted a wide opening of a reality that was not limited only to the political issue, but created many realities able to rebuild the historiography productions. Thus, a new field of possibilities grew, rebuilding the historiography production by creating many objects, with new uses, until then neglected by the academic research. Working with music words, as a form to create ways to build the cultural identity, means to emphasizes the emergency of this methodological redefinition and realize the compound objects in creating new perspectives about the research to which it is designed. Taking this into account, the study about identity gains the dimension of realizing in Renato Russo s songs evidences of an identity construction which was not seen yet, giving the subjects many meanings by their own fragmentation.Item Testemunho em quadrinhos: reflexões sobre a identidade palestina na obra de Joe Sacco(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-09-19) Gomes, Marília Noleto; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; D'Oliveira, Gêisa Fernandes; Berbert Júnior, Carlos OitiThrough a study about Joe Sacco s series Palestine and his books Notes from a defeatist and Footnotes in Gaza, this research aims to show how the art of the comics emerges as an appropriate language to address a complex issue as the conflict between Arabs and Jews in dispute for the Palestinian territory. Based on the Identity approach, considering how the journalist and cartoonist Joe Sacco, Maltese by birth, cosmopolitan by vocation, constructs a narrative that highlights the otherness, establishing a productive counterpoint to understand this conflict in the Middle East: from the perspective of those that, by Western corporations that emerged, were thrown to the mists of oblivion. From the new perspectives provided by various historiography strands, as the Intellectual History and Cultural Studies, aggregate to a rich conceptual framework for research on manned imagery issue, it is possible to envision new paradigms that can be incorporated into the research on the topic in order to enter the HQ universe into contemporary historiography discussions. Theme whose interest is piqued by naturally transcends the clichés for this conferred a priori. It is understood by commonplace in this case the sphere of entertainment, which includes mostly symbolic products disseminated on a large scale marketing purposes and for leisure.Item Goiânia, a ‘cidade desplanejada’ do oeste (1950/1980): reflexões sobre a capital goiana nos aportes da coleção Ewald Janssen(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-11-01) Guimarães, Leandro Davi; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão deThe purpose of this dissertation is to examine the urban development of Goiânia between 1950 and 1980 and its perceived sociocultural effects until the mid-1990s, especially from the perspective of urban outlines. The emphasis is on signaling political and legislative procedures related to spontaneous settlements and the materialization of new neighborhoods on state-owned land and private enterprise, backed by documentation filed in the personal archive of a topographer engineer active in that context. This documentation is part of the “Ewald Janssen Collection”, belonging to the collection of the Museu Antropológico of the Universidade Federal de Goiás, which assists in the investigation of urban planning in a period of consolidation of the city. The present work aims to point out how the documentation of this topographer collaborates to understand Goiânia´s current disposition and to reflect on the city administration in the municipal or state spheres, during the referred decades. In this context, it is possible to reflect on the status of ‘modern and planned city' that is often attributed or denied to the Goiás capital by historiography and, from this reflection, problematize the representation of this category of city in its inhabitants imagination. Through recurrent methodologies in social and cultural history, the work was developed through the institutionalized and/or sociocultural records found in the city's sources and literature. The work gathered urbanistic and sensorial perceptions of Goiânia, composing a new perception to integrate the previous city analysis. It is concluded in the dissertation that the ideological, market and sociocultural construction processes in the city´s representations establish a literary narrative, which resembles the materialized city as much as it loses the connections with it in many aspects.Item Fé e devoção no culto à nossa Senhora do Rosário e ao Divino Espírito Santo na festa da Sucupira - TO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-02-23) Jesus, Weverson Cardoso de; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Quadros, Eduardo Gusmão de; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de; Silva, Maria da Conceição; Renato, EduardoWhen analyzing the specificities of the religious festivities present in the southeast of Tocantins, I chose the cult of Madonna of Rosary and the Divine Holy Spirit present in the Sucupira Party, with occurrence in the countryside of Dianapolis city, located at Tocantins state - a city originated with the mounting of the jesuit missions. The studies about these festivities have gained wide space in historiography due to their attention in the analysis of many aspects of the festive community. Therefore, the research highlights the process of formation and constitution of Sucupira's Party as an expression of a collective memory and the representation of the religiosity of its participants, individuals and groups involved. The respective festivity inserts in historiography for explaining the social relations established between the inhabitants of the southeast Tocantins, and also allowing the registry of regional knowledge and practices, becoming an element of collaboration with the writing of the local history when it highlights the procedures of the Individuals participating in this festivity. The festivity was approached from historical sources related to it and with the contribution of testimonials obtained as a way of appreciation of the party planners and individuals involved in the research. The manifestations occured at Sucupira clarify a broad amount of rituals and symbologies related to the colonial past and the african and lusitan heritages, reinforcing the social and hierarchical systems that intertwine with elements inserted at modernity's context, also in line with traditional elements, such as 'the masters lifting', Divine Emperor / Empress coronation, and Kings and Queens of Rosary. This way, through documentary research in parochial registries, documents present in Goiânia's archives, based on theoretical assumptions of the New Cultural History, Anthropology of Religions and at the regional writings, it was possible to understand how the festivities transplanted to Brazil are perched with hybrid elements, as much they reinforce a search for the maintaining of the traditions inherited, of the collective memory linked to the party, the relation between devout and worshiped divinity and also the sociability relations established there.Item O ressurgimento do sujeito pela escrita autobiográfica: o caso de Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-03-17) Lima, Aline Alves; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Oliveira , Eliézer Cardoso de; Campos, Raquel Machado GonçalvesThis dissertation investigates the status of autobiographical writing for Nikola Tesla (1856- 1943). Not the dawn of the twentieth century, this Serbian-American inventor threw himself into the autobiographical enterprise. In it is present Tesla's eagerness for recognition as a "great inventor" who he believed to be. Its trajectory was characterized by the passage of the glorious moment that it experienced in the scientific community to the process of ostracism in which it was. His decline was not only financial or professional, but especially existential, since his time was what made sense to his life. Convinced of the excellence of his work, Nikola Tesla built an autobiography project, conceived as a concept of perception of the importance of his inventions to the world. For him, only the ideal inventors, who participate that the class of "exceptionally privileged class" would guard the world from eminent destruction. The autobiography was used as a model for Tesla to transform a conception of people, altering the existing world and turning it into an ideal place where its actualization is not more serious through writing, but through its inventions, its main purpose would consist of Safeguard a humanity from the catastrophe. The autobiographical writing was perceived by Nikola Tesla as a resource to transform the existing world, and to resurface as an ideal inventor.Item “Grito, logo existo": Reinaldo Arenas, o rebelde (1943-1990)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-27) Mendes, Bruna Alves Carvalho; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Marques, Rickley Leandro; Gomes, Ivan LimaThis dissertation examines the autobiographic work Before Night Falls, by the cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas. Born in 1943, under the sign of Fulgêncio Batista’s ditactorship, saw the socialism being implemented on the island in 1943, being part of a target group that the Revolution wanted to reach: the youth. Under the precept of the New Man, which considered as a duty of the cuban man to be viril and strong defensor of the revolutionary ideas, the youngs were modeled to achieve this model of masculinity and guerrilla man. Writer and homossexual, faced it on two fronts, since the writer oppositors of the regime were considered counterrevolutionaries and, therefore, intolerable; besides the persecution of homossexuals. Was exiled by the port of Mariel in 1980, in a migratory movement mostly forged by Young people who where coerced to support and sustain the Revolution, but who suffered persecutions for their convicctions against the regime and the prevailing morale. By its report, we identify two forms that Arenas used as resistance. For one, his own writing. For him, the literature was his forme of existence and acting in the world, both with the autobiography, a scream for freedom and against oppression, and his books that, even though ficcional, made clear allusions and harsh critics to Castrism. Second, Arenas used his homossexuality as rebellion against the cuban morale. Exiled and devastated by AIDS, the author judged that he didn’t have the recognition he deserved in life, and the autobiography emerge as a way to correct this neglect and a way to exist among the individuals once he was gone. All this questions were analyzed by the optics of Writing of the Self, focusing on the autobiographical subject in Before the Night Falls, principal source of this work. Estructured in three chapters, we will examine first Arena’s childhood and the idealization that he makes of this period from his life. Following chronology, in the second chapter appears a young Arenas, enthusiastic about the Revolution, where we also discuss questions like the cuban machista tradition, Arena’s literary life, the New Man Project of Che Guevara and the place of intelectuals and homossexuals within the Revolution. In the third chapter, we follow the author’s escape by Mariel and what he found in the United States of America, period where he meditated about himself and all the body of his work. Our main goal is to presente na rebellious individual, who judged never founding his place in the world and who suffered countless exiles during his life: be on the Island, by the repression of his sexuality and writing; be by his condition of marielito or by AIDS. Presented in Before the Night Falls, Arenas seeks for a post mortem justice he didn’t get in life, and all the arguments of this dissertation seek the comprehension of the message Arenas seeked to cristalyze in his autobiographic writing.Item As festas cívicas mexicanas e a potencialização da identidade nacional (1910 – 2010)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-03-01) Miziara, Vítor Gomez; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; study aims to analyze the Mexican celebrations, particularly the Bicentenary of Independence and Centenary of Mexican Revolution’s celebrations, occurred in the year of 2010, specially those related to the government’s oficial’s visions for civic and patriotic events, that have composed the mexican’s ephemeris, searching for the understanding and to analyze the data collected in the first moment – the period that preceded the celebrations – and those collected during and after the realization of those, in order to contextualize the oficial’s visions, and confront them with another perspectives. In order to, we performed a comparison with the celebrations of the First Centenary of Independence, in 1910, from a theoretical analysis about concepts like Identity, Celebration, Memory and Uses of the Past.Item Da crítica à modernidade ao encontro com a América Latina: a literatura de resistência do argentino Ernesto Sábato(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-05-03) Oliveira, Amanda Alvarenga Fernandes; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Schapochnik, Nelson; Campos, Raquel Machado GonçalvesThe modern man was betrayed by mathematical reason, in which he had deposited all his faith after turning his back on God and myths. This subject dominated nature and subjugated it to his wills and techniques, but lost in the middle of symbols and theorems, could not find answers to his anguishes and felt increasingly alone (although surrounded by all the other subjects of the world). Faced with this helplessness, emerged the Existentialist Philosophy of which the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre constitutes the main disseminator. Giving to each man total freedom of action – as well as all sorts of consequences to each of his acts –, the primary objective of the Sartrean existentialism was to comfort this subject, putting he back in the center of himself. In this context (with the end of the two world wars, when the whole planet was trying to rise from the deeper abysses), Ernesto Sabato – who had dedicated himself to Physics for many years – found a chord to his afflictions in Literature, because he realized that only art possess a concrete language (which gives account of the concrete subject, a combination of reason and emotion, of light and shadows, past and present; the subject of History, for excellence). Sabato found in writing his way of action; using his intrinsic freedom, produced his literature as a mean of resisting the dehumanization of humanity. Therefore, we intend in this work (by Hermeneutical Philosophy as the method), to understand how the literature of Ernesto Sabato – his essays and novels – was constituted, and how it was inserted in his historical context.Item Arqueologia da ausência – um processo privado de elaboração da perda em audiovisuais de familiares de desaparecidos na ditadura Argentina ( 1976-1983)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-09-06) Oliveira, Euller Gontijo de; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Nunes, José Walter; Abdala Júnior, Roberto; Vilela, Ana Lúcia OliveiraThis work aims to study the role of the cinema thinking in the reconfiguration of memory and in the constitution of identities, through two films directed by relatives of missing the last Argentine military regime. We found the films an excellent source of study to think building these memories in film. In this sense, the main axis of reflection is how these relatives, today filmmakers, come thinking your memories and their identities from their audiovisual production? What place the images in this building? And to what extent the images contribute to the remodeling of the memory and, therefore, identities, since we assume that memory and identity do not dissociate. From this perspective presented by Joël Candau (2011) analyze the two documentaries, starting from the design of the memory can both consolidate as weakening the sense of identity. In this sense, a focus of this work is to think like documentaries Argentine military dictatorship come after linking and updating the past in a struggle against forgetting.Item Resistência e autonomia no discurso zapatista: “a nossa arma é a palavra” (1992-2005)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-01-28) Oliveira, Leidiana Marinho Souza; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Silva, Leandro Mendanha e; Borges, Rafael Gonçalves; Bittencourt, Libertad BorgesThe period covered by this research (from 1994 to 2005) ranges from the first survey of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation to the Sixth Lacandona Jungle Declaration, also called by the Zapatistas as “La otra campaña”. After a brief period of armament undertaken on January 1, 1994, the Zapatistas change their policies to those policies that are considered achieved beyond armed conflict. This research sought through Discourse Analysis to deepen the Zapatista speeches allocated on the official website of the EZLN, deepening the debates about the writings and historical narratives inherent to the Research Line: Ideas, Knowledge and Writings of (and in) History. As the assumptions start from the assumption that the Zapatista discourses show elements that awaken the general community to the problems related to the indigenous in Mexico, in a kind of militancy in the political field of dialogue. Using a word as a weapon, the writings of Subcomandante Marcos and the CCRI-CG (Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee - General Command) point to the construction of a Zapatista Autonomy as a form of resistance to the Mexican government.Item A evolução social e política proposta por Justo Sierra para o México (1900-1911)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-11-27) Santos, Luciano Rodrigues; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Carvalho, Eugênio Rezende de; Reinato, Eduardo JoséThe present study examines the performance of Mexican essayist and intellectual Justo Sierra Méndez (1848-1912), in the project of problematization and defense of a mestizo identity for Mexico in the late nineteenth century. The main point of the research is to analyze the categories listed by Sierra in his essays, starting from the assumptions of Cultural History, in order to systematize and provide the debate on mestizaje, identity and politics in nineteenth century Mexico. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine Sierra's thinking regarding the multicultural formation of the Mexican nation amid the social and political problems that besieged social thought in that country between the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Item A Besta e o filho vermelho: representações do comunismo nos quadrinhos de Superman e Batman (1988/90 e 2003)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-07-29) Teles, Gustavo Borges; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt , Libertad Borges; Silva, Ademir Luiz da; Franco, Edgar SilveiraThe 20th century was marked by innumerous transformations, whether belonging from the economic, political or sociocultural nature, being also possible to highlight those from the media field. Such transformations would allow the consolidation of a media as particular as comic books, which would find their peak in the years of 1930 and 1940 along with the appearance of the super adventure genre and its most prominent exponents: super heroes. Super heroes were responsible for fighting the hostilities of a confrontational world characterized by the war against totalitarianism and fascism. The end of World War II marked a pole conflict shift to the threat of the Cold War; a conflict that would last until the end of the 1980s. Under this perspective, super heroes would take advantage of this contextual scope in order to develop their adventures, in which the Nazi enemy would be replaced by the communist threat. This study seeks a dialog between historiography and its paradigmatic support, with elements such as narrative and representations, considering these dialogs would be of inexorable prominence to the understanding of a temporal and spatial context. The 1950 and 1960 decades were crucial for the consolidation of an anticommunism imaginary in the USA, which, in turn, would be transposed in the super heroes’ stories. For that, comic books usage, as a source of research, would be vital to help understanding how this form of language links those representations about anticommunism. In this research, some stories with distinct temporality were used in order to understand communism representations in comic books – their particularities and continuity. Comic books, as a narrative form, would be responsible for helping constituting identities inherent to society, specially the American one. As important as setting out ideologies in such a particular way from sources as comic books is also understanding how these ideas are contextually and textually built as well as how they are narratively articulated through a relation between image and text undertaken by comic books.