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Item Nausicaä atravessa o Pacífico: adaptação e internacionalização de Nausicaä do Vale dos Ventos, de Hayao Miyazaki(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-22) Figueiredo, Tomaz Castrillon de; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves;; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves; Carvalho, Diego Avelino de Moraes; Gomes, Ivan Limaalley of the Wind’s trajectory in its adaptation to the animation cinema as well as to the American market as a whole, centered in a paratextual analysis – both in cinema and in the comics, and later on the concept of manga. Therefore I present Studio Ghibli’s development and Miyazaki’s (it’s biggest name) development from their origins in the profound debate around animation in which the corporation Miyazaki was trained (TOEI) is inserted. Furthermore, I present de debate around the concept of “animation” and Osamu Tezuka’s “anime” as well as the tensions in the field for a concept of “manga”, between a modernizing and a tradition maintaining logic. To Follow this work is to follow not only the birth of one of the most famous animation studios from the turn of the century, but also de deep context of Japanese animation and comics in the middle of the globalization process and the strong expansion of Japanese cultural goods and subsequent developments from the 1980’s ahead.Item História e imaginação em Natalie Zemon Davis(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-06) Leite, Mayke Rogerio Ferreira; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves;; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves; Almeida, Tiago Santos; Sá Júnior, Luiz César de; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Quadros, Eduardo Gusmão deThis thesis aims to problematize the question of historical imagination in Natalie Zemon Davis. Reputed historian, the North American used the historical imagination constantly in her literary works, to compose gaps, to dialogue directly with her research objects. It attempts to interdisciplinary dialogues, Natalie Zemon Davis dialogued with the anthropology, ethnography, literature and the cinema, and thus, researched about multiple objects, as religion, culture, peasants, workers, women, and others, being knew an eclectic historian in approaches and in research objects. Her most highlighted literary work in the historiography is The return of Martin Guerre (1982), projected internationally and whose question of the historical imagination being a fundamental element. The research process about the case of Martin Guerre put doubly the problem of imagination to Natalie Zemon Davis. First, in the work of the historian as historical consultant in the production of Le retour de Martin Guerre movie and then, in the writing of the book The return of Martin Guerre. This process of an inverse production, first in a movie and then in a book, availed to conclude that the imaginative work in cinema, awakened Natalie Zemon Davis to more attention in the using of imagination in the history writing, permitted, only, in moments of need. To the historian it is possible to use the imaginative resource in the history writing, provided it is so responsibly towards the evidences. In this way, only was possible to reach this conclusion since the moment in what we approach the book and the movie about Martin Guerre as a central axe by what all the discussion about the imagination passed.Item As memórias de Josephina Neuville (1864): história, escrita, literatura(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-16) Miranda, Ingrid; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves;; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves; Soares, Ana Lorym; Bezerra, Valéria CristinaJosephina Neuville (1826-1889), daughter of a Belgian and a Frenchwoman, was born in Brazil, raised between Lisbon and Paris and traveled a large part of Europe before she was thirty years old, when she began to write what would be the book Memórias de minha vida. Recordações de minhas viagens, published in 1864. She had too many suitors, married, and had three lovers. She caused a scandal with her life and her Memoirs, which aimed to defend her from her many enemies, presenting a particular view of the facts in which she was involved - a narrative, in her words, written "in the midst of sorrows, inspired by suffering" and who sought to bring to the public ―a life so intimate that, despite everything, no one knew it nor could it understand it‖. Although it contains many observations on European and Luso-Brazilian customs and cultures and is, in itself, an important testimony of female writing in the 19th century – with its setbacks and strategies – Josephina's text received little attention from historiography, because no dissertation or thesis has taken it as the main document. The objective of the present work is to fill this gap, highlighting three aspects of the Memoirs: the temporality inherent to writing and the troubled publication of the text; the writing strategies, the elements selected to compose the text and the documentary and literary aspects of his work; its relations with the ways of reading and writing novels and with the idea of literature (in the 19th century). These aspects show the author's trajectory in her goal of not only writing her intimate memoirs, but, above all, as we will seek to demonstrate, transforming them into a printed publication.Item Um conúbio intrigante na construção de um herói romântico: os caminhos da produção das Mémoires de Garibaldi (1860), de Alexandre Dumas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-05-04) Nogueira, Isabella; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Schapochnik, Nelson; Soares, Ana Lorym; Fredrigo, Fabiana de SouzaThis dissertation aims to investigate the production of the book Mémoires de Garibaldi, published in Paris by Alexandre Dumas, in 1860. According to the writer, after having had access to Garibaldi's manuscript, his objective was to comment and publish such pages. Working with the hypothesis that Dumas was more present in the book than he actually said and Dumas saw in the character the romantic hero. So it was been decided to develop the problematic of production in two chapters. The first one presents the relation between the two personages and in him it is perceived that Dumas went in search of Garibaldi with the interest to publish his memories after a financial crisis passed by the literate and the repercussion of the done of the general. In spite of this, he saw in Garibaldi one man above the others, which led him to want to be with him for four years. Garibaldi was already a character known and exalted for his heroic deeds, but it was the writer who gave him more visibility. In the second chapter, it was been tried to think the problematic of the production between the textuality and the materiality of the work, presenting what is written and its scenery. Still, it came to be observed that the memories of 1860 approach the narrative techniques of Dumas. This was possible through the study of Garibaldi's memoirs published in 1859 in New York by Theodore Dwight and the 1888 edition published by Bàrbera. Despite the similarity between these editions and that of Dumas, with their differences, the one had more repercussion. We will notice that there have been many translations and re-editions.Item Das belas-letras ao arquivo documental: os escritos biográficos da Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa (1788-1835)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-10-05) Oliveira Júnior, José Alves de; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves;; Oliveira, Maria da Glória de; Salomon, Marlon Jeison; Campos, Raquel Machado GonçalvesThais paper examines the rhetoric and the introduction of documentary criticism in the biographical writing of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. This group, created in the reign of Queen Maria I in 1779, instituted in its program the writing of Vidas, Elogios Históricos e Memórias Históricas that served to narrate the life of historical personages of the kingdom and the deceased partners of the institution. In this context, biographical writings were valued for their ability to extol the history of "great men" and their moralizing efficacy. In this research, we conceive the biographies of the Academy as traditional forms of representation of the past, incorporated into the Illustrated regime of writing history in the passage from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century. Having the historiographic text as object, we problematize the writing of history in its conceptual and methodological aspects, emphasizing the textual construction and the forms of validation of the historiographic discourse. Considering this, we elucidate the incorporation of the biographical writings of the Academy to the regime of scholarly historicity, showing how rhetoric and erudition focused on the construction of certain notions of historical evidence. We verified the relation between the biographical writings and the project of Philosophical History elaborated by the members of the association, indicating the coexistence of different notions of history in the biographical writing. In the Academy, history would be conditioned by different traditions and movements, being able to be understood at the same time as gender, science and experience of the time.Item Do neorrealismo à literatura de testemunho: a recepção de Primo Levi no Brasil (1979-2000)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-26) Santos, Átila Fernandes dos; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves;; Campos, Raquel Machado Gonçalves; Vilela, Ana Lucia Oliveira; Caldas, Pedro Spinola Pereira; Gomes, Ivan Lima; Setemy, Adrianna Cristina LopesThis dissertation studies the reception of Primo Levi in Brazil based on two works Is this a man? translated and published in 1988 and Os Drowned and Survivors in 1990. Seizing Levi's work from the concept of ideal reader, we tried to analyze how the figuration of the reader favored the crossing of textual forms. And how Levi's uses of literature allow us to confront the readings carried out within the Brazilian scenario. The sources consulted were restricted to newspapers, magazines and some periodicals. Claiming that the reception cut allowed experimentations in Levi's reading, we found modulations within the literary reception, perceiving Levi as a neorealist, a court witness, a chemist, a writer until the appearance of the first criticisms in academic journals and scientific journals outlining the figuration of witness of the trauma.