Programa de Pós-graduação em Direitos Humanos
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Item Vigilância e violência contra a comunidade acadêmica como estratégia de biopoder da ditadura militar brasileira e em Goiás: memória e verdade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-08-15) Barbosa, Alessandra de Abreu Minadakis; Ferreira, Fernanda Busanello;; Ferreira, Fernanda Busanello;; Borges, Célio Alves; Dias, Luciana de OliveiraThe Brazil lived for twenty-one, a civil-military dictatorship guided by the National Security Doctrine and the concerns and interests of an organic elite. Three years before the 1964 coup, the governor of Goias, Mauro Borges, was one of the protagonists of the legal campaign, which secured the possession of vice Goulart after the resignation of Janio Quadros. In November 1964, after a relentless pursuit, the federal government ordered the intervention in Goias. Goias academic community was especially persecuted, of the strong influence of left-wing ideologies in the intelligentsia, of the active participation of the student movements in politics. Soon after the deposition Goulart, was initiated the "cleaning operation" provided for in the Institutional Act of the Revolution Supreme Command of 9 April 1964, allowing the first purges, which is operationalized through Military Criminal Investigations and commissions of inquiry or inquest preceded by summary investigation. The AI-2 allowed a new wave of purges, and as time passed, the regime was hardening and increasing repression. The year 1968 was particularly explosive, marked by intense protests by students, and violent police response. On December 13 was issued AI-5, allowing the military almost absolute powers, weakening legislative and judiciary and violating the rights and freedoms of individuals. Since the beginning of the dictatorship had the intention of setting up a global apparatus of control of society. Given this demand, they were created the National System of Information and Internal Security System in the country. SISN1 had at its peak the SN1, which despite having been created in the first months of the scheme, only at the end of the decade was structured to information activities and, indirectly, of repression. In this network was also the information systems within the Civil Ministries and Security Advisory Services and Information in the main organs of government. Completed the network specific systems of the Navy, Army and Air Force. With regard to universities, ASI provided a strong control over students, teachers and servers, causing consequences of physical nature, moral, psychological and academic. The security system had the inspiration to OBAN and materialized in CODI /DOI system, national enforcement structure controlled by the military. Torture was used as state terrorism instrument, with punitive purposes and obtaining information. Brazilian civil-military dictatorship played a biopower on the whole society, and especially on the individuals considered "enemies." The complex information system provided a panoptic gaze on society in order to control and discipline. The same can be said of the arrests, disciplinary institution by nature. Torture, widely used, and is part of a strategy of obtaining information, revealed the state of "bare life" of the victim, which in biopolitics logic, represented life should be left to die for the sake of the lives to be protected. Seeks, in the rescue of this memory, the contribution to the justice that is due to the victim and society. Lest forget. So that never happens again.Item Iê viva meu deus – capoeira: da criminalização ao reconhecimento internacional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-02-08) Porto, Joana Sirley da Costa; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa de;; Ferreira, Fernanda Busanello;; Ferreira, Fernanda Busanello; Carvalho, Daniel Campos de; Torres, Marcos Antônio Cunha; Santander, Carlos UgoCapoeira is part of Brazilian culture and is already spread across five continents and in more than 150 countries. Despite all the resistance and criminalization that capoeira has suffered over the years, finally in 2014, the capoeira circles were registered by IPHAN and together with UNESCO as an immaterial historical patrimony of humanity. Along with this came the consumer market that made what was a cultural resistance in another commodity to sell to tourists, what is denominated mercantilization of the Afro Brazilian culture, and it still affects the question of Human Rights with respect to the cultural rights. In research defined culture in a critical classic theory like Hall, Mwewa and Rubim, that brought us to the idea of how a culture, according to someone’s action, can get repercussion in something bigger, in a society. Through data analysis of government documents that support the Capoeira register as a cultural imaterial patrimony. One of the limitations of work is about the lack of studies about Capoeira and the ones existentes are full of blanks, without some questions. So in general, though, the research showed a bigger wish of capoeirista to pressure the State some public politics to become this culture na educational instrument e a representation of Brazil abroad, and that was legitimed across the consagration of this cultural expression as a historical cultural imaterial patrimony but also brought consequences as appropriation of afro-brazilian culture for Market and turistic Marke and it retires the real meaning of culture resistance.Item As consequências da mineração de grande porte em Barro Alto, Goiás: desenvolvimento ou escambo contemporâneo?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-04-18) Ribeiro, Renato de Araújo; Ferreira, Fernanda Busanello;; Santo, Jorge Luiz Oliveira; Coelho, Saulo de Oliveira Pinto; Bambirra, Felipe Magalhães; Tibiriçá, Luciana GonçalvesThe purpose of this dissertation is to investigate whether large-scale mining practiced by Transnational Corporations is a factor that induces local development or not. In order to do so, we opted for the investigation based on a case study focused on the reality of the Municipality of Barro Alto-GO. The research initially seeks to outline the context and historical importance of mining for the formation of the State of Goiás in order to describe how its economic, financial and social influence in the Municipality studied occurs. In order to answer the main question of this research, the collected data were submitted to the theoretical perspectives that approach the concept of development essentially as an economic data, establishing as signs of its existence the increase of productivity, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and real income, according to what Celso Furtado proposes. Also, as characterized by the creation of a synergic industrial sector with production of scale and scope, as proposed by, among others, Erik K. Reinert and Raúl Prebrish. Next, we analyze the local reality of the Municipality of Barro Alto from the perspective of the human rights to development, which we consider as the appropriate place or starting point for the correct understanding of the case studied. To do so, we rescued the historical construction of the human rights to development and we propose the interpretation of the real extension of its content from the point of view of Amartya Sen’s development theory, complemented by the conception that all rights demand a cost for its accomplishment, recognizing in the State and Transnational Corporations the main obliged ones to promote, defend and carry out, through planning and public policies, the human rights to development.