Programa de Pós-graduação em Direitos Humanos
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Item A proteção dos direitos humanos dos refugiados em Goiás: uma análise sobre a formulação de políticas públicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-08-13) Aguiar, Rafaella Ribeiro de; Joo, Carlos Ugo Santander;; Joo , Carlos Ugo Santander; Roriz, João Henrique Ribeiro; Silva, Alessandro Rezende daThis research analyzes the influence of the formulation of a public policy for migrants, refugees and stateless persons in the State of Goiás on the local integration of refugees from a qualitative study, emphasizing the formulation process carried out from 2016 to 2018 and the actors involved in it. Believes that public policy design should involve implementers in the formulation process (Howlett, 2013; Ansell & Sorensen, 2017). It analyzes the context based on two fronts of technical and methodological exploration: i) a documentary analysis, involving the revision of the norms of international Human Rights, International Refugee Law and the national laws about migration; and the meeting records of the Thematic Committee of the Intersectoral Committee of Public Policies for Migration in the State of Goiás (in portuguese, CIPEMIGRA); and ii) the interviews with the members of CIPEMIGRA, the ones responsible for the formulation. Finally, it seeks to understand and analyze the policy-making process and its content in the light of human rights in an attempt to understand its relationship to refugee protection and local integration.Item Reintegração social em Goiás: o perfil do apenado e a atuação do patronato em prol do egresso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-07-31) Cabral, Ruth do Prado; Silva, André Vasconcelos da; Joo, Carlos Ugo Santander;; Joo, Carlos Ugo Santander; Ávila, Carlos Frederico Domínguez; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa deTaking into consideration the security issues that Brazil has faced, with speculation about the recidivism rate for lack of empirical data, to understand the ways that the state has used to build strategies for social reintegration of individuals who experience the condition of prison is necessary. The proposed theme encompassed discussions and constructions in different areas, as socially, encompasses the interdisciplinary science, enabling clippings of violence coming from sociology, criminology, education and human rights. The study addresses the historical concepts wrapped in structuring the prison as a total institution (Goffman, 2001). Understanding the historical aspects of the formation of prison as an institution reinforces the ineffectiveness of Brazilian prisons, which operate based on authoritarian mentality still present since its founding. Reflects on the effects of imprisonment, stigma and discrimination, suggesting continuity in the analysis of criminal sanction even at the end of the sentence, the figure of the citizen-former prisoners For the preparation of this dissertation was decided to split into two studies. The purpose of Study 1 was to describe, from secondary data INFOPEN, aspects of the prison structure in Goiás in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012, and the strategies of social reintegration in intramural period. Study 2 aimed to investigate the actions of the Foundation of the State of Goiás in supporting the Social Reintegration of Ex- Offenders (extramural period). For the processing of the results, we chose to categorize the data, responding to criteria based on the tripod of the concept of reintegration (work, health and education). In study 1, the data from the information system of prisons, it appears that the prison structure in Goiás is characterized by having a deficit of jobs and consequent overcrowding. In 2010 the capacity was 62% higher than allowed, and with increased vacancies in 2012, the surplus still reached values almost 50% higher than allowed. Composed of men and women with low education (in the three years analyzed, nearly 60% just literate and / or with incomplete primary education), with almost 60% composed of young people 18-29 years. The results of the study reflect the 2 shy scope of actions of social reintegration of graduates, with values less than 25% in the three aspects of reintegration. Although constructed with regard to the penitentiary system discourse demands the presence of educational and work activities in favor of the idea of reintegration, it was observed that the actions of social reintegration, in the analyzed period, do not represent a significant rate the severity of the problems facing addressed.Item Institucionalização do estado plurinacional como instrumento para efetivação dos direitos humanos: uma perspectiva comparada entre Brasil e Bolívia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-06-26) Cerqueira, David Martins de; Joo, Carlos Ugo Santander;; Joo, Carlos Ugo Santander; Wenczenovicz, Thaís Janaína; Leitão, Rosani MoreiraA principios del siglo XXI, surge una nueva institucionalidad democrática en América Latina: la Constitución del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. estudio es analizar el Estado Plurinacional como instrumento para la realización de los derechos humanos desde una perspectiva comparativa entre Brasil y Bolivia. El trabajo académico forma parte de la línea de investigación sobre derechos humanos y ciudadanía en América Latina. Las discusiones presentes en esta disertación se basan en una perspectiva decolonial y, sobre todo, en los principios de la epistemología del sur. El trabajo comienza, en primer lugar, a partir de un esfuerzo por rescatar la memoria, las luchas y la resistencia colonial. Posteriormente, se analizan los avances y retrocesos presentes en la lógica de Estado plurinacional y uninacional. Toda la estructura de la tesis está intercalada por las diferencias y similitudes presentes en los dos países con respecto a la realización de los derechos humanos. Desde un enfoque crítico, se trabaja en el proceso de modernidad/colonialidad, la formación de estados nacionales, el proyecto del nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano, el pluralismo jurídico y el monismo y las concepciones de la vida de la Filosofía de Vivir Bien. Por lo tanto, es posible tener una visión panorámica de los éxitos y contradicciones insertadas en las transformaciones sociales, políticas y legales que ocurrieron en Brasil y Bolivia, y concluir en qué medida el proyecto del Estado Plurinacional sirve como instrumento para la realización de los derechos humanos.Item Direitos humanos na prevenção e combate ao terrorismo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-07-27) Munhoz, Otávio Guimarães; Joo, Carlos Ugo Santander;; Joo, Carlos Ugo Santander; Avila , Carlos Federico Domínguez; Ferreira , Fernanda BusanelloThe present study demonstrates Human Rights Education as an indispensable way to prepare Special Operations Forces professionals to deal with the terrorist threats of the contemporary context. Thus, in view of the need to contribute to the dialogue between human rights and terrorism, the objective of this dissertation was to analyze how Education in Human Rights contributes to the formation of Brazilian Special Forces in the process of prevention and fight against terrorism. For that, bibliographical and documentary research was carried out in the first half of 2018 and had as theoretical contributions the scholars that discuss about terrorism and human rights, as well as official documents of the Brazilian Army and national and international legislation that base the protection to the subject of law. In the end, the study showed that one of the possible ways is the elaboration of a specific training module by function and / or by the technical, tactical and procedural capacities required of each military, and that it includes in an integrated way human rights education and the tactical actions to be performed by these operational elements and staff planners.