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Item “Podem quebrar o maracá, mas não vão quebrar nossa tradição”. Datsimadzébré, ritual xavante de iniciação dos Danhohui’wa e dos Wapté(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-29) Abdzu, Fabio Ubre'a; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz; Coelho, Rafael FrancoThe work, by a native anthropologist, reviews the bibliography produced by the white man, pointing out errors in the interpretation of the tradition of the A’uwẽ Uptabi people. The research presents an analysis of Datsimadzébré, an initiation ritual for danhohui’wa and wapté. The ritual, which creates age groups, was generally analyzed from the point of view of adolescents, (wapte), but did not received due attention from the point of view of the danhohui'wa. One of the highlighted points is the passage of the danhohui'wa to the group of the ipredu, the older adults who participate in the meetings in the wara. The danhohui'wa term is often translated as "godfathers", the analysis points to the inadequacy of that translation. The work articulates the narrative written with oral narrative explored through the audiovisual.Item É Deus quem cura: um estudo sobre as curas espirituais na casa Dom Inácio de Loyola(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-02-22) Alves, Nilauder Guimarães; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348Este trabalho tem como objetivo uma investigação sobre o sistema ritual espírita, com ênfase em suas práticas terapêuticas. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida num “hospital espiritual”, a Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola, onde atende o médium curador João Teixeira de Faria, conhecido como João de Deus. Identifico um conjunto de prática e crenças religiosas voltadas para o trabalho de cura. A partir da observação da utilização e manipulação de símbolos rituais, descrevo um complexo de expressões performativas verbais e não verbais, constituído de gestos, palavras e movimentos executados pelos praticantes. A análise é estendida às ações que, em um contexto ritual, correspondem a um fenômeno performativo e cujo ordenamento específico e a execução precisa dos atos performativos que permitem a eficácia do ritual de cura.Item Por um Do in antropológico " - Pontos de Cultura e paradigmas nas políticas públicas culturais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-10-01) Nunes, Ariel Ferreira; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; Ahias, Renato; Silva, Joana FernandesThe public cultural policies traditionally increased the high culture and folklore as the main manifestations of Brazilian culture. Since the management of the Minister Gilberto Gil (2003- 2008) we situate changes in the ways of making public policy culture. The main action of this management policy is the implementation of “Cultura Viva” and the “Pontos de Cultura”, operating through the shared management between federal government and civil society. In this work we analyze the implementation of public cultural policy, as well as their modes of organization in social networks and virtual. The ethnography constitutes an open-ended interviews and participant observation in the “Pontos de Cultura”, in their virtual network, and the meetings between “Pontos de Cultura”, local politicians and representatives of the Ministry of Culture, called Teias. Fieldwork focused on the coordinators of the “Pontos de Cultura”, known as ponteiros. These ponteiros are included here as the main organizers of “Pontos de Cultura”, government and society.Item Identidades em performance: abuelas em fronteiras(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-11-29) Penha, Bruna; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348This paper work brings to discussion the Paraguayan women as a polissemic and ambiguous symbol. Migrant grandmothers, who live in the twin cities of Ponta Porã and Pedro Juan Caballero, are our interlocutor. Those cities constitute the dry frontier between Brazil and Paraguay; they are cosmopolitan and peripheral. There, rurality and urbanity, as well as the localization and the globalization, encounter themselves. The main topics of this work are the gender, age and identitary frontiers which those women cross. Each of the frontiers just mentioned is ambiguous in its constitution and in the way it is acted. They are narrated by the grandmothers and make possible to achieve some comprehension on the way those women perform their identities. They also make explicit some of the many social, cultural and political spheres in the personal and transnational relationship in that transfrontier.Item Danhônô. ritual de passagem Auwê Uptabi (Xavante)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-09-16) Rã 'Wa Tsa 'e'Omo'Wa, Michael; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; Coelho, Rafael FrancoÃhã romhuri hã tedza róbdzanhã duré tedza rowatsu’u DANHÕNÕ, daró HU’UHI remhã, a’uwê uptabi höimanadzé ihöimana watsimanharidzé date ãmã re dawamri dza’ra mono duré aibo na aibo ãmã re tsimanharidza’ra mono dzé hã durei hawi we wa’ru’rata hawi ihöimana wahöimana dzé hã. Danhãnõ we duréihawi we datsima date iwabdzuri mono awa’awi ãmã re watsiwadzébdza’ra mono da, danhitsé, datsina tsapari prédu hã, datsiwadzé tsi’ré aba tsi’uiwana, A’uwê ãmã re watsitébré da hã duré watsina wate re tsaparidza’ra mono da hã. Danhõnõ wahi’rata nori nhimi rowatsu’u na hã datsi aibö dzé.Item Transforma-se o corpo para o corpo transformar o meio - corpos de teatro em fabricação com o Grupo Sonhus Teatro Ritual(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-04-17) Reis, Roberto Murilo Xavier; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; Ferraz, Ana LúciaThe following work researchs the making of the body of Grupo Sonhus Teatro Ritual, relating to its visions, tecniques and links with various traditions. Antropological and theatrical perspectives are put in dialogue in order to offer possibilities of approaching the group praxis. Csordas (2008) and Victor Turner (1982, 1987, 2005) are mobilized to think about the body: phenomenological views, but also emphasizing the comunicational field of the body through the ideia of symbol-body. A path that aims to understand connections between ritual and performance is followed, a central aspect to Grupo Sonhus understaings, and related to their Weltanschauung, analysed with a greater focus through their practices and discourses. The making of this work took place with the performatic learning of practices, but also with participant-observation and special dialogues. We reach the idea that the group aims to a body in transformation and that it hits people seeking their transformation as well.Item Trabalhadores migrantes: no eito da cana à escravidão contemporânea em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-04-04) Silva, Cristiane Passos Melo e; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348; Alvarez, Gabriel Omar; Figueira, Ricardo Rezende; Lima, Roberto Cunha Alves deThe proposal of this dissertation is to analyze the point of view of rural workers enslaved in contemporary times, the social relations established in these spaces of usurpation of freedoms and rights, as well as in other occupied workspaces, such as the Brazilian sugarcane fields. Hence the necessity of analyzing concepts pertinent to the development of the study, such as: peasants, identitary elements of peasantry, and contemporary slavery, among others. Within this context, I seek to analyze the history of domination undertaken in rural areas through the years, and the peasant moral code that persisted through time in the collective imaginary of rural populations, sustaining their process of resistance, in order to maintain a traditionally established and productive social practice. Categories such as race and gender will also be addressed in the course of this study, as well as others that proved relevant to the analyses presented here. Labor relations and the rights of these workers, likewise, were analyzed in the text, and the presence of rural labor unions and other representative organizations, in the daily work of these categories. The study will also include analyses which refer to the maintenance of the hierarchical segmentation in the workspace, the elements that motivate it, as well as the acts of violence practiced on workers over the years.