Região Metropolitana de Goiânia (RMG)
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Item Benefícios e desafios da auditoria baseada em riscos: proposta de implantação no Instituto Federal Goiano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-10) Brito, Guilherme Caetano; Pimenta, Daiana Paula;; Pimenta, Daiana Paula;; Carvalho, Claudia Regina Rosal; Campos, Flávia RezendeThe brazilian public administration has undergone several renovations in order to modernize the management. The latest reform, called Management Reform, innovated there instituit elements focused on the search for efficiency, results based management and the descentralization of activities. As a consequence, the internal control stopped focusing on the formalismo of the acts and directed its activities, in a decentralized manner trough internal audit units, for evaluation the achievement of objectives and risk management of public organizations. The audits from the perspectiva of risks is still a new topic in the public sector and was regulated only in 2015. Under the Ministry of Education there are federal institutions of higher education (FIHE) that adopt the risk-based audit (RBA) methodology for some years, however, there are no studies on the impacts of adoption of the methodology, or even on the best way to develop the implementation process. The objective of this study is to identify the benefits and challenges in the implementation of RBA in FIHE and propose an action plan for implementation RBA at the Instituto Federal Goiano (IF Goiano). Data were obtained through a questionnaire applied to internal auditors of FIHE and statiscally treated using fator analysis technque to extract factors taht represent groups of benefits and challenges in the implementation of RBA. They were extracted two factors that represent benefits and three factors that represent challenges in the implementation of RBA, especially the challenge of existence of inadequate risk management structure in the organization. Finally, it proposed na action plan for implementation of ABR in IF Goiano, containing actions to overcome the challenges previously identified.Item Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras: uma avaliação da política pública de internacionalização do ensino superior sob a perspectiva do paradigma multidimensional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-10-03) Cruz, Viviane Xavier de Araujo; Carvalho, Claudia Regina Rosal;; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de;; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de;; Carvalho, Claudia Regina Rosal;; Cruz, Alethéia Ferreira da; Mello, Simone Portela Teixeira deThis work aimed to develop an educational assessment model applied to program Science Without Borders program, based on the multidimensional paradigm model. Therefore, it has been done a multidimensional diagnosis of the program, which was one of the government of Dilma Rousseff 's flagship and had an approximately three-billion-real investment in its first phase, based on the analysis of the meeting minutes of the Superior Council and Technical Scientific Council of Higher Education of CAPES, the DataSenado research that evaluated the perception of the scholarship holder and a survey applied to the institutional coordinators in higher education institutions. Then, indicators of efficacy, efficiency, effectiveness and relevance have been established, based on the literature and CAPES’ documents of area, to a program evaluation, in order to support the planning and formulation of government intervention, the monitoring of the second phase implementation , its revisions and adjustments, as well as decisions on the maintenance or interruption of actions in order to improve the efficiency of public spending, the quality of management and the control over the effectiveness of state action. When applying the proposed model, it was found that the program is not very efficacious and efficient, although it is quite relevant. As for effectiveness, it could not be measured due to lack of data.Item Fatores intervenientes na tomada de decisão em conselhos superiores dos Institutos Federais de Educação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-10-04) Mendonça Filho, Érison Ferreira; Francisco, Roberto da Piedade;; Francisco, Roberto da Piedade;; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de; Mello, Simone Portella Teixeira de; Francisco, Roberto da PiedadeOne of the ways to deepen representative democracy is through the institutionalization of management councils in public institutions, in order to fill the gap of participation represented in the interim between the processes choosing their representatives and thus enable stakeholders to permanent representation of their interests in decision-making. However, the mere existence of councils does not guarantee the representation of stakeholders, social control and accountability of counselors, and optimal decisions, since its composition, the profile of its members and internal deliberation dynamics can influence the results. So there is efficiency in the decision-making process, and therefore to satisfy the demands of the represented, decision-making should take place in such a way to obtain decisions based on rationality objectives assumptions. The objective of this study was to analyze the factors involved in the decision-making process in the higher councils of the Federal Institutes of Education in relation to the profile of its members, its organizational structure and the techniques used for decision-making. The methods used to obtain data were documentary and field research, the latter made by questionnaires with items in Likert scale format. It was made content analysis of the statutes and general regulations of 38 Brazilian federal institutes of education and questionnaires to 122 directors of 14 institutions. It was found that the higher councils of the Brazilian federal institutes have a composition ranging from 16 to 73 members, and most of them have 30 members; that most councilors had had previous participatory experiences; that some rationality assumptions were met, but that the availability of information, the forms of communication between members and between them and the community, and the employee decision-making method can be improved to be achieved so that more solutions are obtained satisfactory given the existing limitations of rationality.Item Processo administrativo eletrônico - plano de implantação na Controladoria Geral do Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-08) Moraes, Fausto Cruzeiro de; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de;; Cruz, Alethéia Ferreira da;; Cruz, Alethéia Ferreira da;; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de;; Severino, Maico Roris; Braz, Eugênio Rubens CardosoThis work has as a central issue the discussion of the administrative process in public organizations and proposes a model of plan of implementation the electronic process in the Comptroller General agency of the State of Goiás. The concern with the formal record of the grounds, opinions and actions of administrative acts public, materialized in administrative proceedings, leads to large volumes of paper documents, generated and handled daily, presenting challenges in transport, accommodation, storage and retrieval of these documents. Through analysis of volumes, times and expenses involving the physical administrative processes of the state of Goiás and the General of the State of Goiás Comptroller, and with the support of a modeling and process simulation tool, it became clear how the electronic administrative process can contribute to reducing paper costs and greater speed in the processing of the administrative process. Added to this, the electronic process, based on computerized system can provide administrators greater management of the processes with greater control of the status and terms related thereto, as well as contributes to increased organ transparency. This study aimed to identify how the current administrative process based on paper, can be converted to electronic through the presentation of a deployment plan for the electronic administrative procedure before the General Comptroller of the State of Goiás (GO-CGE). For making the diagnosis, it was used the documentary analysis of the corporate database of administrative procedures, provided by the Protocol of Electronic System (SEPNET) of the State of Goiás. The results indicated reduction opportunity in the processing time of the administrative procedures up to 72,5 % of total time in the state of Goiás and average reduction of up to 149 calendar days in processing times in CGE-GO. Moreover, the savings in paper volume in the state of Goiás can reach up to 10 million pages in administrative processes annually. In the case of CGE-GO, it was found possible to reduce the printing costs between R$ 5,420.28 and R$ 25,552.77 per year. Was also identified potential gains for the service of Public Transparency, offering greater publicity of the processes. This work generated as product the deployment plan model the electronic administrative process, which is one of the requirements needed for acquiring for free of the electronic process software that has been adopted by the Federal Government of Brazil.Item A administração da tecnologia e participação social como insumos para gestão democrática: o desenvolvimento do E-Gov e da E-Democracia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-29) Oliveira, Thadio Robledo Queiroz; Carvalho, Claudia Regina Rosal;; Carvalho, Claudia Regina Rosal;; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de; Castro, Sérgio Duarte deAt critical moments, societies have always sought to increase their autonomy and participation in opposition to the heteronomous forces. Such public expressions materialized in each historical epochs in different ways. Nowadays, technological developments and civic engagement in political issues enabled the deliberation and discussion of social affairs using electronic media and, therefore, enabled the omnipresence of public opinion. This dissertation studies the concepts of egovernment and e-democracy as democratic management tools and analyzes how they can be a possible solution to increase transparency in public policy management. Diagnoses the level of development of the above concepts in the Brazilian context through the analysis of the Brazilian legislative houses’ websites, through the study of eight models of maturity and by studying e-democratic platforms. To assist in the diagnosis, it is created and deployed an electronic channel for social participation named InterajoBrasil, a citizen-led interventionist platform of e-democracy, applied to the public debate on the “provisional measures” quoted in the Brazilian Senate. It is also demonstrated, in this research, other systems and e-democratic platforms applications cases, studying the theoretical and practical framework of the main concepts and tools involved. It is also pursued to evidence that there is a positive correlation between development of e-government indicators and indicators of government transparency, aiming conceptual basis to help drawing up an action plan. The action plan is addressed as an interventional proposal that seeks to improve the management of technology inputs, the use of e-government and e-democratic channels, with a view to strengthening democracy and social participation, bringing more transparency in public policy management.Item Política setorial de meio ambiente e o projeto cerrado sustentável no estado de Goiás (2010-2014): uma proposta para ampliar a eficácia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-05-31) Stival, Daphne Domingues; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de;; Carvalho, Claudia Regina Rosal; Carvalho, Claudia Regina Rosal; Souza, Eliane Moreira Sá de; Pimenta, Daiana Paula; Campos, Flávia RezendeThe decentralization provided by the Federal Constitution of 1998, in fulfillment of the demand by the population, reaches the environmental sectorial politics providing a more localized performance focusing on the efficiency of public administration and the ministering of the needs of the common populations. Intending to preserve de brazillian savanna the government of Goiás implemented the Sustainable Cerrado Project in partnership with the World Bank aiming to follow the directives presented by the "Iniciativa Cerrado Sustentável" from the Ministry of Environment. The goal of this study is to examine the results of the project in Goiás, noting its flaws in period by that in place, 2010-2014, and to effect a motion of intervention that might bear the realization of its objectives not processed in original project. The project and the motion of intervention were examined by means of documental and bibliographic research aiming for the continuity of the project in order to atend the goals regarding the sustainability of the brazillian savanna and the valorization of the traditional populations in this process. It was observed that the project failed to accomplish its goals according to flaws related to conflicting bureaucratic processes between the World Bank and the government of Goiás, lack of autonomy of the Secretariat of Environment and, mostly, the lack of goals regarding the local population, wich wasn't contemplated. Its known that the people can't be untied from the Bioma and, acknowledging that the motion is put in place with goals to prioritize the preservation of the brazillian savanna, the well being of its people, the creation of jobs and income, poverty reduction and social integration, that perforce to add for security of Project success and sustainability.Item Programa da nota fiscal eletrônica em Goiás: elaboração de plano de ação para melhorias na política pública(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-06) Vieira, Patrícia Araújo; Pimenta, Daiana Paula;; Pimenta, Daiana Paula;; Cruz, Alethéia Ferreira da; Silva, Solange daInnovation in the public sector, and in particular technological innovation, is an example of change within public organizations. One form of technological innovation is e-government, which is defined as the modernization of public administration through the usage of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Examples that stands out of the e-government programs include the ones developed by the tax administration, such as the Electronic Invoice (NF-e). Although it is an important program and used throughout Brazil, there is still little study about it and there is no evaluation of the performance of this type of public fiscal policy in the country’s Treasury Departments. The aim of this study was to evaluate, according to the parameters of effectiveness and effectiveness itself, the Electronic Invoice program in the State of Goiás, using the guidelines of the GESPÚBLICA guide for evaluating public policies. Specifically, it was intended to make a diagnosis to identify the main problems with NF-e in the State, to propose solutions and implement those that were feasible during the execution of this research. In order to measure the effectiveness, a SEFAZ database was used to analyze the sharing of tax documents. Furthermore, to measure the effectiveness, a questionnaire was applied to the fiscal auditors of the State’s Department of Finance about the changes in the inspection after the implantation of NF-e. Through the evaluation of public policy, it was identified that in relation to effectiveness, the NF-e program in Goiás does not match the goals proposed for synchronization of fiscal documents. It was also found that the tax of sending the fiscal documents to the National Environment does not reach all the authorized documents and the period of time to send and to receive the fiscal documents is very long. Regarding effectiveness, the conclusion is that that the NF-e program has brought improvements to the inspection and audit processes to the State’s Department of Finance. The main improvement was the speed of the audits, due to the increase of the facility and the velocity in obtaining the data for inspection. It is also worth mentioning the real-time monitoring of the operations, which reduces the response time of audits in relation to possible fraud and evasion. Regarding the work intervention, changes were made in the synchronism system of fiscal documents, according to the solution proposed from the diagnosis made and as a result a significant improvement in the timing of the fiscal documents to the National Environment was obtained.