Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes da Cena
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Item O Sentido dramatúrgico da caracterização do corpo interprete: um estudo de caso dos espetáculos: Gota d’água e O abajur lilás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-24) Borges, Jéssika Hannder; Pereira, Dalmir Rogério;; Viana; Pereira, Dalmir Rogério; Viana, Fausto Roberto Poço; Pires, Rafaela BlanchIn the field of Performing Arts, the visual characterization of the performer's body occupies a place very important, given that without it there is no scenic production, nor the constitution and construction of the character, of the performer. The present work aims to understand the relationship between the characterization and the body of the actor/performer, in order to intend aspects of the makeup and costumes; reflecting on the configurations and reconfigurations of languages in the areas of performing arts. The methodology adopted in this study involves research bibliographic and documentary, with a qualitative approach and theoretical investigation. The results obtained in the research indicate a tendency towards a scarcity of academic productions about theatrical characterization in the state of Goiás, between 2011 and 2021. Despite its necessary importance, the research also demonstrated that characterization has occupied a subordinate role in relation to the work as a whole. We believe that this research can contribute to the study of characterization in the process of composition of corporeality scenic; and, at the same time, how and if it is possible to conceive dramaturgies based on the stimulu that visual characterization brings to the body.Item Um olhar experimental para dramaturgia na educação: movimento e encenação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-11) Duarte, Sarah Auxiliadora Paiva; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves de;; Figueiredo, Valéria Maria Chaves de; Brasileiro, Livia Tenório; Ferreira, Alexandre DonizeteThis dissertation investigates the theatrical making related to viewpoints with somatic practices to theater students in a non-formal school. The incessant search to understand the functioning of the actor's work instrument, the body, and how the functions of this body dialogue with theatrical making led to the search for theories and practical research to arrive at some considerations about staging. The experience and experience of these students when they came into contact with somatic practices, for the first time, yielded reports of a perceived body and its powers for the development of the creative process in the construction of the character now in a proprioceptive body. By making convergence with viewpoints in the search to apply the fundamentals of theater, the exploration of this proprioceptive body stimulated the body expression of these students and the sources of creation emerged with the somatic exercises, the principle of the score of theatrical anthropology, the theatrical and traditional games. Data collection was based on action research, which emerged a relationship of teacher and student, and a horizontal relationship with exchanges of knowledge and solutions in relation to what was experienced. This data collection yielded photographs, logbooks, audios, drawings and the enthusiasm to do theater. This research seeks to contribute with art as knowledge and the strengthening of somatic practices, viewpoints, theatrical games and traditional games that have become a path of new possibilities for these students in the theatrical sphere. Keywords: Somatic practices. Viewpoinsts; Scenario; Action research.Item A sobrevivência do sagrado nas danças circulares durante a pandemia: O mundo virtual na circularidade das telas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-05) Ferreira, Marieta Judith Ferraz; Bonetti, Maria Cristina de Freitas;; Bonetti, Maria Cristina de Freitas; Santos, Rafael Guarato dos; Borges, Águeda Aparecida da Cruz; Suanno, Marilza Vanessa Rosa; Coimbra, Renata MariaThis work, from the research line Transversal Studies in Theater, Dance and Art Direction, of the Master's Program in Performing Arts at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), consists of investigating the role of the sacred in Circular Dances in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, through online meetings. The proposal is justified by the fact that Sacred Circular Dance is an activity that has always privileged presence, the collective, holding hands, where the harmonization and attunement carried out before the dances open up space for access to the sacred. In this way, the main objective of this study is to understand how the sacred remains present in virtual meetings of Sacred Circular Dances. This is a qualitative study, using phenomenology and hermeneutics as its scientific method. The instruments used for data collection were: an interview with ten Sacred Circular Dances focalizers, who during the pandemic offered online courses and classes; a questionnaire with twentyfour dancers who participated in classes with the respective focalizers, through digital platforms; and observation. The bibliographic review is based on the theories of important thinkers in the field, including Mircea Eliade, Rudolf Otto, José Severino Croatto, Maria-Gabriele Wosien, Friedel Kloke, Nanni Kloke and Maria Cristina de Freitas Bonetti. To understand technology in this pandemic context, we sought support from Pierre Lévy. The two years of online experiences with Circular Dances, between 2020 and 2021, either as a participant or as a focalizer, served as motivation to investigate what this digital universe had to offer. The relevance of this research lies in the perception of the Sacred Circular Dances movement and the impacts and transformations that occurred during this time of living in virtuality.Item Caminhando pelo ínterim e descobrindo nuances entre os fazeres técnicos e cênicos dos iluminadores na cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-13) Freitas, Danyell Oliveira; Ferreira, Alexandre Donizete;; Ferreira, Alexandre Donizete; Pires, Rafaela Blanch; Nosella, Berilo Luigi DeiróEste estudio tiene como objetivo contribuir y ampliar mis experiencias profesionales y personales sobre la óptica de la iluminación escénica y la resignificación de la perspectiva paradigmática de las fisuras que existían entre las distancias para iluminar y las posibles sensibilizaciones poéticas y estéticas de la luz escénica y sus influencias en una actuación teatral. Para ello, transitamos por el intermedio y revelamos matices entre los quehaceres técnicos y escénicos de los iluminadores escénicos y técnicos de iluminación en la ciudad de Goiânia. Así, se llevaron a cabo entrevistas con estos profesionales activos en la capital goiana con la intención de identificar las posibles similitudes y diferencias entre sus funciones. Al final, además de contribuir para un (auto) reconocimiento desde la perspectiva de mi desempeño, se revela un hibridismo y una "zona de difuminación" en el contexto de la iluminación teatral en Goiânia, lo cual me ha llevado a reflexionar que, dependiendo del entorno y la demanda que se me solicite, puedo desempeñarme en la práctica como un técnico de iluminación o como un iluminador escénico, o incluso como un profesional híbrido que puede ofrecer lo mejor de dos habilidades, adaptándome según el entorno y las necesidades del momentoItem O empoderamento das identidades de gênero feministas pela cibercena/educação infantil crítica no DEI/CEPAE/UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-17) Lyra, Yasmin Gonçalves e; Cunha, Fernanda Pereira da;; Cunha, Fernanda Pereira da; Barbosa, Ana Mae Tavares Bastos; Azevedo, Fernando Antônio Gonçalves de; Silva, Adriano Correia; Dallago, Saulo Germano SalesThe research in question has as impellent the study about the critical Early Childhood Cyberscene/Education in favor of the empowerment of feminist gender identities, with children aged 4 to 6 years from the Department of Early Childhood Education of the Center for Teaching and Applied Research to Education at the Federal University of Goiás – DEI/CEPAE/UFG. As a Cyberactress/Educator at that institution, the perception of sexist gender identity stereotypes is raised, present in the metacenic expressions of children aged 4 to 5 years old through the child play that composes the aesthetics of everyday school life, stereotypes that may be reinforcing iniquitous power relations in the binary representations of masculine and feminine that make up the ontological formation of children. The metacenic expressions of gender identity stereotypes are phenomenally analyzed from the visualities of the scene through iconographic and audiovisual records, interviews with the children's families and reports of pedagogical activities written by DEI/CEPAE/UFG teachers. Thus, a Cyberscenic/Educational intervention was developed for children from 4 to 6 years of age at DEI/CEPAE/UFG, by the Cybertheater Forum with Animated Forms, based on the Triangular Approach developed by Professor Ana Mae Barbosa, on the Digital Triangular System systematized by Professor Fernanda Cunha , and on Aesthetics of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal, for the promotion of aesthetic-scenic resignifications regarding the cognitive perception of personal identity through the concept of Artist Cyberlife. Feminism is understood in this study as a political movement in favor of gender equality, against institutionalized sexism that establishes unequal power relations through oppression from an early age.Item Portas: entre vias, saia são - performance de gente(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-26) Santiago, Letícia Lemes; Lima, Marlini Dorneles de;; Lima, Marlini Dorneles de; Lotufo, Júlia Jenior; Souza, Newton Armani deThe study sought to promote performing arts among residents of the northwest region of Goiânia, adopting a workshop approach that culminated in an artistic performance. The central proposal of the research was the creation of a performance among the region’s residents. The research was based on the concepts of Spinoza’s “affects” and Bakhtin’s “voices”, paving the way for a deeper exploration through memory from somatic-performative research. This exploration involved the search for objects, actions, memories, stories and movements that held the desire to be shared. The main objective was to discover voices and affections that intertwine in the search for (re)creating through artistic performance. As a result, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of art as a means of expression, connection and personal development in collaboration with the local community. Therefore, when exploring voices and affections, a deep and meaningful journey is revealed that transcends the limits of the body and language. Voices, as individual and collective entities, and affects, as emotional drivers, merge in an exploration that echoes the rich diversity of human experience and its quest to (re)create through artistic performance.Item Em busca de identificações metodológicas dos processos criativos no grupo teatral “o mundo é nossa casa” nos anos 90(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-06) Silva, Edimar Pereira; Dallago, Saulo Germano Sales;; Dallago, Saulo Germano Sale; Costa, Clarice da Silva; Souza, Rildo Bento deThis research seeks to fill some of the many gaps in the History of Theater in Goiás, focusing on the Theater Group O Mundo É Nossa Casa in the city of Senador Canedo in the Jardim das Oliveiras region, where their practices and productions are analyzed to identify the processes, methods and other actions that articulate theater making and thinking in its local context, which are a priori related to the activities of the Nossa Senhora Aparecida Community and the local reality of the neighborhood. The Cia's creative and investigative processes do not go directly through theatrical tradition references. The present study notices similarities with currents of thought that question whether Latin America thinks for itself or still remains a colony, but now from an epistemological point of view. The study includes references that influenced the group, such as Liberation Theology and the pedagogy of the oppressed; In this context, interculturality is not a choice, but something that is constituted in the process of living in community and that, in the encounter with consolidated aesthetics, the clash shows the difference between the two, often relegating the group's aesthetics as subordinate artItem Antígona: ensaio sobre uma poética política(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-14) Torres, Renata Cesar; Silva, Adriano Correia;; Silva, Adriano Correia; Ramos, Luiz Fernando; Oliveira, Natássia Duarte Garcia Leite deThis dissertation presents an investigation of the discourses present in the tragedy Antigone, which run through the performance of tragic mimesis in its political context, focusing on the main questions that the plot proposes: the ruler's power action, questions of justice and individual reasons. From the point of view of Antigone's interpretation in it's performativity, the aesthetical aspects of the tragic and the political context of the plot are related to human relationships as an update of the discourses of power and political action.