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Item Desenhar para conhecer: experimentações como fissuras epistêmicas na antropologia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-28) Almeida, Katianne de Sousa; Ferreira, Glauco Batista; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2193871294419921; Ferreira, Glauco Batista; Bruno, Fabiana; Pinheiro, Patrícia dos Santos; Pires, Ema Cláudia Ribeiro; Triana, Bruna Nunes da CostaThe path to constructing a drawn thesis is winding, like any other organic element; it develops gradually. Through conversations with colleagues, professors, and research interlocutors, relationships were intertwined, and they also modified the way I initially thought about the research and the relationship between anthropology and drawing. Just as my drawing followed this branched process of understanding what it would mean to experiment in Anthropology. In two notebooks (notebook 01: drawing concepts and notebook 02: drawing ethnographies) that grow into five brochures, I share the production of thought, to experiment with various languages within the structure of constructing scientific thought, containing drawings, photographs, and poems, since graphic productions expanded along the way. The interest of the research was to highlight drawing as a possible path for ethnographic production, in addition to highlighting it as a pedagogical resource for anthropological training, within the academic disciplinary structure at the university. As I developed the idea of concept drawing, I constructed a graphic narrative about my process as a black woman in graduate school that is fundamentally about articulating anthropological theories and their fissures in the contemporary world. When researching the teaching of Anthropology through drawing, that is, doing an Anthropology of Anthropology, connections, and epistemic ruptures were established between writing and drawing in the various ways of producing knowledge in AnthropologyItem Acary de Passos Oliveira: percursos e contribuições para a formação da antropologia no Estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-27) Carvalho, Adelino Adilson de; Leitão, Rosani Moreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1983245441436723; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1268440854810735; Vasconcellos; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Vasconcellos, Camilo de Mello; Martins, Dilamar Candida; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista de; Herbetta, Alexandre FerrazIn this work I analyzed the career trajectory of Acary de Passos Oliveira, a sertanista1 and the first director of the Anthropological Museum of the Federal University of Goiás, with the aim of glimpsing his contributions to the formation of the field of Anthropology in the state of Goiás, as well as understanding the political and social influences that shaped his ideas and actions. In addition to bibliographical consultations and studies, the analysis was based on a documentary review from the perspective of archival ethnography. Documents held by the UFG Anthropological Museum and the Goiás Institute of Prehistory and Anthropology at PUC Goiás, among others, were analyzed. The time frame covers the period from the late 1930s, when Acary de Passos began his work on national programs to integrate Central Brazil, to 1993, the year of his death. Within this time frame, two actions deserve to be highlighted: the creation and consolidation of the UFG Anthropological Museum and the formation of its first ethnographic and archaeological collections. Among other conclusions, this work reveals a multiple and complex trajectory, which paved the way for the construction of the field of museums, anthropology, archaeology and other related areas in the region.Item Fotografias como recursos narrativos nas publicações dos dossiês do patrimônio imaterial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-09) Duailibe, Nayala Nunes; Tamaso , Izabela Maria; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3452984712174788; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; Morais, Sara Santos; Gonçalves, Renata Sá; Veiga, Felipe Berocan; Hirano, Luis Felipe KojimaIt is worth considering the importance of photographs for the documentation and recording of various forms of intangible heritage, as well as their relevance in the dissemination and appreciation of the cultural practices and traditions of different groups. This thesis analyzes the use of photographic images as a tool in the construction and representation of heritage, questioning how these images shape the understanding of the meaning of heritage. The thesis also highlights the existing gap regarding the role of photographs in the documentation and preservation of intangible heritage, and how they can be used in the context of public policies. The objectives of the thesis are to identify heritage photographs in the narratives of intangible heritage, to analyze the ethnographic sense of heritage processes in relation to the use of photography, and to demonstrate how photographs are used in the publications of the IPHAN files. The work presents an ethnography, which discusses the aspects of anthropological research, the selection methodology of files and photographic images, as well as the proposal of a method with photographs. In the third chapter, the thesis discusses the use of photographs as narrative strategies in intangible heritage records, highlighting the relationship between photography and Anthropology and the collective memory embodied in images. Analysis of the intangible heritage files is presented, focusing on the Wajãpi and Roda de Capoeira files produced by IPHAN. The objective is to understand how narratives are built through the photographs present in these documents and how cultural forms are recorded. The thesis emphasizes the epistemological dimension of the use of images in intangible heritage and addresses the relevance of public heritage policies that use images as central resources in their approach.Item Princesinhas, guerreiros e batalhas discursivas: educação de gênero como projeto (neo)conservador(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-29) Freitas, Lídia dos Santos Ferreira de; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7078667432523349; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Nunes, Maria José Fontelas Rosado; Santos, Rayani Mariano dos; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Gonçalves, ElianeEsta investigación doctoral en Antropología Social, centrada principalmente en textos públicos obtenidos en diversas plataformas, tanto digitales como físicas, buscó analizar discursos y perspectivas de género en libros infantiles y materiales pedagógicos producidos por segmentos de los cristianismos pentecostalizados. La fundamentación teórica se basó en las teorías de género y feministas, así como en la perspectiva teórico-metodológica del Análisis del Discurso. El alcance del análisis consideró el contexto más amplio de las actuales controversias sobre género, el avance de valores e ideas de derecha y extrema derecha, y la reacción conservadora ante el progreso de las agendas feministas y los activismos queer, especialmente desde el repertorio discursivo de la "ideología de género". Buscando responder a la pregunta sobre cuáles serían los elementos fundamentales constituyentes de la tecnología conservadora de género operacionalizada en la educación no formal de niños presente en el campo de los cristianismos pentecostalizados, la investigación de los materiales reveló una estética y patrones discursivos comunes, fundamentados en una visión de género dualista, esencialista, cis-heterosexista, disciplinadora, moralista y reproductivista. El análisis también evidenció la existencia de un proyecto organizado de educación conservadora de género para niños en los espacios de estos cristianismos conservadores, con énfasis, principalmente, en identidades y performances de género, desde una perspectiva construccionista (el género debe ser enseñado a los niños desde una matriz cristiana-conservadora), conformada en un discurso esencialista (el género está dado y no puede ser modificado). Hay, por lo tanto, una ambigüedad que es característica del patrón discursivo de las nuevas derechas conservadoras y que forma parte de su potencia. La investigación también señala la necesidad de que los investigadores del campo de los estudios de género revisiten el supuesto de que habría, en los segmentos analizados en esta tesis, una perspectiva puramente "antigénero". Lo que parece haber es un proceso de disputa por los sentidos de la categoría "género". Destaco, por último, que el fenómeno es relativamente reciente, intensificándose a partir de la segunda década del siglo XX, lo que justifica la relevancia y actualidad de esta investigación.Item Kalunga cidadão: uma análise antropológica da extensão universitária da Universidade Federal de Goiás nas comunidades quilombolas Kalunga(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-03) Gabry, Ulisses José; Omar Alvarez, Gabriel; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1246783304706348; Omar Alvarez, Gabriel; Soares, Carlos Alberto Caroso; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Dias, Luciana de OliveiraThis paper aims to contribute to the debate on the work of the Federal University of Goiás in the Kalunga Quilombola Communities through university extension. To this end, an anthropological analysis of UFG's university extension work in the Kalunga territory was carried out, starting with the extension program "Kalunga Cidadão: Promoção da Igualdade Racial na Comunidade Rural Quilombola Kalunga de Cavalcante, Monte Alegre e Teresina - Goiás" (Kalunga Citizen: Promotion of Racial Equality in the Kalunga Rural Quilombola Community of Cavalcante, Monte Alegre and Teresina - Goiás). It was found that the university's extension practice with the population has been built up over a long period of time by faculty members who, by having their research and teaching trajectories intersect with those of the communities, seek to contribute to the demands of the Kalunga Communities through university extension.Item As margens vão à luta: o modo Maíra como resistência tentehar nas relações da T.I Cana Brava/Guajajara com a BR-226 no Centro-Sul do Maranhão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-11) Gomes, Dhiogo Rezende; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5311157252579292; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Caballero, Indira Nahomi Viana; Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz; Garcia, Uirá Felippe; Apurinã , FranciscoThis thesis deals with interethnic relations within the Cana Brava Indigenous Land, crossed by BR-226 in the Center-South region of Maranhão. In this context, the Tentehar-Guajajara present themselves as producing a policy of approximation to control and resist the impacts of the highway as a developmental project, in the face of changes and transformations in the world system. A set of agencies and strategies are presented that were established on a cosmological basis in the mythical times of the creation of their people, matured in four centuries of contact with colonization and national society. In this process of indigenous agency in the present, the Tentehar carry their references to the struggle in the myths of the founding of their people by the demiurge Maíra and his twin sons, Maíra’yr and Mucura’yr. Tentehar historicity is based on ancestry, valuing the struggles fought by the ancients, following a chain of historical times conjectured by the indigenous people themselves to the detriment of linear and dominant Western chronologies. This tentahar way of being-doing brings together all the plasticity of these people, weaving a policy of resistance, moving between retreats and controlled approaches under the Maíra way, observers of the limits with the karaiw (non-indigenous), from the first colonial contacts, through the conflicts in the demarcation of land and the expulsion of invading villages, until the establishment of the pe pihun – black road, the highway in the 21st century, a time in which the margins are fightingItem Nhandereko: nosso direito(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-16) Guarany, Vilmar Martins Moura; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7816009438312510; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares; Amado, Luiz Henrique Eloy; Ladeira, Maria Inês; Mainardi, Camila; Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes daThis thesis seeks to carry out an autoethnography in which the author is an observer, member and participant of the Guarani indigenous people and proposes to analyze the migration of his group that leaving Paraguay at the beginning of the 20th century, when making an unprecedented journey to the Central-North region of Brazil. In this sense, the analysis focuses on the Mbya presence in Goiânia, Cocalinho in Mato Grosso, Xerente Indigenous Land, Xambioá Indigenous Land, both in the State of Tocantins and in the Jacundá Indigenous Land in Pará. Taking historical and mobility as a starting point, it focuses on self-determination and its relationship with the Guarani indigenous law that presents itself with the Mbya name “nhandereko”. It verifies self-determination in the past as well as in the present, going through a long period of invisibility of this right or even its denial, for recognition in the Brazilian legal system and in international spheres, to the point of being able to say that there is currently a reconquest of Guarani self-determination in the national and international scenario. Finally, it seeks to present the elements and principles to confirm the existence of a Guarani indigenous right.Item Arquivo-monumento ao trabalhador de Goiânia: ressonâncias, ruínas e rastros(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-07) Lopes, Pablo; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3452984712174788; Tamaso, Izabela Maria; Pires , Ema Cláudia Ribeiro; Borges, Pedro CélioThis work is dedicated to an investigation of the trajectory of the Monument to the Worker in Goiânia, examining its history from its inauguration in 1959 to the present day. The research is guided by the central question: "In what way does the lack of resonance of the Monument to the Worker manifest itself, and how can this be understood in light of the archives that document its trajectory?" To achieve this goal, the research unfolds into specific objectives. Firstly, it seeks to analyze how the lack of resonance of this monument, originally conceived as a tribute to workers, manifests in the public sphere. Secondly, it aims to explore the enunciative archives, such as photographs, reports, and postcards, that document the history of the monument. These archives are essential for understanding how the various narratives about the Monument to the Worker are constructed and perpetuated over time. The core purpose of this research is to uncover the social and cultural dynamics that permeate this monument, identifying its interactions with collective memory, urban identity, and processes of forgetting. Through this analysis, the study seeks to shed light on the complex relationships between society, memory, and the material elements that convey the history of this monument. By exploring this theme, the study not only provides an understanding of the biography of the Monument to the Worker but also contributes to broader reflections on the relationship between monuments in the city of Goiânia and their resonances.Item Caminhos da memória: na rua de significados se encontra a cozinha de pit dogs(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-15) Martins, Gabriel Sulino; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9655194212314066; Collaço, Janine Helfst Leicht; Roim, Talita Prado Barbosa; Lima Filho, Manuel FerreiraThe present dissertation aims to present an analysis of the sociocultural context of workers and consumers who are interlocutors related to the cuisine of “Pit Dog” on Rua 10 in Goiânia. To carry out this qualitative research, ethnography will be used as a lived experience, adapting according to the situation, to identify the variables around this relationship between subjects and cuisine, based on theories that refer to the anthropology of consumption, food and urban throughout the dissertation . The research strategy, through cyberspace and face-to-face space, due to the current context of transition between the pandemic period and an endemic one in our society. From this, this text presents the conditions for the research, experienced field factors, relationships between the researcher and the interlocutors, information obtained in the text that lead to the construction of the notion of memory, tradition, identity and street. These aspects are related to the cuisine of “Pit Dog”, such as being on Rua 10, in Goiânia, changing and adapting to the movement of the city. Thus, the main object of research, the kitchen of “Pit Dog”.Item Jazz dance: memórias e histórias negras do Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-23) Santos, Susan Maria da Graça Castro dos; Vilaça, Aline Serzedello Neves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1365305407750338; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1424410374681201; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; Ribeiro, Ana Paula Alves; RibeiroThis dissertation addresses the presence of black bodies in Jazz Dance in Brazil through the lens of the Anthropology of Ethnic-Racial Relations and dance. I intend to articulate my autoethnography in dialogue with Edson Santos and Israel Plínio, who participated in the Cia de Dança Race of Roseli Rodrigues (SP), as well as Vera Passos, who was a member of the Ballet Folclórico da Bahia in Salvador. From the presented scenarios, one can perceive how black trajectories are continually made invisible by the dominant narrative voices of white researchers and/or artists. To combat this, my main goal is to investigate, analyze, and highlight black jazz stories and memories, including mine, to point out aesthetic, poetic and afro-oriented paths in creative practices in dance.Item Velhices conectadas: etnografando as narrativas de servidores/as públicos/as com sessenta anos de idade ou mais da UFG sobre o uso das plataformas digitais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-16) Scartezini, Galba Cristina Bezerra França; Henning, Carlos Eduardo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1405422535034318; Henning, Carlos Eduardo; Parreiras, Carolina; Cézar, Adriane Geralda Alves do Nascimento; Martinez, Fabiana JordãoThis research explored the analysis of narratives regarding the experiences of public servants aged sixty and older at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) facing the challenge imposed by the increasing digitization of the work environment, a phenomenon accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In a world where population aging and technological advances intertwine, the research highlighted the complexity of these adaptations in social and professional spheres. My dissertation aims to analyze the narratives of older UFG servants regarding the challenges faced with the implementation of digital platforms in their university workplace. Methodologically, I adopt a qualitative approach, and the study combined methods and techniques such as surveys, semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and anthropological narrative analysis. This strategy allowed for a comprehensive exploration of the experiences, perceptions, and challenges faced by these servants in the context of digital technologies. The analysis went beyond the technical aspects, seeking to understand the complex interactions between professionals and emerging digital platforms. Lastly, beyond documenting specific challenges, the ultimate purpose of this research extends to informing future policies and practices that address forms of digital inequality in specific institutional environments. In the analysis of interviews and other aspects of the field, it was possible to unveil that remote work highlighted overload, lack of structure, and the difficulty of balancing professional and personal life. Technological barriers, generational differences, and the importance of WhatsApp as an essential tool in the work context were emphasized. The diversity of reactions to digitization indicates the need for a comprehensive approach to promote inclusion. While some perceive challenges related to age, the majority of my interviewees claim not to feel explicit ageist prejudices. The research, finally, highlights the richness of perspectives of older individuals in the work context within the university environment, pointing to the urgency of measures to build institutional policies towards a more equitable community. More than a technical analysis, the results underscore the dynamic, agency, and resilience in the professional trajectories of these older servants.Item Grafismo Iny: arte e identidade de um povo indígena do Brasil central(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-30) Silva, Frederico Elias Barbosa; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9114125597206149; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Leitão, Rosani Moreira; Alvarez, Gabriel OmarThis dissertation aims to contribute to the study of Iny graphics in Aldeia de Santa Isabel (TO), and its attributions in material culture and the body. Going through a little of its historiography and memory through photos and images in accordance with the identity of the people of the river, I sought to demonstrate the visual records of this art in ethnographies set back in time. This was done with the intention of learning about aesthetics and identity, covering graphics and material culture. I based myself on the written works of the first German expeditions that were in contact with the so-called Karajá on Bananal Island, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. XX, as well as in collecting and ethnographic records and narratives, written between the 1920s and 1980s, along with more contemporary works. In addition, the research includes two fieldworks. One took place during the month of December 2021, with the aim of demonstrating the diversity of graphics and their applications in the vast world of material culture. The second focused only on body painting, printed with drawings that play a fundamental role in identifying this culture. These lines and colors symbolize the internalization of customs and knowledge, traditional and at the same time contemporary, becoming essential elements for cultural identity.Item Arquivos da insistência: narrativas biográficas de entendidas, maduras e lésbicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-02) Silva, Isabella Gonzaga Guimarães; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1424410374681201; Hirano, Luis Felipe Kojima; Kofes, Maria Suely; Gonçalves, ElianeThis dissertation is the result of an ethnography of the biographical narratives of 4 women homosexuals aged between 51 and 70 years old and who record their sexual itinerations since categories such as “madura”, “entendida”, and “lésbicas”. The complex arrangements were covered temporalities put into circulation by them when they problematize the way their sexual and gender performances are constructed over time. When counting their modes of subjectivation articulate an ethnographic theory about the different relationships between subjectivity and truth in different cultural formations, making their existences are like seismographs of subjectivities in transit. Taking the narratives from themselves since the moments in which they underline the way in which they constituted themselves as subjects from a temporality of the impossible, it is suggested that their existences compose an archive of insistences and a radical imagination.Item Cosmopoéticas ribeirinhas: alertas sobre mudanças do tempo e alianças para criações estéticas e políticas com o rio São Francisco(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-19) Souza, Leon Patrick Afonso de; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5311157252579292; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Guedes, André Dumans; Almada, Emmanuel DuarteThe focus of this research is to understand how the creations - multiple ways of organizing their own experiences politically, creatively and discursively - of fisherwomen, vazanteiros and artists serve as both a warning and resistance to the transformations caused by the installation of colonial, hydroelectric, mining and agricultural enterprises on the São Francisco River, specifically in the area between the municipalities of Buritizeiro and Pirapora, in northern Minas Gerais. In this sense, my first move was to ethnographically record some of the warnings about the setbacks, i.e. profound changes in the course, volume and smell of the waters, which impact the piracema, fish mortality and leave the barranqueiros uncertain about the period for planting and harvesting in the vazantes. By issuing warnings about the transformations between calendar time and climate time, the setback is also enunciated as a denunciation against the occupations that, since colonization, have violated riverside existences. I then tried to show how artists, fisherwomen and vazanteiros forge their alliances based on aesthetic and political creations among the sediments of colonial dwelling on the riverside worlds, prolonging the effect of the struggles beyond the present and the future, because the catastrophe is not just coming, but is underway. Inspired by Dénètem Touam Bona, here I make a theoretical and methodological choice to privilege other meanings, which is why I include the memory and memories I have of my childhood and adolescence, when I went fishing with my father and my mother, and the struggles I took part in with social movements and leaders against hydroelectric projects, fish mortality and for the right to exist of the people and other beings. Engaging with the cosmopoetic proposal has allowed me to develop an ethnography that listens, narrates and recognizes the worlds and multiple existences with the São Francisco, even in the face of setbacks. In the same way, placing myself ethnographically among the riverside cosmopoetics was an opportunity to learn how to resist from the ontological, aesthetic and political creations of the barranqueiro people.Item O olhar do intérprete de língua indígena sobre a educação escolar ofertada a estudantes indígenas em escolas de cidades do estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-09) Souza, Valéria Cavalcante da Silva; Pechincha, Monica Thereza Soares; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7816009438312510; Pechincha, Monica Thereza Soares; Borges, Mônica Veloso; Mainardi, CamilaThis dissertation analyzes the contingencies of the inclusion of indigenous students outside their indigenous lands in an urban context within schools in the State Education Network and the challenges of implementing, since 2015, a proposal from the Goiás State Department of Education (SEDUC-GO) with the hiring of interpreters of indigenous languages to support these students. It presents results of documentary research on the proposal, the correlation with legislation for indigenous school education and research in schools in the State Education Network of the State of Goiás, specifically in the municipalities of Goiânia and Aragarças, which received indigenous students, enrolled among the years from 2015 to 2022, who are outside their indigenous lands due to several factors. It focuses on the views of these indigenous language interpreter teachers regarding their experience as interpreters, with school education and in cities. The approach is both qualitative and quantitative, employing semi-structured interviews, observation and field diaries as methods and techniques. Considering that SEDUC's proposal for interpreters of indigenous languages aims to promote the inclusion and reception of indigenous students who are “in a situation of itinerantity”, from an intercultural perspective, this dissertation reflects on the relationships established between indigenous and non-indigenous people and the actions involving pedagogical practices in the school environment.Item O latenira Iny: pássaros e plumária no rio Araguaia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-25) Yabagata, Lucas Veloso; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9114125597206149; Lima Filho, Manuel Ferreira; Valente, Renata Curcio; Oliveira, Arthur Bispo Ângelo de; Silva, Joana Aparecida FernandesThe work is dedicated to outlining reflections on the relationships established between the Iny, a people who have inhabited the banks of the Araguaia River since time immemorial, and their materialities, especially feather ornaments. The pillar of reflection is the latenira, a feathered helmet that encapsulates a “multicollectivity” of Iny knowledge. By monitoring the making of this artifact and ethnographic records of its use in ritual contexts, it was possible to penetrate part of this “multicollectivity” of knowledge: “craftsmanship” and the artisans’ technical processes; the relationship between the Iny and the birdlife of the Araguaia River; the meaning of feathers in ancient stories from mythical time; and, finally, the process of constructing male identity through headdresses and the interaction between the different Iny cosmological levels.