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Item Plínio Marcos: do texto à tela(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-15) Almeida, Alcione Gomes de; Camargo, Robson Corrêa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9964594962008164; Camargo, Robson Corrêa de; Abdala Júnior, Roberto; Mari, Marcelo; Moura, Paulo Vieira de; Leão, Raimundo Matos deThis paper introduces the renowned author Plínio Marcos focusing on themes of interest such as culture, performance, and cultural performances. The introduction aims to provide a concise yet consistent approach to his life and career, thus discussing his influence on Brazilian culture over the decades and nowadays. The discussion initially considers the temporal framework, and remarks emerge regarding the analysis’ corpus. Plínio's theatrical success attracted filmmakers, leading to adaptations of his plays, short stories, and scripts into movies, including Navalha na carne (1970, 1997), Dois perdidos numa noite suja (1971, 2003), Nenê Bandalho (1971), A rainha diaba (1974), Barra pesada (1977), Barrela: escola de crimes (1994), Querô (2006). The primary purpose of this paper is to systematically analyze the cinematographic corpus in chronological order, prioritizing the adaptations of Plínio’s theatrical plays due to their role in the dramatist’s career. This approach facilitates the equilibrium of this extensive work. When it comes to the Plinian universe, it is essential to observe the social role a character plays; their origins; the relationships built; the dialogues’ linguistic selection; the environment where the plot evolves; the progress of the conflict. Accordingly, there are differences between the films and the original text - suppression, complementation, and update, with the Brazilian society and its period characteristics during filming as a horizon, in addition to the Brazilian film industry, which impacts the production, promotion, and reception. A case in point is the CivilMilitary Dictatorship (1964-1985), which, among other authoritarian policies, implemented violent restrictions on society, the Arts, artists, and other professionals in the field. The results of this investigation corroborate with other authors: the singularity, relevance, and power of Plínio Marcos in Brazilian culture in any period. The Santista author strongly opposed the suppression of the Arts and freedom of speech during the Military regime. He was at risk for isolation and became a prominent resistance figure even after political liberalization, without ever soothing his ideas and dissenting voice. His legacy’s endurance and relevance for contemporary society is a consensus. The theoretical base of Mikhail Bakhtin (1988, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2019, 2020) is essential for the effective development of film analysis, considering the ideas provide density for the adaptation’s study and, therefore, viable possibilities to observe and comprehend cinematographic language. When applying the Bakhtinian repertoire to the films, several concepts are valuable to filmmaking characteristics, the stance of the creators, researchers, and the public, as well as the themes explored, expanding beyond an analytical and critical examination. Thus, the analysis of the corpus is primarily supported by: otherness; the self/other; responsible act; non-alibi; the ethical and the aesthetic; the world of theory; the world of culture; dialogism; responsive understanding; discourse genres; theoreticism (critique of the objectification of historicity that constitutes life); refraction; polyphony; ideology; chronotope (involves spatial and temporal relations, originates from the Greek words crónos, meaning time, and tópos, meaning space).Item O trabalho de técnicos/as em eletrotécnica: identidade e trajetória profissional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-13) Borges, Daiane Raila Parrião; Nunes, Jordão Horta; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0257540968113535; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Marques, Rogério dos Santos Bueno; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de OliveiraThis dissertation analyzes the work of technicians in electrotechnics and the elements that allowed the construction of their identities and their professional trajectories, considering how the first contact with the profession was made until their professionalization from the training in the subsequent technical course in Electrotechnical. The relationship between training, professionalization in the technical course in electrotechnics at IFG, Campi Goiânia and the labor market in Goiania. The methodology comprises the use of various research techniques, quantitative and qualitative, on the same research object, which is the construction of identity and the professional trajectory of the electrical technician. The following were used in this sense: 1) literature review relevant to the object of study, sociology of professions, sociology of work, identity and professional trajectory, analyzing gender, race and class issues that circumscribe the world of work and operate in the professional trajectory of electrical technicians; 2) quantitative analysis of governmental databases on the socioeconomic profile of professionals in electrotechnics, through the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) of the labor and employment department of the Ministry of Economy (ME), the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD) from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE); 3) construction of the script for the interview, starting with the identification of the people who collaborated with the research; 4) creation of the interview script and a survey, to carry out the interviews. The "snowball" method of selection of respondents was used, which consists of indicating other people by the first respondent. I constructed an intentional sample to subsidize a qualitative analysis, based on semi-structured interviews, until reaching saturation. The world of work has undergone numerous transformations over the decades that have enabled the emergence of new professions and consequently new challenges for professionals. Commonly, electrical technician professions are associated with the profile of an autonomous and untrained professional who works through experience. In this sense, the research addresses the professional trajectory of the electrical technician, how this professional's professionalization occurs; It is a profession that requires at least technical training to work. Electrotechnical technicians must have at least the training in the technical course on the profession in question, the expertise, the specialized knowledge of the field of action and the authorization of the jurisdictions and institutions responsible for regulating the profession. As a highlight of jurisdiction related to this profession, we have Decree nº 90.922, of February 6, 1985, which dealt in the 4th article with the attributions of 2nd degree industrial technicians, exercise of the profession and inspection. Federal institutions play an important role in training young people for the job market through the subsequent technical course in electrical engineering. However, even after training and entering the job market, individuals intend to continue studying by enrolling in higher education courses for female engineersItem Fronteiras de gênero: performances de corpos vestidos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-29) Casoni, Violeta Arvin; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7270892768281076; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Oliveira, Victor Hugo Neves de; Alvarez, Silvia Lamadrid; Piva, Carolina BrandãoPartiendo de la ropa y la práctica del vestir como ejes movilizadores del diálogo, es que esta investigación busca profundizar en el lugar que tiene la vestimenta en Performances de género desde las vivencias de mujeres trans y travestis situadas en el Estado de Goiás. En el acto de recordar lo que se vivió y se vive desde temporalidades en espiral, en una memoria viva, de un cuerpo presente, un cuerpo en performance, son compartidas historias, situaciones, estrategias y afectos involucrados en el acto de vestir que performa femineidades. Por medio de las Performances Culturales, los Feminismos Negros y Transfeministas, junto a los estudios de Memoria y los estudios Decoloniales, desmembramos está práctica del cotidiano. Una práctica que tradicionalmente es investida de frivolidad, banalidad, ceñida a la vida privada, asociada a lo femenino y, por tanto, objeto de un poder que censura, excluye y reprime creando mecanismos de marginalización y precarización de la vida. Sosteniendo que lo personal es político, es que argumentamos que se trata de una práctica compleja que atraviesa las fronteras entre lo público y lo privado, siendo insuficiente para abordar a los sujetos. Desde un encuentro entre la cisgeneridad y la transgeneridad femenina se accionan performances que dan cuenta de sensibilidades, estrategias, dolores, ambigüedades, afirmaciones, resistencias, alegrías y una serie de movimientos que atraviesan de manera compleja la dicotomía en el día a día de la vida mundana de existencias plurales, amplias y ancestrales. De este modo, las prácticas del vestir de mujeres trans y travestis provocan en el cotidiano de sus días a días una ruptura con los parámetros normativos de la categoría género, siendo parte de un régimen heteroCisnormado, blanco, burgués y capacitistaItem Viva o Zé Pereira! Viva o Carnaval! Vida e Formas expressivas na Obra de Arte de Francisco Corrêa Vasques(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-03) Faria, Marcelo Fecunde de; Camargo, Robson Corrêa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9964594962008164; Camargo; Camargo, Robson Corrêa de; Gonçalves, Jean Carlos; Marzano, Andrea Barbosa; Oliveira, Vânia Dolores Estevam de; Souza, Silvia Cristina Martins deThis thesis proposes to reconfigure the historical and scenic trajectory of the comic thing in O Zé Pereira Carnavalesco, written and produced by Francisco Corrêa Vasques (1839- 1992) and acted on the stage of the Teatro Fênix Dramatica in Rio de Janeiro in 1869. The documentary corpus of this research consists of Vasques’ comic scenes written from 1839 to 1892, statements produced in periodicals on the database of the Brazilian Digital Library (National Library), and the images and literary texts that reflect the context and scope of Vasques’ work beyond his lifetime. The universe of the Brazilian theater and that of Carnaval in its constant changes help the analysis aimed at this work, evincing the relation of Vasques’ scene with the carnival party and the popular manifestations that emerged in the scenes with their parodies and songs. Traits that are fundamental in building characters, scripts, and a way of staging in search of carnivalized laughter. The theoretical axis of this research is based on references in the theories of Bakhtin’s Circle and its understandings of dialogy and carnivalization, in dialogue with Nicolas Evreinov’s (1879-1953) fundamental concept of theatricality. Initially, this research addresses the cosmology of carnivalization and its essential conception of the memory of the genre, reflecting on how works of art may be able to enable different readings in its time and in several periods in view of its dialogical nature and artistic essence. This narrative focuses on the figure of Francisco Corrêa Vasques and his creations, contemplating his stylistics and enunciative choices in the Brazilian sociocultural environment. Throughout this study, the researched statements show that the aforementioned comic scene and its great technical simplicity became a success with the public and reverberated in historical time, creating a network connecting past and future and being the target of comments from chroniclers, journalists, and literary critics decades later, entering the Carnaval musical culture itself. This cosmology enables us to understand that theatrical performance becomes an evaluative and dialogical event that expands, ricochets, resonates, sings in a longer time, gathers traces and signs of its readers, and creates new waves of expressive possibilities. This inventory leads us to the comings and goings of the relation between art, context, and its processes. Carnaval, the ultimate symbol of joy and the state of opposition between the normativity of everyday life and the other life that emerges in this party, entered the Brazilian theater, transforming it and re-signifying new directions. Thus, in addition to its inventory, this research celebrates and echoes the encounter of theater with Carnaval and life and vice versa, problematizing the work of art in the ravines of its time. And long live Zé Pereira!Item Entre Mães, Filhas, Casas e Autismo: uma etnografia autista da cena da cultura de Baile/Ballroom em Goiânia/GO, sob o olhar de uma socióloga no Espectro Autista(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-08) Januário, Brendaly Santos de Freitas; Fernandes , Luis Antonio Bitante; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3459293971039268; Henning, Carlos Eduardo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1405422535034318; Henning, Carlos Eduardo; Fernandes, Luis Antonio Bitante; Braz, Camilo Albuquerque de; Lizama, Pablo Andrés AstudilloEsta tesis está basada en una etnografía que presenta diversos análisis y vivencias de varios participantes de la Cultura de Baile/Ballroom en la ciudad de Goiânia, capital del estado de Goiás. Además de mostrar mis análisis sobre el trabajo de campo, también aportaré al mismo, mi punto de vista a lo largo del campo como investigadora diagnosticada con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. El objetivo general de esta investigación es: describir y analizar las sociabilidades, las performances, los marcadores sociales de la diferencia, intercalados con los diálogos etnográficos sobre mis experiencias como socióloga autista en la escena de la Cultura de Baile/Ballroom. En términos metodológicos utilice: la observación participante, conversaciones informales y entrevistas semiestructuradas a personas interlocutoras en el campo, además de análisis de mis diarios de campo, describiendo los circuitos recorridos, así como mis sensaciones y vivencias durante mi trabajo de campo. De igual manera, desenvolví los siguientes objetivos específicos: describir y analizar las categorías estéticos-performáticas en la escena de la Cultura de Baile/Ballroom y sus relaciones con las nociones locales de familia. Examinar las dinámicas de las relaciones de género y sexualidad, así como la descripción y análisis de las redes de apoyo que son creadas en el campo analizado, sobre todo juntos a las personas de la comunidad LGBTQIAPN+ (Lésbicas, Gays, bisexuales, transexuales, trasvertí, entre otras. Teniendo en cuenta mi participación como socióloga autista en esta investigación, por medio del acercamiento a las sensaciones y vivencias en el campo, está tesis también expone una descripción y problematización de mis momentos vulnerables, angustias, ansiedad y crisis durante el desarrollo del trabajo de campo, aunque me gustaría resaltar el acogimiento recibido por parte de las interlocutoras en campo, una vez que yo misma pasé a integrar las redes de apoyo social.Item As performances das Folias de Reis e suas clivagens no campo e na cidade no município de Morrinhos/Go(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-11) Machado, José Henrique Rodrigues; Souza, Geórgia Cynara Coelho de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4911717849806520; Souza, Geórgia Cynara Coelho de; D’Abadia , Maria Idelma Vieira; Souza, Julierme Sebastião Morais; Amaral , Roberto Antônio Penêdo do; Oliveira, Rodrigo CássioThis research is linked to reflections on the Folias de Reis in the city of Morrinhos/GO. With the problem raised about this mode, and in what terms and cleavages, late capitalism and modern sociability are presented in/from the festivities of the countryside and the city, presented as a general objective to understand the possible differences, coincidences and determinations in the ritual, in the performance of the folios and their ritual, considering late modernity and modern sociability as influenced by the (dis)continuity and transformation of tradition. That said, an ethnographic survey of city and country leaves will be carried out, and their common, discrepant and convergent rites/acts will be verified. With the need to also capture unique markers of the performances of the festivities, the countryside and the city, in order to understand the countryside and the city as transformers of an invented tradition. The intention is still to document the founding symbolism existing in the ritual of the festivities and its imbrications in the tradition invented in the countryside and in the city and its possible variants, in the municipality of Morrinhos/GO. We will use Raymond Williams' theories that will demonstrate the relationships we need, with the purpose of understanding how late capitalism and modern sociability, theories brought by João Emanuel Cardoso de Melo, the object of this research, form a line of meaning. Here we will research the Folias de Reis, the rituals, the ambience, and to do so we will use, to illuminate this research, the concepts brought about culture by Peter Burke and his load of meaning on the breadth of the theme; Cultural Circularity by Mikhail Bakhtin; Representation, by Roger Chartier; Identity, by Stuart Hall; Memory, by Boaventura de Souza Santos; Invented Tradition, by Eric Hobsbawm. The methodology used was qualitative research, at an exploratory level. Derived from an ethnographic method, of an interdisciplinary nature, of a bibliographic nature, with field research, in which 59 festivities were visited, whose focus is on the social relations between devotion, the agents (devotees) and all the communities that receive the festivities described in order to highlight a dynamic scenario between Country and City and their divisions, always seeking to achieve maximum security from a visual point of view, and to frame what was seen in theories, taking into account the strength of the festivities of the festivities in Morrinhos/Go.Item Cidadania cultural e acessibilidade: a experiência no Festival de Teatro Infantil de Goiás um estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-28) Mata, Hélio Martins da; Silva, Valeria Cristina Pereira da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5755146027054522; Silva, Valeria Cristina Pereira da; Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana Dalla; Dorneles, Patrícia SilvaCultural accessibility is defined as a set of strategic measures focused on eliminating barriers and promoting the full participation of people with disabilities or reduced mobility in all aspects of cultural life. Recognized as a legal guarantee, it is essential for social inclusion, equal opportunities, and the cultural enrichment of all citizens, and should be incorporated into the execution of artistic and cultural projects. In this context, the present work is based on the following problem: how does the Festival de Teatro Infantil de Goiás use and develop strategies to combat the exclusion of people with disabilities through cultural accessibility? As a case study, the general objective of the research is to analyze how the production of FESTIN-GO contributes to ensuring cultural accessibility in the Goiás context, emphasizing the processes experienced during its execution and its impacts on artistic groups, actors, producers, technicians, and the audience, as well as highlighting the transformations that have occurred in the Goiás theatrical scene regarding accessibility. To this end, the following specific objectives are outlined: Identify the cultural accessibility strategies used by FESTIN-GO to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities; Analyze the specific actions and initiatives of FESTINGO aimed at combating potential physical and communicational barriers; Evaluate the impact of the strategies adopted by FESTIN-GO on promoting the active and equal participation of people with disabilities, considering aspects such as representativeness and community involvement. Regarding the methodological proposal, the research adopts a qualitative approach reflected in performative writing, using bibliographic and documentary research as foundational elements of the proposed investigation. It is observed that FESTIN-GO, created by Cia. Flor do Cerrado in collaboration with other theater companies, stands out for valuing artistic productions aimed at children and its pioneering role in promoting cultural accessibility in the Goiás performing arts. It is noted that, throughout its five editions, FESTIN-GO has excelled in implementing various strategies and actions aimed at increasing the access of people with disabilities to its activities. By providing resources such as sign language interpreters, audio description, and subtitles, the Festival ensured accessibility for different disability groups, including those with hearing, visual, and autism-related disabilities. This pioneering initiative in the State of Goiás facilitated access to culture and promoted the effective participation of this audience in theatrical productions, becoming one of FESTIN-GO’s major contributions to social inclusion and cultural democratizationItem Cultura do trabalho de desenvolvedores de software livre(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-07-07) Mello, Matheus Guimarães; Nunes, Jordão Horta; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0257540968113535; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; Bridi, Maria Aparecida da CruzThis research aims to understand the possible relationship between hacker ethics and its sociability (a continuous product of socialization and life trajectories) with organizational culture (or culture du travail in French sociology literature) of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) developers. It is based on the assumption that the expansion of the Information Technologies (IT) in the last two decades should not be de-contextualized from recent capitalism’s restructuring of and its consequences. The increase of precarity in labour relations is a major ongoing process, by which companies throughout the world emphasizes flexible work contracts, short-term projects and outsourcing. In this context, IT organizations play labour relations a pivotal role, as they handle the information for the new forms of work managing. At the same time, working in IT is, since its emergence, adapted to the flexibility scheme. Nevertheless, the development of FOSS is inseparable from its original hacker ethics. The hypothesis is that the values of sharing knowledge and peer working of the hacker culture is significant to understand the relationship between developers’ continuous processes of socialisation (identities formation) and the organizational culture of the company/foundation. The study will focus whether there are conflicts, negotiations and adaptations between the developers’ previous values and the manner they arrange their collective work. Thereby, the goal is to understand technology, culture and work as a whole. To this end, semi-structured interviews (during an exploratory and a complementary stages) and a virtual survey among Brazilian FOSS developers will be conducted. These will consider the life course (and socialisation) as the main analytical unit, since it highlights the people who embody a culture of sharing and also stands behind the technique.Item O parto além do gênero: a violência obstétrica contra mulheres negras em uma perspectiva interseccional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-30) Miranda, Rafaela Del Castanhel; Gonçalves, Eliane; Amaral, Marcela Correa Martins; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9943321716218527; Amaral, Marcela Correa Martins; Gonçalves, Eliane; Delfino, Cristiane Cordeiro da SilvaThis dissertation proposes to reflect on obstetric violence against Black women in Brazil, from the perspective of intersectionality between gender and race. By investigating this complex relationship, we seek to understand how power dynamics and discrimination manifest in specific ways for Black women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. The research aims to demonstrate that obstetric violence is not just a gender issue but is also profoundly marked by racism. The main objective is to analyze how obstetric violence disproportionately affects Black women. In the research, intersectionality is used as a category of analysis to highlight how gender and race identities interact and overlap, resulting in unique experiences of oppression, as evidenced in the accounts collected through questionnaires, where black women share their experiences of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Additionally, the study will seek to historically contextualize obstetric violence, exploring how discriminatory practices have deep roots in the history of medicine and society, perpetuating inequalities to this day. By bringing these issues to light, we hope to contribute to awareness and the promotion of more fair and humane obstetric practices that respect the dignity and rights of Black womenItem Roniwalter Jatobá e a rememoração da vida operária(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-30) Oliveira, Luiz Fernando Pereira de; Viana, Nildo Silva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3744231559402924; Viana, Nildo Silva; Souza, Renato Dias de; Silva, Edmilson Borges daThis thesis is the result of a research on Roniwalter Jatobá and the remembrance of working- class life. It consists of a study on memory, the working-class condition, and the universalization of issues related to labor. The research problem used as the starting point for our investigation was “how does Jatobá remember working-class life in the outskirts of São Paulo?”. This problem was explored through the relationships between Roniwalter Jatobá’s chronicles and theoretical analyses of working-class life, alienated labor, and proletarian everyday life. In this sense, the central objective of this work was to identify how Roniwalter Jatobá remembers working-class life in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo. Our specific objectives were to understand the process of remembrance and its identification in other works. With this theme, we aimed to conduct an analysis of migrant workers in the 1970s and how they related to the city amidst its expansion and emerging job opportunities. This also included the living conditions and remembrance of these events by the workers. All these elements were based on theoretical production on the subject, the reading of the work, and the historical perception of that moment. Regarding the theoretical foundation, the thesis relied on Marxist concepts from a critical perspective, drawing from the views of Nildo Viana, Terry Eagleton, Marx, Cardoso, among others. The methodological basis consisted of reading Roniwalter Jatobá’s work and the bibliographical research used to understand it, as well as the use of other works that directed an answer to the problem. Finally, the dissertation’s main result was the realization of the impact of Jatobá in inaugurating proletarian literature. It also highlighted the author's importance in analyzing and understanding the working class of the 1970s.Item As representações simbólicas no espetáculo a noite dos assassinos, do grupo Máskara(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-13) Oliveira, Rosane Christina de; Camargo, Robson Corrêa de; Santos, Nádia Maria Weber; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3929583037339642; Santos, Nádia Maria Weber; Mari, Marcelo; Pianta, Carlo Machado; Camargo, Robson Corrêa deThis research analyzes the of the show The Night of the Assassins, text by the cuban playwright José Triana, produced and staged by Grupo Máskara – Transdisciplinary Research Nucleus in Theater, Dance, and Performance in Goiânia, Brazil, in 2018, From the interpretation of some aspects of the symbolic representations suggested by the text/production, such as cultural and individual symbols, archetypal symbols of transformation, the self, the anima, the animus, the shadow, space, and the child. The symbolic contents present in the staging are analyzed considering the creation of characters, scenes, set design, costumes, soundtrack, and lighting. The research is conducted through literature review, documentary research, data collection, study and analysis of rehearsal records, critiques, performances, notes from the involved actors, and analysis of the video content of the play. It presents the analysis of the production of the show The Night of the Assassins with the support of the theoretical framework of Analytical Psychology, addressing the concepts of symbols, archetypal dynamics, symbolic representations, psyche, collective unconscious, and individuation proposed by Carl Gustav Jung.Item Udigrudi recifense e suas performances(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-29) Patury, Fernando Fagner; Santos, Rafael Guarato dos; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3100415827387317; Correa Júnior, Sebastião Rios; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7078983629857043; Correa Júnior, Sebastião Rios; Amorim, Lara Santos de; Christino, DanielThe purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the Udigrudi Recifense counterculture movement, which emerged at the beginning of the 1970s. A movement initiated through cultural hybridism and reaction to the social and political context of the Military Dictatorship. Thus, we are willing to discuss counterculture and movements prior to Udigrudi and the situation of Brazilian culture and artists during a period of political change and tension. Through the perspective of cultural performances, the work is dedicated to exposing the main aesthetic elements of this movement, from its emergence, environments, productions and impacts on Brazilian culture and arts. Methodologically, we will use the review of bibliographies on the topic and analysis of Udigrudi's diverse artistic productions. We will rely on the influence of history, sociology, geography and other areas of human sciences to expose existing contrasts between the Udigrudi Movement and the historical context in which it was inserted. The stabilization of ideals and ideologies is built in culture through various mechanisms. Within each social, historical and political context, there is a construction of practices, knowledge and living that are rooted through practices and disseminated through communication and cultural vehicles. Likewise, ideas, movements and manifestations arise that oppose this mass culture.Item #Elenão e ni una menos: a "quarta onda" feminista e o ativismo nas redes sociais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-20) Peçanha, Virgínia Generoso; Roriz, João Henrique Ribeiro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1358433023080116; Roriz, João Henrique Ribeiro; Gonçalves, Eliane; Martins, Aline Regina AlvesThis work aims to analyze the movements #EleNão (#NotHim), in Brazil, and Ni Una Menos (Not one [Woman] less), in Argentina, and if it is possible to understand them as an expression of a supposed "fourth wave" of feminist movements. The choice of such movements was due both to the protagonism of women and to the magnitude of their multitudinous marches, started on the Internet and which took mainly women to the streets not only in their countries of origin, but also in different parts of the world. To the purpose, a review of the literature on the "fourth wave", a term that is still in dispute. In addition to the literature review, that still incipient, interviews were conducted with activists from both countries, approved by the Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) of Universidade Federal de Goiás.Item Ações afirmativas para pessoas negras nos concursos públicos para TAEs do IFMT: possibilidades e limites da Lei n.º 12.990/2014(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-25) Santos, Lirian Keli dos; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1951913717385648; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de; Vilasboas, Jaqueline Pereira de Oliveira; Guimarães, Maristela AbadiaThe present study aimed to analyze the possibilities and limits of the affirmative action policy, based on racial criteria, implemented by Law n.º 12,990, of June 9, 2014, at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso (IFMT), for the position of Educational Administrative Technician (TAE), in the period from June 9, 2014, date of approval of the law, to December 31, 2022. we opted for a case study and a methodology that is in the field of qualitative and quantitative research due to the need to apprehend the subjectivity that exists in social relations. Since these are intertwined with existing values and rules in their social organization, through documental analysis and bibliographical research. The information was collected in the tender selection system (WEB Selection), made available by the IFMT on its online page. As well as on the website www.concursos.ufmt.br of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), an institution that examines some IFMT competitions. Laws, Decrees and Resolutions were also consulted, which support the legitimacy of the vacancy reservation process adopted by the institution. When carrying out the research, the data were organized and grouped into different categories, later, we carried out analyzes on the number of black candidates approved to fill the racial quotas in comparison to the number of people summoned for the broad competition to understand the limits and shortcomings of the Quota Law for TAEs within the scope of the IFMT. The results show that the IFMT used devices contained in the selection notices to prevent the creation of vacancies reserved for black people, specifically those with greater prestige and remuneration. In this way, the implementation of Law 12.990/2014, with the main purpose of promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for black people, was compromised.Item Trajetória dos filhos da luta pela terra: o assentamento "Che" em Itaberaí - Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-30) Santos, Nilda Ferreira dos; Vettorassi, Andréa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4314274220564712; Vettorassi, Andréa; Silva, Rusvenia Luiza Batista Rodrigues da; Miziara, Fausto; Nunes, Jordão Horta; Sofiati, Flávio MunhozBy approaching the movement of struggle for land, this thesis seeks to analyze the dynamic reality of a rural settlement in the city of Itaberaí, in the Brazilian state of Goiás. The research seeks to understand how a second generation of people from the “Che” Settlement led their lives over ten years of its consolidation, based on the struggle for land. We also seek to understand the extent to which these new generation are willing to assume a way of life in the countryside, continuing the work started by their parents, in view of the difficulties particularly imposed on a settlement. In this way, we highlight how the technological development that has been incorporated into the mode of production in rural areas, as well as the culture of agribusiness, which aims at large-scale production for exportation, are far from the reality of the small producers, even more specifically in the case of settlers. To account for this dynamic reality, methodologically, the research is based on historical-dialectical materialism, in a neo-Marxist perspective proposed by Henri Lefebvre, whose regressiveprogressive methodological procedure also guides the research, aiming at the articulation between Sociology and History, together with the contributions of José de Souza Martins on this object that, although it is inserted in the rural environment, has peculiar characteristics that make it different.Item Café bordado: saberes tradicionais na busca por poéticas compartilhadas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-12) Silva, Maria Tereza Gomes da; Guimarães, Leda Maria Barros de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1491866271915819; Silva, Renata de Lima; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9684039080990993; Silva , Renata de Lima; Monteles, Nayara Joyse Silva; Chaud , Eliane Maria; Dea , Vanessa Helena Santana Dalla; Fratti, Rodrigo GraboskiLa presente tesis doctoral es el resultado de la investigación sobre los procesos de producción artística en los que la materialidad de la obra es la propia acción vivida en una experiencia compartida, en la que se propone un desplazamiento de la idea de autoría individual hacia una co lectividad. Más específicamente, se abordan las experiencias vividas en la comunidad Kalunga, de los municipios de Teresina y Cavalcante, en el estado de Goiás, y también la interlocución con mujeres bordadoras, tanto del quilombo como de otras localidades del centro-oeste. Para la realización de este estudio, se toma como base una trayectoria de inves tigación y participación con las artes plásticas, que abarca la actuación docente y la práctica artística, la memoria de las experiencias en el qui lombo y, finalmente, el contacto con las bordadoras, que se refiere tanto al seguimiento de sus rutinas de trabajo, a la escucha de sus narrativas como también a una experiencia creativa compartida.Item Relação entre judicialização da política e a proposta de emenda à constituição n° 33/2011(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-03-31) Soares, Hugo Henry Martins de Assis; Tavares, Francisco Mata Machado; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2283526225862308; Tavares, Francisco Mata Machado; Ferreira, Denise Paiva; Marona, Marjorie CorreaRecent theme in Brazilian political debates refers to a possible constitutional crisis, specifically between the legislative and judicial branches, with interference in the duties of each, in which, citing as an example, the Proposed Constitutional Amendment n. 33/2011, while attempting to limitation of the functions granted to the Federal Supreme Court (STF). The question is in practice increasingly commonplace lead to the decision of the Judiciary certain polemical and controversial issues in Brazilian society. The core of the discussion permeates the interpretation of the Constitution, questioning judicial supremacy regarding its interpretation and application, or if there is the possibility of expansion to other political actors, without causing the loss of normative weight. Within the broader role of the judiciary in national political decision making process is what the literature meant for judicialization of politics. This concept brings the political role of the judiciary, to claim the effectiveness of fundamental rights and guarantees, contributing to the implementation of essential fundamental precepts of democracy. It is intended in this study to examine the possible relationship between the judicialization of politics with the initiation of PEC n. 33/2011 and its subsequent approval by the Commission of Constitution and Justice and Citizenship, which will be trying to understand the relationship mainly through interviews with parliamentarians involved in PEC n. 33/2011 proposition and rapporteur, along with those present at the session of the Committee on Constitution, Justice and Citizenship upon approval of said PEC.