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Item O esquema do mensalão como um mecanismo de formação de maioria parlamentar no País da fluidez(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-06-05) ALVES FILHO, Ari Martins; BEZERRA, Heloisa Dias; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5901954357328179Anchoring empirically on the political episode known as grand allowance scandal the purpose of this dissertation (thesis) is to study the parliamentary majority formation in present -day Brazil. On the trails of this proposal there will be systematized 04 (four) analytical models, considered ideal types, and 02 (two) systematized models considered non-ideal types, besides; all presented as possible mechanisms to form parliamentary majority in pre sidential regimes. Such mechanisms will be compared to the grand allowance scandal experience with the aim to verify what of the Brazilian culture and sociability favors, that one of these mechanisms, the financial cooptation, presents itself as an alternative on the majority parliamentary formation, even if it is superimposed among the others. This study will be built up by bibliographic and documentary research. Taking those models as instruments for empirical analyses, there will be used a variety of r eading material with the purpose of understanding the parliamentary majority formation in Brazil in its most vast context, pursuing to reveal, for that, possible shades of the social and cultural structure of the country. For that, the research will use sc ientific works of sociology, political and historic science, appealing to the themes concerned to sociological and political theory, to Brazilian political culture and to the corruptionItem Tocantins: narrativas sobre o sertão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-05) ALVES, Telma Antonia Rodrigues; AMARAL, Custódia Selma Sena do; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8696864863691181The work has as main objective understand, from a town of the State of Tocantins called Duro, current city of Dianópolis, the construction of arrangements of visibility and denial of the sertão. The Duro and its surroundings are considered in the literature and regional history as deep sertão as a place of difficult access, hidden, poor transport and communication, low population, privileged place for fugitives, the scene of violence and traditional social relations. Through reinterpretation of local literature and empirical research this work seeks to understand the strategies by which the State of Tocantins and the city of Duro are deleting the designation of sertão through strategies of modernizationItem Um dilema feminino: o câncer de colo do útero(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-17) AMORIM, Linamar Teixeira de; SOUZA, Marta Rovery de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1155042579123151The treatment of uterine cancer, a slow-growing form of the disease, is particularly effective in regard to precursor lesions. In order to understand this illness from the perspective of health sociology, this study focused on women afflicted with uterine cancer. Semi-structured interviews were employed in an attempt to perceive these women s representations. The interviews revealed the coexistence of positive and negative aspects in experiences with cancer and confirmed the stigma borne by both the illness and the treatment. Results showed that public health policies and available health services need to complement individual prevention measures in attributing priority to information about the illness and the treatment, thus covering all dimensions of people s lives. This conclusion highlights the need for a humanized health system that guarantees access to quality health services and exposes the interface between sociology and health, which is essential for the promotion of humanization within the sociocultural context of the health-illness process.Item Operários da construção civil: acidentes e reinserção no mercado de trabalho(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-03-31) BATISTA, José Roberto; SOUZA, Marta Rovery de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1155042579123151The present study has as objective knows how it happens the reintegration process in the workers' job market that suffered work accidents and they were with incapacity partial physics, settling down as cutting the workers of the building site in the city of Goiânia. She opted for those workers because they use to the physical force and manual abilities in the productive process, constantly exposing your bodies to the risks of an accident. It was looked for to present an analysis of the transition of the industrial society for the risk society, socialization in the work until the consolidation of the salary society and the transformations happened in the process of productive restructuring, of the fordism to the flexible accumulation. For that they stood out two groups of authors, in the first they are Anthony Giddens and Ulrich Beck that discuss the consequences of the modernity. The second is formed by the authors that investigate the world of the work, decided for those that understand the centrality of the work while analysis category, inside of a Marxist vision, aiming at the social relationships and the forms of organization of the work in the socioeconomic context that involve them. About the accidents and job market as factors that benefit the "opposing-socialization" of the workers. For the understanding of the gravity of the accidents in the world of the work, it was used as main source of data the official of the International Labour Organization (OLT) and of Ministry of Labour and Employment (MLE). The data indicated a precarious scenery of the international situation in relation to the work accidents. OLT esteems that annually happen 2,2 million current deaths of accidents or diseases related to the work. In Brazil, it has considered that three deaths happen every two hours and three accidents non fatal every minute. There was also the verification that in the section of the construction the largest indexes of accidents happened in the work. In reason of that those consulted data evidenced that the workers of the building site developed your activities in precarious conditions. The field work used two techniques of qualitative research - participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The participant observation allowed the visibility of a work stonemason and performance of the workers front to the productive process. It was verified that the risks of damages to the worker's health are resulted of the precarious conditions of the work atmosphere and practice of insecure acts as, for instance, the not due use of EPI's. Those practices of insecure acts were analyzed with base in the Law Regulatory sent by department of Labor and Employment. The eight accomplished interviews allowed to knowing the accident victims perception on your profession, safety, prevention of accidents, work accident and return to your activities work. The reports presented by the accident victims they revealed the work as half basic of social insert, though the work accidents left sequels that impeded the return to your activities you work.Item Opção mágica: conversão de kardecista à umbanda na cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-08-31) BELMONT, Rafael Neves Flôres; SILVA, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2026902199057983Umbanda is conceived in the connection between popular cults and Spiritism and Candomble, and it is established in the scope of the big towns. For one side, there is a trying of getting white , or civilizing these services putting them together to the kardecist doctrine. For the other side, this doctrine itself has searched in the African sources ritualistic and of possession roots, in a moment of getting black . In this way, making part of these two movements, it appears Umbanda, which nowadays in Brazil can not be seen as homogeneous, but such as a ritualistic and doctrinaire complex that, despite the differences, has kept in itself a ritual and mediúnica line. In other words, the all deformed that we name Umbanda has established as a way of identity a mediunic continuum. In the extremities of this continuum are, by one side, Candomble, on the other side, Spiritism. In this way, talking about the kardecists converting to Umbanda it is to talk about a location changing in the mediunic continuum. To analyze this conversion requests, although, the understanding of how this changing is established in the practice, what doctrinaire and ritualistic elements influence it and how it is deal. So, it was noticed that the ritual is the top of the non-according between the two religions in the present work, Kardecismo and Umbanda. It is in the difference between these rituals, its doctrinaire code, and, mainly in the way of how people participate, that the conversion will settle and solidify.Item As imagens da cultura política brasileira em A carteira de meu tio de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-06-13) CARNEIRO JÚNIOR, Nelson; RIOS, Sebastião Correa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7078983629857043The novel A carteira de meu tio, written by Joaquim Manoel de Macedo, shows the reality of Brazilian political culture during 19th century. The book makes radiography of political customs, using symbols and allegories that re-affirm the image of country with a low consistence in representatives and institutional political space exiguous in function of predominance of privilege of clients. The allegories presented in the book A carteira de meu tio, refers to the constitution of 1824, are the starting point of this research that realizes a social interpretation of a literary work, showing how this one present important representations to analyzes of society. This essay intends to study how cultural aspects from national political culture presents in A carteira de meu tio are appropriated by literary representation and historical and social production. Literature is the support that will allow revealing the images elaborated by the author and through historical part and a social analyzes, we will show what exist besides the present speeches in literary work about the purpose of the research. The representation of the imperial constitution of 1824 in A carteira de meu tio, by Joaquim Manoel de Macedo, symbolizes and presents political practices realized in Second Empire Government and the images of political activity in Brazil The conception of political citizenship and the role taken by political institutions in the country during 1853 to 1865 are evaluated as decisive elements in consolidation of a national political culture.Item A terceirização no trabalho bancário: implicações materiais e simbólicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-11-07) CARVALHO, Josué Pires de; NUNES, Jordão Horta; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0257540968113535The study aims to discuss the outsourcing process marked by the call restructuring process that began around the last quarter of the twentieth century. Thus, from the cooling process of accumulation Fordist / Keynesian Concomitant with the development of flexible forms of production sustained in revival of liberalism, we seek to understand the socioeconomic context in which outsourcing takes place, and then investigate their impact on social relations work in order that the use of outsourcing is a strategy flexible organization of production and work. The attention to the fact that in the midst of capitalist restructuring turns out a significant growth services sector (including in relation to the absorption of manpower) over a relative shrinkage in the agricultural and industrial sectors, directs the focus of empirical research for the "production" of services, especially in the subsector banking. Moreover, this approach is due to some lack of studies on the sector services in Brazil, by the sociology and economics work. Part empirical occurred through conducting a case study in a bank official which houses workers on staff and outsource its dependencies. The survey results point to aspects such as: fragmentation union representation, identity conflicts between contractors and banks, upward immobility of outsourcing, wage reductions of direct and indirect workers, contractors who develop end-activities of the acquiring bank, weakening of the employment relationship and so on. Regarding the theoretical foundation, the study is guided by the notions of productive restructuring; "capital symbolic ", elaborated by Bourdieu, of" regulated citizenship "discussed by Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos; "new social question", discussed by Castel; work identities from the perspective of Claude DubarItem O guia de turismo em Pirenópolis (GO): a construção de uma identidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-03) CERQUEIRA, Alessandra Tenório; NUNES, Jordão Horta; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0257540968113535In spite of the changes in the world of the work the occupational forms still offer important references for the construction of the individuals' identities. The tourism is an activity in the middle of the expansion that engenders a group of new social relationships and also new occupations. The municipal district of Pirenópolis - Goiás, mainly from the end of the century XX, it has been objective of demands and of tourist public politics. Guide's occupation is one of the new mischievous occupations for the tourism to Pirenópolis. This work if he/she intended to analyze her as the guide's occupational identity is built under articulation between attributed identities and incorporate identities inside the society traditional pirenopolina. For the analysis it was fallen back upon theories about social representations, identity and occupations. Historical aspects were analyzed as state public politics of the tourism, formation of the municipal district and of your economical activities. The empiric part of the study based on depth interviews with the guides and semi-structured with the local population and it aimed at to apprehend as those actors they notice the tourism in your lives.Item Risco e consumo: a construção da identidade a partir do lixo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-13) CUNHA, Marina Roriz Rizzo Lousa da; BORGES, Pedro Célio Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7554830885023925Item A extensão universitária como instrumento de política pública(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-03-27) DINIZ, Flávio Pereira; OLIVEIRA, Dijaci David de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9145111011143886This work presents the results of an investigation, which had as its objective understand the building and development process of an academic extension conception defined and required as a potential instrument for social public policies. The information sources defined for the research were textual materials produced within the Brazilian Public Universities Extension Pro-Rectors Forum (EXPROFOR); documents from the Academic Extension Programme of Education Ministry (PROEXT/EM); texts from Extension Projects Methodology Seminar (EPMSEM) and reports of experiences presented on the Academic Extension Brazilian Congress (AEBC). The theoretical background comes from elements of Bakhtin s enunciation theory, highlighting this author s ideology and dialogism concepts. The results of the research indicate the existence of an imbrication between the guidelines elaborated by EXPROFOR and the financial policy of PROEXT/EM which, associated to the contributions in the methodological field and reports of extension experiences, elucidate the main characteristics of academic extension as an instrument of public policy.Item Políticas sociais em Goiás (1995-2002): os programas cesta básica de alimentos e renda mínima(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005-08-23) FARIA, Mary-nise; FERREIRA, Denise Paiva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0144446693015854This study analyzes a governmental social policy, implemented in Goiás from 1995 to 2002. The study focus on two programs: Apoio às Famílias Carentes (1995 to 1998) and Renda Cidadã (1999 to 2002). Through this analysis, the similarities and the differences between the design of the two programs, as well as the possible advances and innovations introduced into the scenario of the governmental social policies in Goiás were established, specially during a moment of decentralization of the social policies in the country. For the purpose of analysis and discussion, a reexamination of the literature was done in order to achieve the various approaches concerning historical conditions and the proper perspectives of the social policies and programs. The case study, as an empiric approach technique for the analysis of the main point of research, allowed the use of the following research techniques: semi-structured interviews, documental research, use of statistical data and observation. The results show an advance both of the mechanisms and the form of implementation of social policies and programs in Goiás. There is no doubt that such programs have the goal of improving the lives of destitute families. However, despite their importance in a context of destitution, there are indications that they were not able to reach the totality of the target public in Goiás destitute families who earn one minimum salary or less. As a consequence, it became difficult to achieve the goals of fighting against the poverty in the State. This persistent scenario of poverty, not only in Goiás, but in the whole country of Brazil, shows that there is a great deal of work left to do in order to minimize the social differences, specially poverty.Item Insegurança: as práticas e discursos do medo na cidade de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-03-18) FRATTARI, Najla Franco; LIMA, Dalva Maria Borges Dias; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5291000127026087In the large cities the violence and fear are increasingly presenting as conditioning factors of space and urban life. In this context, the socio segregation phenomenon appears as striking, producing a number of the social, cultural and space of major proportions. This study problematizes these issues and aims to capture the feeling of insecurity of the residents of the city of Goiânia, as well as practical responses to the uncertainty, expressed in everyday life, in attitudes, ways of living, attitudes and relationships with the public space.Item Cotas raciais como política de admissão UERJ, UnB e o caso da UFG(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-10-23) GALVÃO, Eduardo Aires Berbert; BORGES, Pedro Célio Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7554830885023925The brazilian s public universities have choosen some unusual ways to admit new students like bonus, social quota and racial quota. UERJ and UnB were pioneers to adopt this unusual method. As a result of that many studies were built including this alternative admission ways. Therefore most of all studies are on racial quota. As a rule, if the study s goal is to critic the racial quota it needs to ignore the theorical reference about affirmative actions. On the other hand, if it doesn t do that, it will be impossible to proceed this critic because racial quota would appear as a real and good university passport possibility. This work inoves because it tries to do a critic about racial quota without ignore the theorical reference produceed about affirmative actions. We started from classics themes of sociology (democracy, citizenship and social justice), which are the origins of affirmative actions in the field. We purpose affirmative actions as a continuum from the classics themes mentioned above, so we can discuss affirmative actions as a public policies to promote individual s recognition. From this perspective we can do a critic about racial quote like recognition politicies based on identity model and suggest an alternative, based on status model. Based on the assumption above, we try to compare affirmative action program of UERJ and UnB, as well to verify the UFG s forward in your affirmative actions program.Item A polícia goiana e o distrito Zero: representações sobre a violência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-26) LOPES, Victor Hugo Gomes; LIMA, Dalva Maria Borges Dias; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5291000127026087Violence and public security are daily approached by mass communication vehicles. Considering violence a symbolic power, the journalists field can either meet or diverge from the public security operators field. The objective of this study is to identify the possible relations between those two fields concerning urban violence. This work also tries to investigate whether the information control about what is violence becomes an object of tension between the fields. In order to verify it, qualitative data were gathered through the analysis of texts from the column Distrito Zero, published on Diário da Manhã newspaper. The mentioned analysis was crossed with semi-structured interviews with civil and military policemen of Goiás, Brazil. This research identified similarities and differences in the way to represent violence and public security, proving that tension between the fields is due to the necessity of control about what should be considered violent.Item A construção do profissionalismo na agronomia: trabalho, ciência e poder(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-07-09) MARQUES, Rogério dos Santos Bueno; NUNES, Jordão Horta; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0257540968113535The aim of this thesis is to comprehend the process of construction of the professionalism in Brazilian agronomy. We state that different strata of the working class face the labor world in different ways. Workers who are more educated and belong to middle classes, act and regard the labor process in a different way from blue-collars. We studied the process of formation of agronomists representative institutions to, in a second stage, discuss the concept of professionalism throw six non-structured interviews with experienced professionals. Labor market, client relations, State, knowledge are some of the concepts we discuss to build our thesis. We also research, in a more elementary level, the hierarchies inside the professional group in order to show how distinctions are made and what kinds of symbolic values are related to professional success among agronomists. A study of the professionalism ideology is also done so that we can discuss about some possibilities of understanding the labor as a human capability.Item O fenômeno bullying: (in)definições do termo e suas possibilidades(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-08-17) MEDEIROS, Alexandre Vinícius Malmann; OLIVEIRA, Dijaci David de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9145111011143886The bullying s phenomenon began to be studed and discussed among in the mid of 1980. These studies indicate their demonstrations in schools around the world, regardless of socio-cultural differences. We consulted the publications available in Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), were sought, in the articles, information books by brazilian authors or translations into portuguese in order to observe this literature: aspects that involve the use of the term bullying, as it appears the concept of the phenomenon among these authors and the process of trivializing the phenomenon in Brazil. It was observed that the use of the term to common stock in personal relationships and conflicts present in different fields causes problems in their identification and admitted an omnipresent phenomenon, because there is a tendency to consider bullying aggression occurred beyond the school walls, as in homes, streets, military barracks, prisons or the workplace. From these data we seek to start a new discussion among brazilian authors in order to promote further discussion about the use of the term bullying and its definition in Brazil, since it indicates a consensus for the maintenance of English at the expense of a search for another word in Portuguese. We believe that targeting the use of this concept conflicts between students and school environments in Brazil, presented with its own characteristics that differentiate it from other forms of violence at school is an alternative to avoid its trivialization. You must define the boundaries of this phenomenon, knowing its structure and everything that surrounds the consequences for those involved and policies to combat. The specification of what we mean by bullying in Brazil is sine qua non condition for knowledge, diagnosis, prevention, punishment, treatment and trivialization of the term of reproach.Item Desenvolvimento sustentável na comunidade rural Taquari em Iporá/GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-10-09) MELO, Marco Aurélio Pedrosa de; RODRIGUES, Cintya Maria Costa; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7799582095022434While studying the sustainable practices among country groups and realizing the environment understanding among them established from rural members community relations, we noticed the need of a theoretical reference theory that tells about the meaning of a social life attached with environment issues. My deeper concern goes into the sustainable practices study with country groups and its exclusive and organized productive process achieved with their agricultural and non-agricultural work. The main concern relies on isolated population methodologies and its applicability, for instance, the rural groups in the city of Iporá, State of Goiás - Brazil which depends on customary usage of natural resources and land that should be reconsidered in order to consolidate its symbolic and social reproduction. This dissertation limits itself to analyze the Taquari Community observing yours agricultural production and the organization of the rural work; understanding the representation of catholic religion in the group and limited the way of environment practice and sustainable development inside rural properties. This study of relations between the man and the environment inside rural communities explain the innovation of overcome developing of the subsistence farmingItem Teodiceia em Movimento: Religiosidade Neopentecostal e Transformações Culturais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-03-01) MORAIS, Tiago Meireles do Carmo; BORGES, Pedro Célio Alves; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7554830885023925This dissertation‟s intent is to examine the adaptability of the neopentecostal phenomenon, of remarkable presence in the brazilian religious field, to the courses of contemporary modernity. Specifically, it is concerned with the affinity that neopentecostalism appears to have, through its doctrinary axis, the Theology of Prosperity, with the established culture of consumption of a society marked by globalization. By doing so, it concentrates on studying the universe composed by believers and religious leaders associated to the Igreja Fonte da Vida, based in Goiânia, with special attention to its religious ideas and to eventual correspondences of such ideas with the cultural assumptions of modern consumerism. The work‟s starting point is Max Weber‟s (1999a, 1999b) Theory of Action, updated by the theoretical enterprises of Alfred Schutz (1979), Pierre Bourdieu (1999) and Colin Campbell (2001, 2007). Campbell‟s work has a privileged position among the scientific productions considered, due to fact that his work transits between the themes of religious ideas and culture of consumption. The empirical work is accomplished through the use of phenomenology‟s tools, with the intent of capturing the orientation of individual consciences of believers and leaders interviewed. This enables the investigation of the social action performed by such actors.Item Mudanças e continuidades na elite parlamentar de Goiás: 1982-2010(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-08-08) MOTA, Regys Rodrigues da; FERREIRA, Denise Paiva; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0144446693015854The goal of this research is to analyze the process of democratization of political elites observing changes and continuities in the profile of the parliamentarians in the composition of the Legislative Assembly of Goiás during the period 1982 to 2010.Item Crítica e realização: Aspectos machadianos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-02-28) NORONHA, Marcelo Brice Assis; RABÊLO, Francisco Chagas Evangelista; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3994475259808096The work of Machado de Assis informs critical questions about the fundamentals of literary discourse, philosophical, sociological and historical context in which it is surrounded by the links between artistic expression and social reality that shaped a world view particular gap in the ratings generalizing, but powered by tradition and a creative attempt to exceed the expectations of literary second mid-nineteenth century Brazil. Inserts accustomed to the theoretical debate about the format knowledge that can be attributed to situations reinforced by Machado de Assis provide a motivation for the sociology of literature. This work is conducted through exposure voltage subtle and powerful integrated male in the relationship between criticism and achievement. The identification and dialogue between events, literature and destinations closed the debate about the notion of representation of reality given by some of the ways modern social thought stand out in Brazil and the interest shown here. The way of understanding and representation of reality that is structured in the areas of symbolic dissatisfaction and also finds support in relation to the emerging social artistic expression, making it a guide for the present work. In this sense, investigate how the narrative is concerned and engaged in a game of internal tensions and external to it, the responsibility to produce a real sense of reality and presentations also confuses the real that has been an inevitable question of interpretations of social life. We take the exhibition and interpretation of these issues as an object of considerations about the conception of man, knowledge and artistic competence articulated in thought and Machado de Assis, aspects thought to be forming a kind of knowledge about the social world.