Doutorado em Geografia (IESA)
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Item Avaliação da produção científica em geografia no Brasil: vínculos entre a política de avaliação de periódicos e as políticas da pósgraduação entre 1998 e 2021(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-19) Alencar, Juheina Lacerda Ribeiro Viana; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues de;; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues de; Salgado, Tathiana Rodrigues; Arrais, Tadeu Alencar; Lima, Leandro Oliveira de; Castilho, DenisScience can be considered as a wide information production system through letters, scientific articles, books, reviews, among others. This information registration is called scientific production and covers a range of publications released during or after a research. Because of the university extension, it emerged the need to think about the graduate system consolidation that needed to be institutionalized and regulated. In order to achieve the goal, in 1951, Capes was created, becoming one of the main institutions to foster research in Brazil and abroad. Its main activity is in graduate programs to define scientific production quality parameters and to foster Master and PhDs scholarships. Capes activity has been amplified with the university extension and the new society requests all over the years. The scientific and informational development occurred in Brazil after the 60s intensified the extension of scientific journals, which became the main tool of scientific dissemination nowadays. This process caused the need to evaluate the graduate programs and the scientific journals whose three-year term or four-year term are evaluated considering general and specific aspects of each area, resulting in a stratification product capable of demonstrating national relevance. Therefore, there is a strong bond between the scientific journals and the graduate systems evaluation where professors and students present their research. This research aims to relate the journals and graduate evaluation, considering that the stratification changes the relationship between publications and graduate politics, interfering directly on quantitative and qualitative requirements.Item Os riscos tecnológicos na sociedade de risco: possíveis danos da poluição eletromagnética à saúde humana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-12) Alves, Mônica Oliveira; Barros, Juliana Ramalho;; Barros, Juliana Ramalho; Leite, Marcos Esdras; Lima, Cláudia Valéria de; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício; Santos, Nicali Bleyer Ferreira dosThe technological advancement experienced from the mid-20th century onwards has brought about a series of transformations in modern society. This applies both in terms of the benefits and conveniences offered by new technologies and the potential health risks, such as electromagnetic pollution, generated by products and infrastructures designed to meet the needs of urban populations. Globally, there is a growing public and regulatory concern about the impacts on human health due to exposure to risks generated by high-voltage power transmission lines in urban areas. In this context, there is a noticeable need to investigate this issue in Brazil, where cities, both medium and large, have experienced rapid and unplanned population growth, leading many people to reside near these infrastructures. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to analyze the issues related to the health risks generated by exposure to electromagnetic radiation from high-voltage power transmission lines in the urban space of Montes Claros/MG. The chosen location for the investigation was the city of Montes Claros, located in the north of Minas Gerais, where various population groups were observed inhabiting areas considered exposed to electromagnetic pollution generated by the mentioned sources. The methodological procedures involved literature and documentary research, mapping of areas exposed to risk, and surveys with the general population, particularly those residing in one of the risk areas in the city of Montes Claros. The results obtained demonstrated that there are various population groups residing in risk areas in the city, often in locations where occupation occurred irregularly, such as in the servitude zones of high-voltage lines, accentuating social exclusion and socio-spatial segregation in Montes Claros. It was also noted that the population has limited awareness of the risks they are exposed to, hindering the search for strategies and actions by civil society to mitigate the problem. Given the identified issues, it is suggested that further studies be conducted, and precautionary measures be implemented regarding these risks. This should involve the participation of public and private entities, the scientific community, and the general public, promoting a democratic risk management approach in Montes Claros and other urban centers in Brazil.Item Fazendo Arte na Geografia Escolar: O lugar-Cerrado nos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-27) Azevedo, Mariângela Oliveira de; Alves, Adriana Olívia;; Alves, Adriana Olívia; Ribeiro, Miriam Bianca Amaral; Olanda, Elson Rodrigues; Queiroz, Fabiana Rodrigues Oliveira; Morais, Eliana Marta Barbosa deThis research was based on desires present in our teacher training - for an educational action linked to the transformation of reality, permeated by teaching-learning processes with a view to an emancipatory education. In turn, these concerns have led me to school geography, a field in which I work as an elementary school teacher in the Early Years. From this experience, convergences emerge with academic-scientific production in the field of geography teaching and learning, which has long pointed to the need to appropriate teachinglearning practices with more meaning and significance and new languages, advancing in the observation of mechanistic methodologies that are disconnected from reality. These arguments led us to the initial problematizations for this research, through which we set out to think about teaching and learning in School Geography, indicating Art as a creative language for the construction of geographical knowledge in the classroom. To this end, we approached the Cerrado as a theme - essential and urgent geographical knowledge to be addressed in elementary school. The Cerrado is currently suffering the direct impact of neoliberalism, ideologized in the service of hegemonic interests, especially represented by economic activities aimed at agribusiness. The impact of this condition is multidimensional and requires interventions that permeate the classroom from the earliest school years, in order to form a critical awareness of the issue. In order to bring the complexities of the Cerrado closer to the teaching and learning of Geography in the Early Years of Primary School, our work proposed conceptualizing place-Cerrado, arguing in favour of place as a geographical concept that materializes the Cerrado in a meaningful way for students at this stage of education, as well as providing critical analyses of the world as a whole in an integrative way. The qualitative research consisted of investigative steps towards the goal of analyzing how teaching and learning about the Cerrado in school geography, using art as a creative language, can lead to emancipatory geographical knowledge in the Early Years. These steps were taken through the organization of three sections, the first two being a theoretical-methodological discussion about the relationship between the Cerrado, geographical place, Art and education, and the third dedicated to the analysis of a proposal for teaching and learning about the Cerrado in the Early Years of Primary School, a project carried out in a municipal public school in the city of Goiânia, with 5th grade students, in line with an action-research modality. Based on the lessons, we were able to draw up theoretically-based analyses of how the Cerrado place, associated with art as a creative language, could contribute to the construction of emancipatory geographical knowledge in the Early Years, a thesis presented by this research. In the methodological process, we used class diaries, analysis of activities and interviews as tools for analyzing the data. The entire discussion was based on the assumptions of historicaldialectical materialism as a method of analysis. As a result, the research has shown contributions that advance the need for critical teaching and learning and has been configured as a possible praxis, in School Geography, in approaching the Cerrado theme in an emancipatory way.Item Evolução da paisagem em relevo de chapada no Cerrado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-11) Borges, Mariley Gonçalves; Bueno, Guilherme Taitson;; Bueno , Guilherme Taitson; Almeida, Maria Ivete Soares de; Leite, Marcos Esdras; Zancopé, Márcio Henrique de Campos; Bayer, MaximilianoThe objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between the spatial representation of wetlands (veredas) in the context of the watershed from the Cerrado, the stage of evolution of the reliefs of planation surfaces and their reflections on the dynamics of the slopes and on the functioning of the river channels. The study was carried out in the watersheds of Catolé (BHCC) and Borrachudo (BHRB) rivers, in the North of Minas Gerais. It is justified by 1) the importance of understanding the evolution of the reliefs of planation surfaces in the Cerrado and its reflections on the landscapes, on the functioning of the slopes and on the hydrological dynamics of the river channels, in the context of the hydrographic basins; and 2) the environmental relevance of the Cerrado wetlands, which ar responsible for increasing the residence time of water in the basins, for the quality of river water, and for the stock of organic C. For this purpose, the morphometric study of the watersheds, the application of dissection and moisture indices, the estimation of soil loss potential (USLE) and the mapping and classification of wetlands were performed using geoprocessing. River discharge measurements, of the physical and physicochemical parameters of water analyzes were also carried out in loco and in the laboratory over a hydrological year. It was found that the wetlands of the BHCC have greater spatial representation than for BHRB, that is, 27.9 km² more area. The distribution of wetlands in the study area is associated with the areas of still preserved planation surfaces. Compared to the BHRB, it was found that the BHCC has less dissected relief, lower drainage density and lower slopes. Its moisture content is higher and the longitudinal profile of its main channel is less adjusted to the profile considered in "balance", that is, a significant part of the basin is located upstream of the main knickpoint of the channel, therefore not yet adjusted to the current baselevel. These characteristics are compatible with the hydrological, the physical and physicochemical parameters of water, which indicated that the Catolé river has a more regular flow and water with less turbidity, that is, less sediment transport in the basin. The results showed that the geomorphological evolution is at a more advanced stage in the BHRB, which indicates a natural tendency towards a decrease in wetlands area, predominance of dissected reliefs and greater transport of sediments by the river network.Item Industrialização e políticas governamentais: dispersão e concentração da indústria em Anápolis, Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-23) Cunha, Wânia Chagas Faria; Salgado, Tathiana Rodrigues;; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues de;; Salgado; Salgado, Tathiana Rodrigues; Castilho, Denis; Arrais, Tadeu Pereira Alencar; Lima, Leandro Oliveira de; Arriel, Marcos FernandoThis research has os its centrais theme the industrialization process developed in Goiás under the aegis of the State and how this reverberated in the Anapoli industry. Anápolis, thanks to the logistical potential it occupies in the regional and national space of Goiás, has enjoyed significant economic growth throughout its history. When analyzing this process, above all, the industrial evolution of the municipality, it is clear that it presented and still presents close convergence with the industrialization process that occurred in the state and in the country. Anápolis, over time, adapted to the demands and changes that occurred in the state and national economy, given the articulation of spaces in the regional division of labor. This led to changes in the roles played by Anápolis in the Goiás scene over time. What can be observed when analyzing the industrialization process that took place in this city, where two categories of industries were established: dispersed and concentrated. Denominations directly linked to spatial location and whether or not the State supports it. The literature review allowed us to observe two industrialization processes. One that began from the beginning of the emergence of this municipality, based on the transformation of local products and those from neighboring regions, sometimes to meet the needs of the population, sometimes to process the raw material to be exported by railway. This emerged timidly, financed by local capital and gained importance in the regional scenario, making the municipality the most industrialized in Goiás, still in the 1960s. The other began to take shape in 1970, based on the economic condition that Anápolis achieved in the regional scenario but, above all, in correspondence with the national moment, marked by industrial deconcentration and in convergence with the industrialization policy that was beginning to be unleashed by the State. In this process, Anápolis, taking advantage of its logistical and economic potential in the regional scenario, was chosen to host the first industrial district in the state, the Anápolis Agroindustrial District – DAIA – opened in 1976. However, when analyzing the industrialization process of Anápolis, a certain discrepancy was noticed. The dispersed industry did not evolve in diversity and economic importance and the concentrated one assumed the importance of this segment in the city, due to the numerous benefits received, but it is not articulated with the other activities in the municipality and with the profile of the state. To achieve the results, we looked back at economic history, especially regarding the industrialization of the city, state and country from the past to the present day. This context led to the following general objective: to understand how the industrialization of Anápolis occurred, in the context of national and state policies to promote industrialization, as well as its current configuration. To achieve this objective, the following methodological procedures were adopted: bibliographical survey on the evolution of the Anapoli industrialization process; theoretical review regarding Brazilian and Goiás industrialization; collection of secondary socioeconomic data; documentary survey of Anapoli industries, field research and production of thematic maps. The results made it possible to identify and characterize the dispersed and concentrated industries in Anápolis, as well as their importance for the municipality's economy. Finally, it can be seen that the fiscal incentives of industrialization policies applied in the municipality have limited scope in promoting the diversification and strengthening of the Anapolina industry, favoring industries with external capital and located in DAIA, to the detriment of industries with local capital, based in other regions of the municipality, these less capital intensive and with greater capacity to generate employment and consequently income for the population.Item Proposta metodológica para mapeamento da vulnerabilidade à perda de solos: estudo de caso da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Marataoan, Piauí(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-05) Leal, Janaira Marques; Aquino, Cláudia Maria Sabóia de;; Oliveira, Ivanilton José de;; Oliveira, Ivanilton José de; Romão, Patrícia de Araújo; Silva, Gladis de Fátima Nunes da; Valladares, Gustavo Souza; Nascimento, Diego Tarley FerreiraThe general objective of this research is to present a methodology for mapping vulnerability to soil loss, improving the proposal by Crepani et. al (2001), by replacing the “dissection index” with the parameter “shape of the slopes” (overlap of horizontal and vertical curvatures) and the “altimetric amplitude” with the HAND model - Height Above the Nearest Drainage. As specific objectives, the work aims to characterize the geoenvironmental aspects of the Marataoan River watershed (geology, geomorphology, hydrography, land use and cover, climate and soil associations); discuss the theoreticalmethodological assumptions of Crepani et.'s methodology. al (2001); test and evaluate the proposed adaptations regarding geomorphological parameters. As main results, an analysis of the vertical dissection of the study area was carried out through the application of the HAND algorithm, observing that the class that stands out in the area is the moderate one, with 40.9%, followed by the low vulnerability class, with 36.3%. Regarding the use of Vertical and Horizontal Curvatures in the analysis of water flow and its relationship with the intensity of rain erosion, the area highlighted the low and high vulnerability classes, being 51.3% and 35.5% of the total surface, respectively. It was observed that the proposed analysis model, integrating new geoenvironmental variables, characterized in a more coherent way the possible areas of material loss by linear erosion, in convergent areas with flow concentration, and by laminar erosion, in divergent areas with dispersion of flow. Therefore, the parameters used to adapt the methodology of Crepani et al. (2001) proved to be of fundamental importance in the relationship between the environment and occurring erosion processes. Thus, the present research is relevant to support the analysis of the erosive vulnerability of the Marataoan river basin, in order to guide interventions by public authorities with a view to sustainable development both in the study area studied here and in other areas to apply the same method.Item Estimativa de parâmetros biofísicos no Cerrado, em paisagens agrícolas e nativas, a partir de sensores imageadores embarcados em plataformas aéreas não tripuladas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-12) Lima, Gabriella Santos Arruda de; Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo;; Ferreira , Manuel Eduardo; Barreira, Sybelle; Ruiz, Luis Fernando Chimelo; Ferreira Júnior, Laerte Guimarães; Bueno, Guilherme TaitsonIn recent years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), identified here by the acronym UAV, for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, have rapidly advanced remote sensing systems, allowing for effective assessment of agricultural crops and natural areas through the processing and integration of field data and various sensors embedded in UAVs. This study addresses the scarcity of biomass and carbon estimates in integrated livestock and crop systems (iLP) and highlights the use of onboard sensors of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as an efficient and cost-effective method for acquiring precise remote sensing data. In this thesis (comprised of three articles), the first research was conducted in an experimental iLP area of Embrapa Rice and Bean, in the core area of the Goiás Cerrado, employing high-resolution multispectral aerial images to estimate the relationship between vegetation indices (VIs) and carbon stock in an upland rice field intercropped with Brachiaria, a species of exotic grass from the Brazilian Cerrado ecosystem. The results indicated that VIs incorporating near-infrared (NIR) exhibited a stronger correlation with biomass than those using only visible band information. Regression models successfully predicted biomass and carbon stock at different stages of the iLP cycle. Maps were generated showing the spatial and temporal distribution of biomass, emphasizing the advantages of using drones and multispectral sensors in this type of analysis. The second study organized in this research, also conducted in the company's experimental area in Goiás, explored the estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) in different crops and soil coverages through multispectral images captured by drones. The method employed - SAFER (Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving) - showed good agreement for ET between drone and satellite data, highlighting its applicability and flexibility, without depending on satellite images affected by clouds or monitoring towers in the field. The study highlights the importance of integrated agricultural practices to better manage water resources and minimize negative impacts on the Cerrado's hydrological system. Lastly, the third study investigated the use of multispectral sensors onboard UAVs to monitor nitrogen status in agricultural crops, specifically in irrigated rice cultivation. The results demonstrated that aerial sensors performed well in estimating agronomic parameters related to nitrogen status, such as total above-ground biomass, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf area index, at different phenological stages of the rice cycle. This method shows promise in overcoming the limitations of satellite cloud cover and providing greater coverage with shorter operating times, compared to field optical sensors (non-imaging). These studies highlight the relevance and effectiveness of using drones and multispectral sensors for various agricultural applications, ranging from carbon and biomass estimation in integrated systems to monitoring evapotranspiration and nutrient status in specific crops, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and efficient management of the natural resources of the Cerrado.Item Geoconservação e proposta de uso sustentável do patrimônio paleontológico do Norte do Estado do Tocantins e Sudoeste do Estado do Maranhão(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-23) Lopes, Raylon da Frota; Candeiro, Carlos Roberto dos Anjos;; Lima, Cláudia Valéria de;; Lima, Cláudia Valéria de; Costa , Ana Cláudia Dantas da; Machado, Carlos Augusto; Pereira , Bruno Miguel Claro; Sarges, Roseane RibeiroIn the central-northern region of Brazil, in the northern state of Tocantins and the southwestern state of Maranhão, there are known fossiliferous outcrops with notable scientific importance. These occurrences date from the Permian to the Cretaceous of the Intracratonic Sedimentary Basin of Parnaíba and require geoconservation strategies for their proper sustainable use and management. Although scientific knowledge has already been produced about the paleontological heritage present in the study area, until now no research had been conducted with a geoconservation approach including inventory, quantification of values and potentials for use, and vulnerability for the geosites in this region.The general objective of this work is to characterize the paleontological heritage originating from the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of the northern region of Tocantins and southwestern Maranhão in its physical aspects and social relevance. To achieve the proposed objective, a bibliographic survey and fieldwork were carried out to prepare the inventory of the fossiliferous outcrops in the studied area. In the quantification of the values and potentials for use of the outcrops, the Geossit platform, developed by the Geological Survey of Brazil, was used. The inventoried fossils consist of shark somatofossils, gymnosperm trunks, and mineralized ferns, sauropod and theropod ichnofossils, and indeterminate leaf molds. For the quantitative assessment, only geosites were considered, namely: the geosites comprising the Natural Monument of Fossilized Trees of Tocantins in Filadélfia (Permian); the geosite containing theropod dinosaur footprints in Fortaleza dos Nogueiras, Maranhão (Triassic); and the geosite containing sauropod dinosaur footprints in Itaguatins, Tocantins (Early Cretaceous). Overall, the geosites obtained scientific value and potentials for educational and tourist use ranging from moderate to high, and a low risk of degradation for the outcrops of the Natural Monument of Fossilized Trees of Tocantins, medium for the theropod footprints, and high for the sauropod footprints.The studied locations have the potential for geoeducational and geotouristic activities, which can contribute to the social and economic development of the region. However, each geosite must be utilized considering specific strategies that respect their potentials and limitations.Item Índice de Privação Territorial em Unidade de Conservação (IPTUC): análise integrada do território e da saúde de comunidades rurais que coexistem com unidades de conservação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-06) Mendonça, Daniella Souza de; Barros, Juliana Ramalho;; Barros, Juliana Ramalho; Costa, Kênia Gonçalves; Souza, Lucas Barbosa e; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felicio; Souza, Lorena Francisco deThe connection between territory and health is an issue that requires a multidimensional research approach and has been increasingly debated by studies carried out along the lines of Health Geography. Understanding the impacts of implementing Conservation Units in already inhabited territories is essential for analyzing the health of local populations and understanding how territorial management can make a community vulnerable or increase its strength. This research has as its main objective the creation of an index capable of analyzing the territorial deprivation of rural communities that resid in territories converted into Conservation Units, in this case, in the APA and PARNA Cavernas do Peruaçu. The research is composed by three complementary scales and times that were worked on in accordance with specific objectives, namely: the investigation of the historical process in which the occupation of the region (Peruaçu river basin) where the studied communities are located took place; the analysis of how communities are understood in the Management Plan of the National Park and APA Cavernas do Peruaçu, bringing a legal approach in relation to the use and possession of the territory and its possible consequences for the communities; the characterization of the territory and communities of Fabião I and Retiro, bringing a perspective of what is consolidated in the throbbing daily life; and the creation of the Territorial Deprivation Index in Conservation Units (IPTUC). This case study was based on bibliographical research, document analysis, primary data collecting, descriptive observation, interviews, descriptive and conclusive statistics. In the interviews and application of the semi-structured questionnaire, study variables were investigated, such as: education level, income, age, family composition, housing quality, eating habits, environmental conditions, access to health/basic sanitation, belonging, power ratio, coexistence with the drought and finally the respondents' relationship with the Cavernas do Peruaçu Park and Environmental Protection Area. The thesis is that the result of the Territorial Deprivation Index in Conservation Unit (IPTUC) in the Retiro community will present lower results in relation to the Fabião I community due to the legal use and restrictive territorial management imposed after the creation of PARNA Cavernas from Peruaçu.Item A formação profissional continuada e o ensino de geografia nos anos iniciais em uma perspectiva histórico-cultural(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-14) Moraes, Ismael Donizete Cardoso de; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de;; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de; Sforni, Marta Sueli de Faria; Moraes, Loçandra Borges de; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza; Morais, Eliana Marta Barbosa deThe continuing education of teachers has been constituted through multiple theoretical approaches and methodological paths. Specifically, in this work, theoretical-methodological aspects of the continuing education of pedagogues were addressed, considering the challenges to teach geography in the early years. Thus, the development of the research had as reference the continuing education of pedagogues, organized from the practical professional problems , from the cultural-historical theory and from the concepts of landscape, place, city and urban. In this sense, the research problem is how continuing education, imagined and thought from the practical professional problems, can help teachers in the early years to appropriate fundamental aspects of geography content and plan classes in a way that students go beyond the limits of classification and mechanical memorization of contents. Following this proposition, the general objective is to understand how continuing education focused on professional problems, based on historical-cultural theory, helps teachers to appropriate geographic and didacticmethodological concepts and develops a teaching proposal based on authorship and in the autonomy of teaching practice. To approach this objective, we specifically seek: to analyze the importance of continuing education for the development of geographical knowledge by pedagogues who work in the early years of Elementary School; identify and enhance the influence of the place and the landscape (of the city of Barra do Garças) in the teaching and study of geographical contents in the early years of Elementary School; verify the appropriation of knowledge and geographic thinking in the planning and development of the plan in the classroom; investigate the mediating processes in the elaboration and execution of the teaching proposal. Thus, the methodology has primacy in the qualitative aspects parameterized by the collaborative attributes of action research. Based on this perspective, observation, narratives and plans developed by the teachers are used as investigation procedures. The study of the concepts of place, landscape, city and urban, organized from the problematization, systematization and synthesis, didactic steps developed by Cavalcanti, and the elements of didactic mediation of Davydov, from the general to the particular, from the collective to the individual, and from the empirical to the theoretical-conceptual, they are essential in the development of research. The results point to an advance in the domain of concept s, perceptible in the teachers’ speeches, in the narratives, in the plans re-elaborated during the course and in the development of the plan in the classroom by one of the teachers. In the re-elaborated plans and in the didactic action, it is possible to perceive an advance in the harmony between the concepts of landscape and place with the objectives and contents. Also, the relationship between the concepts of place and landscape with the concepts of urban and city became more evident, as well as the elements of didactic mediation of geographic contents.Item Oeste Goiano: gênese, formação e dinâmica da rede urbana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-28) Oliveira, Érika Munique de; Castilho, Denis;; Castilho, Denis; Olanda, Elson Rodrigues; Bessa, Kelly Cristine Fernandes de Oliveira; Druciaki, Vinícius Polzin; Santos, Iann Dellano da SilvaWhen considering the context of formation of West Goiano and the rearrangements in the regional space, it becomes crucial to understand the factors that influenced the formation and dynamics of the urban network in this region. In view of this, this research analyzes the historical processes that led to urban formation and structuring, as well as the redefinitions of centralities, with an emphasis on three centers: Anicuns, São Luís de Montes Belos and Iporá. The methodological procedures were based on bibliographical research, documentary analysis in the Historical Collections of the State of Goiás, the Museu das Bandeiras and the Fundação Frei Simão Dorvi. Documents published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) were consulted, including the demographic (1920-2022), agricultural (1940-1996), industrial, commercial and services (1970-1980) censuses, studies on Regions of Influence das Cidades (1993, 2007 and 2018) and the encyclopedia of Brazilian municipalities. Planning collections in Goiás (1961-2006) from the Mauro Borges Institute of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (IMB) were also analyzed, as well as the creation of tables, graphs and thematic maps that show the results obtained. The narrative unfolds into four chapters. We defend the thesis that, among all the spatial strategies implemented by the State in West Goiás, the construction of the GO-060 highway played a central and decisive role in the region's participation in internal and external markets, and in the rearrangement of centralities, redefining the socioeconomic configuration and space of the region. The establishment of the road axis facilitated the advancement of capitalist production activities, which resulted in an increase in economic activity and the redistribution of demographic flows to the region studied, enabling the emancipation of several districts between the 1950s and 1970s. As a result , the municipalities of São Luís de Montes Belos, Iporá and Anicuns experienced an emblematic process of urbanization in the following decade, becoming privileged locations for the installation of companies dedicated to the production and processing of milk and slaughterhouses. As a result, these cities became important centralities throughout the second half of the 20th century. This trend, however, did not continue into the following century. While São Luís de Montes Belos and Iporá maintained their positions as prominent regional centers, Anicuns did not follow this movement. This scenario is the result of the strategic expansion of services and infrastructure promoted by the State and entrepreneurial agents, aimed at the two urban centers strategically located along GO-060, the main axis of circulation and flow of agricultural production in the region. This means that the way in which the State and economic agents used and continue to use this highway is a fundamental element for understanding the dynamics of the urban network in West Goiás.Item Do consenso da fome à soberania alimentar: políticas públicas e produção de alimentos saudáveis na região metropolitana de Goiânia (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-22) Peixoto, Ângela Maria Martins; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues de;; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues de; Mendonça, Marcelo Rodrigues; Coca, Estevan Leopoldo de Freitas; Cruz, Fabiana Thomé da; Furtado, Ariandeny Silva de SouzaThe present study addresses as a central theme the analysis of public food acquisition policies, focusing on the relationship between food production, institutional markets and short circuits in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (RMG) in the light of a geographical reading. The objective of the research is to understand the role of institutional markets for the promotion of two short marketing circuits and for the construction of food sovereignty in Brazil, with the territorial cutback being RGM in the period from 2003 to 2020. The hypothesis is that the Brazilian food system is controlled by food empires that prioritize the production of commodities and industrialized/ultra-processed foods, promoting the subordination of land income from peasant agriculture, the rise of large supermarket chains and the standardization of eating habits, which contributes to the loss of dietary diversity and the maintenance of hunger. For this, the methodological procedures consisted of bibliographical research, secondary data collection from IBGE, CONAB, CEASA-GO, Rede Penssan; carrying out fieldwork in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (RMG), and carrying out an online survey on the food purchasing habits of Brazilians. The class nature of the State is adopted as an assumption, which is made up of power blocs, in favor of the dominant classes. The evaluation of the implementation of public food acquisition policies revealed significant results for achieving food and nutritional security and for the commercialization of peasant production through institutional markets. However, these changes were limited to government policies, which did not guarantee the maintenance of the advances achieved in combating hunger with the rise of neoliberalism. Thus, with the political, social, and economic crisis that took place since 2016, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the dismantling of public social policies, such as the PAA, Brazil returned to the Hunger Map, causing 33 million Brazilians to live with hunger again, in a country that leads the production of agricultural commodities on the world market. This research highlights the correlation between the State and the founding elements of food production, circulation, distribution, and consumption, highlighting the disparities in relation to subsidies allocated to peasant agriculture and agribusiness. In effect, the production of commodities is prioritized over food production, through a production and circulation infrastructure promoted by the State. The constitution of this hegemonic food system is also marked by the expansion of food empires, promoting food standardization with the dissemination of industrialized and ultra-processed products and the subordination of peasants and consumers in the marketing and consumption processes. Such aspects highlight the Hunger Consensus. However, despite the predominance of long marketing circuits and the substantial increase in hunger, field observations have shown that it is possible to rethink this food system and promote short marketing circuits by bringing farmers and consumers closer together. Thus, counter-hegemonic actions are crucial for strengthening food sovereignty, with the valorization of peasant agriculture and agro-ecological production, guaranteeing access to healthy food in the countryside and in the city.Item A paisagem, o mapa e os raciocínios geográficos: mediação didática para o desenvolvimento do pensamento geográfico no ensino médio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-25) Pinheiro, Igor de Araújo; Richter, Denis;; Richter, Denis; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza; Bueno, Miriam Aparecida; Gomes, Marquiana de Freitas Vilas Boas; Duarte, Ronaldo GoulartThe development of students' geographic thinking should be the main objective of Geography school practices, in the current context. We believe in the relevance of knowing how to think about spatial issues, the order of phenomena and all the relationships between them, creating the possibility of exercising our citizenship more fully, as reasoning and thinking from a Geography perspective have proven to be important for understanding the spatiality of phenomena experienced by the subjects. In this way, we thought about how to guarantee the necessary conditions at school, through didactic mediation in high school, for the development of students' geographic thinking. Through this research, we sought to understand the potential of integration between the study of landscape, the use of maps and geographic reasoning of location, distribution, distance, density, scale and analogy for the development of geographic thinking in high school students. . To achieve this purpose, the following specific objectives will be pursued: deepen debates on the theoretical-conceptual bases of landscape and geographic reasoning, within the academic and school context of Geography; characterize maps as a potential language for didactic mediation of Geography school content; identify in school Geography the theoreticalmethodological foundations that guide didactic mediation and the formation of geographic thinking in High School; analyze the process of methodological integration between landscape, maps and geographic reasoning through Geography Didactic Mediation; and reflect on the theoretical-methodological elements established by Geography Didactic Mediation, which enhance the development of geographic thinking in high school students. Established as a qualitative research, based on the methodology of participatory research, in order to achieve the objectives mentioned above, it was necessary to carry out two stages of investigation: bibliographic and field. The latter involved the selection of two public schools in Teresina-PI (universe), two Geography teachers (subjects) and two High School classes (sample). Thus, six didactic sequences were developed, and three didactic sequences were applied in each school researched, over the course of three weeks of development of Geography Didactic Mediation, as well as a semi-structured interview with the teachers-subjects of the research and semi-structured questionnaires applied together. to students. The production, compilation and processing of data through the Content Analysis Technique (BARDIN, 1977) revealed the potential in operationalizing Geography Didactic Mediation that integrates the study of landscape, reading and construction of maps and geographic reasoning , which formed the basis for the development of geographic thinking among high school students.Item O trabalho de campo como aula: potencialidades para a formação do pensamento geográfico na educação básica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-13) Radtke, Domitila Theil; Morais, Eliana Marta Barbosa de;; Morais, Eliana Marta Barbosa de; Dias, Liz Cristiane; Carneiro, Vandervilson Alves; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de; Bueno, Guilherme TaitsonEn esta tesis de doctorado, se objetiva comprender cuáles y cómo se dan los conocimientos docentes necesarios al desarrollo de trabajos de campo en la Geografía Escolar por los profesores de la “Rede Municipal de Goiânia/GO”. Por ello, fue necesario: analizar la historicidad y la producción bibliográfica sobre trabajo de campo en Geografía, con énfasis en lo que se ha producido en tesis de doctorado y maestría en los Programas de Posgrado, en el área de la Enseñanza de Geografía sobre el Brasil; investigar el rol del estudiante y del profesor de Geografía en el desarrollo de trabajos de campo, para que esa metodología favorezca el aprendizaje, crecimiento y construcción de nuevos conocimientos por parte del estudiante; presentar bases de conocimiento cognitivo y de aprendizaje escolar que deben ser movilizados en trabajos de campo con la finalidad de favorecer el aprendizaje escolar; señalar el trabajo de campo como potencializador del aprendizaje geográfico en el ámbito de la Educación Básica en la perspectiva del aula de Geografía. De ese modo, en la primera sección, se subraya la importancia de los trabajos de campo para la enseñanza e investigación en Geografía a lo largo de la historicidad de esa ciencia, visando comprender su transformación a largo plazo, y, por tanto, consideramos reflexiones clásicas y contemporáneas como Lacoste (2006), Alentejano y Rocha-leão (2006) y Pires do Rio (2018). También a través del Estado del Conocimiento, se ha creado un panorama de qué y cómo esa temática ha sido trabajada en tesis de doctorado y maestría brasileñas. A partir de esas reflexiones, se busca avanzar teórico metodológicamente y contribuir para un mejor desarrollo de esa metodología para la enseñanza de Geografía. En la segunda sección, se presentan los participantes de la investigación, con el objetivo de comprender cómo la formación inicial contribuyó e influenció en la perspectiva de los trabajos de campo desarrollados por posibles retos en la actuación de esos docentes. Para ello, fueron realizadas encuestas y entrevistas semiestructuradas junto a cinco profesores de la “Rede Municipal de Educação de Goiânia”. De esa forma, se cuenta con referencias en el ámbito de la formación, actuación y conocimientos docentes con énfasis en los análisis de Shulman (2014) y Libâneo (2009); discusiones en el ámbito geográfico desde la perspectiva de Santos (2005), Moreira (2007) y Gomes (2009); y, también, en el ámbito del trabajo de campo y la enseñanza de la Geografía con Morais y Lima (2018), Compiani y Carneiro (1993), entre otros. En la tercera sección, se analizan los sistemas conceptuales sobre el trabajo de campo erigidos por los profesores participantes. Optamos por trabajar con la construcción de sistemas conceptuales que, desde una perspectiva vygotskiana, permitan analizar los procesos de generalización e internalización del conocimiento docente de los participantes, según Morais (2022). En vista de esto, se discute los trabajos de campo a partir del conocimiento de los contenidos desde la perspectiva de Shulman (2014) y de los conocimientos metodológicos, con énfasis en la planificación y el uso de recursos, lenguajes, estrategias o metodologias. En cuanto a los materiales desarrollados por los docentes, se notó que el mayor destaque en las propuestas de trabajo de campo de los profesores estaban en cómo ellos propiciaban la participación del estudiante. Así, las propuestas son clasificadas en: el estudiante observador, el estudiante ahora es observador y ahora participante; y el estudiante participante. En la última sección, se discute la relación entre el aprendizaje y el desarrollo desde uma perspectiva vygotskiana, en línea con las reflexiones de Cavalcanti (2010, 2011, 2016); Couto (2006, 2009, 2010, 2014) y Ferreira (2017) que trabajan en la perspectiva geográfica del aprendizaje a partir de la formación de conceptos. El intuito fue caracterizar los elementos esenciales que pueden componer el trabajo de campo para que él, de hecho, favorezca la formación del pensamiento geográfico. Por lo tanto, también se analiza el rol de la Didáctica y de los conocimientos docentes, con el objetivo de orientar la actuación docente durante el desarrollo de esa metodología en la Educación Básica. Por último, se explana sobre la concepción del trabajo de campo entendido como clase de Geografía, realizada en ambiente externo al, y se elabora un sistema conceptual a partir de lo que entendemos ser fundamental para el desarrollo de los trabajos de campo en la concepción de la clase, es decir, como momento de enseñanza y aprendizaje que necesita preocuparse con una serie de principios y orientaciones objetivando la construcción del pensamiento geográfico por parte del estudiante, así como toda la clase de Geografía.Item Concentração de elementos potencialmente tóxicos e radionuclideos nos solos da área de influência do Parque Nacional das Emas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-07) Ramalho, Fernanda Luisa; Cabral, João Batista Pereira;; Cherem, Luis Felipe Soares;; Cherem, Luis Felipe Soares; Bueno, Guilherme Taitson; Miyazaki, Leda Correia Pedro; Becegato, Valter Antonio; Rubin, Júlio Cesar Rubin deThe research was based on the explanation of the history of use and occupation of the Chapadões areas in the southwest of Goiás and, based on this analysis, the hypothesis that the soils, which are associated with the intensive use of agriculture and livestock, may be enriched with potentially toxic elements (PTEs), such as zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and radionuclides , such as uranium, thorium and potassium (238U, 232Th and 40K). Based on this hypothesis, the main objective of the thesis is to evaluate the environmental quality of the soils of the river basins in the PARNA das Emas area of influence through the creation of Environmental Compartments that will serve as a reference for the plateau regions of the Brazilian cerrado. To achieve this objective, 3 specific objectives were proposed, namely: 1. Establish analogous natural areas of the river basins that drain the PARNA das Emas, with hydrographic sub-basins as a mapping unit, 2. Analyze the spatialization of EPTs and radionuclides in the chosen region ; 3. Analyze the levels of EPTs and radionuclides in the region's soils, based on the Environmental Compartments created. To achieve these objectives, it was supported by various methodologies, such as the creation of Landscape Units (UP), multivariate statistical analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) for the interpretation of ETPs and radionuclides data, in addition to the use of values reference based on CONAMA Resolution n.460/2003, Cetesb (2004) and work by (BOCARDI, 2019), to help support the geochemical values found in the area. As a result, the UP enabled the creation of eight Environmental Compartments (CA) that represent river basins outside the Emas National Park that are analogous to the river basins inside the Park. When comparing the results of CA EPTs with CONAMA Resolution n.460/2013 and Cetesb (2014) and the radiogenic elements with the work of Bocardi (2019) it is possible to verify that the elements that presented the greatest problems were the ETPs As and Cd , which resulted in research values in areas intended for agricultural use in CA-2 and CA-3. In CA-4, all points resulted in investigational values for As and Cd, both in agricultural areas and in PARNA das Emas. CA-5 showed investigational values for the ETPs As and Cd at points inside PARNA das Emas and in CA-6, P11, which is in the UC area, presented investigational value for As and prevention value for Cd. CA-7 and 8 resulted in prevention value for As and investigational value for Cd, both CA were in agricultural areas. Overall, the CA4 was the one that presented the most problems in relation to the elements analyzed. The PCA showed that different CAs can have the same response in relation to the spatialization of the elements, such as CA 8, 7 and 6 of group 3, which have the same characteristics due to the geological formation of the Vale do Rio do Peixe, which will give rise to to the sandiest soils in the region, with CA having fewer problems regarding the adsorption of elements. Group 4 also has points that have higher percentages of sand in their structure and groups 1 and 2 have a higher concentration of clay and OM in their structure. These are points that are mainly influenced by Detritus-Lateritic Covers. Through the outliers, the PCA was able to verify that there are CA (4, 2 and 1) that were enriched with P, Ca, Mg, in addition to ETPs and radionuclides from the management of agricultural areas. Therefore, they are different CAs that present the same response in relation to the type of use in question. These points are part of the plateau areas of Central Brazil, converted into extensive monoculture areas of sole, corn, sugar cane and cotton over the last 50 years. In this way, the PCA was crucial to demonstrate, above all, these points that are radically different from the others.Item Da modernização à globalização alimentar: o local e o global na região metropolitana de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-18) Sena, Caio César Alencar de; Castilho, Denis;; Castilho, Denis; Menezes, Sônia de Souza Mendonça; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício; Araújo Sobrinho, Fernando Luiz; Mendonça, Marcelo RodriguesThe process of globalization of food cultures advances over the territories of the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (RMG) in a forceful way. In this sense, it is proposed to discuss the dense and complex relationships between local, regional, and global contexts related to the intensification of foreign influences in the productions, habits, and food cultures of the people of Goiás. To this end, we evaluated elements such as: the role of the State in the modernization of agriculture, the mapping of the challenges of eating in the metropolis, the discussion about the paths and perspectives of globalization as well as its influences on urban landscapes, spectacularization of the act of eating, and the notions of food heritage. While we recognize the role of the food industry and its recurrent strategies of taste training and domination of regional cuisines via the cultural industry, we verify the impact of the main modern food discourses and practices in dialogue with the critical cultural perspective in Geography. The research methodology involved questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, fieldwork in the RMG, participant observation in food festivals, theoretical reviews, and critical analysis of the theme dialoguing mainly with the concept of territory. The outline of the thesis points out that food is an important cultural element of societies and that there is an ongoing exercise of power via the appropriation of eating habits and cultures that is almost irreversible, due to the current contours of globalization that advances over food and the meanings individuals attribute to them. In this process, the food industry and fast-food chains try to occupy the dining spaces of modern life, pushing traditional recipes, eating habits, local ingredients, and individuals’ significant moments with food to the background, or just for specific days of occasional rites, reaching people of all ages and social classes, in the countryside and in the cities, but especially in the big cities. There is a constant attempt to appropriate food cultures, where territories that are less strengthened in terms of their unique elements are more vulnerable to the impacts of globalization. As research results, we seek to contribute to structuring the concept of food globalization by noting that this phenomenon has changed the way societies and official bodies of memory and legislation organize our ancestral food heritage. We defend the strengthening of local and regional food culture based on new perspectives on Cerrado foods, in search of sovereign practices that strengthen small producers and expand the possibility of the state of Goiás to produce different foods, in addition to the ongoing monoculture. We recognize that food producers organized in cooperatives, when aware of their political and social role, can claim other directions for agricultural public policies. It is also verified that the Geographical Indications can present themselves as alternatives to social organization and valorization of food production more connected with individuals and the local cultures.Item Formação continuada de professores de geografia no contexto da Educação de Adolescentes, Jovens e Adultos (EAJA) Goiânia: contribuições para a materialização curricular(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-05) Silva, Marcos Pedro da; Bueno, Miriam Aparecida; Bueno, Miriam Aparecida; Santos, Ênio José Serra dos; Spironello, Rosângela Lurdes; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza; Souza, Vanilton Camilo deThis research investigates the Continuing Training of Geography Teachers (FCPG) within the scope of Adolescent, Young and Adult Education (EAJA) in the Municipal Education Network (RME) of Goiânia. Therefore, it is based on the hypothesis that this training cannot meet the training demands of teachers in the context of the Geography curriculum at EAJA, from the perspective of dialogue with scientific knowledge, and it is therefore necessary to advance with regard to curricular materialization. In its basic premise, the research is justified by its scientific relevance, in the sense of contributing to the educational community and by the passion of the researcher, Geography professor, for the EAJA modality. To carry out this investigation, the general objective is to analyze the contributions of the RME/Goiânia Training, offered to Geography teachers at EAJA, considering the construction of the curriculum of this component. Thus, the paths taken to implement it were: 1) know the theoreticalmethodological approach and the curricular perspective that support the FCPG at EAJA; 2) investigate the theoretical contributions and the context of Continuing Teacher Training from the Goiânia Network in the organization and development of the pedagogical work of Geography teachers; 3) evaluate the scientific knowledge included in the curricular dimension of Geography from the perspective of the materialization and training demands of Geography teachers; and 4) develop guidelines that meet the needs and propositions highlighted by Geography teachers for continued training in their pedagogical practices. The theoretical and methodological framework that supports this research is based on: Vygotsky (1984; 1987), Freire (1979, 1980, 1986, 2001, 2003, 2004), Saviani (2013), Libâneo (2012, 2013), Gadotti ( 2007), Cavalcanti (2002, 2014, 2019), Santos (1978, 1996, 2014), Portugal et al. (2016), Kimura (2008), Oliveira (2010), Bento and Oliveira (2012), Castrogiovanni (2009), Pontuschka et al. (2009), Martins et al. (2019), Zanette (2017), Marconi and Lakatos (2003), Gil (2008), Minayo (1994), Diniz-Pereira (2011), among several other authors who discuss the topic, understand the human being as a social subject , historically constituted, and who understand reality as a process of action-reflection-action of quality education for the social transformation of subjects. Several legal documents were also used that guide and support the topic in Brazil and in the municipality of Goiânia-GO. The thesis has a qualitative approach and is based on dialectical historical materialism which, according to Frigotto (1989), makes it possible to examine objects and phenomena in process, based on their movement and development. As a procedural typology, descriptive and exploratory field research is presented and, furthermore, bibliographical and documentary research is used for description and analysis. The instruments chosen to generate the data were strategically designed to find ways to reveal the object under study. Professionals with a degree in Geography are invited to participate in the interviews from a sampling point of view and the census nature of the research. The discussion of theoretical-methodological concepts and the organization of the curriculum presented in the Pedagogical Political Proposal (PPP) of the modality prevails, in a broad sense, but without contemplating or addressing specific issues of each curricular component from the perspective of theoretical and methodological dialogue with knowledge scientists in Geography Teaching. Next, analyzes of the data found with the participation of professionals with a degree in Geography and who work at EAJA/EJA are presented, with the aim of understanding their trajectories, actions and experiences in the FCP dimension of the Network. Based on the analyses, the conclusion comes with the suggestion of a training and performance plan for guidance and contribution to the Continuing Training of Geography Teachers (FCPG), in order to add values and concepts used in the component, in proposing a quality education for the EAJA/EJA modality, which has meaning and significance for the materialization of the Geography curriculum. The thesis highlights the importance of teacher training to implement the Geography curriculum in Youth and Adult Education (EAJA/EJA), promoting a critical and interdisciplinary educational approachItem Imaginário e memória do patrimônio histórico edificado de Goiânia: mudanças e permanências da fundação aos dias atuais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-31) Soares , Sueli Souza de Oliveira; Silva , Valéria Cristina Pereira da;; Silva , Valéria Cristina Pereira da; Oliveira, Adriana Mara Vaz de; Deus, João Batista de; Barreira , Celene Cunha Monteiro Antunes; Barros, Juliana Ramalho“Imagination and Memory of the built historical heritage of Goiânia: changes and permanence from the foundation to the present day” is the result of an accurate exercise of looking at the city in search of symbols, meanings, values and representations present in urban images. We outline our reflections around the reading of the built historical heritage from two different points of view, from the perspective of current views and from the perspective of historical views. In reading the heritage from these different perspectives in different temporalities, we grasp the meanings through fragments of the city, monuments and places of memory, we observe the imaginary, the desires and the feelings influenced by personal trajectories. In this exercise, we find that the built historical heritage establishes itself as one of the anchors of the representation of Goiânia, capable of engendering a relationship between imagination and memory. We built this trajectory in order to meet the main challenge of this thesis, which is to investigate the interface between the historical built heritage of Goiânia (GO) and the imaginary of modernity constructed in the early days of the city founded in 1933. The approach to the theme is multidisciplinary, in an interface zone between Humanist Geography, History and Architecture and Urbanism, in light of the imaginary of the city. The work seeks an innovation from a methodological point of view, which has at its core the subject-object relationship, based on the perception of the city. On the one hand, it is in tune with the theoretical approach that points out paradigms on theories of the urban imaginary and, on the other, it proposes an approach to the theme of urban memory, based on the reading of the historical built heritage of Goiânia, where not only the building, its forms and characteristics of its architectural style will be read.Item Sertão negro das gerais: existências e vozes-narrativas de mulheres quilombolas, Minas Gerais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-25) Souza, Josy Dayanny Alves; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudencio;; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; Silva, Givânia Maria da; Silva, Maria das Graças Silva Nascimento; Souza, Lorena Francisco de; Oliveira , Adriano Rodrigues deThe thesis “The Black Sertão of the Gerais” was developed based on a synthesized idea that considers the quilombo and quilombola women as the research theme and focus, specifically within the Quilombola Bem Viver territory of Vila Nova dos Poções, located in the rural area of Janaúba, Minas Gerais. The confluence of academic disciplines, walking through the sertões, participation in LAGENTE, engagement with Black Feminist Thought, and encounters with quilombola people during field research culminated in the discursive structure of this thesis: i) quilombo, territory, geography; and ii) quilombola women and geography. From this perspective, I aimed to elaborate a geographical approach in dialogue with the quilombo, focusing on the narrative voices of quilombola women. To achieve this goal, the following specific objectives were established: i) to understand the formation and organization process of the Quilombo Bem Viver of Vila Nova dos Poções through dialogue with elders and community leaders; ii) to present the contributions of Master's and Doctoral research in Geography on the quilombo/quilombola theme, as well as research focusing on quilombola women; iii) to analyze the intersections between central themes in Black Feminist Thought and those highlighted by quilombola women. Methodologically, a theoretical and epistemological review regarding the research theme and focus was conducted. Dissertations and theses produced in Brazilian postgraduate programs were significant for understanding the geographical thought on quilombo studies and quilombola women. Based on this perspective, a literature review on central themes supported by Black Feminist Thought—produced by Black and quilombola women—was carried out, alongside thematic semi-structured interviews. The understanding of the formation and organization of the Quilombo Bem Viver of Vila Nova dos Poções is associated with the memory and orality of the quilombola people, particularly their self-recognition as the Gurutubano people, due to their way of life established along the banks of the Gorutuba River. In the present day, certification from the Palmares Cultural Foundation (FPC) reinforces the Gurutubano people's self-definition as quilombola. Throughout the research journey and established dialogues, understandings were constructed regarding the inseparability of religious rituals and cultural rites, with particular emphasis on religious celebrations and the Rodas de Batuque. The sense of belonging demonstrated profound ties to water, especially through ways of life related to the Gorutuba River and Lagoa Grande. In all the central themes presented in the thesis, the narrative voices and existences of quilombola women were evoked with the strength of their words and presence. In this context, I emphasize education as an ancestral movement within the quilombo. The women of the Quilombo Bem Viver of Vila Nova dos Poções have built an ancestral movement that now inspires the territory's struggles for the implementation of Quilombola School Education based on a sense of belonging.Item A consolidação do setor farmacêutico na economia global: crescimento, influência, desvios e marketing(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-02) Stacciarini, João Henrique Santana; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício;; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício; Castilho, Denis; Vasconcellos, Luiz Carlos Fadel de; Marques, Ana Carolina de Oliveira; Silva, Ronaldo daThis study investigates how the pharmaceutical sector has become one of the largest and most influential economic sectors of our time. It presents figures and information that support this claim and aims to elucidate the factors that contributed to such a rise. Since Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin in 1928, pharmaceutical industries have evolved from small entities - often family-owned and operating locally - to multinational corporations valued at hundreds of billions of dollars with global influence. However, beyond the discovery and diversification of drugs, increased demand, and expansion of production capacity, part of this evolution is underpinned by complex, and in some cases perverse, strategies prioritizing profit maximization over public and individual health. The findings of this study reveal that, over the past two decades, the sector's revenues have quadrupled, reaching $1.48 trillion in 2022, an amount comparable to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of developed countries such as Spain. The twenty largest companies in the sector have a combined market value of $3.5 trillion and assets totaling $1.86 trillion, generating annual revenues of $820 billion and profits of $181.6 billion. For context, the assets of these companies alone are comparable to the GDP of all Sub-Saharan African countries. Companies, like Johnson & Johnson, have a market value exceeding the GDP of 184 nations. The study also examines and discusses questionable practices adopted by the pharmaceutical industry, including investing billions in lobbying and election financing, influencing regulatory agencies, financially supporting patient organizations, sponsoring authors of "Clinical Guidelines", manipulating and concealing drug research and tests, and directing massive investments to strengthen ties with prescribers, university hospitals, and academic institutions. Concrete examples of these actions are provided, backed by studies, data surveys, and court decisions, underscoring the alarming consequences of this reality. Lastly, the research analyzes pharmaceutical marketing as a primary sales boost strategy. Despite drugs not being ordinary commodities, susceptible to promotion under the lens of rampant consumption, companies invest billions annually in directto-consumer advertising. In the Brazilian context, the pharmaceutical sector stands out as one of the main investors in marketing. In recent years, several companies in the field have ranked among the highest individual advertising spenders. The emergence of digital marketing strategies driven by the internet, advanced algorithms, and social networks, combined with advertising campaigns harmful to public and collective health, underscore a concerning and challenging scenario.